The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 31, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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    Wednesday, July ;i, 1901
California Prospector Failed in Idaho, Will
Come to Sumpter.
Peter Johnson, a California nrospect-
or, who passed through Portland several
months ago, en rou'o to the Hitter Root
mountains, in search of the famous Rob
inson lead, has returned in disgust and
left for his home in Marysvillu last
"I don't believe thereover was such a
lead," said the old prospector, "and I
don't oven believe this man Robinson
ever found such Hoat as lie alleged he
did. After leaving here Inst April we
made our way to Pierce City, Idaho,
which is n lively little mining town,
with plenty of good properties near it.
The snow had not yet left the moun
tains, so we were compelled to pitch
camp there for several weeks. During
that time we had ample opportunity to
gather information from old-timers in
tlioeo parts, ami from the talks I !ad
with several of them I was sure our
search would not bo rewarded. They
informed me that while Robinson tuny
have had valuable lloat which assayed
away up in the thousands of dollars,
they were sure ho had not discovered
the ledgu from which it originated. lie
had shown the ore to several parties, in
terested them in the proposition, and
started out witli them to 11 ml it.
After struggling over the mountains
the party held a consultation and in
formed Robinson that unless he led
thorn to the ledgo, which he told them
he know nil about, they would take it
for granted he had been playing them
and would lynch him. Seeing his bluff
had led him into a serious position,
Robinson did his best to tlnd some lead
that would answer his purine, swore by
all that was holy that he hud not been
running a honx. Ho csenped with a
whole hide, even though he did not find
the famous lend, and tho party returned
homo disgusted. It is the opinion of
old-timers that Robinson retold his
wonderful story so many times that he
began to believe it himself, but ho never
found the object of his search.
"When the snow had gone off we left
Pierce City, as the balance of the party
did not like tho idea of giving up the
search after traveling such a distance,
and struck off towards Elk City. There
were no trails so we kept on the ridges
most of the time, pitching camp at tho
head of some stream. We did plenty of
prosccting, but while we found some
good indications of mineral, did not
touch them. The rest of the party had
the "big eye," and wanted something
that assayed thousands of dollars to tho
ton. After a long, weary trip of almost
a month, wo readied Elk City, which,
with open trails, would have been less
than a three days trip. Tho rest of tho
party by this time hud nil tho Robinson
lead thoy wanted, but having heard of
the Dixie and Rig creek districts, struck
off for them.
"I left the party and made for Sump
ter, Ore. That place is all right ami
will some day muke one of the greatest
camps on earth. There is plenty of
.ground left ahat is practically unpros
pected, ahd I am going to take a chance
there early next spring. Uy the time I
had made my trip back home and re
turned it would be too late for me to do
much this summer. Portland Telegram.
the Raid Mountain and the Cougar. '
Resides these there are a number of
properties that are pounding out occa
sional profits. Wo expect to put about
ten men at work on August .'I nt the Di
ndem, the old Pardee mine in Green
horn camp, near Alamo. It has ore
running six ounce in gold. When our
drainage tunnel is finished, which will
bo in ubout thirty days, shipments will
commence at the rate of perhaps 100
tons a month. Sumpter people nre
much interested now in a Hud of plnccr
gold made by Andrew Stiusou right in
tho townsite. Stlnson has apparently
opened the 'Old nine' channel, never
before found on a hillside in thnt enmp,
uud he is making more than wages."
They Won Out on a Grub Stake.
M. L. Cau.ey, of tho Cauzey Land
coin puny, nt I .a Grande, and G. Cliristo
ferson, a wealthy farmer, of tho Grande
Rondo valley, were in the city on Sun
day on their way to Raid mountain, be
tween Sumpter and Grnuite, to com
mence the development of a promising
mine prospect in which they nre inter
ested. Accompanying them was a party
of six men from Ln Grande who nre to
do tho work. A few weeks ago Messrs.
Cnuzoy and Christnforsou grub-stuked a
prosector and they were to 1k hi on
whatever was located. The prospector
discovered a claim on Raid mountain,
located it, and aftor erosscutting tho
ledge twenty-four feet, sent for his part
ners to come and inspect it. Mr. Chris
toferson made the examination and had
assays mado of the ore which returned
an average across the ledge of $6.00 in
gold. This showing was good enough to
warrant development work and this will
be done nt once. Democrat.
GmcmI ahta on to StriapUr Dtffrlct.
k General Warren said to a Spokesman
Review reporter a few days since: "In
the way of dividends, there are few min
ing camps in the west just now that ri
val Similiter. We have ten mines there
that are on the dividend paying basis
the North Pole, the Uolumura, tne uoi
conda, the Red Boy, the Quebec, the
Concord', tWeBonahsa; the May Queen',
Litigation Agalnit the Standard Dismissed.
The case in tho circuit court of the
Standard Gold & Copier Mining com
pany vs. W. II. Johnson & Sons has
been settled and the case has been dis
missed by the court. This settlement
was effected with the defendants during
the visit of Zoeth Ilouser, of Portland,
and John S. Hughes, of Quurtzburg,
while here this week. Patent is to issue
for Johnson & Sous' property, who have
entered into a contract with the Stand
ard Gold & Copicr Mining company, to
sell them the property for 10,000 and
executed a deed in escrow for the same.
Every person who is Interested in min
ing property in 'Grant county will bo
pleased thnt the parties to this suit have
adjusted their dlfllculties, as it insures
the erection of a smelter by the Stand
ard company in the Quurtzburg camp,
and the extensive development of not
only the Coper King but the Cleveland
as well.--Blue Mountain Engle.
Big Placer Cleanup at Suunvllle.
Keeny brothers, of Ing Creek, just
recently completed u season's run ut
their placer mine on Many ridge, a sec
tion of country between the head of
Deep creek and Rig creek, and it is
learned that they did well. This prop
erty ranked among the best placer mines
in the Susnnvillo country during .the
years 1880 und 1800, but since that date
no great amount of work has Iteen done
on the claim. With u good cleanup this
season, the uttention of prosectors will
be turned to thnt locality, und be the
nfenns of tlie opening up of more good
property in that part of the Susanville
camp. Canyon City hagle.
Tiik Minrk is receiving daily, many
new subscribers, who are taking advan
tage of the special offer, advertised else
where in this issue, to particulate in the
distribution of 15,000. The offer is an
honest, bona fide one, open to old and
new subscribers. Read it on page 10 of
Thk Minkk.
T. G. Harrison, agent for Giant pow
der company.
Sumpter, Oregon.
&&' rRka?Tk
(iciicrnl Ollices
Manufacturers of
Stamp Mill, Concentration,
Chlorination, Cyanide,
Smelting, Converting and
General Mining
DKNVtilt, COLO.,
Joshua Hendy Machine Works
Nos. 38 to 44 Fremont Street
' kWLsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssissssssssssssnRluRRn
Suartz Mining nnd Milling
olstlne, Pumping and
Saw Mill Machinery. Hy
draulic Mining Machinery.
Giants, Water Gates ana
Hydraulic Rivlted Pipe. J
Water Wheels and Water
Motors, Engines. Boilers.
Pumps and Machinery of
every description. J J
jt Prospecting Machinery.
Agents for Matting
ly and Moore Whis
key a 2o-year-old
whiskey as good as
Elixir of Life. All
whiskies are out of
bond and guaran
teed the genuine ar
ticle. Popular re
sort for Commer
cial Travelers and
$2.00 Tr Year.
fliwroitmrrii i.i.iiiim mm