The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, June 18, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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    rf-Afjj m
Wednesday, June 18, 1902
Four Thousand Shares in the most Famous Mine in Eastern
Oregon, This is the first opportunity any outsider has ever had
to get in on this dividend paying mine This is indeed not a
speculation, but a safe and profitable investment This block is
now offered for e t t e
$1,80Q Cash, 45 Cents a Share
The buyer will not only receive big interest on his money, but the value, of the stock
will undoubtedly double and probably trebble within the next eighteen months, as the
mine's output will soon be largely increased & g & &
Address: "B. F." Care THE MINER.
There On Not Be a More Legitimate
A thought on mining asau investment.
Ymt who measure gains in mercantile
pursuits by tliu Hxed ratio of tlio buying
and relling price; you who have thoslin
pie scale of interest on money loaned ;
you who huy land, hliild houses, and Ik
come renting landlords, or you who
would take the forms where chance en
tern more largely, an imhiHtrial, railroad
or other Htock, or buying and selling the
cereals all are asked to view in unpre
judiced light mining.
There can lw no more legitimate in
vestment than mining. We mean here
mining, real, intelligent mining, such as
make, producers and operates them. A
miner's gain In no one's lost). He takes
nothing from the pocket of his brother,
but from God Almighty' hand. Cone
petition, bruising, grinding, murdering
coii)etition is unknown to the gold
miner. He locates or buys his mine,
Informing a duty urged by tho govern
ment, or paying valuo received. He de
velops it, helping his brother by giving
him employment and consuming his
produce. His metal extracted, coinimti
tion does not enter into the sale, for it
is always in demand and at a fixed fig
lire. Trusts manipulate and water indus
trial anil railroad stocks. Real estate
Ixjoms go and come. Manufacturing is
nipped in the prime by centralized coin
lotion. Bonds are sure, but dreadfully
slow. Mortgages do not always secure.
There are a thousand besetting evils to
all investments, except a gold mine.
Mining has been given a pall of preju
dice by leason of fraud. Men, pretend
ing to own a prujMjrty, have secured
tnoney to waste where there were plain
ly no values to be secured. Others, hav
ig a good proerty, have squandered
money in oxtravagaut and criminal man
agement. Too many, with no knowledgu
of the vocation, have poured money into
the ground to reach a ledge, which any
intelligent mining man would discount
enancu. Investors are sometimes to
blame in other resects. They put a
dollar into a mine, expecting the follow
ing day ten In return. They do not re
alize the time required to develop and
oK!ii a mine, and often leave the Held
disgusted before work has progressed to
that stage testing the merits of their
These are causes for intense prejudice.
Prejudice is foolish. View in its true
light everything, elce you may lose a
golden opportunity. lew mining so
llu assured of honest management, he
assured of competency, (hi informed on
time necessary for operations. Gold is
in millions of ledges; there are safe
guides to it. Kijuip yourself for an in
telligent, faithful search and mining is
the safest and most fascinating form of
investment found today. Western Mi
ner and Financier.
Mining Dividend For May.
Dividend payments by companies
iden tilled with the mineral industry of
the United States in May were some
what larger than either April or Jiinii
uary, according to the Engineering and
Mining Journal, but show a falling off
as compared with February or March.
It may bo stated, however, that only
thirty-three companies paid $IL',014,UH0
in May. This is the smallest number of
concerns reporting in any month this
year. A feature has been the declara
tion of reduced quarterly dividends by
the big copier companies. The month's
total has, however, been benefited by
the payment of $9,130,407 on the pre
ferred stock of the United States Steel
corporation. In tho five months ending
May III, the dividends reported by V21
companies aggregate $118,61111 (KM), show
ing an increase of over $11,000,000, or
nine Htr cent as compared with the cor-
resMtnding period hist year. Of this
total, the gold, silver, lead, eopcr, zinc
and quicksilver procrtifs contributed
fi:i,7'iM,IL'l', or about twenty percent,,
while the balance of $,pl,HI.'l,r77 w'as re
ported by the iron mid steel, coal audi
coke and other industrial corporations. ,
Supplementing these dividends there
were paid during the live mouths divi
dends amount ug to fViil.tll!) by Mexican
mines, lead by the I'enoles, which is
controlled in llclgium; $75,1)00 by a Cen
tral American gold and stiver mine,
owned in New York; while a total of
$717,014 by Canadian properties, in
which some American capital is in
I have for sale a producing placer
mine, now in operation, including an
undisputed water right and !I00 acres of
good ground.
With proper facilities tho purchase
price can be taken out of the ground
within one year. It is one of the most
attractive and legitimate investments in
lluker county.
For further Information call on or ad
dress ' Fkkii It.,
linker City, Oregon.
Hoffman's Ilukery makes a specialty
of furnishing ice cream for parties, ;
Prompt attention given all orders.
Wouldn't that jar yerV What? Giant
Fresh strawberries every day at The
Shoes of all kinds at Neill Mercantile
Fresh candy daily at Hoffman's Bak
Most liberal corporation laws in tho
United Slates. No franchise tax or ex
orbitant fees. Private property exempt
from all corporate debts. Par value of
stock made any amount. No limituu cap
italization. Stock is uon-assessablu for
any purpose. Xoiimouutof stock required
to he subscribed. No stale control. No
state examination of books. Legislature
rau'l repeal your charter. Keep olllco
and do business anywhere. Wu attend
to all business, pay all fees and chnrgo
you hut $iO,00 in any case. Write for
Booklet of Corporation Laws and other
information. Address
Those ticket Hlorcs mill the
now has roomy nuurterH in the
Wcigol Hnkcry liiiililin near Tlio
Market. Hero are sunn plums:
if poundi het dry gtn. Sugar Si u
I Ine Chocolate pound jj
l.'connmy Colfee, teller than package,. itH
Frisco Coffee, clinic pound o
t-avorlle Collet pound ij
Compare our Coffeei wlih other rrandu conilj-
eratly higher-Sample !.
Unut ual values l.adle VeU... iuc. and ijc.
Cent's Light Underwear, mil, 75c. looje.
Another lot tample hall Jj to price
Wash silks 40c, and up- Alloveri toe. and up
Racket Store