The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 02, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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WedneFdav July 2, 1902
Official Report of the United
States Geological Survey.
In hi report on pel rolcuni in "Mill
cm I Itl'hUliri'l'M llf III)' I'llill'll SllltCH,
I1MII," iiiiu in pre-, iulilllicd I iv Hid
Wniti'il State (icolnuical Survey, I". II.
Illiiliunl Invite attention In tin follow
int; ci 1 1 ih 1 ii i't 1 i f feature in tint iioduc-
tillll llllll dill' llf IH'tMltl'lllll ill till! I'llitl'll
Stale ilurini! the year WW. llenntcH
lliiiltlii! iiiiiiii'tnili i( ciudc ietrolciim
wiih urcatcr lliiiti llmt of any iicviou
year; and Unit tlicie wii ii wry remark-
llllll) llUTCII-l' III till' llllllllll'tillll in till'
hlnti'H uf lexa 11111I California, a de
creaM) in tile iliMucliiin if tin- .iia
liirliinii or ealciu ii'!iiiIi'iiim Held, Mini
11 -lilil Kit in in tin' niiliiit uf tin) Lima-
Imliiinii ri'ni f I)m total t m! u-1 i m i
in tin' I'nili'il Stnli'M I'lishty ht cent
caiiiu fmiii tin' older Aii:iliii'liiiin Mini
Lima-Indiana Held, leaving twentv per
I'i'iit to lin 111111I1' up from all the other
HcIiIh. Tlii miioiuil in ll'u per rent
(rcalcr llian tlie pnMirtinii furiiilicd in
I1HHI liy tlin oilier lleliln. TIutowiihii
ellnlit iIimti'iim' in the nilinlier of welln
completed in mut of tin' important
lleliln, ami Mock lii'lil ill llii' Appalueli
inn ami tlie Ulna-Indiana lleliln were
II let 1 hlinlllly dccrcacd. 'I'lli'li' wiih 1111
uvcriiKi decline of alioiil twenty-four
renin per liarrcl on crude petroleum at
tlii welln in IIHII iihi pill cil wild IIMMI.
The exportH of petroleum mnl llH pro
ilui'tt iiii'ri'iiHi'il mnl with larger than
i'Vit before recorileil, altliouuli there uiih
11 cliulit ilecrcai-e in their total value.
'I'Iid war wiih coupicunu for llii' miw
pool foiiiul ami for tlie lie" pioilucliou
in tlie Miiithcrn anil wctern Male,
which wiih followed hy the oruiiiilutiiiii
of mi iinniem-e nuniher of petroleum
clock coiiipiinicH reprcM'iitine, many mil
lions of capital.
The total pioilucliou of crude pelro
cum in tlui I'nllcil StatcH in IIHII wiih
iitl.ltstl.ltu liarrclH, leinn larger than
that of any prcviniiH year. It wiih larger
hy r,7tlS.tlVT harreln, or nine per cent,
than the production of I hi- year ItHH).
The iiicrciiM) in tin' production of I1HHI
over IKW wiih il,'.ti,H.MI, or I'lt'vcii per
cent, ami tlie incrciiM' in I SIM over IStlS
wiih three per cent, or an avcraue pi in of
7.7 per cent for the hint tlircti yearH.
Ah compared wiih the value of the
total production of UKKI, iKI.ilLM.Wtl har
reln, viilui'il ill 7ri,(iy.i,:u:i, the total pro
ihu'tiouof Itlll, tti,:tMti,ltil harreln, vul
mil at friil,U7,:t:i.'i, hIiowh a decline ol
H,(i71,l'S7. In the ouler of production
Ohio cniiicH II ret, with chit 'Jl.tXHI.tMHI
of harreln; Wed Virginia i-ccond, with
over I I,IHHI,IHHI of h.ll rein ; I'eiiliHylvillllil
third, with oxer IL'.IHHI.IHKI of harreln;
California fourth, with owr S.IHM.OOO of
harreln; Indiana llfth, wih oer I'l.lRH),
(HHIof h.irieln: Texan nixth, with oxer
l.tHHt.lHHI of harreln, a lonn ill ptodiictititi,
an coiupaieil with ItHK), fur Ohio, Went
Virginia ami I'eiiunylvauia, ami a gain
of item ly four ami a half million of har
reln for California ; of a little hut (luce
ami a half million of h.irieln for TeMin,
mnl of nearly nine hundred tlmm-and
harreln for Indiana. Thin production foi
ItHM, hy lleliln, wiih in round umiihcm
for the Appalachian Held :i:i,tUK),lKHl har
reln; tlui Lima-Indiana Held JI,IKHI,(HHI
harreln; the noutherii California llcld
H.MHI.OOO harreln, ami for the Texan llelil
The ipiality of the petroleum produced
from thene new nectionn in generally
much inferior to that priluccil in the
old lieldn, hut the greater part of it in
valuable an a fuel in it natural Mate,
or after nome of the more volatile pro
iltli.'tH have been removed, and in partic
ularly acceptable an fuel In the ahnenct
of available coal deposit in the ninth
went anil went. In IIHII, the Appalach
ian Held pioduccil -18. 15 per cent of the
total output, the l.iuut-luiliatia Held
III. ill piT cent, anil all other lleliln HUM
per cent, u compared icpcctively with pei cent, ,'ll.:(l percent ami H.dl per
t in HHNI. The new lleliln of Califor
nia, Coloiado, Kiiiihih, Wyoming and
Texan, It in olcerved, produced practi
cally twenty per cent of tlui total pro
duction of IIHII, a gain of ahluit 1 1. 1 per
cent over IIHIO, with Hid probability thai
the noiilhwe-l mid went will proiluee
thirty-live per cent of the total output
in ItiilL'.
The average pi ice paid for all the pe
tioleuiii marketed in the I'liitcil State
I dining IINII wan ll.'i. 7 ceiiln per barrel, an
I compared with f l.ltll ill IIHKI, nhouing a
ilecieani) of LM.7 centn per barrel or '-'(I
per cent, the Inwct price nlncii Ih'.IS.
' The gro- decieane in value for IIHII, an
compared with IIKHI, wiih ucaily thirteen
per cent, uotwilhntaliililig that the
I ipiautity increaneil for the name ht!oiI
a llllle over nine per cent. The average
pi ice paid for I'euunylvauia petioleilln,
which repreneiitn ht cent of the
total pioduclion, wanfl.'JI per barrel in
IIHII, iih compared with 57 per cent pro
duced In IIHHImiil marketed at mi aver
age price of f LIlTiil per barrel, a deline of
III, II centn per b.iriel, or twelve per
cent. There wan a ileclinu of 117.7 cciiIh
per barrel In the average price paid for
California petroleum, ami it decline of
nevenly-nix centn ht barrel for tho
Texim product in IIHII, an compared with
P.MKI a decline accounted for by tlui in
ereacd prtMlucllon of the new lleliln de
velopcd in both thene ntalen.
The total uuiuber of welln conilileled
in IIHII in tho C nlted Stnti'H in tlio
nearcli for petroleiiui approximaten II,
L'.'rtl, of which :i,'-,-,d aieenlimatcil to lie
dry. Tlui conl uf thene 1 1. '-'.'ill welln In
entiuialeil ill l.M.IIVo.lMMI, approximately
one-lhiril of the receipt h for tlui entire
crude product.
In IIHII, for tlie llmt time in the bin
lory of the trade, the total uuiuber of
gallon of petroleum and it derivative
cxHirteil exceeded one billion, tin) num
ber of gallon being 1 ,lNW,7M,:i0tl, a gain
of utile percent over the export of 1IHH).
The value of thene exMirt ill IIHII wiih
17 1, 17)1,1:.' I, iih compared with a value of
7:i,'.,7il,'.,,H:' In ItXHI. Tho total exMirlnt
of inanufacturcil petroleum from Hunnla '
hi IIHII wan :tlHI,tl:M,Oli.') gallon, nUiiit
Ittt.K ht cent of tho exportH from tlui
I'nited Staten.
The average price received for all tlui
varloiiH grade of petroleum cxvorted
from the I'ulteil Staten in IIHII wan ll.7;t
cent per gallon, an compare)! with 7.51!
centn per gallon received iu 11HHI ami
with I.H:t vt'iitH. per gallon in 18W. The
development of the oil pool at ami near
Ileauiiiont, Texas ami In the nt-rtiou
niirroumliug llakernlleld, California, ami
the development at Moulder, Colorado,
have been tin; chief caunt'H of the organ
ization of nunc 1,578 oil Mock coliipanie
with a capitalization, acknowledged and
cMlmiilcil, or fr.r.'.l,l)S:,MH) in IIHII.
New York continued to be the leading
port for the export of petroleiiui ami it
product during IIHII. (If the total
amount nliipped abroad, about fill.lHt per
cent wii nent from that city, !W.7" per
cent from Philadelphia, 8.75 per cunt
from Delaware port, 11.75 pur rent from
Halt more and lenn than one-tenth of olio
per cent from Honton. It Ih estimated
that forty-live percent of the entire pro
duct of the crude petroleiiui produced in
the Culled State HiiiIh ainarket abroad,
iiotwllhntaniling the high duties that
are iniponed by alinot all enuntrie, ex
cept Great llritain, upon all import of
our petroleum. Thin fact neeum to indi
cate that no other urtillcial noiirce of
light can replace petroleum in the mar
ket of the world.
Watches, Clocks
9KjpJj0 Sumpler, Oregon. J
P- Satisfaction Guaranteed, -j
- - - JOHN GAGE1M, Pkopmetok. - - -Old
Whiskies, Fine Wines, Imported and Domestic Cigars.
Manufacturer of all kind of Carlmnated Drink ami Cider. Sumpler, Ore.
Don't Guess
but if you are going east write us for
ourratesand let ustell you about the ser
vice and accommodations offered the
Through Tourists Cars via the Illinois
Central from Pacific Coast to Chicago and
Cincinnati. Don't fail to write us about
your trip, as we are in position to give you some val
uable intormation and assistance. "5,319 miles of track
over which is operated some of the finest trains in the
world, hor particulars regarding treight and passenger
rates call on or address,
t. r. p. a.
142 Third St., PORTLAND,
Com'l Agnt.
Pillow Blocks
Power Transmission Machinery a Specialty