Wednesday, Aug. 21, 1901 I . - ,J & FREE & FREE 4 FREE & THE SUMPTER MINER I; i 5 f TO-NIGHT fe. And Every Night until further notice a Free Show will be given on the corner of Granite and Mill Street, by the - COMPANY, a DEAFNESS cured on the platform free of charge. Teeth Extracted without pain free. Cystic, or super ficial TUMORS removed on the platform FREE. NO KNIFE, NO PAIN, NO BLOOD. CANCERS have lost their terror. We kill them in a few hours. No plasters, no knife, no blood and positively no pain. EXAMINATION and CONSULTATION free to those holding cards, daily, at the Capital Hotel. When all others have failed, consult us. Specialists in nervous diseases, deafness, and diseases peculiar to 'both sexes. Cross Eyes straightened free. Call and see us. j & j Dont forget the big free show every night. New Songs, New Dances and New Farce Comedies. Come and enjoy a good laugh. Bring the ladies and the children. Our Remedies on Sale at Local Drug Stores. Dont forget the Office hours, From JO to 12 Daily, except on the Lords Day, at the Capital Hotel Quaker Doctors, ikiHiamtarittimrtiHiirtHrtHirti tM,mn j r a