'I J THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, June 25, 1902 f i! ; '! V 1 1 I u t !a 1 ? ifi k SUSANVILLE DISTRICT Work Now in Progress on Twenty-five Properties. In itH IiimI i.-Hiii! (lie Canyon City Kagle. I H 1 1 1 i h 1 1 1 m an excellent ntory about the iiHiinville district, giving the fact u to work now in progrccn on twenty-live dif ferent properties In part, tin- etory in jit follow h: Ton ihtmoii who ban heen acipiainted with thu KiimiiivIIIu mining camp fortius luiNt ten yearn, a vlnit to that place, at the present time would present many noticeable change. Thu only activity in tlu camp then wan the operation of thu placer miiicH on Klk, lleep anil lllg creekH. Tin) entire country wan covered with quart. loeatioiiH, hut no great Hinouut of ileveliipiiient work wan lieing loiie, and then) wiih not intleh in citiht to warrant thu expenditure of miicli money to iiM'ertnln what existed at a lepth that would hIiow up the valuit of mining proMrty. At thu prcHcut time, no mining ramp in eiiNteru Oregon Iiiih a brighter future. Itlch hodie of oro art) being iHndo-ed when; in pant yearn hiicIi wiih not thought to uxlM, and iih depth in at tained the ore in found to hu remarkably 1 iuh. The ownern of the ll.ulgcr group of iniiien have completed a new mill build, inj; and uiu now iiiMulllng ntaiiip and rolln that will eanily handle hetweeu nixty and eighty tonn of ore daily. A tramway from the mini) to the mill building Iiiih heen completed, and an foon an the machinery in all in place tlin oHraliou of the new plant will In gin uniliir the management of Superiu teiideut Kennedy. A new tunnel, IIKM) feel in length, in being drlxeii to tap the lladger ledge at a depth of -lot) feet. When completed, it in iiudcrntood that the hniMlug iiiiichiuery will In trann ferred to thin level, from which point ore will lie nent to the mill. The nhaft oil the property Iiiih at prenent reached thu depth id I Ml feet. Mennrn. Amen and Simiiionn continue nt the heiid of a company that in dexel opine die Stockton ("roup of miiien. The nliiifl Iiiih reached the depth of L'.'nt) feet nil thin property, where a force of men in kept I'ontiiiiiounly huny taking out ex ceedingly rich ore. Thin company Iiiih a a IIMHI fool Imlxting plant in operation, being one of the hcM plautn in operation in (iriint county at the preneut time. Mennrn. Amen mid Siiiimoun are iiIho en gaged in the development of hoiiiu viiltt ahlii ipiiirt. property in the (iroenhorn mountainn. Thcie they liave a tunnel driven to the length of 700 feet, which, when complete, will croni-cut two ledge ait threat depth. The Chattanooga properly in being de eloH'd hy Mennrn. Ilcatoii and tirahaiii. They hae 11 nhaft oiiu hundred feet in depth, Iroui which they are taking ore, iiiuch of which annayn from $100 to fLIH) per ton. They contemplate making M(ernl nhipliieutn of ore during thu preneut m'iimiu. The Adiniral and Monitor h-dge ate the property of Win. Cooper and Frank t'oiiper. Thene propertien are located on (jiiurU gulch and are producing the rich ent free milling me being taken from any of the propertien in the camp. The development of the Itex mine, on Hear creek, hy Mennin. Haten and Vorce, coiitiuiien. Thin property wan formerly owned hy the Inch hrotliemaud produce ore rich in galena and gold and ipilte Milimhle for Hinelllng purpose. Them) gentlemen are engaged in driving u 1N0 foot tunnel to tap their proju'rty at a depth of 100 feet. Hy the tint) of Itur Icigh drilln they liavt) 160 feet of thin tunnel completed. The Umpire ledge, at the mouth of Deep creek, ha one tunnel 140 feet in length, and the ownern of thin proK)rty wlione name your forrenKndent did not learn, are engaged in driving another tunnel to tap a rich Innly of ore. STEIN MOUNTAIN MINES. Deydoping a Mammoth Free Gold Prop osition There. From accotiutn giwii hy II. and Chnc Itamho, who ciimu in yenterday from Andrew, Oregon, a proiuilug mining district may lie opened up near there ere long. The former in accompanied by liln wife and they will leave for their home at Itinhee, Arizona, tonight. The latter in here to buy nupplien for the new camp, which in nituiited in the Stein inoiiiitaiiiH, about fourteen iiiIIch from Andrewn. Thene ininun have lieeu leferred to be fore In (bene coIiiiiiiih. They were din covered bv II. Itiimho while be wait on u hunting trip in thu Stein -mountain, about eight yearn ago, lie located a number of rlaium, but no work wan done on them until hint nuininer, when Itiun bo, then a renldunt of llinbee, Ariona, Hiicceiiled in iuturenting a number of fel low miner and u company wan formed to pronpect the vlaiiint, nuverol men lie ing nent out to do the work. The nliow iug wan ho natintactory that nix weekn ago a do.un iiiiuern, all iuterentitl in thu claiuin, came here from llinbeu and went out to go to work in earuent on them. The diMriet in in the heait of the Stuin iiiountaliin and thu nnnw wan o deep that thu parly had much dilliciilty in leaching the place. Mr. Itambo ay that twciitV'H'Vcii claiuin have been lo cated on thu big blanket ledge, which in the largent he ban ever neeu. The oro in eanily criinhed, free milling and from the annayn which hae been made will aver age about $5 a ton. Two compauien are now operating, oiiu known an the lllnlieu Oregon (iold Min ing company ami thu other thu (iold Hill Mining company. Development work in being pronecuted with vigor and there in good r canon to believe that the coinpanicH liae thu higgent low grade free gold proertien ever dincovered. Tint ore can ln eanily worked by the cyanide procenn and it in the intention to put In a plant an noon an Minnlble. Thu water nupply for power and other pur m)hch in uucuiilleil and the only draw back in the dinliinee from the railroad, Wiiiuemiicca being the nearent Hint. Winneniiicca (Nevada) Silver Statu. Rates Again Reduced From All Point Eait Before you make dutlmitc arrange- uieutn for that trip cant let un (piote you rat en via thu llliuoin Central railroad. Our raten are the lowent to bu had, and it will pay you to write un. If you haven't time to communicate with un, tell the agent from whom you purclianu your ticket that you want to travel by the way of thu llliuoin Central, and you will never regret thu tiip. If any of your relativen or irieuiln in thu eimt are coining went w bllu the low raten are hi effect, write un iilmut them, and wo will nee that they get the lowent raten with the bent nervice. Through tourint cam, free reclining chair cam in fact all the latent convenience known to modern railroading. For particttlarn regarding raten, time, nervice, ntop-oem, different connection and routen, etc, call on or addtt'Hii, It. F. Tiu'miii'i.i., Com'l. Agt. 1 1'.' Third ntreel, Portland, Oregon. Leave your order lor anything in thu rending line with DcNefTe & Muuy. The niont 'mm erf ul and popular oxplo nive t limit owder. Hot bniiuln of clgarn at llakery. llofTiuan's ll'itter, eggs mid milk at The Market. J. R HOLLAND Wholesale and Retail Commission Business No. 1 liny, Oatn, Uailcy, Until, j fO Wlicat, Flour mid Potatoes oc No Ciirloml liiitn u Specialty ck o Special Attention Given to the Mining Trade ex Office: John' it Co'h Waieliou-c. Phone '28(1. Hl'MITEK, OREGON I MUST HAVE MONEY 166.668 SHARES OF TILJMOOK FOR SI 50 It is needed to develop another property which 1 own individually. Therefore I now offer for sale in one lump 33,666 SHARES OF GRIZZLEY AT 2 1-2 Cents Will sell in blocks of 3 000 to 10,000 shares at 3 cents. The property is all right but I must sell. Address BERNARD FLYNiN, Sumpter, Oregon. C GENERAL BROKERAGE 1 BUSINESS Money in mining, the big fortunes, is made by developing oromising prospects into mines. I have properties on my list that can be bought from 5,000 to $25,000 that can be made worth $100,000 to 500,000 by the ex penditure of from 10,000 to 50,000. This list includes both QUARTZ AND PLACER MINES. I have also a few choice tracts of Oil Land in the Malheur basin that can now be bought at a very low figure. Or, I can locate you on government land in the same district, that may be just as good. Remember OIL HAS ALREADY BEEN STRUCK. Write me what you want and I will supply you with just the kind of proposition you are looking for. "i'fc-fc k fc k':ki E. SANDERSON SMITH MINING BROKER o Sumpter, Oregon j srn-rn