THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, June , 1902 ft" fft Hi I ( SENSATIONALLY RICH STRIKE In the North Drift of the Red , Boy's Monarch Ledge. Suxoral diiyn hlncu it Hue rvjwirtt'fl Unit there I1111I lieou 11 rieh nt rikc in the Itod Hoy mint!. Tim Mishic untile no effort nt tliu tiniii to huenro (hi) fuel ami do tiiiln, klKHviiiK Unit the policy of the tniuiiiKi'ini'iit Iiiih lieen to cay nothing about tint properly fur publication. A reporter of one of tin Maker City paper, hoxxuxor, iitteinpled to intcrxlttu Clink Tulier, one of t lie ounce of tliu mine, on the huIijccIiiiiiI erlfy tint report, lie went uliont tin; hiiHiucpM in nil her mi adroit niiinner, anil toii-cci-dcd in milking tliu Sphinx wiy: "I hiucit't liemi to the mine. In a cpilpjc of xxcokH, 1 til t luixit lienril of no now ntriku there. Ilml there boon one, I Mlppo-i- poiiio one uoultl haxu tolil inc." Then the noun paper mini remarket! that it wax icpott etl that a lititly of f 150 oie hail heen un covered, anil .Mr. Tiiher foruot lilnn-elf for a moment iiuilailiuittcd that : "There Ih loth of f 15(1 rock in the I let I I toy. A utrike of Unit kind wouldn't ccltc any Mpeeiul lulorcxt in the ronipany ulllco." That wiiH an iniHirtant udinii-Hltin, coming from the Miurcc it illtl, m the uriltir ilelerinlneil to onto more make an effort to peiietrnte the forhiiltlen realm of necreey ciiHhioudcd Iteil Itox affair. Now, lion. .1. II. ItohhiiiH, treiiMiirer of the rompnnv cinrii H ion Militlatioii xiilh the Coni'onl, xihieli ileal he eiiliineeieil, tlilieiH in opinion with tliu ollleern of the old company, in that hi) ilui'H not t'tinnliler a mint) a carieil thiiiK, nor yet IoiIIm-hhi Hh fhuiactcr a prof ii ne hiierileu'Ki ho he ery readily anil fonrteoiiHly talked of the moil neenl ctrlke, picfitcint: hti infm million wllh I hie i-icnilii'iint Matcmciil : ''You know, the Iteil Hoy in not n Hpet'lnien mine. 1 1 h oie hodio me Intuit ami 1 1 1 1 i ft 1 1 in in Milne; miixIiiu, of eoiiice, In different lof.ililie.-. No puck t'ln liuxc uxor heen found. When tin tlHitully licit ore ha been found, it hue heen a nhnot, of Miiioiin ItinutliH anil ul xxityn po down. Thin new Mi Ike Ii, theiefore, an Important and Miluahlit one. I hiixon'l heen it tnxi-olf ami mn't ejxojou tint iletiiiln, hut am uolnuout in n day or two lo i-cc whiil It lookH like." Mr. ItolililliM then ploccctlcit to Mute what hud heen repotted to him, in bin olllelal 1'iipiii'ity. I.Ike the utt'iit (iol cumin Mrlko, thi uiurxfloiiidy t it'll ore hotly wiih fouiiil hy ninklnu a wine. It miih Hitnk on the tunnel leel. hi the drift known an the "Monarch north;" that Ih tint drift, on the (ioltlen Monarch eiu north of where it Ih rut hy tint tun nel, u xcrtjt-al depth of only about ItHI fett. It In up near the Kxcolxior coin panyV proK'rty. The haft, perhaps IlKX) feet to lint honth, in IIKI feet heloxx tint tunnel It'M'l, and no Mich out Iiiih Ihvii found there, co thin tiuil indicate Unit the Iodise eurriex greater mi hi en tint further1 north it goon, whieh iticrciiHO with depth. Ahu matter of fni't, con widerinu the fliarattet'of the ein, thin diitcoxory whuuh to.proxo coiiclunixcly that allien iiu-roaitt unuHiially fiint with depth; lluitfahiilniiidy rich ore will Ut taken (rum tlut Monarch ein near Uh northern end line and lexiiid. Mr. ItohhiiiH coiild'itol irixo tint intfiiy value of (ho ore but Mated that it xxuh the richoitt yet found in the Red liny mine, anil that thoo who had examined it are very tuut'li elated oxer the llntl. Anked an to value found in other xxork inn, hit mild that the hlheM proiouly fouutl went in the Concord claim, where there !h a IhkIv of ore blocked out that ruiiH from f'.MO to f HKK) a ton in tolil. So it can bu wen that tliln Monarch strike in omethiiig entirely worth while. Tliu ore It largely free mllllnu. The additional Information wiih volun teered that K. .1. Godfrey, who had Im-oii in town that day, informed him that a larue body of imM excellent high lirade milling' ore hud iiIho been encoun tered in the north drift of the Ithiine eiu, and that he eccmed to bu etually an well pIciiHi'd with that aH witli the tnoru Huumitionnl Monarch ntrike. Mr. KobbiiiM Htated further that in the Mir iotn workiiigH of the group there Ih any iuantlty of ore that iiiIIIh and cyanidcx i'St, in IciIuch twenty feet wide. Leigh Hunt's Mines in Korea. Harry l Mecene, geneial manager of I.. S. .1. Ilnnt'e miiii'H In Korea, arrixed in Seattltton tliu -till im-t. In an inter view with a Daily Tiine-i reporter, hoiiiu iuterei'tiug newH wiih fiirnif hctl. Tlie iiiiucH are :i(HI iiiileH from Seoul, tint cap ital of Korea. The coiiccHHiou from the government cox urn twenty fixe hiiiurc inlleH. The rock in gold bearing itiart., Home of it low grade and tome of it xery high grade. ".I net ut present wo are operating ILt) HtauipH on tliu propcrticn ami twoc.Miuidi) taiikH," xaid Mr. Me Hcrxu. "Wit am now building an HO- Htanip mill which !h xery near comple tion. Thin will give uh LtH) Mumpt In all. lit iidditiiin wti haxoour own retort workh and anniiy oIIIcch. The product of the itiincN Ih nhipped to .lapaii in the form of gold barn. We am now employ ing "(KM) miiieiH, including between 75 anil KHI AincricuiiH. Tint othern are KoreaiiH, .lapitucHC ami Chinese. The Ai-iuticH rcceixit twenty-llxi) ceutn in gold or lifty ccntH nilver money per nay, on which they llxe xery well. They urn I'M'i'llt'iit woikineii. The Amer catiHiire UKCtl in oxerneerH. The heailolliceof tint coiiipany, which Iiiih ii capital of f),(KHt, INK), Ih loiatetl in Sew York. I Hpent three da.XH with Mr. Hunt at Shanghai lluee weekn ago. I ii us glad to hiv that he in iiinidlv tecoxetiiiL' bin health ami uexer looked better in bin life than he linen totlay. lie in in good IIchIi and in excellent npnitH." Blcgnl Mines in the Vest, lieu Itni-H, of llournc, p.n-heil through Itakcr City .xeitenlay, en route to Iji (iiaiule, where he goen on hiuil ollictt liUHiiiei-H. "Ilourne," naid Hen to the Herald mail, "Ih tint king lieu mining camp of tint golden hills. The tow it in rushing completion of Uh water workn HX'Htetu, and will add further iuetroioli tun aiiH by the eHtahllHiiient of a bank in a few day. At Itournit Ih one of the higgent inini'H in the went iib-olutelv tlie greateitt uiinlng property nluco the Cripple Crook Inilepeiuleiici) Htiirtlod the xxorltl with Uh richitcHH. If I hIioiiKI toll you that not long ago llxtt HtoHtrH in two r-liiftH ttMik front the North I'ole mine in ton tlaxH fllCMXH) worth of Hhipplng ore, mui would not Micxo mo. Yet I know that UiIh Ih a fact. 1 huxv no way of knowing, but thin I am convinced lif ting 110,000,000 in gold coin of the realm couldn't buv the North role. Herald. Golden Eagle Hotel HALF BLOCK FROM R R DEPOT Headquarters for Mining and Commercial Men. pie Rooms. Electric Light. Telephone, etc. supplied with the best the market affords. Sam-Table H. S. BUCK, Proprietor. - - - - Sumpter, Ore. si A. P. (JOSS, President GEO. H. TRACY, Cashier & Bank of Sumpter 3 Trsniiots Gtntril Binklnt Buslniii Interest Allowed on Time Deposits' (jr.tfis diavvii un j SUMPTER, p.uti if the .Mill J SpeJjl .mention tc .oile:llcns. safety Deposit boxes for rent. OREGON kV-.'W.''-'' Investors, Attention. oO.IXH) HharcH of hoot tnining Httx'k in ouiitcrn Oregon for xule. Write for terms antl pnHKH'tUH to T. Cimtello, Cable ville Oregon, Cable Coxtt tliMrlct. llofTiuiiu'H Itukery iniikoH a Hecinlty of (uriiiHliiug ice cream for itartiei). I'nimpt attention given nil ortlern. 44 HENRY WEINHARD'S COLUMBIA" LAGER BEER. On Draught or in Bottles Sold in -4, 1-3 or 1-2 barrels A.J. STINSON & Co. General Agents FOR SimiTKIt AND VICINITY Henry Weinhard's brewery is the largest and most complete plant in the northwest. Its product is unexcelled. THE GEM SALOON A. J STINSON. Prop. (Successot to Snyde & Stinson) Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Over the Bar SUMPTER, OREGON r --i) OPERA HOUSE SALOON Wouldn't tlui Jar yerV IMixxder. What? (iiant Froch HtraxxU'rrteH oxory day nt The Market. ShooM of all kintlH ut couipHiiy'ti. Nell) Mercantile Freeh candy daily at Hoffinan'n link Uco Giant itoxxder, funo mid caps. SUMPTERBEERON DRAUGHT BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES Agents for Matting ly antl Moore Whis key a ao-year-old whiskey as good as Elixir of Life. All whiskies are out of bond and guaran teed the genuine ar ticle. Popular re sort for Commer cial Travelers and Miners. SUMPTER, OREGON V1 '' I i 3