"Wednesday, Aug. 7. 1901 THE SUMPTER MINER CASE FURNTURE CO. J., r v MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN EASTERN OREGON Anything usually carried in a First Class House and at PRICES THAT WILL GET YOUR MONEY t t i i i t . 1 - - i I - - Elegant Parlor Suits in great variety at WAY bOWN FIGURES. The Morse Reclining Chair, Valore Uphol stered, $11.00. Ladies Desks from $5.00 up. Office Desks $12.00 and up. Solid Oak Sideboards $15.00 to $30.ooNothing like them for the money this side of Portland. Splendid new line of Wall Papers and decorations. Mattings, Oil Cloths, Linoleums, All Designs. Rugs, Hammocks, Lawn Furniture, etc., etc, ' UNDERTAKING -IN ALL ITS BRANCHES 4 Visit our Big Store, Price our Goods and be Convinced. CASE FURNITURE CO. SUMPTER, OREGON. CAPTAIN WORTH MAKES A TALK. Tclb Seattle People of Thk Wonderful Mining Region. The mining possibilities of the Blue mountains in eastern Oregon are attract ing the attention of prospectors and capitalists, and several Seattle men Jiave been tempted to risk their future fortunes in that section.. During the past week Captain Frank Worth has re turned from an extended sojourn about Sumpter; arid his Impressions' dnd opin ions of that section will be of interest to all who have a desire to become corinect--id with-the-minirig Industry. Strld he: "I spent about three weeks in eastern Oregon and traveled pretty thoroughly over a region having a radius of about .thirty miles. I was accompanied by James Bunigardner, one of the experi enced prospectors in that country, who has made'locations that have proved to be among', t Mo best mines in that section. "The country is one easy to travel over; there is litttle underbrush and the .grades are not steep, or not so steep as they are in most mining countries. An other consideration that Impressed me very favorably is the ease with' which one can get in and out of the country. A narrow gauge road runs front Baker City up to Sumpter and good wagon roads extend in all directions. The country is well provided with timber iin'd water "for mining purposes, and frosa indications on the outcropping of the lodges the mountains there are well iupplttd WhhtnlBerar deports. "The most of my time was spent in the vicinity of Bourne, a mining tow contiguous to Cracker creek and Wind creek. There are a" number of produc ing mJatottotaeetibn'BBdi an unllat-' lted number of locations out of which it la presumed that fickle fortunes will be iaken. The Tammany property, in which 8eattle men are interested, has a tunnel 300 feet in depth and presents very good prospects of making a paying mine. The prospecting tunnel on the Jnstice Is disclosing some very good ore, somo going as high as $172.77. The Gold King properties consist of a group of twelve claims that have been located this spring by a company of Seaiile men. The claims all present good surface indi cations. Tlie Yankee Jim1 has a tunnel in 200 feet arid the owners refused $35, 000 for the property a' short time ago. The Porcupine is located on the same lodge as the Justice arid presents some of the surface showings iri that locality. "Many people are iri that district from all parts of the United States, some of them prospectors,, but triariy of them are capitalists who are ready to buy any property that gives a reasonable assur ance that it will make a mine. "About Bourne the country Is pretty well located, but farther west and in the Greenhorn mountains to the south there is a vast amount of new territory, and I am told that it possesses several good properties." Seattle Times. Read page 10of this paper and see what Tn Minbb offers its subscribers. T. G. Harrison, agent for Giant pow-1 der company. Prompt attention to orders for cut flowers and' floral pieces. City Greed House,' Baker City,- Oregon. The most powerful and popular explo-itv-GlMtpbwder. Notice on page 10 what Thb MixeM bfera immediate subscribers. Assessment work affidavit for sale at Thb Mihkb office. Five Hundred' dollars to loan oh apt proved securety. Address A. B. O., care Sumftbb MMaWftSbe: Reduced Rata Are now in effect to lhtffulo, Now York. Do you expect to attend tlio Pun American Exposition? If so, do not buy your tickets until you Jiavo investigated the services of the IL LIN6IS CENTRAL Railroad. Our accommodations are tlio best that can bo had, our trains aro always on time, and employes courteous anil ac commodating. Through tourist cars from tlio Pacific Coast to Boston via Buffalo. If you will Bend fifteen cent in stamps to address given below, wu Will forward you, by return mail, one of our largo 34 x 40 inch wall maps of the United States, Cuba and Porto Rice. Any information regarding rates, ac commodations, service, time, connec tions, stop-overs, etc., will bo cheerfully furnished by B. II. Tkumuull, Com'l. Agent, Third street, Portland, Ore. II. O. Baker has received a freslf con signment of water' melons, cantiloupes, fruits and vegetables at the' Mill street market; Poultry delivered to' order. Thk Minsk is receiving daily, many new subscribers, who are taking advan tage of the special offer, advertised else where in this issue, to participate in the distribution of $15,000. The offer is an honest, bona fldo ono, open to old and new subscribers. Road it on page 10 of Tub Minsk. Something to' depend upoh-Glarit powder. New Mae of lis Cask Cert District.' Engineer W. H. W. Hamilton baajust completed a new map of the Cable Cove minlBg district, 17x23 inches in else, showing the. various properties, there, the mountairi ranges, water courses, wagon roads and trails. Bhie prints of the same are fdr sale at' Thb Minbb of flce'at tt.M each, sent postpaid to any address on receipt of the price: Mining deeds for sale at this ofllco. THI8 PAPERS ?S Advertising Agency, M and (16 Mer chants Kxchango, San Francisco, Cali fornia, whore contracts for advertising can be mado for it. LINES OF THE Sumpter Transportation Co. CARRYING U S. MAILS. SUMPTER-CANYON ROUTE. u:)o p. m. lip p. m. i:o p, m. r.o p m. Lv Sumpter...., Ar At Clifford Lv Lv Ulflnrd Ar LV Ar . Auttln . 10: (o 1. n. S:oo a. m r.f yon a. m. Connecting at Auttln with tUget lor Canyon City ina interior powii. 1:40 p. m. I Lv. 5:00 p. m. I Ar.. ..Clifford Ar t:oi Homnn Lv 6: jo i Connecting t Ronania with ilegei for Roblntonvllle, Worley, Virginia, Don Juan Belcher mines. SUMPTER-ORANITE ROUTE Py. and n:o p. 4!op. Lv Sumpter Ar Ar tiranltt. Lv 10:00 1 r.oo 1 Livery at Granite to North Fork, Red Boy, i ette and adacnt mlnei. SUMPTER-BOURNE ROUTE. Ban- All tlie News Of all the Fields Of the Pacific Coast. Western Oil News PuMletted Every Friday $2.00 Per Year I1.35 For Six Months 75 Cti. For Three Months jab SAksbMB St; SAN FRANCISCO CAtlFORSlA