n i THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, Aug. 14, 190 10 WILL HARNESS THE SNAKE. Power Will B Developed lo Generate Electricity. II. 0. .McKiimuy, with .1. K. 'Stark, S. M. Shirk mill (!. I'. Sml hh itH-ociiiti-!', lias fllcil on 5(1,1)00 fiihiufi'et'nf the water ofHiuiktt river lit Itoulcy I'olnt, about ciht nilli'rt hlo Wi'Ihit. 'I'liey jm -iro-i to iutitrvt I'UHti'rii i::iiitul in tliolr project of iluiiiiiiin tliu river tliure mid by moans of turbine, wbeeln, fener. nto lileiilrii'ity to ln rmivuyuil t Wcii-vr, I liiiitiiintnii iiihI oilier iiu'c.s to l'urni-li oer for many purposes. Tli" cxtiniiit el cost of liiililin the ilaiu, iin-tiillin;; tilt plant ami ruuuniu; the wires to Weicoranil Huntington woulil h J:'.i, 000. M no placu on tlio SiniKu ilo tli" i'imi (litioiiH appio.ic.li tliiiMi at Kooky I'mni. 'I'lieio is a lock abiilll the miilille of Hie rivi.'r which iliiles tlie water ami rui h it (low it in rillles toward eacliab,mK. On each hide at I lie font of the lillh-H is a natuial wall or abutment of rouk on which the plan! can be built. I'mni thehe pointH tlic two nine's of the dam can lie run illiiK"iially up Htreiini to the rock meutioueil, where theyjueet. Ily means of a boom, llnalinj; ice, etc., can ho diverted to (lie side opposite from thu plant. Within a distance of two or three hun dred feel is a full of six feet. This fall, willi the ureal amount of water in the Snake, would supply a tremendous amount of power, and would generate sulllcieiit electricity to enable this to lie coiiiii a ureal uiauufactiiriu center. It would be a boon to such places as the steam laundry and mill, and no doubt could pump water for the city water works cheaper than the city could afford to. The Signal will await developments in this matter with ureal interest, as thu succcs-fiil consummation of the lie foliations now in pioress would mean morn lo Weiser than we, can conipie hend. Weiser Signal. MlnliiR Industry No Longer Sftcuktlivt. This year th- display of eneiy and enthusiasm in the inliiin states is mar velous, You I'm id it in Oregon, Alaska, the Klondike, Washing IMuh, Cali fornia, Idaho i'vwj w here, in fact. I'm-.-l'ctors are in the hills and sending in tepoits of new discoverica; claim owiioih are busy with tlieir usesMUOiit work and companies aie ruhiu;mcii ami ma ceiuery to their prospects. And in the I east (lie Sunday uewsp.ipeiH are full of j ..luii'tnt tul vin I i mi ill i i.l 1 1 -4 I it it ill tilir nOl I III. ' S'"u '"H "" " ...,....- n path to I'm tune in all the miiiiu,; states. Ilul the mo-it encouraniiirf feature in the milling situiitiou is the new stand the business world is taking in regard to the milling imliihtry. Not mine than a dee- ade upi inluiii); was frowned upon as :u piiuhlu by conservative men in the east, , litiproved methods in the industrial as well as the lluaiicial end of mining have woiked a cbiuiKe in this respect. Tim milling industry is no louder decried u speculative. Men who funnel ly shud dered at thu mention of ut mine am MTumbllii',' for sbare.iiii n"ii properties and tiiklnj? chances in undeveloped pros pects. New Yuri; Km'Iiuiu'o. New Map of llic Cable Cave District. i:nineer V. II. V. Hamilton has just coiniiluted a new map of the Cable Cove milling district, lTx'-'H inches in sire, HlmwiiiK t Ito various proertics there, thu mountain ranges, water courses. waon roads and trails. Illuo iirints of thu same are for sale at Tun Minkh of (Ice at $1.W) each, sent s)stjaid to any address on receipt of tliu price. Ten Dollar Reward. I will Niy $10.00 reward for the return to Suinpter of ono jjray hurvo, branded all., on left shoulder; and ono sorrel nmro, branded F.Q.,on loft shoulder und T.8. on loft hip. ' Kuoknk Haktholi , Buinntur, Ore. 515,00 IN.... CAS H To be Given Away JV (- Si rj Jcl .- at ? .3Wfe tf ti I fit Jr . I 'a ffl ;. lit I if III is H W fl vi ill illy i v ny iiiif v km n! V KM JMI f3S39 . - WL 2,000,OOO.vH RECKON, IN UHIO, MASS., AND IOWA. WMAT DO YOU ESTIMATE? KtaHH K&S i THE PliESS PUBLISKIKO ASSCCMTION Will Cive SIS,000 ,n 1,030 Cash Prizes to tluL innkiuj,' tim nearest c-ti-imte-t on the combined Oliiciul Vote of OHIO, MASSACIIL'SKTT.S uml JOWA, east for Gov ernor on tlio 5tli day or November, 1!)01. K-niiniitL' tlio total voto in tlie.-o llueo States 5 .nintiiiu'tl liirCiovuiniir ami send your i-timnto J imi siib,ciiplion to TIIK SU.Ml'TKK MlM'At $ ml von will receive :i certiliealo whieli will en- Jc itle you lo participate in the distribution ol tlio ?1."),(I0() lo luMiwurded by llm IVess I'ulilisiiin g A.-ocialiun. of Detroit, Mich., to tho-e making liu iieaiest csliinales of tin Official Voto for Gov- $ rnor in tliu htatta of Ohio, Mti.acltr'ctti and -J I own, to be delermined by the hlectmn to ho held V a thu fitli dav of Kuvember, 15)01. Wo lnivo made arrangenicntM with I he 1 rcs iNiblisliiug Association, of Detroit, Midi., to e.n thlo our subscribers to participate in tliu distribu iou of tlie.-o inaynilicont prizes, amounting to ili.OOO. OUR OFFER: !..... II 1 t ,..! J'. .1 i : .:... lIHIIt Will III' I'MI'llliril 1 1 inn tiuiu 11 l'. JIH.UI! im UXTEL WW TIIEIl NOTICE every one who sends us Sl.LT) for six inonth's or S'J.OO for ono year's stili-cription to THE KL'MI'TEIl MINEIt will receivo a certificate which will entillo him to participate in the dislri-. tt mitiou of tlio prizes. l're.-ent suli-crihcrs limy 8 lake advantage of this oiler and their subst-rip- S i !.. .1 : ! ..... (I.., s !2 IS IlliltlU 111 I liu pi ICO in our pajiui, jiiu jjvi. iiiu I I i (. .. ......i.. . it miin a.t mi i ittiiwii i'iii irjir iiiii '- I. l( UUVUIIC' IS IIIIIIIU III lliu iiui;inuiii ijiui , jmi (jvv tuu j.( oilificale absohitely lrec. w"Vnf ,r pcftmtP '1('" '0" K'1"' '" .vo,,r ""hseiiptinn you also ,-endyour estimate. He caret ill to k X I Ull JbLUIletLC W.j,0 V))lir lm,( tdi(ss and estimate a plainly as po.-silde. As soon as wo'ro- jM-eivo your suh-cription we will send you si (eitilicale oftho IVcm I'uhlishing As-ociation, of Detroit, Midi., J fiiililtiiiiiiur I'lini ntl In wliiuli tiill in.fifi. t'jin inn iirivit t'ltlll fitioiilto I1I1IV entitle YOU 1(1 chlllll. A O Will IllU X Sn diiplicateVertilicato with the l're.s I'liblisliing A-'-ociation. Every Mibsciilier may make as many c.-tiirintos 3 a? anil will icceive ilj iminv certilieates as he send-isiihseriptioiis to THE hLMl'lEH MIEK t'liih rai-ers will receive a ceitilieale fiir eaeh Mih-criptioii oblaincd. K J. VALUABLE 1 To aid MitKctlber In formlnp, their eliniate, we fur nit-h llic lullinvlnii iIjIj: A' & 1 he uimt'lnuJ Omcl it Vole In these ll.icc Stall's In INFORMATION I PRIZES TO BE AWARDED AS FOLLOWS: I.5I7.XM . 1,084. io Incri'aM' 0.56 per cent .i,6i(i,.?j ilrcrcie 4.4 " .i.5H.8t iloereive 5.10 " .i,s;0 4S lncrJe 7.11 " . i.gj('.7i8 lncrr.iv.' a ai " .iiSTiiino ilrcrcise 18.40 ' sii,s' Jecrrjse ?.u . .i.bt,i84 liurcuo 7.K1 . .I,(,0U IllCltf 4m 1E.B8 vn-il a" iHui U 1 His ft-iM V B) I,-1 ?. & Theeitilfiealevn llie pcdcMrlos nl llic Suti-s lumcJ tlmnlni; Hip eoniMiivJ Oilicl.il Villi" lll Jclormlni" who Alt ciillili' I in tlio prizes .inJ & he au.irJs will loin iJi- wllliln )odis alter Hit- Olliclil Vote Isknunn. V Tllll SUHI'TIU WlsiKwIII rubllkli Hie names aiU nJJressrs ot tin V succrssliil I'sllm iiis. J. Slitrmrnt o' Mr. W. A. I'uiis. I'rtsUcnt ol the Central Sivlncs J. Hank. Delull. MlchUimi K ? l)f ri'l'V (lorlify, that Ihe Pc- I'uUUIiIni; Aoclsthin Ims ?. .l.'xlHl $15,000 I" U'V Coiitr.il Sivlncs ll.ink, Detiolt, .Midi,, lor fj'ilio exie. I'liii'o.e nl p.nltii; the l'rles In their Contest on the com JJ. I'lnoaDllulil Vnii' nl the St in nl O .lo ,M issjcliusells .111J Iua.i,.iii.I 2' that this 1 tin J 1 an he uscJ lor no other inirpo.e. fa JV ft' I w V u ft- V v 4 To the nearest cotrect estimate. To Hie Mi To the If J Tothc Oil lu the ill Tnlhe bin To the Till T11 the Bill To the gl'i To the luth Tiilhcnext tonrjrest To the next HtK'irevt To the next uaiio.ireNt lo the next 16,1 iu-.itet To the next 180 nearest To the next nuneuest To the next aOo nearest . J15 each .$10 each .. Sje.iclt ...Si each .. $ 1 each ...fjcacli ...$i each 4t3.000.00 , . a,)cMu ,.... iax.oo , . 50.00 . 300.00 8Q0.00 itxioo .... 7t.oo . ... 50.00 3!. 00 159.00 350,00 71000 640.10 510.00 4UJ.OO 3UO.OO M a Total. t)i prlics, amountlm; lo $12,800.00 In Addition to the Above Prizes the Following Special Prizes will bo Paid: To Hie person making the nearest correct estimate be fore July tuth i 1,000.00 To the person maMni; the nearest correct estlmitc be tween July iuth.in.1 August tolh .... $ 700.00 To the person making the nearest correct estimate be tween August 101I1 aiiil September ictli 500.00 Total, 1,000 Prlres, amounting to , $15,000.00 I'reslJenl Central Savings ll.ink, 1Viu;i, .MUh. Iii ca-c of a tie, or that two or more estimators are equally coriect, prizes will be divided equally between them. REMEMBER THATTHE I FIRST JPRIZE IS $5,000.00 SUBSCRIPTION BLANK.... Name. Toxvn. My Estimate. State. X . M . ; M .1 .1 M X M X X X X X X X X X X X X X X : X X X I 3 3 X 3 This is One of the Greatest Offers Ever Made The Cash Must Accompany Your Order. THE SUMPTER MINER Costs You Only $2.00 A Year. You Get The Certificate Absolutely Free. Address your orders to THE MINER, Sumpter, Oregon. 1 WlMWktWIMMi