10 THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday June 25, 1902 PRODUCTION OF ABRASIVES Official Report on Whet, Pulp, Grind, Buhr and Mill Stones. Abrasive inatcrialH arc, an ii whole, lint little understood, although they are in one sense iiiiniiin I lie miiHt Important l)f till- lllillcrill products, HIIVM Dr. .loscpll llyilii I'm It In "Mineral Hi sources of tlm United Stiito, I1KII," now iii prcH, I'ni tcil States Ceolouienl Survey. Tim prin cipal aluaslvcs full into three nciicial greups: TIiomi which occur us lock for mations, 11111I are cut anil manufactured directly into the form desired, while re taining their original i'"'l; structure and Hpiearaiiee, an rlmlstoncs, vvlictslnucH, etc. ; iIhim' whieh oceiir iih a constituent of either 11 rock or a ein, and have to he mechanically separated and eleaned, iih coriiiidiini, enieiy and pirncl ; nrtilleial abrasives, an rarhoriiiidiini, crushed steel and nrtilleial eonindiini. The use of abrasives in e.revviiu: with the increase of our maiiunnturliin Indus trii'H. Tim total value of nalnral abras ives produced in the Pulled SlateH in IlKII wan 1 1,11(1,57-', iih eompaied with fl.'JtW.tl":! for IINHI. OII.HIIIMH VMt W IIIMHIOM H. Ill the I'niled States, rocks Hiiltahhi for iiiiiIJiik vvlictslnucH aie found in ucuily all the statcH cast of the Missis sippi, and in n number of thoe to the went of that river; hut the supply in oh tallied from Arkansas, Indiana, Ohio, New York, Vennont and New I lamp shlic. Tim ArkaiiH.iH whetstone liui I u-h am in (iarluud and Saline counties the prineip.il ones heliiK on (jinn iy or Whet hlcine iiioiiniain, near Hot prln:s, ( tin land county. The sandstones of Oiiiiil'c county, Indiana, furiiMi a whetstone known an t lie Hindustan or Orange stone, which In ipianied in I'lenchlick and Northwest township. In Kentucky, tlm Curoii Stone company in iimiryin! to a limited cilcnl a wateilmne from I Hardin e .niity. In Ohio, at Iterca, Kit did and Chiiurin Fulls, in Ciiyalioa i ciMinty, anil at lirafton, n l.oiain coun ty, whctstoncH and oilstones are pro duced. In Cortland! county, near I .a It rador lake, in New York, the l.iihrndor stone in iuarried for whetstones. In lluvcthlll township, (itaftou county, New Hampshire, and near l.aumille, OrleaiiH county, Vermont, arc the ipuir rieH for the cchlnulcd Indian I'oud, White Mountain and Lamoille scythe stones. The pioduclion of nilxtoucs, whetstones, etc., ill IIKU ailiounteil to $irS,;UH); the intuits weie aliicd at fil,lkV, and the expoitn weie in excess of the ililMirlH, UltlMMlOMIS. The production of iitiiidstnucH in tie I'niled SlateH in almost entirely fioiu (Hiio and .Michigan. The principal grindstone district in (Mini in included in Strain, Cuyahoga and Sumuiit counticH, with Cleveland iih a center, the larvicst uriudt-toue tpuirricn and uiauufacturiiiK plaulH Uiii within tweiily-live miles of Cleveland. The iiiarricH in i-outliern Ouin arc alone the Ohio river, wont of Marietta, and inland northwest of that city. A few tpiarries are in Went Vir ginia, acrohH tlm river from Marietta. The Michinan ipiarrieH art on tlm nhorcn of Lake Union, ultout ninely nillen north of I'ort Huron, near OrimlMonc City. In South Dakota are located the ipiarricsof the lMceiuout Stouu company, near IvdKcinout, on tlm line of the llurllnnton and Missouri Itiver railway. Clll.rnlXINKH. Since paper Ih'kmi to lto manufacturi-d from wheat pulp, there. Iiiih Itcon u de-l iiiaud for a stone nuited to the urindiu of w heat to a pulp. The main supply of pulpstoucs lines heeii iniMiiU'l from Newcastle-upon-Tyne, I'nitluiicl. Various at- j teiuptH to liud a Htoue in thin country Hiiitahle to thin purpo"u have lieen made; and the htoue" from the. new iiiarricH of the Tippecanoe I'ulp and (irindHtoue conipiiuy, at Kmpire, Ohio, Iiiih proved to lie well adapted to the manufacture of pulp-. In IIK(I there w.i a very lure increase in the production of pulp-tones ril iih llull 11I 11IIK lifiit iiiltu t iiiii t lilt tilt til I will 111111. m him 1 1 j 11 ii r- j cm j tn emu production uinouiitiiii; to KM) ton-, val ued at flH,H(K), ax compared with .ViH toiiH, valued at )'J,i',), produced in WHO, and with 'JSS Ioiih, valued at S,7IL, ill IH'KI. The total value of tlm production of all kilidn of ejludstnucs in 11(01 vviih f'iSI),7l):i, a deciein-e of (lL".),:tL':t from tlm priHluctiou of IIKH), which vviih if"10,U-il. (iriiidstoucs continue to he imported into tlm I'nlteil SlateH, and they conm from NfvvciiHtlf-iiHiu-Tyim, in Copland, from IMinlKirounli, Scotland, and from llavaria. 'I'he importn in 11KII amount- ed tofSS,tl7l, an i pared with ftr.'.oSI in IIXM). The total export of grindstone from I thin country in now greater than the import. IIUIIIIsroNI H .VNII MIU.HTOM.s. Millstones are found in varioiiH locali lien in the I'niled State-. The New York millstone ipiarrien art) located in a hell of sandstone and conejoinurutc on the ShuvvuiiKiiiik mouutaiiiH, extending ncro-H tlm Iowiih of Itodicslcr, Marble town, WararHlii):, (iaidener, New I'nlt, in I'lster county, and tlm product in known iih "INopiiH" Htone. In I'ennsyl vauia llm ipiarries are located in Lan caster county, and the millstones are known iih "Turkey llill"and"Cocalico," the foi mer iH-iiit; found on Turkey hill, near How mauiiville, and tlm other near Durlach ami Lincoln. In Vimlnhi ipi.iirieH have been opened on Itrusli nioiiiilaiii, in tlm vicinity of Price's l''oik, Montgomery county, and the Htoue in known an the "Itrusli Moun tain" Htoue. The places just mentioned weie the only ouch at which millstones weie ipiarried dining IIKH, and there was an iiicieiisiiij,' production fioin each oflheiu. .Millstones were foiiuurly oh tallied from Mooie county, North Caro lina, and from the Iterca (iril, at Penin sula, Ohio. A piml iniiiiy luihrstones aie still iiu polled froiii I'lauce, llcliuin and tier many, and they aie considered more satisfnctoiv (linn the American stones. The pioiluctiou of millstones in 1IHM amouuteil to fi7,l7tl, an compared with t:t'.',S.')S in I1HHI and with t'.'S.ll.'i in IMHt. The value of the impoits of millstoiies and liuhiHtoneH in ItHII was fl'J,IS7, as co m pn icd vviih tL'S,lKM in IIKH). , Rich Gravel on Braver Creek. I'lirtien just down from up Grande Itoinle river report quite, an excitement vviih canned a few tlnyn ugo hy a very ricli Htrata of gravel haviun been Htruck in the llu.ini placer mine, on Heaver creek. Thin mine contains Home 3000 acres of ground, and is considered by tho-e who profesH tn know, among the most valuable in eastern Oregon. Mr. Iluiui in contemplating the purchase of an elevator, such iih the one lately brought to Camp Carnoii, and is in cor respondence with parties in Sail Krau- cisco in regard to it, niul alt-o in regard to the purchase of the mine. I.u Grande Chronicle. For Sale. Two prospectH lying between the Crown Point and the California inineH, Cable Cove district ; orenay, f 15. They w ill Iks hoUI right. Apply to T. Costello, Cableville, Ore. Harrison, the Giant Powder mail, wantH every miner to make bis ofllce headiunrterH when in Snmpter. if7 F. C. BRODIE rli Watches, Clocks CTxcviMQHE -JEWELRY j j SPECTACLES j OPPOSITE NCW H0TCI, CRANIU STREtT. Sumpler, Oregon. si Satisfaction Guaranteed. -J KENTUCKY LIQUOR HOUSE AND SUMPTER BOTTLING WORKS. - - - JOHN GAGEN., PROPRIETOR. - - -Old Whiskies, Fine PVines, Imported and Domestic Cigars. Mauufacturei-H of all kinds of Carlxinatcd Drinks and Ciders. Sumpter, Ore. B Don't Guess AT IT but if you are oing east write us for our rates and let us tell you about the ser vice and accommodations offered the LUIS CENTRAL RAILROAD Through Tourists Cars via the Illinois Central from Pacific Coast to Chicago and Cincinnati. Don't fml to write us about your trip, as we are in position to give you some val uable intormation and assistance. 5,$ 19 miles ot track over which is operated some of the finest trains in the world. For particulars regarding freight and passenger rates call on or address, J. C. LINDSEY, t. r. p. . 142 Third St., PORTLAND, B. H. TRUMBULL Com'l Agant. ORE. Pillow Blocks RING OR CHAIN OILING IALL AND SOCKET RIGID OR ADJUSTAILE LIBERAL IN PROPORTION: :PLKASING IN DESIGN WILLAMETTE IRON AND STEEL WORKS PORTLAND, OREGON Power Transmission Machinery a Specialty CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED