Wednesday, Aug. 14, 1901 THE SUMPTER MINER V BURNT RIVER ROAD. Messrs. Jones and Doane Se lect Southern Route. Al Jones nnd J. N. Donne returned several days Binoo from tlielr trip of in Hpection over the two proposed routes for the wagon road to the Burnt river settlement. Thoy wore gone four days, examining tho country carefully and thoroughly, and pronounce unhettituting ly in favor of what in known oh tho southern route. Thoy say that the entire road can bo built on nn easy grade and comparative ly cheaply. It will leave tho valley road to tho left and cross Huckleberry moun tain about two miles south of the Whit ney extension of the railroad. The road running north from the lSurnt river country will bo reached in n distance of about thirteen miles from Sumptcr, nnd considerably less than ten miles of road way will have to be constructed. In a few days n committee of business men from Sumpter will make a trip to that section of country and confer with tho farmers relative to co-oieration in the enterprise. It has been impossible for Mayor Itobblus to get away during tho past few days, owing to tho absence of Cashier Miller, of the First Hank of Sumpter. As soon as he returns Mr. Kobblns will be ready to go. If this is delayed more than a few days, the gen tlemen will have to make tho trip with out the mayor. Arrangements for a survoy of the route is now being made. J. II. Itobbins and R. . Rtrnliorn ad vance the money for all of this prelimi nary work. The road will undoubtedly be built this season. Sumpter Has Same Card Up It Sleeve. La Grande has a trump card which she can play at any time und make this a city of ten thousand. It is expressed in the one word, roads. Let tho people improve and extend all roads leading into tho city and they will have paved the way for a llfty per cent increase in trade. Hut they should understand that roads are not good if they are merely summer driveways. They should be made passable winter und summer for heavy loads. With good graveled roads extending in every direction and with an electric road to Cove, I-a Grnndo will be able to command all the large Undo of an important and rapidly improving section. This is not advanced us u boom scheme for checking the ravages of the dry rot, a method employed by various other towns, but us u legitimate busi ness plan for increasing trade. m Grande Chronicle. COPPER HARDENING PROCESS. ThU Time a Taeoma Woman Discovers The Long Lost Art. Word comes from Tacomu that Mrs. Harry Kenstrom is preparing to make troublo for tho great American steel trust. This comes in the wuy of tho discovery of ono of tho lost arts, the process of hardening coper, which has been tho stalking ghost of the steel in dustry for a hundred years. Mrs. Hen strom is no theorist or dreamer, but u clear headed, practical woman, who has quietly worked away until now she has produced edged tool of copper that will cut the hardest of wood and hold their edge as well an the best steel. She feels confident that she haB solved the problem of hardening copper and thus making edged tools that will drive the steel article out of the market. She has already through an attorney made application to the department at Washington for a patent to protect her rights and will carefully guard her se cret until that is gained. Overtures have been made to her from a number of capitalists, among them being J. PieriKint Morgan, negotiating for tho invention when completed. Mrs. Kenstrom has been working on this process for years and has read ev erything relative to tho matter that has been written. From her study of the mutter she litis liecome convinced that the hardening of copper was once u uni versal art. The American Indians prac ticed it on Lake Krie, where numerous evidences in the way of copper utensils and cutlery have been found. Among these, copper chisels have Ih'oii picked up that will cut the hardest steel. It is a well known fact that tho ancient Ho mntis nnd Kgyptluus understood and utilized this process. A returned Fili pino soldier recently brought buck to Tucomn u bolo knife found in Luzon, tho blade of which was of hardened copper and KsscsHcd a line edgu and was well temered. These facts have led her to believe that at one time, thousands of years ago, copper was hardened nnd used for tools und wcuons all over the world, and she claims the process was undoubt edly a simple and cheap one, us the an cients had 110 intricate or costly methods or costly machinery. Reduced Rates Aro now in effect to Uuffnlo, Now York. Do you expect to attend tho Pan American Kxpositiou? If so, do not buy your tickets until you have investigated the services of the IL LINOIS CENTRAL Railroad. Our accommodations aro tho best that can be had, our trains aro always on timo, and employes courteous and ac commodating. Through tourist cars from tho Pacific Coast to Boston via Buffalo. If you will send fifteen cents in stamps to address given below, wo will forward you, by return mail, one of our large 34x 40 inch wall maps of tho United States, Cuba and Porto Rice. Any information regarding rates, ac commodations, service, timo, connec tions, stop-overs, etc., will be cheerfully furnished by II. H. Tkumhdll, Com'l. Agent, Third street, Portland, Ore. Use Giant jiowder, fuse and caps. Only the ticst brands of liquors and cigars at the Club saloon of Dumphy & Gertridge. Dumphy & Gertridge's Club saloon is the popular resort for mining and com mercial men. Quartz location notices, with affidavit of assessment work attached, for sale at Thk Minkr office. HILL MILITARY ACADEMY. EBPsSr 'A ft A 1111 ' ft A 4lftll1l for bonrdlnK ami iU ruillH. I'ri'iiariH lo or nilmUslun to an) ncli'iitlllc ftcliool or co:kKe, anil for 1ui nem life. Nw iml completely utilpii- bullrtliiR. Thoroijiflt IruHructlon according to the best method flood Ulorntorl a. M nuul training. Tin principal has rmd twenty-three yrurs experience In Port land. Office hnjiM.. So U A. M.. nnd J 't 5 P, M.. at RSI M '; niitniu. nd oamnhVt containing, M testmony, tc., address. J. W. HILL, M. D. Principal. P. O. Drawer 17. lortlin ', Or. BVWtnBBBQltHBaEteVVflHB swC&ilBEBflBBBVlHflBVBV F. C BRODIE, JEWELER WATCH KPAIRMB A SPECIALTY FiE JEWELRY REPAIUHIB, MANORD SETTIRfl, ETC. OPPOSITE NEW NOTEl, CRANITC STREET. Sumpter, Oregon. ALLIS-CHALMERS CO. brrBrv4rrrrrs3rrrrrrrrrbR' lSSSJSaBiBISllllllliHM(JlSk SHSlMMSkl SMMSMjtMNHM General OIHccs CHICAGO, ILLS. Manufacturers of Stamp Mill, Concentration, Chlorination, Cyanide, Smelting, Converting and General Mining MACHINERY BRANCHES .... Sl'OKAJs'K, WASH., DKNVEH, COLO., SAN FHANC1SCO, CAL. Joshua Hendy Machine Works Nos. 38 to 44 Fremont Street SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA IMPACT WAiun WHEEL Suartz Mining and Milling oisting, Pumping and Saw Mill Machinery, Hy draulic Mining Machinery, Giants, Water Gates and Hvdraullc Rlvited Pipe. J Water Wheels and Water Motors, Engines, Rollers, Pumps and Machinery of every description, J j Prospecting Machinery. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES kVt OPERA HOUSE SALOON SUMPTER BEER ON DRAUGHT BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES AKeiitsforM.'ittlng ly nnd Moore Whis key a 2o-year-old whiskey as good as Elixir of Life. All whiskies are out of bond and guaran teed the genuine ar ticle. Popular re sort for Commer cial Travelers and Miners. SUMPTER, OREGON J wiiiw-r4 THE GEM A. J STINSOIM, Prop. (Successor to Snyde & Stlnson) Only tht Best Brandt of Liquor StrvU Ovir tin Bir SUMPTER, OREGON l -A