THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, Aug. 21, 1901 The Sumpter Miner Official Paper of the Town of Sumpter. I'UIIIISIirll EVlkt WUIINtSDAV ItY C. II. MAKSM AND J. W. CONNELLA SUIISCUII'TION HATES Onr Yrir Sl Muntlit I.1J ALWAYS IN ADVASCI!. I ntrrr l Hie poitnfflcc In Sumplrr. Oregon, tor lmninKlciii tlitouiih Hi ni.ill 3 trconj clm mjtirr. ClIMinillSH IIIIIHt In! illliruvlllK III Milker City. HhIiImth Iiiuc ii'hiiiiic1 liiiciiirtw iIiitu iiml tiro ri'ixirti'il In Ih1 iiiiiIJiik jimmI wiich, Ami now Ilic SniiipHiiiiiti'H Miy tlml Si'lilcy miii iliuiik iluritiK tlic SuiiIiImk" iiiimiI li.iltln, iiml tlicy will ntteiiipt to prilM1 it. II IIIIIHt llllt llt'CII II pflll'll of n lininil of "llxlitliiu uliinkcy" I nit lid I ilimilt. Tim imvy ili'p.irliiicnt onulit In liny tin' ciillrn output of distillery iiml fi-til it In tin iilllci'iH mill men n'Hiiliu ly. SmiipHini, lilm-elf, could Mill htltllli' il foi IiIh IIi o'i'Iim'I. leu mill prolll tlii'iidiy. Iti:v. I'lmlcrii'L Hiitrc Uiii-m'II, of I lie Ni'H Yoil. 1 .it w mill Onler Iimj.mii' wiih iiiiehteil it iluy or two el i ice, on a cliiuye of extortion, piefened liy .liiinec II. Liurcnre, u repot If r for u morning piipur 'I liu eoiiipliiiiit cliiireH tlml l.iiuieiice, under mi lie -it uictl niiiim, lipptoiielieil Itliecol mid ii'reeil to n pay ment of inoinn foi plotcctfon fiotu liiiiln liy nuenlH of tlio l.iiw mill Older leii)jiie. l.iiuieiice pletelldillj! 1 1 ill t III! mum iiIkmiI In pliieii a uunilier of nlol niiieliliieH in ti'hinlH in Hull city. Itnwl denies the cliiilije, of coiiim'. lie Ih in llie lau mid oidei lillfincr-H for wliill llicie Ih in It and doesn't w tint In Iihio liin jiruft . Tilt: I!:ih1 Oieoiiliin, an excellent paper witli a few liiiprai'lieal lioliliiee wllirll e all iMlLtllt to lmc, to lie tired an Nift'tj nli'r, iih it were a fnw daH hIiii'ii iiiiiiIi' Hh iiiiiiiiul Weaiire ruiinly milieu are not iipmt-m-iI llieir propiitllonal Mium of tiwntioii. 'I'lieie in no i'iiiit in ia:iliou ; dial con leptinu Ih an iiiide-cent dreaiii Hut the Hiilijeel of mining tiiMillou in a teal ily in the tduipe of a knotty prolileiu, in llu miiiiii en lentil wtlh die tilMitiou of iiinrtuiici'H and oilier mh-Ii "lniillt" wenllli, which htaleMiieu of the np'f hiixewieftled with ; alwayn to lm thrown, the Ih'nI lle out of three. Will the i;. O. kindly deote a upaio inoiuent lo the Miliject and mIi die prolileiu " Siiii:hiiiiII, envioiiH mill Iiiih prompted it owner In k to eoiihldernlilo trouhUi to "kniH'k" (,'olniiel I'. Dontiu. In a re cent Ikkiiii of the Otuiilia Worlil-lleralil ix puliliHhdd die fa I ce Htatcnicnt, credited to mt anouyinouH liar, ik'fiKntitcri an an "old timer," that llie Colonel clitiniH to U the author of tho faniouM Union' l'tu'lllc l';lldlnder. The wlmrt article in a mean, cowardly nlnr on that Kuntlo iiiiui, every Htatenient contalnwl tneroln U'Iiik entirely falno; wmo evidently through ignorance, other nmlicy. M it r lux I iiiplt'H of die World-Herald Imve Imh'ii nialltsl to it mimtwr of otiitum throughout tint Nortlivu'M, on tho wr lrnof which in written "private." lie contly Urn rathllnder, ImumI by the Vandorhilt-IUrrinittn nyntoin of rail roail, lnN oxtendisl itn dencriptivo mut tor no h to include territory tributary to the Oregon Short Line and Oregon Hallway A Navigation companies linos. Colonel IKinati wrote tho matter per taining to the latter, as he doea all of iU adverting tho bent in that folder, or that published by any railroad in tite Kiinling the Pathfinder rontentH, it unruly niih limited to thin, fact, for that Ih the way he Ih built. He Iiiih iiIho written an article on the gold fields of eastern Oregon for the t). P. mining pamphlet, a new edition of which will coon bo IhsuciI, nud will cover this ter ritory for the llrHt time. Great Work Done by Army of Protpcton. Tho entire northwest Ih feeling the ef fect of the work that Ih being done by the great army of pronticctorH who took to the IiIIIh for H'lf-prcHcrwitinn when denied the nportunlty to earn their bread by mining Mlver. Thin in why the went Iiiih "hlood the hard timeri" better than the cant. Western energy utllleH dinu'le r and tutiiH miHery into profit. It euiliraciH oiiortnnity an ardently iih a cinuaiiinu bear would emliiiicua tender foot, and wtiugH from misfortune the best gifts of uullir". Tlie hard tiini'M weie never in evidence in the mineral hellHof the, west, in the hcuc in which the eiiHi Iiiih Hiilferid. In many milling M'l'lillllH, of wliich llittto in u COUHpicll- oiih example, llie hard tiuicH iih hiicIi hileneer lieeu Introduced, (he output of copper and it h liy-pniductH of gold andhilver pioleetiiig lo (he fullest extent the liiiHineHi' iulmeslH of tliecoinuimiiiy. Thai the inler-niounlaiu region in on llietlilexliold of mi eiaof exlennixe umii enil development, and that il will lie Hint in (lie line of march mid prntpcilty is evident to any Intelligent lustnwli'o re.uN ariglit the infallible orgatiH of the tiinen. WeHleiii .Mining World. I Lew Walker ....ASSAYER Control Work a Spjrially Gold Dust Bought R.itM to Companies 5 cend U)or West riot D:nk of Sumpter SUMPTCR, 0KE00N LIGHT AND POWER LhSPSLissssssiI M r SLaBtatalssssi I mmm- I COMPMYK- A FULL LINB OF Electrical & ot d Supplies WIRING NEATLY DONE The finest light plant in eastern Oregon jj SEYMNR I IELL, Oejn'l. Mgr. fJR. J. W. VOGEL THC OCULIST Mai Htabllthed headquarters In Baker City, at Room No. u. Lynndale Block, and will be there at least one week In each month, and at Sumpter at leait two day! In each month. Watch for local notice uf arrival. C. H. HENNER Civil and Mining Engineer. If. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyors for Oregon, Wash ington, Idaho and Montana. Engineers for the Sumpter Townslle Company, Limited. Undtrgreand ind Pstint Suri. Hit Printing nd OritiMln. W. A. SAMMS, ARCHITECT, UAKLR citv, : owcaoN Rclljhle, ipeclficatlons and estimates f urnlslied E, A. CLEM & CO. AMNING INV1-STMUN1S Properties Cumlned and Reported on, Member Part land Mining Stock tichenje 2$0i ALDI-R ST. PORTLAND, ORli. CHAS. H. CHANCE ATIORNI'Y AT LAW City Attomty U. S. Commissioner ' Rooms 2 .iml 3, h'irst Hani? of Sumpter DuildliiK, SUMPIIiR, OREGON L T. BROCK, M. D., Pliy.slcl.iu and Surgeon. bumpier, Oregon. bpeclil Attention Cllvcn lo Surcery nnd to DIs. cjsis of Women. Oltice, Nclll IIIock; Kcsldence, (iranllu Street near Mill. DR. PEARCE Physician and Surgeon I'HOI'KIUTOH SUWI'TIR UIMKAL HOSPITAL Telephone Main j. SUMi'ltw. Ouroos. INSUHAhCr. E.L. MANNING, Kl'AL I STATE City UecurJcrand Nutarv Put He. Collecilons Al'slracts ' Agent tor TyrMde fire CxllncuUher. Sumpter QTOTT & SHELTON, stott J ' J. I.MIUTON Attorneys at Law. SUMI'TER. OREGON SUMPTER DEVELOPMENT CO. SUMPTER, ORUGON Owners of all the choice acreage sur rounding Sumpter. Inside residence lots on easy terms. Apply to SEYMOUR H. BELL. Manager. B. L McLAIN MILL WRIGHT ERECTION OF QUARTZ MILLS A SPECIALTY Sumpter Oregon CAPITAL HOTEL Basche Hardware Co. . Sumpter . . GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for "HERCULES" Powder Fuse and Caps C.C. Basche MANAGER See our line of n GENTS' HATS, CAPS, UNDERWEAR, Shirts . . . Shoes . . . . . Gloves . . . . . Underwear And Miners' Clothing. Wliut wo linvu not got in this lino wo will Kt (or yon . . . Wo nlwn.VH kcoji n full lino of CANNED GOODS Prices to suit Let us fig ure with you. W. R. Hawley SUMPTER F RANK J. DAVEY- ASSAYER AND CHEMIST Control Work a Specialty to It CENTER ar. BAKER CITY, OREGON pa A. E STARR. Attorney-at-Law Ctr. cor. Hl(h St. - Suaptor. Ortfoa -i world. If he has made any claim re-