Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1901 12 ' t THE SUMPTER MINER TALK OF THE TOWN. Them tiro no lillo inlnorH in thin fee tlon now, who euro to work. Dr. Tupo ciunu up from IiIh Hot I.nko Hiiiiitiiriinu yt-ctunliiy on InihImwh iwit turc. W. K. Knhler I1111I 11 car load of hay liiinicil on tho "Y" lxlow town hiHt wuk. V. T. Craij;, of UoIho, !h vIhIUhk' IiIh friund, (icnural .Muniwr Klllun, of thu California. , Father DcHinaraln, of linker City, will hold iiihhh in llcaly'H hall Sunday inonir hiK at K o'clock. Coiiipctltloiiuiiionn tin; powder tleiilorH !h livoly now and all aru taxed to their lltlMO.Mt to (ill ohIlth. Dr. .1. .1. Kinder and wifu have 'ono to their former homo in Xuwheor, Oregon, to reninlii for eevernl montliH. Tho HuhcIiu I lardwaru company in vir tually nvurriiii with ImihIiiuph, whicli Ih this henvlext in tho hlntoryof that limine. .Mrn. V. D. HatiHforil, of IVndleton, !h vicithiK her daughter, Mrn. .1. II. Iloh IiIiih. TIiIh in her llr4 trip to Kuiupter. S. K. Dilllnlmeker, of Spokane, who in largely interested in tho Hold Hun-drizzly, Iiiih heeu In Suinpter for mhiio dayn pant. Mien Kiln Carlinlo, telephone agent at Arlington, arrived thin afternoon and will viell ne vera I davn with Mrn. I.. 0. lMuanln. I.. Iliifh l.ivermore, until recently edi tor of the Maker City Herald, in in Similiter thin week, doing time in Tut: Mi.siat ollk-e. Night Ollleer llerrou and family left tliiH noon for the xuumiit of llnld inimii tain with himiiiKH'kx, eanip parapher nalia and guiiH, John I'eiiliale, who formerly repre Dented thu Hunker Hill mine here, Ih ex lected to arrive thin week from thu cant, where Iiiih U'un for over a year. Charlert I. I'lyuu and wife, of linker City, aivoinpauied by II. Ilcralioy, of Canton, Ohio, riiiuo up Monday and vifittil the Cracker Creek miucH. I'lPHtiiianter .lewutt, .lint Mike), Coun cilman ri Hi it and Tliad Itelllnger will have IIhIi ctorien galore to relate, when they return from their Trout creek ex cursion. Mr. and Mrn. Lindsay, of Portland, are guest h of thu Delmouico. Thu lady Ih thu assistant state manager of thu Vlavi company. Shu will remain here a couple of weeks. Messrs. Otness, Mather and Isaacs, of Gipsy King force, spent Sunday in town. W. II. Mather, while here, made a writ ten proposition to Gipsy King Gold Mines, company to take a contract for ex tending thu tunnel HH) feet mid taking pay in stock at thu present market price. The Ixiys all have thu utmost faith in that proxrty. Colonel Grayson wan In Suinpter yes terday. IIu snyo liu has n force of men at work on tho road to the IJaby McKuuj also that a rich Htriku was. recently made in IiIh I-ast Chance. .1. N. Ksselstyn, manager of thu Moun tain View mine, sent out an increased forcu of inon and supplicrt today. The Mountain Viow Ih owned and being oi- united by 1'ortland people. MessTH. Nelll and Canfleld returned several dayo nlnco from tho Hot SpringH near 1'rairiu City, whoru they Hpent a week. They cay that resort in practical ly without guests, this sensoi). I,. K. HoyHo Hiiyn ho exjiectH Anthony Mohr to leave Milwaukee, with a party of capitalists, headed forSumpter, about August 10. Thin is an Important move In thu Sumpter and Hoiirnu electric lino deal. I. D. Quadri. a Cable Covu minor, came in Saturday with a line box of trout, which lie had caught In Mull creek. Some of thu beautieH measured eighteen inches and were thu genuine mountain species. Dr. Greenleo and family, Mrs. Suy moiir Hull and son, Mrs. V. C. llrodlu and sou and Walter West burg aru enjoy ing camp lifu and thu mountain breezes of Cablu Cove. Parties coming from theru mention their quarters as the "llloonier Camp." George I). Itiishmore, thu popular travelling representativu of thu. J. Mid ler company, of linker City, was hero yesterday doing a record breaking tradu with thu Old Maturity cigar, of which his house is thu distributor. Mrs. Pattiu, wifu of thu superintend ent of thu Gipsy Queen, has beuu thu guest of Mrs. W. 11. W. Hamilton for a week past. This Ih her llrst trip to town since last October. Mr. Pattiu arrived from thu mine last evening and will re main hero for several days. Dr. llrock was called to Whitney Sat urday evening to attend a four-year-old child of Sheriff Huntington, who hud lieen bitten in thu face by a dog. No permanent Injury will result. After dark, before reaching Whitney, tho doc tor says he saw a lear near thu road Twenty-Five Abandoned Arastrat. M. K. Haiti came in this forenoon from the Cable Covu district, where he lias lieen prosiH'ctiiig for a couple of weeks past. I.Ike all who bavu boon theru, bo is moru than pleased with thu showing, and has located several claims. He has Ik-uii on Graiiito creek most of thu time, and says that along that stream there aru at least twunty-llvo old arastras, which in years gone by treated tho freo milling rock found on tho surface, and were abandoned when the oru turned base with depth. Much of that country, he says, has liccn placer mined in an amateur sort of way. Notice on page 10 wbut Tiik Miner offers Immediato subscribers. SEE! SEE!! SEE!!! Neill Mercantile Co. FOR MEN'S WEARING APPAREL SEE! SEE! SEE! GROCERIES Full Line Staple & Fancy Goo.ds Tobaccos, Oranges, Candy and Nuts. Everything carried in a first-class grocery store Sumpter Grocery M.J. WHEELER, PROPRIETOR ELLIS BLOCK, SUMPTER, OREGON. Ingersoll-Sergeant Drill Company 227 S. W. Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah BRAND PRIX AND BOLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION, 1900 Ingersoll Sergeant Du plex Class "D" Belt Driven Air Compressor This type also built compound, with inter cooler. See catalog 3 j Rock Drills, Coal Cutters Pull line of Duplicate Lrill Parts In Stock. S. G. MURRAY MANAGER Shoes on Our Hands that should be on your feet. Little prices and big values will make the transfer. SPECIAL PRICES On men's and boy's shoes, 'till certain lines are gone, will be a saving on your foot account. At $2.50 the Brown Queen Bee is the best shoe for the price and ladies' feet. Yours for a shoe trade, Hobson Mercantile Company. o o TSTTFWTSTnTSTTSTnTTST THE SUMPTER DRUG CO., OWNS THIS SPACE. WATCH IT!. JLOJLOJLOJLOJLOJLOJLSLSULiLJL OH OLD MATURITY CIGARS raj. ma a. DISTRIBUTORS AKER CITY. ORE. J S