8 THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, Aug. 21. 1901 iyt.iWmi',,.'.W Effi 0 This is the Proposition. OTHEJo 4 SUNRISE MINING COMPANY, a & Owns three full claims in "Proven Districts," contiguous to developed, producing mines. The title to the property is without a flaw. The company is capitalized at 1,000,000, the par value of the stock being one dollar. One half of the stock, 500,000, has been placed in the treasury, insuring an ample fund for develop- ment purposes. A block of 50,000 shares of ( treasury stock is now being offered for sale, to 'continue the development. ;Term Payments ttfe (more. ! &! Price of Stock Zj. Cents per Share, 540 for a block of 1,000 shares. The company can control this price, because all of the so called "promoter's stock" is pooled, preventing it from being hawked around at any price. Work is in progress on the group adjoining, the rich, developed Inter-Mountain mine. A shaft is being sunk on the ledge, in the pay shoot of the ledge, thus obviating the expending of thousands of dollars on dead, possibly useless work. A better buy than SUNRISE stock is not to be found in Eastern Oregon Send your money with your order. If you desire any further information address your enquiries to 4 W. C. Calder, President A. C. Little, Vice-President 4 Seymour H. Bell, Treasurer J E. E. McCaMmon, Secretary f W. F. Dillon, Director SUNRISE MINING COMPANY, Sumpter, Oregon tmmmimmmmmmmmmmMm0mtmmmm0mmm0mmmmmmmm