The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, September 04, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 52
Sumpters Most Promising Tributary Camp
District of Strong, Permanent Ledges
Carrying High Values Sacking Ship
ping ore (r om the Surface.
Tlio mining exports and operators of
MiIh country who lmvo visited the
Kuniter gold Holds during the punt
year, and lmvo examined tho Cable
Cove district, have been unnuiniouH in
their opinion that tho future greatness
of this camp depends largely upon tho
development of that section. Tho for
mation in such an gives every indication
of permanency of veins, and provioiiH
development haw proven that values, in
crease with depth. What might bo con
sidered extensive development, how
ever, IniH not boon carried on by any of
the companies interested in that dis
trict, although tho California and Im
perial mines have been exploited sulllcl
ently to prove tho alxivo statements.
Tho Tumagain Arm Gold Mining
' company, of Minneapolis, is tho first
concern to go into tho district and carry
on operations on nn extensive scale.
Sometime ago tlioy purchased the Cal
ifornia mine and since then Cable Cove
has been the most active of all our rich
mining districts. A large force of men
lias been continuously at work on this
property, under able and olllciont man
agement, since they have taken charge
of it. A number of now buildings have
been erected, consisting of bunk and
boarding houses, general merchandise
store, laboratory and ofllce, to accom
odate tho largely increased demands.
Roads have been graded along tho
mountain side to the different tunnels;
the county rouds lmvo been greatly im
proved ; water Humes Iiavo been con
structed and now and largo timber
sheds built.
Application bus been made for a new
post ollico, which will lx called Cable
Cove. Tho Inland Telephone coinjmny
is setting jsiles and stringing wires for
a telepho'no exchange, and connections
will bo made this week. Thomas Me
Ewon, manager of tho Sumpter Trans
fer & Livery company, will soon estate
lish a stage lino from Similiter to tho
These things, taken In connection
with tho active development of the
Uaby McKee, Ijist Chonce, Imjierlal,
Gypsy King, Crown Point and many
other good proiertlos, point to a
bustling little town at tho California
mine in tho Cable Cove district.
Tho management of the property has
been placed in charge of Mr. Killon,
who is an exierienced ami conserva
tive business man, while the mine suji
erintendency is in charge of V. 8. Kber
man, who is one of the best authorities
on mines in the north and west. Gen
eral Manager Killeii was seen by a
representative of Tim Mixbk last even
ing, on his return from the mine, and
in answer to enquiries stated :
"Everybody who has visited the
California and made any examination
of it has expressed great faith in ita
merits, but the present showing of the
mine surpasses our greatest expecta
tions. We ore drifting on tho main '
ledge on four levels. In the level which
is farthest into the mountain and has
attained tho greatest depth, wo are in
over eight feet of good ore. The next
level below shows tho ore chute
widening and values increasing as depth
is attained. Near tho top of the moun
tain, whore tho pay chute crops out on
the surface we are sacking high grade
ore for shipment. This chute will soon
bo tapped at a great depth by our low
er levels, and when this is done we
shall certainly lmvo ore that will be a
surprise to even those who oxoeted
tho most from the mine. We are
making no pyrotechnic display of what
wo are doing, hut are conducting every
thing on a (pilot, conservative bash, as
instructed by the olllcers of tho com
pany." Tim Min'ku Is glad to see such people
as tho Turuagalii Arm Gold Minim:
company como into this district and,
better, it is glad that they lmvo chosen
a good property on which to operate,
for they will not only make money tor
their stockholders, but add prestige to
this district. Messrs. Michaels and
Ovltt, who with their attorney, Henry
M. Karnhani, represented tho company,
impressed all who met them as conser
vative business men, and under their
administration tho California will make
one of the most productive mines in
this entire section.
Quakers Buncoed Him for $200.
Willie tho Quaker doctors were here,
J. A. Scott put up fl'00 on a guarantee
that they could cure a cancer on his
lip. Tliey treated it, pulled down tho
money and left town In search of other
fish. A few days later Mr. Scott, of
course, discovered that he still had his
cancer, but was shy 200. Ho wont to
linker City, thinking tho aggregation
was there, to have tho doctors
nrreated on tho charge of obtaining
money under false pretenses, but they
hud gone. He swore out a warrant
and had it sent to Portland, but they
could not be found there. The chances
are that if arrested, no criminal charge
could be made to stick, us the head of
the out lit is smooth, very smooth ; is
thoroughly onto his business, and
among other things, knows where tho
loop holes are.
Wanted Position to cook for eight or
ten men in a mining camp, by a lady
who has had fifteen years exterieucu,
and one who Is u line cook. None but
responsible parties need answer. Will
not accept a osltloii where a lady has
charge of the house. Address Mrs. A.
I). H., North Powder, Oregon, lluckeye
Thk Mixrh has arranged with the
Press Publishing association, for some
special inducements for subscribers to
this paper. Head page 10; put on your
thinking cap and take tho benefit.
The Capital Hotel is again under the
management of Mrs George I) Tedrowe,
which fact guarantees. tlie best of ser
vice to all patrons.
Wanted A boy fifteen years old or
over to learn the printing trade. Apply
at Tim Mixkk office.
Don't overlook an opportunity to se
cure one of the cash prises advertised on
page 10 of this par.
The most powerful and popular explo
siveGiant powder.
Always reliable Giant powder.
Fiye Days Run Pounds Out $22,000 Rich
Properly remained Idle for Years on ac
count of Litigation Phoenix, Another
long Neglected Mine,now Belngworked
Under a Lease.
After years of idleness, the old Don
luau mine, in tho Hnunn.n district, is
again lHlugoHrated. Sunday Manager
K. I). LcC'litrc, accompanied by N. II
Thlhault, of Montreal, one of the men
who recently acquired control of the
property, came in from the mine with
tho llrstcleau up since operations were
resumed. It was the product of only
live days run of tho mill; was In the
form of amalgam, which weighed twelve
pounds mid was worth about "-,000.
Tho Don .limn has always been known
to ho u rich mine, with tho ore bodies
scarcely touched, but lias long lieon idle
owing to litigation and discord among its
owners. List season tho mill on tho
Ohio was moved to the Don .luau,
has not been operated, for some
known reason, carefully guarded by
close coriiorution. The mill has
stamps and if they are kept dropping,
they will M)uud out a great fortune of
tho yellow metal for tho fortunate
Tho Phoenix, just across tho gulch, is
another old property, long neglected,
tlmt is now producing much bullion. It
Is worked under a lease, tho ore being
treated at the Pyx mill. Itccoutly a
contract was awarded for hauling a largo
amount of ore to the mill. Some weeks
since it was rcxrtcd that this plant,
which is owned by the Guisurs, was to
be moved to u mine east of Maker City,
but Tin: Mi.nkh was today Informed that
the plan has been abandoned and that
it will continue to crush rich rook from
the Phoenix.
Griffith Placers arc Great.
It. S. Nelll returned from u trip to
the (irilllth placer mine yesterday.
Dick says ho has read the published
description of what this property is and
what was being done to develop it into
a veritable Isinan.a, all of which ho
was Inclined to think was considerably
overated, but after seeing tho hundreds
of feet of sluice Ixixcs and tho way they
are constructed, not to mention the
many other splendid improvements
made since the present company has
had the property, he has concluded that
the uepspniier talk was very conserva
tive. Ho predicts a small fortune will
come from those placers the llrst, or
next season, alone. He also has a small
vial of tho yellow product from there,
washed by himself, as a souvenir. ,
Owner of Alamo Townsitc Here.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Hawley, of Port
land, arrived in Smnpter yesterday
afternoon from Alamo, where they have
been for two weeks past. Mr. Hawley
owns the towusite of Alamo, and lias
been to that live camp to iiiauguerutu a
series of improvements, notably the
grading of the streets. He says that
there has been much business uctivity
there this summer, but next season
there will lw a great increase in its
population, and necessarily, the num
ber of buildings. The town is surrend
er! by some of tho Wst mines in eastern
Oregon; thoQuolioo, which a few days
since began to drop ton stumps on rich
ore, tho Om Kino, Alamo, llelehor,
Saint Anthony, all of which will doubt
less bo bullion producers within half a
year, ami a half other promising
propositions on which development
work Is being prosecuted. With such
backing Alamo can't help from lieing a
live, substantial camp. Mr. and Mrs.
llnwloy left today for homo.
Four Adjoining Cable Cove Mines Being
Opened Up.
During tho past week there has lioen
a revival and expansion of activity in
tlie lllg l.iinher gulch, I'nlx'l Cove dis
trict. Several days since W. 11. W.
Hamilton received a telegram from the
Huston people who own tho Gipsy
Queen to put more men to work and
hasten tho driving of tho tunnel into
tho hill. This was called forth by cor
respondence that has boon going on for
several weeks piiHt, and means that
ample funds have been provided for an
extensive plan of development, sub
mitted by the engineer and approved by
tlie men who "pay the freight." This
plan is to llrst drive the tunnel MM) feet
further into tho mountain, making it 700
feet long. Tho work will be done by con
tract, let KM) feet at a time.
Across the creek, on tho Gipsy King,
General Manager llartholf has put all
the men ho can secure at work running
open cuts, to trace tho ledge from tho
creek to tho steep mountain side. The
vein has been striped and revealed by
open cuts for a distance of over I!00 feet,
showing up strong and wide and carrying
high values wherever exHised. As soon
as it is traced to a oint where n tunnel
can lie driven to advantage, it will bu
run in on the ledge. It is now thought
that the ore Isxly for which the crosscut
was lielug driven is not the main ledge
from which tho phenomenally rich ore
has been taken, near the creek, which is
tho reason for changing the plan of de
velopment. On tills proMrty, Con
tractor Harrison is building a Isiurdlug
house, and will also erect a blacksmith
shop and work houre as soon as tho
tunnel site is selected.
I'urther up tlie gulch, 1,400 feet, on
on tho livening Star claim of the Con
stellation group, as was stated in these
columns last week, work has been com
menced driving MK) feet on tho vein.
Two or three days since this company
made a most gratifying discovery. On
tho Lucky Kid claim, :i,000 feet distant,
this same ledge was uncovered, showing
eight feet of tale and mineral, four feet
of which is solid ore. Tlie work of
drifting KM) feet on tho vein at this ilnt
is now in progress.
Contractor Pattio, who was formerly
in charge of tho work on tho Queen, is
now suH!rIuten(lent of tho Owl and
Klephaut and the Mary II groups, -adjoining
the Constellation on the I.uko
eri.-ek side, owned by Maryland capital
ists, and is inaugurating a system of ex
tensive improvements.
A telephone line will ho built to the
gulch this fall, from the California,
Notice on page 10 what Tiu Minkr
offers immediate sulwcriUirs.
' T. ). Harrison, agent for Giant
der commny.