THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1.901 The Sumpter Miner Official Paper of the Town uf Sumpter, I'UHIISMII) I'.Vrh WIIIM'SIIAY IIY MARSH ANI J. W. CONNliLLA C, II SUIIV.MII'IION MATHS One Year $.oo Six Months .9J At WAYS IN ADVANCI!. kntrrrb nl Hie pustodlce In SuuiptiT, Oregon, lor transmission iliroiiuh lliv nulls as st'innj class mutter It IooI;h iih If tlio day IiiiiI arrived whim tlin mliit'H of fiinlurii Omiiii will not Iiiivo tu !( liucuiiiK f"r wi I "It 11 1 witli which to do dt!Vi'loiinciil work. Tht! ciiiiih mid lilllmirn full of men of nit-nun looking for invi'Mini'iilH. Wii.i. foiini (uti,ririhlMK Individual n-eiirriTl llmnlil ki inkling curl forini'r ly in itH iiitrc, and with uatcr from ,'itlicr tlio rivur or ditch, Ih'kIii to i-prtii-kln tluiHtrcctH? There In tuolmlily mil 11 ltiirIiifrH Iioiihii in any line on (iranitc or .Mill HlicclH that would not gladly pay their proportion of u icui-ouahlc Mini, winch woUMl Kuaramce noon nup-n for 11 mini mid team who would take tliiH matter up. Tin: Iniprefxion In rowiu Hint Hie holdup of .Miwrx. tlodfrey and Talmr hint wrok wat 11 ctniko of mit-dircctcd eulerprlMoon tlio part of out) of tlio Ma ker City paper; the purpo-o Ih'Iiih to H'cuiu the pill hrick and cl positive knowledge an to the amount of the July cleanup information rcpinling whicli the company withholds from the public wltli iih jcaloUH care an if it were clo-el Hkeleton. Tin: I'acille .Miner, puhlli-hcd at I'ort laud, In in inmie of Aii'JUhI 1, in In a much more ncceptahlo form than heretofore, having ali.nnloued the antiiiiated hlanket hheel and ni-Mim'il the form of n Hiapi.iHe. The I'tii-ilic Miner in much heller than the ordinary periodical of itr kind, hut in uellinuolT wnuin on cev eral tiinln; unil nvimlini; there nmttein Tin: M i n i : it uIi-Iiih to hae it heart to heart talk with it. Firstly, it N poiu iik aiietirminator of fraud mid U evidently nsxiduouxly looking for material wltli w hich to make that kind of a play. Apparently, it would prefer to exu a well developed mining fraud than to puhlifh the fiietn pertainlii); to a great mineral ilincovery. For iiiHtance, it terniM the recent re ported llud in t lie i (lend of the Snake iih a "pl.icer hulihle," and thrown din credit on the report. Admit thin mat ter, in another place, it kivh: "Don't he duped into running after that fake Ihioiii in the dig (lend of the Snake river, Idaho. The region in not enough developed to demonntrato itH worth, oxen If it were a rich region." That IiihI M'liteneo in the ohhoiico of find advice. Supo.-o provctorM and mining men nhould nut upon it ; no din Irii't ever would he developed. Itogard ing the whole ImntncxH the 1'aeillo Miner !h ignorant, and nhould not condemn without evidence. Iteputahle mining men nay there in u groat gold deponlt there. IMviil W'IImiii told Tin: Minkii lant week that lie will immediately nink on home ground that he ow iih in that Ycctinu, mill Mr. Wilnoii minon with IiIh own money. Of courn), the I'ueillo Miner wtixt'xtulillnliitl for the urMHoof iMHHiiiug the St. lleloiiH illi-trict, which !h till right and pruiwr, ntrii-tly legitl mute; hut in order to do thin it is not itci-eHMiry to ry wolf nt any other min ing region on tlio glolni. Again, in tin editorial headed "Ono 'i'yK of Stupidity," it ridicules and ubiiHUM an unt-tvrn Oregon delegate to the recent International Mining congrofH hucaiiHO he voted for Ilutto inntead of Portland as tlio place for the mooting of thu next eongruHH. The eastern Oregon inaii'H reanon for hi doing in that Port land !h not a mining town and docn not Hiipxirtthu mining iuturentH of itH own Mate. Hoth HtiitemuutH are true, and the reanoiiH contained tlicroin are nouud and Hiillicient. Ilutto Iiiih inveHted in our mines ten dollarH for every one that Portland Iiiih caulioiiHly, begrudging' placed here. Spokane Iiiih put in twenty- live to Portlaud'H one. The truth of the matter in that Port land 1h a truck-garden, creamery, hay presn town, and never will lie a mining center, bccmihe itH Ini.-ineH men are not built that way. ItH longnuit in reaching out for home kind of a convention that cohtH nothing to get ; a it clamored for the mining coiigreHH, without even pro ducing the if: 11)00 guarantee required. Since Oregon Iiiih been a Mate, Portland Iiiih hogged the political peripiisiteH and gicn ciiMern Oreuon the throw-down. Since men of eliterpii.-e have come here from other Mates and made our mining iudiiHlry one of Importance, the name HWluiHii Hpirit H uiaiiilcHtcd. we inly our chihIk in Poitlaud becaiire we have to, on account of diM'riiuiuatiug freight i a ten. not hecaiiMi we want to; and the benollciaric-i of thin condiliou of affairs ought tout least treat the victim with teigued coiirtei-y and not gooutot t lien way lo mleiiHilv tin hitternenH which uuniiHtaknhly cxIhIh. Lew Walker ....ASSAYER Coa'.rol Work a Spc:lAlty Gold Dust Bought Special Rates to Companies ! Second Door West First Benk of Sumpter SUMPTER, OREGON "& MOW rai mfiii patcmt f.EKDDOnH ROB hueiv mien. uRtson SUMPTER FORWARDING CO. AGENTS SUMPTER ORE. r LIGHT IND POWER C0IM- A FULL LINK OF Electrical t Supplies WIRING NEATLY DONE The finest light plant in eastern Oregon mjjj SEYMOUR N. IELL, Gtn'l. Mir. DR. J. W. VOGEL THE OCULIST Has established lieajquarlers In B.iker Clly. at Room No. 14. LynnJale Ulock, and wilt be llieic at least one week In each month, and at Sumpter at least two days In each month. Watch (or local notice uf arrival. C. H. l-ENNER Civil and Mining Engineer. U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyors (or Oregon, Wash ington, Idaho and Montana. Engineers (or the Sumpter Townslto Company, Limited. Underground tnd Pttent Surveys, ind Dnughtlnf. Blu Printing W. A. SAMMS, ARCHITECT, 1IAKLII CITY, I OMtGON Reliable plans, specifications and estimates furnished E, A. CLEM & CO. AMNING INVESTAtENTS Properties Eiemlned end Reported on. Member Port lend Mining Stock Eichsnge 2S0',i ALDER ST. PORTLAND, ORE. QUAS. II. CHANCE ATTORNEY AT LAW City Attorney U. S. Commissioner Rooms 2 and 3, l-' Bank of Building, Sumpter SUMPTER, OREGON L T. BROCK, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Sumpter, Oregon. Special Attention Olven to Surgery and to Dli. ease of Women. Oilier, Nclll Itlock; Residence, (ir.inlla Street near Mill. )R. PEARCE Physician and Surgeon I'kOPRILTOU SUMI'll K UUM.IML IIOM'ITAL relephonc Alnln ;. SUMI'ItU, Olt(IO,N. ISSUWANCL'. KL'AL tSTATH E,L. MANNING, City Recorder and Notary Public. Collections Abstracts Agent lor l: rlclJe tire l:tlngulsher. Sumpter STOTT & SHELTON, SAW H. MOTT J. F. SHILTON Attorneys at Law. SUMPTER. ORL'tiON SUMPTER DEVELOPMENT CO. SUAPTER, OREGON Owners of all the choice acreage, sur rounding Sumpter. Inside residence lots on easy terms. Apply to SEYMOUR H. BELL. Manager. B. L. McLAIN MILL WRIGHT ERECTION OF QUARTZ MILLS A SPECIALTY Sumpter Oregon CAPITAL HOTEL Basche Hardware Co. . Sumpter GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for "HERCULES" Powder Fuse and Caps C.C. Basche MANAGER See our line of n GENTS' HATS, CAPS, UNDERWEAR, Shirts ... Shoes . . . . . Gloves . . . . . Underwear And Miners1 Clothing. What wo Imvo not pit in tliiH lino wo will got for you . . . Wo always koop a (nil lino of CANNED GOODS Prices to suit Let us fig ure with you. W. R. Hawley SUMPTER :rank j. davey ASSAYER AND CHEMIST Control Work a Specialty aoia ccntcr st. AKER CITY, OREGON C A. E. STARR. Attorney-at-Law Center, cor. High St, Sumpter. Oregon I (i