The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, September 04, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, September 4, i.)oi
Colonel Donan Doing Mis
sionary Work in the East.
In yearn to come, when the historian,
uninfluenced liy contemporaneous pre
judices, sits niliuly ilmvn to write of
tliiH nil too intensely commercial ago,
of tlio world w'doliu'tdifappcd, ills .trie
fully crooked rncii for the coy, though al
mighty, dollur thnt Im it t present ab
sorbing tlio intention of nil civilization,
Colonel Dnmiii will lie judicially plac
ed nt the liend of the lint of NnpoleoiiH
of "publicity mid promotion," tlio creat
ed advert Incr who ever lived.
Ah in no other calling, success in thin
Held of endeavor require nunc neccssarl
ly a profound knowledge, of men in gen
eral, and the natural ability to apply
thin knowledge with ready ease to the
individual to instantly "i-iu up his
man." Of course, Mich wImIomi, natur
al and acquired, invariably endowH its
posessor with u mild contempt for bin
pawiiH, hut that phase of tint proposi
tion ban nothinn to do with thin story
and, perbiip-, it in an well not to dwell
upon it here.
Anyway, the Colonel in now engaged
in giving an object lesson of bin ability
to widely promulgate infiirmation re
garding any given subject. A couple of
eelH since he boarded the (). It. ei N.'s
palatial train at Portland and started
cant 011 a missionary tour, to proclaim
to the unfortunate denizens of nil the
rent of tho world the beauties of the
Promised Land of Oregon.
lie made n two or three days stand
(list at Salt hike and the papers pub
lished In tlio "City of the Saints" were
crowded with 1 1 im acrobatic rhetoric,
his fantastic word weaving, bis interest
ing facts and startling llguics, all per
taining to Oregon, of course. Then he
turned loose a revelation on the
Nature made lawn of commerce; that
It sows broadcast its gtlilcn seed only
along water levels. Incidentally, he
demonstrated that the (. . A. N. and
its connections is the only transconti
nental route that conforms to this con
dition, ami that it can't help from doing
the business for this continent and the
lands boyoiult ho sea. Mold Salt Lake
in on the play and the newspapers hail
ed him Chief Prophet. The Tribune
published the revelation in its editorial
columns and it has since been copied far
and wide.
Colonel I loiian was next, and so far
last, beard from in Denver. Then he
sprung his specialty piece de resistance,
Oregon weather, which makes Paradise
look like an unhabitable, miasmatic
wilderness. Ills victim is thrown off
his guard with this introductory jelly:
"Your mines have taken rank among
the golden wonders ol the woild. They
have dwarfed nil the glittering romances
of the Arabian nights to commonplace,
everyday realities, and made the fabled
riches of Midias ami of Cioosiis look like
thirty cents. Your mountain and can
on scenes are unsurpassed on earth in
any region so easily accessible, your
climate is uiaguillccut during the great
er portion of the year, ami no liner flav
ored fruits and vegetables tire produced
anywhere under the turquoise-blue heav
ens than Colorado's soil Mirs generous
ly forth wherever irrigation reaches.
You touch the magical water-button,
and (Sod mid nature Mo the rest' anil
do it bounteously.'
Then comes the famous weather word
mosaic, followed closely by the follow
ing busty summitry of our advantages
over Colorado and all the world lesidsc,
published in the Denver Times.
"Oregon and Washington have more
valuable lands ojten to free settlement
than any other region of tlio United
States, if not more thuu Jill the country
put together. Wo have tlio grandest
forrests of timber left standing on tlio
globe, Oregon having .'14,752,000 acres
and Washington :0,5LH,00() acres that
will yield from LT),(XK) to L50,000 feet of
merchantable lumber to tlio acre, and
some of it from .'100,000 to 100,000 feet,
while from (1000 to 8000 feet is a big
average eastern yield.
"One county of Oregon Umatilla
produces I per cent of the entire wheat
yield of the United States. With hut
about l-IKOth part of the imputation,
Oregon produces l-L'Uth of the yearly
wheat crop of the country, and one-
eighth of the total wheat exports of the
nation is shipped from the dock of Port
land. "As n fruit growing region, tlio state
is a veritable garden of the gods. One
little ncighliorhnod of a few hundred
people near the mouth of Hood river
took sixteen prizes on fruit at the
World's fair at Chicago. The largest
apple, largest pear nml lurgesl cherries
exhibited at that great cxnsitinn were
from Oregon, and the largest timber
from Washington. The Hist grand prize
for grains and grasses at the Paris ex
position of IINK) was awarded to the Ore
gon Itallroad & Navigation company,
and the prize on apples to II. !'. Ilnhcock,
of Walla Walla, Wash., over the compe
tition of nil the world.
"While our mining is in its infancy,
the gold mines of eastern Oregon have
produced an aggregate of not less
than $10,000,000,, mid are now turning
out about $5,000,000 a year in gold bricks,
nuggets and dust. Thousands of tons of
our ores come to your Denver smelters
anil closer railroad connections are in
creasing the business.
"Such n region is hardly a thing to
be joked altout. Our interests and
yours are nearly allied, and are rapidly
growing closer. We should clasp hands
across the Itockies ami stand together
(or everything that tends to promote
the growth and glory of the (treat Amer
lean West, to which we all belong."
12 1
If you want a good suit of clothes,
cheap or dear, made right to your
satisfaction, go to j j &
F1 nn l'ie on'y tay'or 'n tn,s Part
I ly I II I of Oregon. Big selection of
Fall and Winter Goods now on hand.
First Hank of Sumpter.,
Sumpter, Ore.
Golden Eagle Hotel
Rates $1.25 to $2.00 Per Day
Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. SUAPTER, OREGON
fr tu -ttflAifttwt'-jl'it''fci'-vh'.L,vttvlrV
Sumpter Forwarding Co.
E. H. HORNER, Proprietor.
General Storage, Commission and Forwarding.
Warehouse and office, S. V. Track SUMPTER, OREGON.
Through Utah and Colorado.
The ideal trip to the east during the
heat of summer is via the Kin Urninio
Western and Denver k Rio ("Irando rail
roads, the far (allied "Scenic Line of the
World." The extremes of temperature
are never met, ami passengers are sure
of havlugn delightfully cool ride through
(lie heart of the Rocky mountains, ami a
view by daylight of scenery which is no
where surpassed. If desired, a stop eu
route may I to made at tuaint and pic
turesque Salt Lake City, the "City of
the Saints," (i Ion wood Springs, Lead
villt. Colorado Springs, l'ueblo, Denver
or any intermediate (toint. There are
three daily trains leaving Salt bike City
for all points cast, which have close con
nection from the northwest, via either
O. R. A X. or tho Southern l'lieillc.
These trains arc ctiiipcd with through
slcejiers (standard or tourist,) free re
clining cliair cars, and a Krfcct dining
car service. Personally conducted ex
cursions, in charge of couictcut and
courteous managers, tiro run several
times a week without change of cars to
Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis,
Chicago, Itiiffalo, New ork, lloston,
ami all eastern cities. Tickets are on
sale at all railroad ticket olllces. Tor
further information and cheapest rates,
apply to J. 1). Mansfiki.ii, General
Agent, 1LM Third Street, Portland, Ore
K. Wanted Position to mk for eight or
ten men in a mining camp, by u lady
who has had fifteen yeurs exerience,
and one who is a line cook. None but
responsible wrties need answer. Will
not accept a position where it lady has
charge of the house. Address Mm. A.
I). It., North Powder, Oregon, ltuckeye
A. P. GOSS, President
GEO. H. TRACY, Cashier
Bank of Sumpter 3
TrtniieU t Ctntrit Sinking Builniit
Interest Allowed on Time Deposits
Drafts drawn on all parts of the world. Special attention to collections.
Safety Deposit boxes for rent.
Eureka Feed & Livery Company
H. K. BROWN, Proprietor
Horses Boarded by the day or Month. First
class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our spec
ialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight
and passengers to any and all points.
Books and Stationery
I have added to my stock of Cigars and Tobaccoes a lurllo number of
jHipuliir novels, the leading Rriodleals and a complete lino of stationary
....The Elite Cigar Store...
L. HAWWIS, Pwopbhtow
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