THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, Aug. 21 , 1901 SOME OF NATURE'S STRANGE FREAKS. "Rim Rocks' Moving Lake And Dead Sea in Oregon. Fow w(ilu ruallxo tho Iwauty anil Ifrnndaurof tliu rini'roclcH of oiiHturn Oregon, rikI IjiIco comity I inn her Hliuro of thorn). In fact, many xoplo do not know what thoy look like, anil nomo do not ovoti know what tho word nioaiiH. A corroMpomient to a loading paiwr of tho Htato wan horriflud to mm tho natno of tliomi rockit, whuro ho had referred to thoni, changed to "rnund-rockH" by the managing editor. Throughout oaHtern Oregon, and oh ecially what Ih known hh thu "deHert" country, thiMo riin-rockH are prominent foaturoH. The country Ih a HiiccoHHlon of lovel plaiiiH, varying in width and length from a few miltm to more than a hun dred. TheHe plaiiiH are often Hjioken of an platoaiiH, from their high elevation above wta level ; In fact they are nothing more nor Iumh than u huccuhnIoii of hu hIiih, in many cuhoh rcHomhling cra ter IhnIh, for thoy lie hiiioiiie the nioiintain topH, only lower thuii tho hiiow-cpnmI huiIch Unit have to lie iih cendod from aluioHt every tolnt to roach ilium, and tho till I rim-rockH that tower immediately uhovo them. TIioho pin teaiiH or IhihIiih uro Hoparatod hy thu rlm-rockH aul uloug one Hide or thu other of the large taken towor from u few foot to hundriilH of feet in thu air. Thu wiiIIh of thcKti rockn are orftctly Htriendiciilar, often mhhuhhIii( the u IH'iirance of having Ih'uii coiiHtructed hy Hkillod human IiiiihIh. Ijiyor Hmmi lay er of HiuiHith rockn lie uimmi onu tin- other with thu jointn broken uh carefully iin modern maminry work, with pillum now and then many feet tall to nuxtrt them on broader tuhloH of roolcM. Thuco pillarn, however, are clone together, and although NHncHHiug varloun tdden, from a triangle to an octagon, they Ht ier fectly together. At the top of these walln broad, level rockn lie, jutting out Uiaeveral foot above the nlden of the wall like the leaf of a table or the rim of a hat. It in iaiMnniblo to dencend from the top of thin rim down tho wall or to anceuil from below to the top of the rim rock, except where thu wall in broken by crovaaneH or gulchon or canyonn. Many of the nmall plalnn tlntn aurroundeil have Ihhiii tho nceneof wholonalu nlaugh tor in the pant. Iudiann uihhI to And deer and antelope browning in thuno ba ninn, and placing a guard at the only entrance or entrance, go among tho mil main and nlaugh Ut the entire baud. The deadly way in which they lined to Uro ujtou immigrant traiun from thenu rim-rock la jwrt of thu hintory of thu country. A two duyn drive from Silver luke, the entrance way to the muiu "denert," bringn one to the grentent wonder on thu 1'ucitlc iHiant, Ktitnibly thegreutcnt in the , Unitetl SihIoh. Here in u rich IohhII field covering huiitlretln of acren, in thu midM of uhlch In the wonderful "mov ing" lake. One doen not nee it move in Kint, niul what little rainfall there in in thin Kuctlon doen not oven dampen tho dry naudn, much lens inolHten tho earth. At thin Miint the wind blown a gale mont of the time, and ciirrieH with it clouds ot the mind. In a fow dayn timo tho wind Rhiftn the mind until a oint that wan high lant week in a deep hole or pit this week. Then the wind changes and blown from another direction for a few dayn, and thtin nhiftn tho nurface of tho earth at thin point again. The lake, which Hon in theno nand bodn, in neccn mirily compelled to chungo itn bed con tinually. An a wind nweoin out a hole on the north Hide tho water munt follow ; then it chaugen to tho eant, then south and then to tho went, no that one can noo where it ban traveled about tho des ert for yearn, never getting far from home, it Ih truo, but ntill it travels con nndoruble dintancen for a lake. It is a mvntery to all who vinit thin section why tho lake never dries up in hucIi a place. Thoro ncemn to Ira no springs and there in no ntreum to feed it, and the rainfall Tn light, and being constant 1 y on the move, onu would think it would he abnorlwd by the dry nandn, but, within the knowledge of tho flrnt set tlors of the country, thin lake has never been dry mid bus neither grown larger nor muullcr. Hut thu greatont object of interent to the nclentint in thin nection in the fonnil bedn. The entire mind'covered nection in n fonnil Held. Animaln for ugun have come to thin luke for water, and tin the uged and nick onen have died, they have been covered by the dry naudn and their bod- ien prenorved in nucli it ntute no long that they have Imh'oiiio completely fonnilixed. And uh they have followed the luke in itn truveln, the councquonco in that tho Held in a large one. The inexperienced who have picked up tho potriilcd bonen of theneiiiiimiiln, Hud many, the nocien of which in uiikuovu to thorn, and it is nuid that nieclcn have licou found here that puzxle and interent thu fow nciou- tintn who have neon them. They have been hauled away by tho occanional vin Horn, and adorn many of thu yardn of dintuut ruuehern, but tho field is ntill full of thoni, aud the scientist may find work hero for years to come. Abort lake, commonly called the "Modern Dead sua," is uetter known. It is 90 miles long, with an average width of from 1 to 10 miles, and has a depth of from 1 foot to IH feet. It lies in the deaert proper, with tall rim-rocks tower ing abruptly above Us eastern shore, while its western shore is at the foot of a long range of rock and sagebrush-covered hills. Its walls are so Impregnated with alkali aud other minerals that nothing can live in It. It is fed by a small stream, called theChewaucan riv,er aud a few other smallor streams, and has no outlet. Its waters stand and evan- orate until it becomes thick and takes on a dark color, and is death to every living thing. Cliewaucan river, its prin cipal feeder, in filled with fish. At the mouth of this stream there is a fall where thu waters enter thu lake. The unwary ttnh that have ventured or fallen over thin full are there in evidence to nhow that nothing can live in Abort lake. The shores of the luko at this iHiint are componcd of dead Huh and Hnh Ihmich. Toiih of thenu bonen could bo gathered up, and at certain Hoanoun of me year tue nuoren are iineu Willi linn in all ntuiten ot decomiKMitioii. When the HhIi ttrnt ntrlken thu water of tho hike it makes for the whore and trien to Gentlemen!!! If you want a good suit of clothes, cheap or dear, made right to your satisfaction, go to..... pi.rnn the only taylor in this part I 1 V I H I of Oregon. Big selection of Fall and Winter Goods now on hand TSKnltntrtttKn! Flrtt Bank ot Sumpttr SUMPTER, (5reT tlouuder out. anil if it fuiln. hum the nhore un clonely un xnxille, with itn head f.n.t Itttt tint jtt.Iililtki Ikl llliira lit ulliltl . " . ...... ..... ........... ." ..... . -....., una uuokh, una other water owl Unit that it moven, anil there uro men living uUmnd in this section, do not even light in Uike county who can verify tho fact' inm thu hike, except at the mouth of thaMt In coiiMantlv on the move. Not freHli-waterntroainn. ', i . ii i i There In a mynteryulno connected with only the water moven, but tho luku'.j WUKon whlcll lien at the bottom of thin chuugen United from time to time, mid hike. At the foot of the rim-rocks, ut in the course of u few decuden truvemen a point where they are several hundred .iiMi,l..r,il.l.. inrritorv foot "'" ,,"H WUK Nw 'verul feet coini.lerahleterrltorj. W(Ucr ,mi) Uvn wnj fof n In thin region there Uu continuous ex- m,r((i u j,, tho XtoM thut ,ho ImliH jMuuireof mind betls. Thenaiidinof thu inunloitil iiiimigruntn near this point in finest grain and in of unknown depth. wrly days anil throw the wagon from It ix.iln.ivH.lrv uh It MH-ins to uuver tn "lK,, above to conceal their ItlHMluHtir, un it svLiw to no ur, tfrlllc. iui ik, UlIl.y in Portland ruin to uuiount to uiiythiiig ut thin viegrum. Golden Eagle Hotel Rates $1.25 to $2.00 Per Diy T. T. DANILSON, PROPRIETOR Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. SUMPTER, OREGON If A. P. GOSS, President GEO. H. TRACY, Cashier & Bank of Sumpter 3 TriMltU fitMrtl likklkf iImii Interest Allowed on Time Deposits Drafts drawn on all parts of the world. Special attention to collections. Safety Deposit boxes for rent. SUMPTER, OREGON ,'iiiiWi&iia ....The Elite Cigar Store.... L. HARRIS, Proprietor Newly remodeled and refitted. Smokers' resort. We are daily receiving fresh cigars of the leading brands. No stale goods in steck: Hialy Block. Cor. Granite and Center Sta. Eureka Feed & Livery Company H. K. BROWN, Proprietor Horses Boarded by the day or Month. First class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our spec ialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight and passengers to any and all points. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALEHB THE Sumpter Forwarding Co. E. H. HORNER, Proprietor. General Storage, Commission and Forwarding. WHOLESALE HAY, FEED'AND GRAIN Warehouse and office, S. V. Track SUMPTER, OREGON. DO YOU WANT Artistic Printing? THE MINER DOES IT il