Covers Thoroughly THE GOLD FIELDS of the INLAND EMPIRE Eastern Investors In OREGON MINEjS Pay for AND READ IT TALK OF THE TOWN. John C'lark has hoIiI IiIh intnrcHtn tit I tour no, imil Ih uh yet undecided what lit will ilo in future. Tim Forrest Slock company will pre sent In it Spider's Well at Kills opera house (IiIh evening uml A Runaway Wldi tomorrow ovcning. Karl Diil rick, hoii of .Mr. anil Mrs. i. II. hedrick, Iiiih ri'luriii'il homo from the Hill Military Academy at I'ortlauil for tin? summer varation. (J. II. Fisher, tlm mining machinery man, in again in Humptcr tislay, llguring on a dig contract, tlm particulars of which will lie given when tlm ileal in dnHcd. Dr. ami Mrs. T. A. Wheeler loft for their homo in Chicago Momliiy. Thu Pis-tor Ih largely Interested in tlm St. Anthony miini, anil Ih a brother of its manager. .1. N. Van Horn wan in town Miuulay from hin Kliloriitlo mine, near Granite. Iln brought in some line hmm'mimiih of oni from a W-fiMit ledge, which ho Iiiih driven in on only twenty feet. It Ih reMirtel, apparently on gntsl au thority, Unit the North Polo will mlil twenty stamps to IIn mill, making thirty in all. Men are naiil to lm alreaily at work on thu aililllton to thu building. .1. M. McPhco bun taken IiIh wife tu HcbhIiIu, Oregon, tor her health. She Iiiih heen very sick, hut In now reHrtcd to lie improving. Mr. McPhco writes that he nil i prohnhly not return to Sumpter for a month. Mr. iiihI Mr. A. W. KIIIh ami Miss Amy lluiiieH retiiriitt'l Monday from u llHhhigtripto the Mi, I, Ilo Fork of the .lohn Day. They hud only moleralu luck, iin the trout are now spawning ami not hitiiig. They caught about seventy. K. II. Horner, Itoh Henry, Clark Simle, A. .1. StiiiNiin ami 1'iito Johns re- turui'il M iiiilny from North Powder lakes, where thuy eaught over 500 trout in h'HH than two days Ashing. There Ih Htill Hindi hiiow on the Hiimmit ami the trip in a dilllcult out;. .1. II. ('raillehaiigh arrived in town neveral days since, after having spent thu winter at Thu Dulles anil Hood Itivur. He exacts to remain in eanteru Oregon in future. Hu left Monday for the Double Kaglo, a Greenhorn proierty in which hu in interested. Itev. M. .1. Goodhcurt, thu P.piscopal miulHter here, left for Cortland Monday. Ho gm'H to attend the Htate con vent ion, where ho will Is onu of the Hteakcrs. Owing to IiIh absence, tlntre will be no Kpiscopal services here Sunilay, the twenty-ninth innt. Mr. (iiMNlliuiirtwill return by the middle ol next week. Michael HaluiH, known an "Dutch Mike," n limn over sixty yearn of age, wiih found dead in Ins cabin Sunday evening, Coroner Snow held an iniiieMt Moiulay, reHiiltlng in a verdict of sill eide. lie hail lost all of bin money, sov eral humlreil dollar, gambling. Hu bad worked at Wcigel's bakery all winter, but until IiihI fall had la-en in thu lllillCH. Din Under Suspicious Circumstances . Mmiiliiv afternoon Dr. Ilroc.k wiih called to Whitney to seu a MrH. Smalley, but before hu reached there the woman wiih deud. Though hIiu bad U'cn complaining for sovenrl days past, clii' wiih up uml iiImiiiI the Iioiihu the evening before. There wiih much indig nation among thu nelghlMirs, who open ly accused the IiiihIhiiiiI of running bin wife's death, (.'orouer Snow wan tele nhniied fer: he went out vcHtenlay, nc- compauled by Dr. Ilrnck, and held an inipiest. The latter inadii the autopHV. He textilled that death wiih the result of liiiliiiMinaiiiiii of thoMomiii'h. The cause of the Iullammaliou, of course, ho could not Htate, further than that, apparently, it wiih not thu result of disease. Niverai RIVETED PIPE and GIANTS For Mining or Power Plants and Water Works j j Wrought Iron Pipe Cast Iron Pipe BOWLES & STROW SEATTLE,' WASHINGTON PORTLAND, OREGON gVhen answering thin advertisement please mention Ihin paper. witnesses tcHtiiled regarding the cruelty of the huHhaml, hut none would swear that he inflicted the injuries which re Hiilted In death, ho he wan not implicated by the verdict. At Work on Olive Lake Power. A-ked if it wiih thu intention of the company to continue deep sinking in the main shaft and put in the Olive lake water power during thepr HentHunimer, Mr. Howard Mated that arrangemeiitH wero being Mrfected uh rapidly uh mh1 hlu, thucoiiHiiinmatiun of which would mean the Hiiiking of thu Hhaft at leant 1000 feet deejier and the completion of the Olive laku water )ower plant, ho the company can develop at leant 2000 borne iwwer. Thu company holies and lie- liuvcH that it will be ablu to get both of thcHountcrpriNCH well under way during the present fitinnner and fall. East Ore gonian. For fluent confection, fruits, tobaccos, cider, etc., go to ".Sturgill's." Something to depend upon Giant powder. T. G. Harrison, agent for Giant pow der company. Leave your measure for a suit of clothen at Neill Mercantile company's. HarriHou can tell you why nil lucky strikes are made with Giant Powder. Hoffman'H Hakery makes a specialty of furnishing icu cream for parties. Prompt attention given all orders. Wouldn't that jar yer? What? Giant IMiwder. , Mining Blanks Quarl and Placer Locu tions, Tunnel Claim and Water Right Locations, Proof of Labor, Affidavit of Discover)' Work Mining Deed, Option to Purchase, Quit Claim Deed, Lease j j j j Sl2 FOR SALE BY THE SUMPTER MINER Shoes on Our Hands that should be on your feet. Little prices and big values will make the transfer. SPECIAL PRICES On men's and boy's shoes, 'till certain lines are gone, will be a saving on your foot account. At 2.o the Brown Queen Bee is the best shoe for the price and ladies' feet. Yours for a shoe trade, Hobson Mercantile Company Books and Stationery I have added to inv stock of Cigars and Tobaccoea a large number of iwpular novels, the leading periodicals and a complete line of stationery ....The Elite Cigar Store... L. HARRIS, Proprietor