Wednesday, June 2, iqo2 THE SUMPTER MINER imHMIMttMKMM MM M ---- 1 I! 5 RED BOY STOCK FOR SALE Four Thousand Shares in the most Famous Mine in Eastern Oregon This is the first opportunity any outsider has ever had to get in on this dividend paying mine This is indeed not a speculation, but a safe and profitable investment This block is now offered for t at $1,800 Cash, 45 Cents a Share The buyer will not only receive big interest on his money, but the value of the stock will undoubtedly double and probably trebble within the next eighteen months, as the mine's output will soon be largely increased. di g Address: "B. F." Care THE MINER. SUMPTER, OREGON FORT HALL RESERVATION. Typical Stamped on the Occasion of It Optning- Aii Ausocinted Press diHuitcli dated Juno 17, xuyx: Thu Fort Hull Indiun reservation, including 418,000 uerex, nearly 100,000 of which consists of fine funning land, wuh thrown ohmi for set tlement at noon today. Kxuctly at thu hour of noon nearly 1000 people, old men, lioyx, IiuliaiiH, who hud been wait ing anxiously, hoiiio of thuui for weekx, (or the oMiuing of the reservation, ruxli etl across thu line in a wild scramble for laud and mining uIuIiuh. Every couculv ublu kind of transportation wuh used. Many hud arranged for relays of horses in order to locate and gut to the Bluck foot land ollice before other could file, paying nx much an $150 mid 40 for thu une of one hurra for a fuw bourn. At Hluckfoot long lieforo noon im mense crowds of xpectutors formed in front of the land olllco and in the win down and on the roofs of adjoining build ings watching for the tlrst arrivals J. L. Mullin and F. K. Dekay, of Pocutello, weru llrxt to reach llhickfoot. Shortly after i o'clock 8ectatorH miw clouds of diiBt rapidly approaching on thu road stretching to thu southwest. Soon two dirty, choking riderri were made out, whipping and spurring, running neck and neck on horses tlu:t x-etiied ready to drop dead from uxhuiiHtiou. Exactly one hour and tifteuii minutes from thu timu tliuy bad left l'ocatollo, twenty-six miles away, thu two riders, Mullin and Dekay, leued from their horsex in front of thu laud ollice, Mullin securing thu coveted first poxiliou. Each man had urranged for an hour'n relay of horses en route. They liuiHhed not more than lif ted) feet apart. In ttpitu of the vigilance of deputies and reservation police, many "sooner" succeeded in locating clainiB and lining upwltli the others. Lund attorney bwoto biixy thiH afternoon initiating coutextH on these claimx. At 2:40 p. in. thu upeciul train from McCammoii, run for thu benefit of thoxe v, ho laid located on clalniH, arrived in Black foot over thu Oregon Short Line. It wux pucked to suffocation. Men weru on top of thu couchex, on thu tender, on thu locomotive pilot, everywhere that afford ed hazardous foothold. I eforu thu train Htopped they Hwarmed from the coach ex liku been and made a mud ruxh for the laud ollice and took their placex. For ovur an hour t'iu force of deputiex wax helpless, but tiiiully sue ceded in forming the crowd into line. Several "grufterx" cumu upon the tiuiu mid got into line for the purM)xu of selling their places. Most of tlioin cumu to grief in short or der, officers yanking them out ax soon ax they made offers of that kind. Only tweuty-xuveii filings weru made today. Thu tiling of one claim wax com pleted before another wax taken up and work wux necessarily slow. The scramble will continue tomorrow and for several days, and numerous contests will un doubtedly take place. Kvurything is quiet tonight, however, and no armed conflict is expected. Thu land ollice lias adopted u system of Issuing numbers to those in line, so u place in thu lino once secured Is good. Several hundred lire awaiting the opening of the land ollice in thu morning. Garretton Copper Ore Process. The Gurretsou process for reducing copjxtr ores has Injun affording thu press uuother sensational story recently. It is being tried at Ore Knob, X. C, mid is to be tested on a larger scale and under more favorable conditions at Sxikauu, where thu Northwestern Smelting mid Refining compuuy is constructing a re duction plant of large capacity, at which thu now proces will bu iried. Regard ing the process, II. C. Bellinger, manager of this enterprise mid of copper mines in British Columbia, is quoted as saying: "Thu success or thu failure of thu new method has not yet been fully demon strated. It is as yet in thuexieriineutiil stage. There ix one misstatement which has gone out concerning thu (iarrctsou process that I wish you would correct. It has been published that this new pro cess would ierniit the profitable treat- mult I if mil luiri.i.lll i.iiiiiuir iirn Tlilu Im nil .......... ...... ,-,.........,.,. . ..,..,. ( rot. Wo can't even mine one mir cent ore, to say nothing of treating it after it ix mined. Then, again, this process ix limited to certain ores. Eighty percent silica ores cannot Iks successfully treated. A fuw months more mid wu will bu able to say exactly what there ix in thu new process. I believe that it will bu a suc cess, but it does not do to jump at conclusions."- F.xchaugc. World's Biggest Nuggets. Fuw would suppose, for instance, that the world's record for the greatest pro duction of gold nuggets, ax to size, value and quantity, was held by North Caro lina ; jet thu claim of thu Heed mine, in CabariiH county in that state, for such u record ix well substantiated. This mine has yielded nuggets weighing twenty uight pounds, seventeen siunds, sixteen pounds, thirteen mid a quarter pounds nine mid a half pounds, two of nine pounds each, two of eight pounds each, live pounds, three mid a half pounds, two of two pounds each, mid one of one and threu-quiirterx pound. The Beaver Dam and Sum Christian mines, in Mont gomery county of thu mine statu, were also great nugget mines in their days. California has pioduccd somu (anions nuggets and a few have lieuu found in Colorado. Contrary to general belief, Alasku and thu Yukon have produced no largo nuggets, Australia mid Siheiiu have yielded a number, some of extra ordinary size. Exchange. Mining deeds for sale ut this ollice. UNDER MI10IU im. Most liberal cormratiou laws In thu United States. No franchise tax or ex orbitant fees. Private proerty exempt from all corporate debts. Car value of stock made any amount. No limit on cap italization. Stock ix non-assessable for any purpose. Noanioiint of stock required to 1st subscrllicd. No stale control. No statu examination of books. Legislature can't repeal your charter. Keep olllco mid do business any where. Wu attend to all business, puy all fees mid charge you but lot'.OO in any caxu. Wrltu for Booklet of CororaUon l.awx ami other information. Address ARIZONA CORPORATION CHARTER U., HONIHAN BUILDffl, PHOENIX. ARIZONA. THEY GROW TIhmi Racket .Stores anil the Kl'MITtilt KAUKKT HTOKK now has roomy quarters in the Wi'ijjcl Itukery building near Thu Market. Hero urti hiiki plums: V puundt hrit dry urtn. Sue'.. $, ti I Ine Oincolale pound n Kconomy (.mlrr, Mltrr than package,, iX I'rltru Cuflrr. choke . pound ?o 1'avorltr Coffrr .. rxmnj , Compare our Colleen with oihrr trand rontld eraMy higher Sample I irr. Unutual value l.adli-k Vet inc. and nc. lirnt'k IIkIiI Underwear, suit. 75c. time. Another lot tample halt J, In ft price Watt, tllki 4cc. and up- Allovers i. and up Racket Store I'l tiuf! . " wiPei' ''"raiJfeBb