The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 07, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 48
N. J. Sorcnsen Buys for Cash the Old
Carpenter Ditch and Placer Ground
Local and Minneapolis Parties Pay $35,
000 for the Famous California This
Mine Will be Worked on an Extensive
Scale Improvements already Begun.
Besides several of which Tin: iMiNKit
Iiiih boon requested to say nothing, dur
ing tho past week two iinnrtHiiil niiu
lug deals lmo boon consummated.
Neil .1 Sorenson hint Friday paid thu
Cleaver Brothers cash for tlio old Car
penter water ditch and HO iiltoh of pla
cdr ground, near Alamo. The purchase
prico has not lieon made public. Mr.
Soreifen in already busily engaged mak
ing extensive improvement on and put
ting thin old property in shape for active
operations next year. In fact ho in
workim; it now on u small scale, but in
hundicaod on account of the scarcity of
water, lie says thiH is tho dryest season
eastern Oregon has know u for many
yearn and bin chief concern ut proHont
is to add to hit water mipply.
Mr. Sorenson inadu ft pronounced suc
cess of tho Grilliu placers, which ho
bought about a year ago, and iri of tho
opinion that IiIh recent purchase will bo
at least equally successful. Ho is a
miner who tukes tho gold out of tho
ground and that is tho kind this region
wants, needs and honors.
Tho other transaction involves tho fa
mous old California, in tho Cable Cove
district, regarding which much has al
ready been printed in the newspapers of
tho Northwest since tho deal was closed
a week ago. The transfer is from Hen
ry, Bessie F., and W. F. Cablo to J. h.
Michaels, L. S. Ovitt and Henry M.
Farnham, trustees for tho Turnagain
Arm Gold Mining company, of Minne
apolis. Tho consideration Is $36,000,
and tho terms of tho sale, according to
tho pajHirs Med with tho county record
er, calls for tho payment of $7,500 in
cash ; $7,500 on or before January 1,
1002; and tho balance of $20,000 lieforo
June !t0, HHtt. Tho purchasing com
puny is given immediate possession of
tho property, but all revenues derived
from the operation of tho mine are to bo
paid hito the First National bank of
Baker City, to bo divided as follews: 50
ior cent to the purchasers and 50 jht
cent to tho old owners to apply on the
purchase price.
This is tho property that was bonded
by Messrs. Killen & Warner, of Suin
ter, some months ago, and was lncorK
ratedasand has been worked by tho
California Gold Mining company. These
gentlemen retain their interest in the
mine and Mr. Killen will lw tho gener
al manager. He stated to a Minkh rep
resentative yesterday that tho stock
holders in his coniany will be fully
protected ; that stock in the new com
pany, which owns considerable more
proiwrty than did the old, will be issued
to them in lieu of tluit now held.
He says that the mine will be operat
ed on an extensive scale. Men are now
at work building additional houses and
as soon as they are finished, the
working force will be Increased to about
fifty. The first work to be dono will be
the Improvement of the road from Han
over to the mine. This is absolutely
necessary, In order to got in tho new ma
chinery that will soon lw installed. It
is the purMse of the new ow ners to open
up tho mine so that the out put shall at thu
earliest possible date reach tho maxi
mum. With this end in view, machinery
has been ordered with which to drive
another tunnel to open up a large know u
ore body. Tho county will stand half
tho cost of tho road improvement. The
company will put in a store at the mine,
extend the telephone lino from Iluuocr
anil have a post olllco established there.
Messrs. Killen Warner hao worked
hard and long on this deal and they
richly deserve congratulations which
they are receiving fiom all quarters.
Had $400 Worth and While Drunk "Tipped
It Off."
On Monday ueuing Onto Johns and
Hen Oppenheliner, a Portland traveling
man, drove in from Whitney, bringing
ouo C. M. Muddy, who it is understood
had applied to them for a lido. On
their arrival hero, Mtuldy was turned
out to tlio authorities, having bad In
his xsscssinu about $100 worth of amal
gam, supposed to have been stolen from
the Ited Boy mine, near which it is
claimed he had camped. The circum
stances in tlm affair apHar to Iks, that
while at Whitney, Muddy, who was con
slderably intoxicated, asked for u'rido to
some point, which was granted him,
and that while on tho road it was learn
ed that he had a quantity of amalgam,
w filch ho claimed came from a property
of his own, but tho suspicions of Johns
und companion being aroused, they con
cluded to bring him on into Sumpter,
as above stated.
Up to this time Muddy has been un
der surveillance only, awaiting a war
rant from the Grant county olllcials, no
direct charge being made against him,
although it is said he will not bo allowed
to leave until ouo is made. The man is
said to have worked for thu Kid Boy
Ktople some time ago and about ouo
year ago was employed in the smelter
hero. Ho also worked for the Klectrlc
Light company for somo time.
Latkii. Deputy Sheriff Ooloy arrived
from Granite this afternoon with a war
rant sworn out by thu Ited Boy coplo
and has taken Muddy homu with him.
Constellation Will Drive 503 Foot Tunnel.
Immediuto and extensive develop
inont will begin on tho Constellation
Gold Mining company's proerties In
the Cablo Cove. Contracts will bo let
this week for 500 feet of tunnel work.
The recent assays from the main vein on
tho Evening Star claim of thu group
hae been so satisfactory as to warrant
this move, on the part of tho company.
Other urinanent improvements will bo
added and all put in the very best min
ing order for steady work through the
winter. Much more might bo said in a
favorable way of the Constellation, but
for the conservatism of tho operators.
Ten Dollars Reward.
I will pay $10.00 reward for tho return
to Humpter of ouo gray horse, branded
211., on left shoulder; and one sorrel
mare, branded F.Q.,on left shoulder and
T.8. on left hip.
EuaitNK Bahtiiolk.
Sumpter, Ore.
Don't overlook an opportunity to se
cure one of the cash prices advertised on
page 10 of this paper.
Proposed Route Inspected Sunday No Ob
stacles Will Be Encountered Al fones
and I. N. Doan Are Now Carefully Ex
amining Two Routes When They
Report a Survey Will Be Made R. E.
Strahorn Pay Half Preliminary Cost
County Will Stand HIf Construction
It. I'. Strahorn arrived in Sumpter
lust week. Ho hus Iktii cry busy with
his private uffulrs, hut hus found time to
stir up the town on that Burnt river
wagon ro.ul and gio the worthy enter
prise such u start (hat it will undoubt
edly ho consummated. Mr. Strahorn
stated to a Mini ii representative that ho
feels some hesitancy about coming in
here, non-resident that he is, und urg
ing the citiens of Sumpter so persist
ently to do something uImiiiI which tin ) y
seem to hu so utterly indifferent.
"I don't want to appear fresh," he
said; "hut I know from long experience
in soveral new western towns, how
vitally iniKirtaut good wagon roads are.
Of cnuso, this matter liciiollts mo per
sonally only Indirectly. Thu merchants
are tho ones who will receive tho
direct lieuelil. Sumpter must get in
and do something for itself, or It will bo
distanced in tho race for supremacy."
Sunday Mayor Bobbins, K. II. Horner,
of tho Forwarding company, and G. W.
Williams, of the TrausHirtation couif
any, accompanied Mr. Strahorn over the
cut-off' (Hirtion of the promised route.
They say it is entirely feasible, that a
road can there lie easily constructed.
As a result of this trip and the ensu
ing discussion of tho matter, Al Jones
and J. N. Doan volunteered their ser
vices to go over the ground all tho way
and examine it carefully. Yesterday
they started out with camping outfit
and pack animals and will put In four'or
five days examining two routes, prelimi
nary to actual survey of tho ouo consid
ered best. Upon their return they will
rejMirt in detail and survey will lw or
dered. For all of this preliminary ex
police Mr. Strahorn offers to pay one
In a few days a committee of Sumpter
business men will go to tho Burnt river
section mid confer with tho ranchers
there, with a view to obtaining their co
oK)ratiou, which has already been un
officially tendered.
Then tho task of raising tho money
hero in Sumpter for constructing thu
road will Imi tackled. It ought not to Ui
itdilllcull one. It needs no argument to
convince that money cannot Isj more
profitably invested. No estimate hus
boon inudo as to the amount required.
County CommbsiniiorGlcasou was pres
ent yesterday when Mr. Strahorn was
talking to a Misfit representative on the
subject, and hu then stated that thu
present olicy of the county Is to put up
one half of the cost of road building
when individuals contribute the remain
der, and he did not doubt but what it
would bo done in this case. Of course,
Mr. Gleasou can lw relied upon to use
his influence and best efforts in this di
rection. Big Deamnd for Mining Stocks.
K. Sanderson Smith has rented thu of
fice adjoining Tiik Minkh building and
will enlarge the scope of his mining bus
iness. He is known as a mining man
of ability and character, from Now York
to Alaska. Heretofore he has confined
hit operations to reporting on and deal
ing in mines. Of course this will con
tinue to Imi thu principal feature of his
business, hut in future he will also han
dle stocks In promising, reputable com
panies. There is no broker in Sumpter
dealing in stocks of companies in which
they are not interested, and tho demand
from th" cast for eastern Oregon stocks
is growing so rapid that it is thought
an in dependent broker can do a big bus
iness in that line, lingers can rely on
the fact tlTntMr. Smith Is a mining man
of excellent judgement and is absolutely
trust worth v.
Efforts to Increase Present Supply Will
Be Stored Next Season.
This is the "drjest" season the Bluo
mountains have experienced for many
ycuis. The sumo thing wus suid by old
timers lust summer. An unusually
hcuvy snow fell during tho past whiter,
and it wus hoped that the water supply
would bo ample; but thotutom-u heat of
early July days melted it all very rap
idly, and now tho mountain streams
are fed by springs alone.
As a result of this condition, thu city's,
supply of water is very meager, and tho
Water company is the target for many
kicks. Regarding tho matter, It. K.
Strahorn, the owner of tho system, says
ho is not to blame; that when ho took
charge of the pnqiorty last season, ho
had to rely on tho testimony of those
w ho had been here a number of years.
They all told him that Wind and Polo
creeks would furnish more water than
the city could possibly use, if thu supply
went guarded against waste. Ho made
all the improvements suggested, but
there is again a partial water famine.
Mr. Strahorn says this will not occur
another year. At the head of both
streams there is a natural reservoir, in
which thu water can 1st retained by
building dams across tho gulches. This
hu will do this season, and says enough
water can bo stored to lust this town u
mouth, during thu dry spell, even if tho
source of supply should dry up entirely
during that time.
An effort Is now being made to in
crease the teinKirary supply for tfie im
mediate future hy sinking to bedrock in
Isith streamsiind tunneling from thohot
tom of the shaft into tho hills. It is
hoped that this will add twenty-five ior
cent to tho present supply.
Mr. M ('amnion, tho local manager of
the company, is doing everything In his
power to prevent consumers from exjier
iiicing serious inconvenience. With this
end in view, ho asks that everyone ho
careful and guard uguinst leakages. In
order that there shall Imi plenty of water
In ciimi of lire, that In thu reservoir is
reserved for that purpose exclusively,
that for tho city going direct from tlio
ditch into tho pipes, livery night, from
11 to 5 o'clock, the stream is turned into
tho reservoir and it watchman is kept
there all tho time, to upon the gates in
case of fire,
Tiik Minkh is receiving daily, many
new subscribers, who are taking advan
tage of the sjieciul offer, advertised else
where in this issue, to participate in the
distribution of $15,000. Thu offer is an
honest, bona fide one, omjii to old and
new subscribers. Head it on page 10 of
Tiik Minkh.
Something to depend
upon Giant
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