The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 31, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Wednesday, July 31, 1901
Anything usually carried in a First Class House and at
Elegant Parlor Suits in great variety at WAY DOWN FIGURES. The Motse Reclining Chair, Valore Uphol-
stered, 11.00. Ladies Desks from 5.00 up. Office Desks 12.00 and up. Solid Oak Sideboards
15.00 to 30.00 Nothing like them for the money this side of Portland. Splendid new line of
Wall Papers and decorations. Mattings, Oil Cloths, Linoleums, All Designs. Rugs,
Hammocks, Lawn Furniture, etc., etc,
Visit our Big Store, Price our Goods and be
It Occurred In April, 1851, to Joihphine
The history of tho discovery of gold in
Oregon is nearly parallel to tho ;tory of
tho mad rush to California in MO. Both
teem with interest, and aro wild nara
tives of excited men, nerved with but
one ambition finding the precious yel
low metal.
If, during the year 1840, an eagle as he
soared amongst the clouds, cast a glance
over tho vast territory lying between the
Calapooia hills and the California line,
ho would have beheld a laud as yet de
void of human habitation. Along the
solitary trail that led into California
from the interior of Orogon would have
seen, perhaps, a lonely traveler making
his way either to or from Vancouver, in
quest of furs. Bands of Indians, with
their wigwam camps, would also have
been seen, scattered here and there
long the banks of the Rogue, the Illi
nois and the Umpqua. Great herds of
deer and elk browsed and fed in the tall,
rich grass of the valleys and sloping
mountains. At night the gray wolf
prowled and the ever-hungry coyote
-wailed loud and mournfully.
But the panorama suddenly changed.
One day in April, 1881, it became noised
About the many mining camps scattered
along the northern California streams
that rich diggings had been discovered
in Oregon. Within 24 hours 600 men
were on their way to Jackson county,
which at that time comprised all south
ern Oregon. These excited goldseekers
.crossed the Siskiyou mountains near
Ashland. Here the human stream
broke and the miners scattered into all
parts of the Rogue river valley, News
had reached the Willamette valley, too,
-of the gold strike in southern Oregon,
and the migrants there let go their
.newly acquired farms and rushed south,
eager to share in the riclu-H of the Ore
gon Bonanza.
Tho first discovery of gold in Oregon
was made on Josephine creek, during
tho month of May, 1851. Tho next dis
covery was on Canyon creek, a tributary
to tho former stream. Tho first rush of
miners was to these two creeks. A few
weeks later gold was discovered in
Scott's and Allen gulches, at what is
now known as Waldo. The discovery
was made by u number of sailors, who
abondoned their ships, harbored at
Crescent City, and joined the rowd of
seekers in tho Rogue river valley. Tho
richest strikes were made on Jackson
coeek, the streams in that district pro
ducing an immense amount of gold.
The awful times of four years before
in the Golden State were related in
Oregon in 1853. During the winter of
that year a continuous snow fell over
Oregon. For six weeks the ground lay
covered with four feet of the icy flakes.
All travel was impeded. Packers from
the Willamette valley, Scottsburg and
Yreka were snowbound all along the
troll. Tho "grub" kits of the many
miners, trapped in the dep snows down
in the valley of the Rogue, got low.
Those were cold and hungry days for
those pioneer seokers of gold. There
was plenty of nuggets and gold dust,
but no flour, bacon or salt. The last
sack of flour sold for $75. Salt became
as valuable as gold, and was exchanged
at the stores for an equal weight of the
yellow metal.
By and by the warm sun of spring
time peeped through the clouds, and
gladly was hailed the day when the last
vestige of snow had melted and flowed
away to the sea. Many miners had
died of starvation, while scattered every
where over the valleys of the Rogue and
Illinois were the carcasses of hundreds
of cattle, horses and mules. Portland
Reduced Rates
Are now in effect to Buffalo, New York.
Do you exect 'to attend the Pun
Amcrican ExKtitiou7
If so, do not buy your tickets until you
have investigated the services of the IL
Our accommodations ure the bust that
can be had, our trains are always on
timo, and employes courteous and ac
commodating. Through tourist cars from the Pacific
Coast to ltoston via Buffalo.
If you will send fifteen cents in stamps
to address given below, we will forward
you, by return mail, one of our largo 34 x
40 inch wall maps of the United States,
Cuba and Porto Rice.
Any information regarding rates, ac
commodations, service, time, connec
tions, stopovers, etc., will bo cheerfully
furnished by B. II. Tkumuuix, Coin'l.
Agent, Third street, Portland, Ore.
Private Tabic Board.
I will furnish private board to a few
desiring such, at my residence on North
street, near Center. Mrs. C. E. Duckworth.
New Map of the Cable Cove District. -Engineer
W. II. W. Hamilton has Just
completed a new map of tho Cable Cove
mining district, 17x23 inches in size,
showing the various properties there,
the mountain ranges, water courses,
wagon roads and trails. Blue prints of
the same are for sale at Tiik Minkk of
fice at $1.50 each, sent postpaid to any
address on receipt of the price.
The Capital Hotel is again under the
management of Mrs George B Tedrowe,
which fact guarantees the best of ser
vice to all patrons.
Those who know the comforts of a
good hotel, always patronize tho Capi
tal ; Mrs. G. B. Tedrowe, proprietor.
Always reliable Giant powder.
Us!) .Wlnfln
NiaUe-r TJill I
A liplllnla unliArtl
for boa i ill iik uiul iluy
JiupllM. I'rt'iuri'H ImyM
or nilmlHxum to any
ncloiiUllo jiulioul or
colU Kc, unit for liuW
iichn llr. New mid
roiniilHlnly FiUlinil
tiullillnt'. TliormiKh
Ituilrui'tlon h coo nil ii tc
to tho lira! rndhiiit.
Clnml Inlionitorlna,
M mini truliiliiK. Tin
tirlnrliml hna hail
Iwunty-thn-u your
rxfrlnira In I'nri
Unil. Olllce
to 11 A. M.. uiul 2 to
r. I M.. nt HI
.im.1 war
catalogue and pamph'ot containing letters
i testimony, ate., address.
J. "W. HILL. M. D.
P. O. Drawer 17. PortUtH. Or.
Advertising Agency, 04 and 05 Mer
chants Exchange, San Francisco, Cali
fornia, where contracts for advertising
can be mado for it.
Five hundred dollars to loan on ap
proved securoty. Address A. B. G.,cara
Sumftkr Minkk oflice.
Assessment work affidavits for sale at
Tiik Minkr oflice.
Notice on page 10 what Tn Mines
offers Immediate subscribers.
Prompt attention to orders for cut
flowers and floral pieces. City Green
House, Baker City, Oregon.
Tho most powerful and popular explo
sive Giant powder.