The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 07, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1901
'i '1
Already Has $300,000 Worth
of Ore Blocked Out.
.funics I1. Mcduinan, iiiaiuicr of thu
Alamo Consolidated Mining it Milling
coinupny at Alamo, Oregon, wan In Spo
kiiuu for a sliort visit at his homo Mon
day, ami at thu suniu time to confer with
tliu bourd of directors of tliuconipany ro
gurdliiK fnrthur development of tliu
Thu Alamo inlnu Ih lonited half a mile
from tlio town of Alamo ami Ih dovol
oH!(l by nliont 1,'J00 feet of tunnel, slmft
ami win.o.
"Wo am at present," suld Mr. Mc
(ininaii, to a SMiki'HmanHovIuw ruinat
or, "rainiiiK to tint surface troin thu :(U0
foot luvul. '11 1 i h !h Im'Iiik done to secure
a freer circulation of air in thu works, aH
wu havu Ixiun seriously retarded in our
work mIiico warm weather roiunioiiml,
from lack of ventilation. All thu work
no far donu on thu Alamo Iiuh been donu
on thu leail in free milling old oni. Thu
propurty Iiuh passed thu prospect
wiijr.o, there lioiiuj fully fllOO.OOO worth
of oru already Mocked out.
t)Hn my return thu lower level will
liu Ntarled, which will nive us a depth on
our oru of KIM) fuel.
"TIiIh dlHtrict will not only he, hut in,
a marveloiiH gold producing district.
VahieH increase steadily with depth and
thu oru IknISch widen. Tliupild romaiiiH
free an far uri depth lias yet lieun ob
tained. "I cannot k! vo you an authentic re
jKirt of thu district, there lieinj? - stump
mi I Ih aKKteiitiiiKoverltoOHtiimpx located
mere. Tliu ihk operator, do not care to
make puhlic the product of their mills,
hut jud;iuK from the monthly doosits
of Hold hrickH in the liuuks from the
miucri in thiH district, there are Home
mines producing as liifli i)H $100,000
monthly, while several reach thu fit),
(MK murk.
"Tliu gold production for thu year
UKH), within a radius of ton mileri of
(irauite, Oregon, which Ih fix miles
from Alamo, wan $I,'.'L'8,(HM). Many
projierlles, and meritorious ouch too,
are cIiuukIuk bands thin summer, and 1
am plenned to note that Spokane particH
and companies organized in SjHikane aru
securing Home of the liest undoveloK'd
"It in a nuiHiiillcenl country to mine
in piod roads, good thuher, excellent
water owcr and cany formation to
break; these aru thu conditions gener
ally exiHtin. SM)keHiiiun-Kevluw.
The Calumet Ilecla, of Michigon, is
thu only mine outside thin territory
which has .aid over $1,(HX),0(M) in divi
dends thiH year, hut there aru three
iniiieH in Ituttu which havu paid more
than that, and two of which have either
paid iih much an thu C. & II.
In Colorado the following named
iniiieH havu paid in dividends thiH year
thu hiiiiih hIiowd exceeding $100,000:
Doctor-Jack Pot, $174,000; Klkton Con
Holidated, (150,000; Child Coin, $180,000;
IndeKiudeiice, tlHl.UTfr; Portland, $3(10
000 jHmugglur, $180,000; Stratton'H In
duiciidcncu, $.'107,502. Thu following
iniiieH in thu Pacific Northwest, includ
ing Montana, which have paid over
$100,000 for thu first nix months of this
year are as follews: Alaska Goldllelds,
$i:i.ri,000; Amalgamated, $3,000,000;
Hoston & Montana, $.'1,000,000; Center
Star, $105,000; Montana Oru Pur. Co.,
$480,000; St. Kugenu, $210,000; Alaska
Treadwull, $150,000; Acaconda, $2,400
(MK); Hunker Hill t S., $1211,000; Kmplro
State-Idaho, $282,1(25; Parrot, $(181),550.
There were thirty-two companies or
mines in Colorado reporting dividends
for the first six mouths of this year, and
the total amount reported was $2,317-
051. During thu same period twenty-
three mines in the Pacific Northwest re
ported dividends amounting to thu snug
littl.isum of $11,180,375.
ASiv SZ2,
A Line of Woolens and Spring Suitings
such as would be found In a large city.
Look for yourself. Work guaranteed
and prices right.
Mid weir stor clothe!
Gruntle Street, Next to
First Bank ol Sumpter
Sumpter, Ore.
Excellent Showing McU by Northwestern
'Mining," published at Ssikune, pub
llshes some interesting facts regarding
dividends paid by mining companies tliu
tlrst six mouths of this year. Of course,
no Oregon mine in mentioned ; they nev
er are. A list of mines that havu paid
over $100,000 during that time is given.
Tee re are at least a half dozen such in
cahtern Oregon, one that could havu
paid that much a mouth, but this statu
does not receive thu henellt of such ad
vertising. Mining says:
During the llrst six months of this
year the copier milieu of Michigan paid
$4,207,700 id dividends; at the same time
or during thu sumo orlod thu copor
mines of ltutte, Montana, paid $0,500,
550 in dividends, or more than twice as
much as thu former. Thu leud-xinc
mines of Missouri have uid in divi
dends (or thu first nix months of this
year $140,008, during which period tliu
lead-silver mines of thu Cieur d'Alenes,
Idaho, huve juiid $438,325 in dividends.
Be Over Three Miles Lone
Handle 200 Tons a Day.
Almost every day iuiiortaiit move
ments aru taking place looking to thu
advancement 'of the famous Seven Dev
ils district. Asidu from thu welcome
news that thu P. I. & N. railroad will
immediately la-gin building its line to
this camp, nothing has created a greater
interest than thu fact that thu Hoston &
Seven Devils Copper company will be
gin constructing tliu big teriul tramway
from their famous Peacock projierties to
the railway in l.andore. The railway
terminus for thu lino will bo immedi
ately north of Hotel l.andore, near thu
bins just completed at thu Do corah
mine. Thu location is a splendid onu as
a very great saving will bomadu in thu
construction of thu big bins.
Mr. William Dusedau, of Denver, rsp
resentiug tliu well-known Dusedau Wire
KoHiway and other systems of teriul
trausMirtutiou, has lieon here several
days looking over thu ground and mak
ing full investigations. His work was
very thorough and his rosrts will bo
submitted to his companies, the outcome
of which aru anxiously watched.
Tho lino will Iks about three- and a
half miles in length and will have three
stations, ono at each end mid tho third
somewhere near thu center. To com
plete this very important project it will
reipiiro from 50 to 75 men, about 400,
000 feet of lumber, besides tho immense
amount of other material needed. A
very great saving will be niudo in its
construction, from thu fact that tho lum
ber, etc., can be manufactured on thu
ground. It is uxccted to have the
lino in operation within ninety duys.
Thu cu.Micity ut first will be 200 tons per
day, but will be increased as require
ments demand.
Thu completion of this tramway will
mean u tremendous saving to thu Hoston
& Seven Devils company, as the ore can
then bo transported from thu mines to
railway at 1-nndoro at thu estimated cost
of 13 wilts er ton. Seven Devils Standard.
New Map of the Cable Cove District.
Engineer W. II. W. Hamilton has just
completed u new map of the Cable Cove
mining district, 17x23 inches in size,
showing tho various properties there,
the mountain ranges, water courses,
wagon roads and trails. Blue pints of
the same are for Bale at Tub Minkx of
tice at $1.50 each, sent postpaid to any
address on receipt of the price.
Golden Eagle Hotel
Rates $1.25 to $2.00 Per Day
Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. SUMPTER, OREGON
A. P. (JOSS, President
A. J. GOSS, Cashier
S Bank of Sumpter 3
TnniicU a Otnaral linking lailnui
Interest Allowed on Time Deposits
Drafts drawn on all parts of the world. Special attention to collections.
Safety Deposit boxes for rent.
....The Elite Cigar Store....
L. HARRIS, Proprietor
Newly remodeled and refitted. Smokers'
resort. We are daily receiving fresh cigars
of the leading brands. No stale goods in
Healy Block.
Cor. Granite and Center Sts.
Eureka Feed & Livery Company
H. K. BROWN, Proprietor
Horses Boarded by the day or Month. First
class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our spec
ialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight
and passengers to any and all points.
Sumpter Forwarding Co.
E. H. HORNER, Proprietor.
General Storage, Commission and Forwarding.
Warehouse and office, S. V. Track SUMPTER, OREGON.
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