THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, Aug. 28, 1901' The Sumpter Miner Official Paper of the Town of Sumpter. PUHUMICI) EVBkt WEDNESDAY II V II. MARSH AND J. W. CONNELLA SUHSCHII'TION IMTBS Ollf Vf , Si.oo Six Montht , i.ij ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. Cntrrru at tli poilofllce In Sumpter, Oregon, lor Irantmlnlon through Ihr mills ttconi clasi malirr. A jiiimik over ill Idaho Iiiih iltt-iiltil that tho patent on tin; cyaiiidt! rwuH in invalid, which ilct-ixioii Ih of iiilcrvnt If hllHtltilll'll. That Northiort'li llol contracl, wild to liuvi Ih'cii let hint wwik to Allx'rt iiitixcr, of linker City, limltx like a ruxo to Ih'iiI tla; Mrikerx. Ami now tlu! Navy loiirtiiiciit Iiiih Itruvt'ly tlivitlol to rchiikc Captain For nythc, a veteran with it cplcudid record of forty yearn In the service, for telling thu truth reniinlliiK the Srhl-y-SiuiipHon eoiitniverny. Ho put thu Maine for Htnrlln tho row on l-onj; and McKinley, in pliieinn SauipHou over IiIh nenior olll cer,iuil that in where t ho lilaino Ih'Ioiih. Ovkii near FohhII, thin ntate, u half 1 1 reed lutlian criniiually iiHxaultetl a white woman hint week, and iiimih re port hh! a ti that tho iH-opIo of that vicin ity are limiting tlie I nine, lieitHt, with tho avowed purN)Ho of lynching him. Ho ought to Imi t-auglit. If ho, what will thono moiiomauim'M on tho nuhject of iwgrn lyiieliiug in tho South, tho alitor of thu .SHikeHiuni.tevlow, for iiiHtanco, linvo to Hay alMiut tliiii en no ? Intiik AuguM niiuilier of thu Metal Miner, piihllMhed at MiiiiieiiMiliH, there !h an article rulalivo to an cnxtern Ore pin mine, credited IoTiikHumtkii Minkii, that never apMarcd in thene cohiinnH. Thin MiuneiiHiliH paxr Iiiih taken the ntory from Tiik Minkii, umtl a few mn tenccH coiiUiIiunI therein and Inserted vurioiiH falno HtntemeutHof itn own maim fact lire. There Ih nothing tho mutter with tho pniHirty involved, and there in no uho lying uImmiI it. MiuiicuoliH hcoiiih to U the breeding ground, the general headtiiarterH, for fake mining wheinei. Aiiain linker City mitiiiig oKratorH are complaining that the knot-kern of that town lire doing IniHiiieHH at the name old bland. The only remedy for thin Mate of alTuirn Ih to "knm-k the knock 'ih," cxmimo Ixith the method and the men who are engaged in thin dirty work. The plan adopted hy the iorn there, of roiiHtiug the act mid nhielding the guilty itrtlo, ixentirelyjtitile; It in like tiring lilaiik eartridgeH at a moh tipnoff the fact that the play Ih u bluff. Ami now a neHmer agency in sell ing a mrieit of "nyndlcate" Morien on "ctitpietto on all ihtuhIouh," written by Home New Vork woman who cIhIiiih to Ih a muiiiher of the " inner Hooiul eir tie." Tlila Htua and all of itx kind in the verieHt tommy nit, arbitrary, cant iron, often ailly, rule of conduct. Any one with common bonne, who Iihh lived iiuiong ptviple of culture and refinement, known iiuUuctively what in the correct tliinx ti do under all ordinary aoclal virciuuiitaucv, and would aa aoon think of conHulUog a work on hyaiology to learn how to awallow, aa to look to aomo of thtwe aelf-contitutd authorities on etiquette for guidance in nodal convert tioaalitiaa. The mere fact, however, that uumaroua papera are now publish tag theaa aHiclea ia evidence that many fwojtlpof ao brwdlug at all are trying to brcnk into what Ih popularly con Hldured tho "charmed," uxcIuhIvo not in reulity tho ntupld, vulgar "ptiHh." And a whole lot of mich boorH havu huc coodcd In thu effort. That Portland town Ih a nino Hiot, for a verity. In hint oveulug'H linker City Hepiiblican Ih n coluiuu communication from thu Hceretnry of, tho Portland Chamber of Commerce, explaining that that nugiiHt lxxly did endeavor to Hccuru tlie next meeting of the International Mining congrcHH that hu telegraphed an invitation, which wan never deliv ered. Hut the WebfiMitorn wero chy on that $3000 giinmiiteo and were never in thu running. In thu Democrat of thiH morning Ih piibliHhed a Htory from Portland to thu effect that the noinily heralded, LowIh mid Clark ceutennlul exMHltlon projio cition in Hlumlicrlng; that thu gigantic enterprim) Iiiih el ruck a Hiiag. And what (Ioo.h the gentle reader HUpM)He ban put it to Hleop? Why, thoxu hoiiIIchh cor ioratioiiH, tlie iinaccommiNlatiiig rail roadn, havu refused to Ihhiio piikhuh to the coiuniiHMinncrH from Oregon, WiihIi- iiigton and Idaho from their rcHective hoiueH to Portland, ho that they can meet there, join in a Hiirloin lecfHleiik Hiipper at II p. in., and fix the whole hiiNiucHH, put the bhow oil itn feet. How to Make Blue Prints Waterproof. IuimurHu in melted paralline until wit- united, a immlier of piece of an abtiorh cut cloth a foot or moro square and when withdrawn and cooled they aro ready for tine at any timu. To apply to 11 blue print, Hpread one of thu miturut ed clotliH 011 11 Hinooth nurfaco, place the dry print on it with a hucoiiiI waxed cloth on top, and iron with u moderate ly hot tint iron. Thu pajnir immediate ly iibHorlm paratllue until naturated and liccomcH triiiiHliiceut and highly wuter proof. The linen of thu print aro in- teiiHllled by the proccHH, and there in no Hhrinkiug or diHtortioii. Miuen and Milling. THIS PAPER 'k.'Vs AdvertiHing Agency, 04 and (16 Mer- clmntH Kxchiingo, San FranciHco, Cali fornia, whore contracts for advertiaing cuii lie nuidu for it. ' I" Lew Walker ....ASSAYER Control Work a Specialty Gold Dit Bought Special Rat to Companies ttooad Deer Wilt First Ink el liaitir tUMPTE, ORtOOH JUMPIER LIGHT UD Pflflfi A FULL LINE OF Electrical Supplies WIIIIC NEATLY NIE The finest light plant in eastern Oregon... SEYMUft I. KLL, Om'I. Mgr. mmv DR. J. W. VOGEL THE OCULIST Hat citabllihed headquarter! In Baker City, at Room No. 14. Lynndala Block, and will be there at least one week In each month, and at Sumpter at least two days In each month. Watch lor local notice uf arrival. C. H. t-ENNER Civil and Mining Engineer. V. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyors for Oregon, Wash ington, Idaho and Montana. Engineers for the Sumpter Townslte Company, Limited. UMVireand and Patent Sarttyi. Hat Printing nd DrMfMlnf. W. A. SAMMS, ARCHITECT, HAKER CITV, i OREGON Reliable plans, specifications and estimates lurnlshed E A. CLEM & CO. MINING INVESTMENTS Prtiirtlit titmlnid inf Riseiltd en. Mtnbir Port land Mining Stock Eichtno 2$oi ALDER ST. PORTLAND, ORE. QHAS. H. CHANCE ATTORNEY AT LAW City Attorney U. S. Commliilonor Rooms 2 and 3, First Bank of Sumpter Huiiding, SUMPTER, OREGON L T. BROCK, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Sumpter, Oregon. Special Attention Given 10 Surgery and to DIs. eases of Women. Office, Nelll Block; Residence, uramie street near mm, DR. PEARCE Physician and Surgeon PROPRIBTOR SUMPTIR Q1NBRAL HOSPITAL Telephone Main jj. SUMPTIR, ORROON. INSURANCE. E,L. MANNING, RIAL ISTATB City Recorder and Nourv Public Collections Abstracts Agent lor Fyrlcldt Fir Extinguisher. Sumpter STOTT & SHELTON, am rstou Attorneys at Law. SUMPTER, OREGON SUMPTER DEVELOPMENT CO. SUMPTER, OREGON Owners of all the choice acreage sur rounding Sumpter. Inside residence lots on easy terms. Apply to SEYMOUR H. BELL. Manager. B. L McLAIN MILL WRIGHT ERECTIOM OF QUARTZ MILLS A SPECIALTY Sumpter Oregon CAPITAL HOTCL Basche Hardware Co. . Sumpter GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for " HERCULES " Powder Fuse and Caps C.C. Basche MANAGER See our line of GENTS' HATS, CAPS, UNDERWEAR, Shirts . . . Shoes . . . . . Gloves . . . . . Underwear And Miners' Clothing. What wo liavo not got in thin line wu will got for you . . . Wo alwayH keep a full lino of CANNED GOODS Prices to suit Let us fig ure with you. W. R. Hawley SUMPTER F RANK J. DAVEY ASSAYER AND CHEMIST Control Work a Specialty aoia eiNTKR ar. AKCR CITV, ORCQON p A. E. STARR. Attomey-at-Law fT SKar.Orn