i THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1901 WANTED RED BOY BULLION. Highwaymen Captured day Near Geiser. Mon- Mnmlay morning HIicrifT Huntington anil Constable Ilaker brought in two men wlio an; Mipponcd to have been im plicated in tlm highway roblsjry of Messrs. Godfrey and Talsir, ownurs of tlio Itcd I toy mine, which occurred Sat urday morning on the (iruuitu road near tlio Hiiinmit. They were trailed from tho point where tlio hold up wiih com mitted to their camp near (Joiner. They wero awakened at four o'clock Monday morning and when thuy ojK'ni'd their eyes were gazing into the muxxIcM of two hunineHH like appearing guiiH. Thuy ar rived hero in time to take (he forenoon train and woru lauded in the jail at Ma ker City. When MeHHrH. Godfrey and Tabor ar rived here Saturday inoriilng and an nounced that they had lieen held up by three masked men, considerable excite- tueiit waH occasioned, hh it wan generally lwlievcd that they had secured the monthly cleanup from the lied Hoy, amounting to Ix'twccu 10,000 and fit), (KKt. The gentlemen wuru entirely non coinumnicatlvo for publication and u dozen uioru or less fool stories wero cir culated. According to tho best informa tion Tiik Minkk can necure, thu owners of thu mine had a dummy brick in their rig, while Hih gold bullion, in a gunny wick, was in a buggy ahead, occupied by Mr. Godfrey's brother and IiIh wife. Thu highwaymen secured several hun dred dollars in cash from tho men hold up. They appeared indifferent to tho loss, didn't seem to care whether thu men wore captured or not, which con duct mystified the mob and started the improbable rumors. An soon oh George llaker wan inform ed of thu incident, be secured IiIh trusty Winchester, of tho vintage of '(12, carry ing u ball thu size of u milled grouse egg, and started on the wnr path to Justice Felix's olllco to secure a warrant for the urrcst of John Dee, Itichard Hoe et al. And he got IiIh uien, too; acting with thu nheriff. Their names are l'hlll Mc Ginuell and Henry llauby, both of whom, it is aid, bad worked at tho Ked lloy. Thu olHcerH claim to have inform ation which convinces them that Charles Stewart Ih tho third man and that they know who and where he Ih. proKjrty they have erected a five-stamp mill, equipped with modern machinery, Mich uh a concentrator, ore crusher and roaster, and all thu necessary appliances for handling thu ore from their mine to tho bent advantage. All of thin machin ery Ih proielled by water Kiwer, and bo arranged that one man can HUeriutond every department. On their claim thuy have threo well dellucd parallel IcdgcH. One of thorns IcdgcH in about two hundred and fifty foot in width and tho width ot thu other two Ih not yet known. Tho qro from each of thorns ledges assays well, thu oru averaging atxut $15 or ton, whilu con siderable ore ban been taken out that as nayed novural hundred dollarH )ior ton. The oru from this projierty Ih easily mined, reiiiring only thu labor ot threo men in the mine to keep tho mill in con tiuuouH oerution, reducing at thu rate of from twolvu to fifteen tout er day. They have had their plant in oieration niucu .Inly 4th, and expect to make their II rut cleanup, since adding tho concen trator and roasting furnace, at thu ex piration of thirty days run. ThuowuerH, Messrs. Mines it Helmer, have bad opMrtunitieH to bond their proierty to eaHtcrn capitalists, but hav ing gone to tho expense of putting in all thu ucccHHary machinery to successfully red ucu tho ore from their mine, their proerty Ih not for sale at tho present time. They exect to continue its oer ation, and will le handHomoly rewarded monthly for their efforts Thoy havu a propoHitiou that in the opinion of many Ih equally aH good or bettor than the fa inouH lionanza or Red Boy mines. Uluo Mountain Eagle. PRAIRIE DIGGINGS MINE. Proper- One of tkc Completely Equipped ti la Grant County ltut few people of Grant county are aware that theiv Ih at present in oHra lion near Canyon City one of tho bent equipHHl mines in eastern Oregon. In thin thu Prairie Diggings mine in refer red to, a valuable ipiartx property owned by H. A. UineHand l'eter Helmer, and situated but a few inilen cast of Canyon City. It will le remembered that they pur chased thin projicrty of the Frederick l.ohman estate several yearn ago, in a practically undevcloed state. Since that time they have driven over 750 feet of tunnel on the projierty, and havu fully h much tunnel which can be used with little rehiring. These tunnels develop the prtiierty thoroughly to the depth of 100 feet, and are no connected with shafts that ore taken from the surface, or any one of the tunnels, can easily be delivered in an ore car in the lower tun nel. Since they became the owners of this Activity in tfac Virtue District. For Home time thu moat serious prob lem that faced the operators of thu new ly organised Uuclo Dan Gold Mining proiwrty in the Virtue district, was the lack of water for milling purioses. A largo well was sunk in the gulch and an ample supply of wator has been secured. i . W. Thompson was in the city yester day and he stated in connection with this item of news that there would now bo plenty of water for all practical pur- kbch. Mr. Thompson said that six men were at work on the property in a winze, and they wero finding exceedingly rich ore. On both walls is good pay ore and it is getting richer as the develop ment work extends. The owners of this property hope to have tho mine in oeration within ninety days, Itebert Fullerton, the veteran prosector, who located the Mammoth mine and sold it to local capitalists, came into town yes terday from his property in tho Virtue district. "I never saw so much activity in the Virtuo district. There are hun dreds of prospectors at work and the sounds of 'shooting' remind one of old mining districts. I have prospected all over the mining regions of Oregon and other parts of the west and I say, can didly, that I think the Virtue district is the richest I know of." Within the next few days a crosscut tunnel of 800 feet, which may be extend ed to 500 feet, will lie commenced on tho proerty ot the uro Mining company. This claim lies between the White Swan and the Uncle Dan projiertics and joins tho latter. Thu contract for this work will Iw let as soon as Secretary Pearson returns home from a business trip to Hutte. The tunnel will cut four distinct ledges. Dcmociat. Never fails Giant powder. Always reliable Giant powder. Those who know the comforts of a good hotel, always patronise the Capi tal; Mrs. G. 1$. Tedrowe, proprietor. The Capital Hotel is again under the management of Mrs George B Tedrowe, which fact guarantees the best of ser vice to all patrons. Sullivan Machinery Co. 135 ADAM! ST., CHICAQO Manufacturer! of Diamond Drills Rock Drills Compressors, Hoists and General Mining Machinery Northwest Office 101 S. Howard St. Spokane, Wash S. D. Sanders H. Gillis. The Golconda Niwly Fitted and Stookid With High 6ndi Xiqiors, Wins and Cigars Sumpter Draught and Pilsner Bottled Beer, Elk Club, Ramsey Scotch, Malt and Bourbon Whiskies SUMPTER, OREGON The New Olympia E. E. HATJSER,. Proprietor (Succtnor to HlNRV FlNOIR LunckBUL in..- nt..t ...... 1 1 in .:.. JHIIU M. villi UrSICfBi CtDlllUg iClub" brand of sardines. Van (Camp's potted chicken and tongue, aevtiea nam, picxieu igs toot ana ismos tongues ! 4"2 Awvnan art i ISwIbh cheese. Fine Old (1884) Hermitage Whis- KCjr Olympia Beer, bot tle or draught. . . Center Street, Opposite P. O. Sumpter Baker City Iron Works HIGGINS & HARDENBROOK, Props. Iron Founders and Machinist General Repair Work Our Specialty. Architectural iron work and bridge castings. Write for estimates. WEST END AUBURN AVE. THE GEM A. J STINSON, Prop. (Successor to Snyde & Stlnson) Only tht Bast Brands of Liquors Sirvad Ovar tht Bar SUMPTER, OREGON -. 4. i,