THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, September 4, 1901 GOLD NEAR WASHINGTON, D. C MMIVmM IO , ? i $15,000 IN.... CASH National Capital Excited Over a Find of the Yellow Metal. Washington is havinn 11 little attack of nilil fever, though with more uppar out reason tliiin in usually t lit: tiiH; with 1110ft gold CNIIH ill till! KlIHt. Till1 gov ernment gcoligHs, it if niiil, 1 1 :ivc locat ed eight distinct veins of gold-Iteming rock within easy walking distance of thu city. The gold licit is ahout eight inili'f wide and nniH northeast mill southwest, following (lie lii'inlri of tin1 I'otoiniic riv er. It is uirt of tin auriferous deposits of the AiimImcIiIiiii mountain", known in tlic Vhginia section, particulaily iilimit Hpottsylvauia county, since Colo nial days. Hetwccn IHlill anil ISfil thercei.tdsof tlm I'nltcd States mint show about ifl,- fitMt.tHKI of colli to have liccll cent fion Virginia mines, Tlm civil war inter rupted till mining operation. Aftcrthe war tlicre wan an effort to icopcn some of Iho mining properties, lint uuciithcd speculation worked their failure. Since (Leu it in miIiI that hardly uioie than $1,000 a year Inn- liceu -cut to tin mint from thin region Hoveial rcitatius who uudcrid.iiid min ing mil now said to ho taking an inteici-l in some of tliee eastern properties, anil thcio may he a icvival nf the IniliiHtiy there. I'rofecor S. I'. Kiiiiiioiih, of the get logical suivcy, hiiyri that the conduit road that lead out of Washington to the Cabin John bridge, mid part way to JJ linn will he extended from lule oloxpha tii in (ireat I'ulls, with iiitiiU, I ftccililieute al.-oliilcly free. ft" ft' ft' ft" ft' ft" ft ,. - n ft' svs svvsv I s A 'AVWVVV.VOTTSl I 'jL yi RECKON, IN OHIO, 1 I jj&ie rt MASS., AND IOWA. 5S JJWHAT DO YOU ESTIMATE? mWrnr Htj&icilBB ft' ii MmztttaSZm nw ft Sm&iWamKf aw AW 5 Warn MBBGMKKKt 1 mm V I Iff 4K19L. Mm nflHk I? ir ill 7 ft' Vj'" & To be Given Away THE PRESS PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION Will Give $15,000 In 1,000 Cash Prizes to those iimkitix tin; nearc.-t c.-ti- S mutes on the combined Ollieiul Vote of OHIO, MASSACHUSETTS and IOWA, ca-t for Ciov- J enior on the ftli day or November, 11)01. k K-timute tin? total vote in tlie.-o three .Slates fouiliiiiL'd lor (loveiiior and .-etui your otiinute and MilK-vriptimi to THE SUMPTEIt MIXER and you will ivcoivo a ct'itilicate wliicli will en title you to participate in the tlNtriliutiou ol the 8 1, r), ()()() to lie awarded liy the I're.-s I'lihlWiing AK-ociatioii, of Detroit, .Mich., to tho-e making tlie nearest estimtite.-' of the Ollieiul Vote liir C!ov ernor in the Mule. .of Ohio, Mas.-nchu.-etts and Iowa, to he determined liy the Election to he held on the oth day of Noveniher, l!l()t. We have made nrraiiu'eineiit- witii tlie Iiv I'uhli-hin A-sociation, of Detroit, Mieli., to en-' able our Mili-ccilicr.- to participate in the ditrihu tion of the.-e maniliceiit iric, amiiiinling to 51."), 01)11. OUR OFFER: UNTIL I'TH niEIl NOTICE every one who .-ends it 3 1. 'J") for .-ix inoiith'rf or 8'J.I)0 for one venrV Mili-cription to THE SIMI'TEU MINEU will receive a eertilieate which will entitle him to participate in the dislri- niition of the prize.". l're.-ent stih.-erihers iniiv s ,n , M M X .t X X ! X X s I uioht of it uold-heailiiu, ninl home of It HHt-aylnn "H Itili if f" Ion. The ipiail. wiih taken hugely from the ad jnlniiHi fariio. Seveial Htamp iiiIIIh a hi workiiii; in thin neiuhlini hood with fair jYour Estimate veeive vour Hilicriiitii)ii we Seniitiiiiiiii'' your e.-liuuite, which will iiiure vou iniv prize vour e.-timate inav entitle voti to claim. working in uiih neinnoni iiimmi wiiii uurvs i... i: . ..-e . i . n i , '. . ., r ,. .... .'. ,. , ... a... i.ii ilti dieale eerlihcate with the IW riilili.-hiiij,' AN-ocialion. Everv Mih.-ciiher inav make iw nianv e. n.H.IlH. I !.,.,,, ,r ,. o , ..'.,,J, will receive as many ce.t.liea.cs a., he en,UM.h,cripti to THE Sl'.MlTKU jflXKII. n , I"! ," , i ,v ' , ""I , , ri,ll mi W1H r for &Wh Jnhn ohtaiued. of tlnee or four ounces have Ixvn slmun ft ' lehedof Itock ItuilJS ' 2 tiike advanla"e of this oiler and their .-nlierip- S No advaiie' i niitde in the price of our paper; you get the jj X x i X I X X X X When you .ciid in your Milisuription you lo .-end your estimate. Jlu earefttl to tl'rilll tJill ttlllllii ! Ill k i J ii .l lullhiillii til lilil III It II a lwi..tilllt A fef kIWIII tJ It'll I'fl- , niin n'lii imiiiVf tlllMI ." 411111 V fl IIIIIIIV ir irimiiif i- jrw.--riva 4 -wwi un "iv. t - Vivivo your Hilicriitii)ii we will rend you a teitilicale of the I'i .- . I'ulili-'liinj; Aoeiation, of Detroit, Alieh., We will file 'timatcs VALUABLE iim I'litniiitf frnin tl " . ' fr a tiiliutary to the V mac ,g In alJ subscribers In formhiR their estimate, we fur In the civil war, ('a II lorn in oliiuteers .nlsli the Inllou'lnn data: INFORMATION PRIZES TO BE AWARDED AS FOLLOWS: who Knew colli when they raw it, mo said to have dUcovered i it'll depn-llH near (ireal I'alU, where they weie en camped, and they planned, "after the cruel war i over," to return ami woik It, lint the licw'rdldMi. I'erhapHthoMt who iiiade the liud weie killed in war. Chicago lutcr-l Venn. Reduced H.itf Are now in effect to lluffalo, New York. Do you ecct to attend the I'an American ICxi"itiou? If mi, do not liny your tickets until you hne inveMiiMted the services of the IL LINOIS CI'.NTU.U, Itailmad. Our aivounuiHlatious aie the het that can lie liiut, our trams are aiwa mi time, and employee oourteoim and ac coiuiiiiKlatiic.'. Throuk'h t"iiii-t cars from the I'acitle (.'oart to Itoi-tou via Mutfalo. If you will i-eud llfteeu cents in htaniph to nddrec (iiven lHlow,we will forward you, liy ivturuiiMil,onoof our larne !Hx 10 indi wall iniiis of thu United Slates, Culu and I'orto Kleo. Any inforiuatiou Hvardin;: rates, ue vommiHlatioiix, service, time, conuee tlons, tilop-overs, etc., will lo cheerfully funiii-liol liy It. II. Tiu'Minu.i., t.'oin'i. Aiiuiil, Thlnl street, l'ortland, ttre. Eatlern Oregon Conmwicul Colleje. 0kiik Septemlier Hi, ItHU, at Ut (iraude, Oregon. A UrM-claf normal, commercial and shorthand school. Tui tion ninl iMiard very leaMinaltle, Students enteral any time without examination. For any further information or circular write to M. (. 1'kukv, rrlneipal. Iji li ramie, Oregon. Quart ItH'Utitm notices, with utllduvlt if aseessineut wirk attached, for salt) ut Tiik Minkii olllee. the Kiinl' Vole In these Ihri'f Milpk In i.tbi.4i.i lncrr.ic ij.j6 per cnt I.OID.177 Jtilfakl' 404 I.MI,b8; Ji'Clr.m- " i.vjo ti IncrrAtr . ",ii8 lncrr.ikeii.7i " H?.in Jecreate i8.o " l.V).54u Ji'ixeiw 3.j i .051,18 Inofi-ax j.S., l,'05,oio Inciratr 18.88 s 2. l8jl .n 5I7.KIJ S-lB.,1 r. irti ?. !)! ft iKuH ft I B.I-) ? IW ft llir Ci'iilliintiil Ihv SiMrlarlrkul llii- Slale namrj vhoulni; Hie ft Voir will Irlermlnv vtlin air iniltlej lo Ihr Pilir an J fc ll.r . ulli vtilliln jo j.i) atlrr Hie Ulhcul vole it known. J- Till! StlMI'II K MlMM will rubllth the name nnj aJJrrttei ut Ihr S kiicirntlul rllm.iior. ft- " Stairincnt ol Mr. W. A. Iunc. I'rrklJi'iit ol tin- Sivliif. L Haul., Drliolt. .Mlclilan: J Ikrol'V Certify, llial tin- l'ns I'uHM.In.- Ako.l.nlon I.j. ', JrpotltrJ tlQ.000 In tin Savlnr,, Drlrnll, Mlth.,lur ll.u Mkl.lrtkk Mil. (u. KM .ll l...llll. fill. Orlfl.w In flt.'l. n.1 (t.u Attn - , ... '. !("'. ... ,-... ... . ... .! U ( .... I..." U.I(- r piiirj mucin voir 01 mr or uiiio, .n.ik.itnuirii anj lo.i,.inj ft thai lhl lun J can t-r urJ lm noollirr rurpotr. ft ft ft ft t ft ft JU & To the nr.uri correct rllmate S5.000.00 I'olluwnJ... ncxj.00 Tollir uJ 1.000.00 Totlir4lli 500.00 To the Jill 100,00 To Hie bill 300.00 To Hie Till 100.00 lolhrSlh 7Voo Tutliri)th 500a Tnthcioiti is-oo Totnenrxt lonrarol $ijr.ich 150.00 roihrnrxt if nrarett Jiorach 150." To Ihr nrxl 141 nearetl If each 710.00 To thenrxl iDunrartkl $4 each 640.00 Tolhe next 180 nrarrst firacli 540.00 I'o ihr nrxl joj nearrtl fjcach 400.00 To ihr nrxt xu nearckl f 1 each joo.00 Total, (jut prle, amounllni, to 112,100.00 In Addition to tho Above Prlzas tho Following Spoolal PrUaswIII bo Paid: To the person making the neamt correct estimate be lore July toll 11,000.00 To thr person maklni; the nearest correct rsilmaie be- tcrn July toih anj Aueutt 101I1 1 700.00 To the person making thr nearest corrrct estimate re turn! Auguxt 101I1 anJ September 10II1 t 500.00 X X S X X : X X X X X X X X X X ? X I'lrklJenl Central . -j- met Hank, Detroit, Mich. Total, 1,000 I'rltet, amounllni; to $15,000.00 lii c..e of a tie, or that two or more estimators are equally correct, prizes will be divided equally between them. t REM EM Ithatthe S FIRST PRIZE IS $5.000.00 r SUBSCRIPTION BLANK. Name My Estimate. Town . State. This is One of the Greatest Offers Ever Made The Cash Must Accompany Your Order. THE SUMPTER MINER Costs You Only 52.00 A Year. You Get The Certificate Absolutely Free. Address your orders to THE MINER, Sumpter, Oregon. wwwwwmm$m$mmmmmmm i A? 'Jl'fm 11 in -mTimtiiwi m