The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 28, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday, Aug. 28, 190 r
Another Case of Novices Dis
covering a Bonanza.
A trip throiiKli tliu Cablo Cove and
adjoining sections shows much activity,
and tlio sumo condition has prevailed
since tint snow commonccd to disappear.
Tliu mini'H aru receiving more attention
UiIh year than in any half-dozen pro
vious years; nioro money in going into
development. Tliu thorough prosiicct-
ing which thu country Im receiving dis
closes many blind ledges, and the well
known ledges are oicning into large
Istdics of high grade ore.
Thu bonding and sale of the Cali
fornia and Iiahy McKco mlnuH, uliout
one year ago, started thu ball rolling,
and numerous sales and HihIh have kept
things moving.
In going up Silver creek, largu nunc
bent of men aru seen employed in im
proving the county rond. The right of
way Iiiih Ih'cii cleared of timber for a
width of forty feet, new bridgcx built
and in thu nilruy placet) corduroyed, in
suring a good road during thu entire
year. Telephone poles are Ntrung along
uud will bu in place in a few more dayH.
The wire will bu extended to the lluby
McKcu mine.
Work Iiiih Ihhiii started on a new build
ing at thu California by TIioiuiih Cos
tello, to Ihj need iih a dwelling and store
rooin, iiIho MHtolllceund telephone head
quarters, iih hnii uh thu Cable Cove jsjst
ollle Ih eHtubliHhel.
The California mine Iiiih forty men at
work in and uliout thn mine, pUHhiug
thu tunnel, erecting buildings, chopping
timber uud getting ready for thu winter
season. The big tunnel Ih to bu com
pleted IIH SOOII IIH H)SSiblc.
At the I tu by McKcc, just over thu
mountain, they aru In tlHO feet with their
croHHcut tunnel, and are making ulsmt
live feet kt ilny. In a little ovcrLtX)
feet they will cut their main ledge, ho
Stiierinteudent Sprague informs Tiik
Minkh man. A few dayH ago a blind
ledge, of good width and values, wiih
Thu Crown Point coplu aru driving
ahead in their crosscut tunnel.
In thu lllg LIuiImt bantu work Ih pro
gressing on the CoiiHtellatiou group,
(ypsy King and Queen. There aru sev
eral claiuiH here that have Ih'cii held for
yearn, and yet the ground Iiiih not in all
these yearn received the required f 100
worth of improvementH. Surely, here
in a chaticu for thu hog killer, so pro
gressive prospectors can have a chance
to develop the procrty.
On the north side of Ijiku creek Hoff
man A Sou and othern are engaged in
IKUietriitiug the hill with tunnels, elicit
ing up Heveral promising claiuiH. On
the south side of the hill, and near thu
head of Crane creek, F. V, Northrop
and CharlcH Koukl are sinking a Hluift
on thu Underwriter, being down 3A feet.
When a depth of M feet in attained a
croHHcut to the ledge will lie run, ho the
extent and value of the ore Uxly run Im
determined, Thousands of dollars have
Ih'cii oxicndcd on this proierty, but the
work so fur in all off thu ledge. The
sumo gentlemen are ulso ruuulug a crocs
cut tunnel on thu Slipnry Jim, and ex-jK-ct
to cut the ledge utmost any day.
Thu surface Indicates u large ledge,
thu ore being highly oxidiied uud car
rying good vnltien in lino gold. The
came energetic prosjHM'tors also havo
several claims on (iranite creek und on
thu divide between Onion and Crane
creeks, all showing up well under de
velopment. All procrtic locaUl by
theae nien are proven before being off
ered to the public.
GrauiU Creek, at the head of which
is the old Monumental mine, is a fer
tile field for the proHpector. There in
no end of ledges crowing that section,
all of which yield colors when panned,
but like all sections there is at least one
drawback. In this instance it is the
claim hog. The whole country is being
held by one man and a Chinaman, the
man doing no work ut all and the
Chinaman doing only what is absolute
ly necessary to hold down the job. Im
agine Vuch an outfit doing assessment
work for some twenty quartz locations.
Of course, the work wouldn't stand a le
gal test, hut where is the prospector that
is looking for a lawsuit.
On thu southwest nlopo of Bald Moun
tain the Start Brothers and W. It. Haw-
ley are oiening up some excellent
clniniK. One ledge recently sold to the
Uncle Sam Mining company has been
cxiioHcd by open cuts for a distance of
five hundred feet, showing a continuous
ore shoot with an average width of over
four feet. Others aru parallel and of
equally good showing. Buildings aru
being erected and preparation made
for winter work.
On thu south western slojw of the
mountain some new comers aru opening
up a ledgu over 30 feet wide with good
average values. This ground is near
thu Ihox and bus been run over by hun
dreds of proHectors, but the Bonuuxa
wiih found by uovIchh in the district. A
little flout wiih found and followed up;
the othern had panned it by. A shaft
is being sunk and Intern tunnel will bu
started, thu ownurs bolng determihed to
thoroughly dovelojK) thu ledge.
Thu nlmvu notes cover but a small
section of the great mineral belt sur
rounding Humptor; the other sections
show equal activity and an equal num
ber of new locations.
BfcM Produced La Year $1342,57.
In thu Inter Mountain's mining de
partment today appears the annual
statement of the Boston A Montana
company, submitted by General Man
ager Frank Kleetko. It is truly a
wondrous showing, reflecting great cred
it on the gentlemen in charge und illus
trating the prodigality of Dumu Nature
in u mont gratifying way. Mont mar
v'iousof all are thu plans for future
work, iiHHiecillcd by Mr. Kleetko, and
rendered Decennary by thu growing de
mands of thu mines. On thu Mountain
View there will bu placed an engine
cuutblu of hoinliug from u depth of 11,500
feet. Thu concentrating und smelter
capacity has of latu been doubled, it be
ing the intention to work 2,000 tons n
day in the future. l-ast year thu totul
receipts of the comany weru f t:i,!M2,
570.04 and thu totnlexHUineH (5,040,724.
4(1. The net income wiih f8,ltll,:i&M0,
which went to pay dividcudn and in
terent on outstanding bonds. The actu
al amount applicable to dividends wiih
$7,01t,7HI.'J7. The dividends paid dur
ing thu year amounted to 10,450,000, or
$43 iernhare, which was 7 er shuru
greater than during the previous year.
Thu bonded indebtedness is now f(100,
000. Altogether thu Boston & Montana
is one of thu best managed and most
profitable mining enterprises in the
world. Butte Inter-Mountain.
Houarr Buy Mla from Gukcr.
Zoeth llouner, one of the owners of
the Standard group of mines at Quart!
burg, completed the purchase of the
pnqterty in that camp owned by Messrs.
Isaac Guker and It. B. Clayton, while in
Canyon City last Saturday. This prop
erty consists of the Daylight, Fairvlew
and Chipmunk quarts claims and Bird
placer claim and a water right, the con
sideration being $7000. Each of these
claims have considerable development,
which shows up a large body of high
grade ore, and situated aa they are, the
proerty is of great value to Mr. Houaer
and his people. Blue Mountain Eagle.
For $JG000
qq HThSIHI l
There has been placed in my hands for sale
what I consider the best $10,000 mining
proposition in Eastern Oregon,on these terms:
$2,900 in sixty days, $2,500 in six months
and $9,000 in one year. j .
There is on the property a tunnel 125 feet
in length, the last 40 feet of which is in ore
that assays from $60 to $70. At another
place there is a shaft 25 feet deep, in ore all
the way, that carries values from $90 to $100.
These veins are about 18 inches wide at the
present depth, but have gradually and surely
widened out from the surface. There are now
50 tons of ore on the dump that will average
$65, of which 50 per cent is being saved on
the plates and the remainder can be retained
in the concentrates. This ore dosn't go with
the mine. j j j j
A better buy cannot be found on the face
of the globe. j j j
o 3
Sullivan Machinery Co.
Manufacturers of
Diamond Drills
Rock Drills
Compressors, Hoists
and General
Mining Machinery
Northwest Office
101 S. Howard St. Spokine, Wash
S. D. Sanders
H. Gillis.
The Golconda
Htwly FittMl ud StuM Witi Nifi
Irak SUfurt, Wins aid Cigars
Sumpter Draught and Pilsner Bottled Beer, Elk Club,
Ramsey Scotch, Malt and Bourbon Whiskies