Wednesday, June i8, 1902 THE SUMPTER MINER DEVELOPING THE BLUE BIRD Property Has Five Parallel and One Cross Veins. Georjjo V. Wlmoler, tliu Xuw York banker who in limiiu'iurinn the llliio Ilird com pun j, rvturiuil from thu mini' Frl duy uvuiiing. llu wiih lurompaiili'il by A. L. McKwen, thu eminent mining en pinuur, who i).iorli'(l thu property. Mr. AVhi'i'lor exprocft'tl hinifolf iih heltin on tiroly cuticlli'd with thu Hhowiii)! niiulo nu thu Mine Mini troop. Thin i hi Brut vinit to thu mine, having bought an Intorext 011 a report nmilo by ouu of him engineer, llu nuiil tliu feature which pleiifi'd him 1 1 10c t in thu Mcltivo kuowl nljtu gained on thin trip that the Hod Hoy's Monarch ledge runs diagonally norosH thu lllnu Itird, T. T. and a comur of thu Sullivan No. 3 claim of bin group, giving nearly 1500 feet of that marvel imply ntrong vein. Thu eoiireo of that ledge i couthweHt from thu llliio Hint, through thu Hwl Hov'h Monarch claim and acroHx thu dvku into thu Urav Kngle. Mr. Wheeler Htated that ho will fur nlfli all thu money needed for develop ment and iih flint an it in needed, and iiIki for the erection of a mill, which lie hoped would ho heforu thu close of thu preeunt year. Itegardiug thu character of thu property and the plan of develop ment, ho referred Tun Mi.vkii man to Mr. McKweu, who, ho mid, wan at lib erty to juaku public any information which ho thought best. What A. I.. MuKnuu doesn't know nlxmt a iiiluu wouldn't make much of a book, llu Iiiih threu priinu re)iilniteH of n mining engineer, Hcientitlu training, practicnl experience and common rieiiHe. llu known that a uuwxpapur docHii't viintu learned the!, tilled with techul cal tonne, thu meaning of which thu reiulern will not know, ho ho gavo coucUu description of thu preperly: Thu Mine Ilird group coiiftatH of claims, a fraction and a mill site. claim of that naiiiu and thu fraction, located iih thu Little Itock, aru situated ut thu bottom of thu canyon on Clear creek, adjoining thu ltcd Hoy. Adjoin iug these and parallel with them aru thu Diana and Tumi T; then com oh thu Sul livan No. it, and last thu S. W., thu catjt side lino of which reaches thu summit, covering a distauco of '.'UK) feet from thu creek up thu mountain sidu. On this property aru llvu parallel voIiih and a cross ledge, cutting thu others at an nnglu of sixty or seventy degrees, with a northeast-southwest tiend. Threu shifts of men are at work driving a tun nel on this cross ledge, which is a blind lead. The tunnel Is therefore both a drift and a crnsr-cut. It will probably have to leavu thu ledgu after going in 300 or 400 feet further. It is now in alKiut 200 feet, tlfty feet from thu llrst ledge, which will bo cut in two or threu weeks. It is now gaining thu remark ahlu depth of foot for foot and will main tain practically this propoition until thu last vein is encountered. Oru from thu ledge on which thu tun nel is now drifting assies (47, a most gratifying showing. Float from all thu parallel veins aru also untiroly satisfac tory. Thuro is scarcely a doubt hut that this cross ledgu will greatly enrich all thu others at thu Intersections, as this is almost thu universal rulu. It is this condition that obtains ut thu Golcouda, where thu fabulously rich oru is now be ing mined. Concluding, Mr. McEwen said: "All conditions tiro favorable there for mak ing a valuable mine; an excellent mill ito with plenty of water, an abundance this live Thu of timber, strong ledges and nn ideal tunnel proosition all in a district proven by deep sinking, with no failure yet recorded. It is as near u sure thing iih any prospect can be." To thu writer, Mr. Whcoler talked most entertainingly of thu world-wide mining situation, with which 'ho Is in close touch. About live years ago ho added to his business that of mines and mining stocks, and says that not in thu history of civilization has there been such a widespread interest in any indus try as there is in mining at thu present time; nor was so much money over he foru going into one lino of business. Ho has his regular customers in every civil ized country on thu globu iiultw ouu hundred in Russia and half that nunilor in thu Philippines. So eager aru people to invest in American miuen that he does not find it necessary to huvo his lit erature printed in other than thu Eng lish language, that prosectivo buyers havu it translated into their own tongues. As nn illustration of the magnitude of his own business, hu stated that when ho sent out announcements offering JOO.OOO shares of HI ue Ilird Btoek for sale, within six days orders wero received for double that amount, and no orders had' then been received from foreign coun tries. llu has sent out 50,000 prospectuses of this company, accompanied by an oqiuit number of his pamphlets on Oregon's Kesources, both excellent books from a literary standpoint and superbly print ed, lie also issues monthly '.25,000 cop ies of thu North American Miner, which aru sent throuuh thu malls, stamped. Eastern Oregon is fortiiuatu in having attracted the interest of so enterprising a gentleman. His efforts aru sure to work great good to thu entire region, to advertise it more extensively than it has ever been before. In conclusion, hu said : "I am glad that I havu taken thutimu to comu out here and inspect what I lc lievu to hu thu greatest mining section on the glolte, of which opinion I am go ing to inform thu world. I havu lccn down into thu workings of the ltcd Hoy, Columbia and Oolconda, through thu courtesy of thu managements of thosu incomparable mines, and ran now talk and writu with faith based on knowl edge. Thu fakirs will begin soon to base their operations on the fame of thu gold tields of eastern Oregon, but that is an apparently inevitable evil, which, in it self, speaks well for the countiy and must be endured witli fortitude. I am pleased to learn that the section has thus far been so unusually free fiom thu pests. You have here, however, a far moro dangerous element, thu "knock ers." I have become awuro of their presence myself," Harrison, the Giant Powder man, wants "every miner to make his olllcu headquarters when in Sumpter. Leavu your measure for u suit of clothes ut Neill Mercantile company's. Only thu best brands of liquors and igars at Duuphy's "Thu Club." If you wish to strike it rich use Giant Powder. Fresh vegetables at The Market. All leading brands of cigars are to ho hud at "Sturglll's." All thu latest novelties in hats at Nell I Mercantile company's. Fish of nil kinds at The Market. C. F. RAHT Assaycr and Metallurgist OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE SUMPTER, OREGON ww " wm ) Write lor special prices A anj prospcciuk AAvBCVL!A& BLUE BIRD MINING COMPANY rso Capital $200,000 i FULL PAID AND NON-ASSESSABLE MINES LOCATED IN GRANITE MINING DISTRICT, EASTERN OREGON 50,000 SHARES OFFERED WHEELER &, CO., Bankers j BROADWAY. NEW YORK Mention No. Co nJ Hit North American Miner will be malleJ you in months free LAWSON & INGRAM Ipri HoiiH Itock tkm 345 Snutw WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS Wi Miki t Spioiilty of Supplies for Minus. Hiiizi's Cilibrititf CtMii Bin's ml t Full Urn of firtoiriis Stnwbirriis ni Yiptihlis Frith Every Day. A NEW GOLD MINE THE STOCK OF THE NEW GOLD MINE THE CRACKER OREGON Located in the same dis trict with the famous North Pole, the Eureka and Excelsior, Goiconda and Columbia mines in the Sumpter District in Eastern Oregon, is now being offered, to provide money to do the neces sary development work, such as run tunnels, build mill, etc. f This mine shows an ore ledge which extends for a distance of j, ooo feet on the prop erty, showing a clearly defined vein of from 10 to 40 feet in width. It will undoubtedly prove to be as great a producer as its rich' neighbors. The price of the stock is 10 CENTS A SHARE Par value i oo, Non forfeitable, Non-assessable, and no personal liability. Till MostSurohing livistigitiii Is Asked for This Propositi! U'MTK III! I'.M.I. 1'IIIX THE OREGON DEVELOPMENT CO. LEES.OVITT,Agt. Third Floor Merrill lluihliiig MILWAUKKK, WISCONSIN i A t D