.csaaieaamri's: , ummw '.ff "ire If THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, July 31, 1901 GOLD FIELDS OF EASTERN OREGON. F.J. Hard's Good Story Daily Mining; Record. in The Daily Mining Iteeonl, of Colorado KjirinnH, ShhikmI an excellent Hjieciiil Mining' CmigreM edition July U2, in which Ih an article on thu "Undeveloped Fieldn of KiiHtcm Oregon." Though it wan nut finned, it miih evidently written I iv I'. .1, Hard, of Portland, and in part Ih iih folleun: Your rorrfxMiii(lcnt junt returned from a fori niuht'H Hojourn in ciiMlcrn Oregon, The term em-tern Orcein hIk nlllen that olio Iiiih liccn within 100 unleH or hi of linker City and in Hiitinfiiutury to tlio rcldciitw of Hit) Mute. If wo are talk ing lo wheat anil grain men, they know exactly whore uo have been; to Mock men, tliey know where we have lieen, aim ii mining ih tne Injiic ol cnnwrfn tioii, eeione known that we lauded at Maker City, via the fact train of the (). It. N. railway and it in pretty certain that ourdep.irtuie fiom that town uiih over the Sampler Valley nanow gauge, over wliieh the genial .In-imli Marlon lioldx the rehiH and telln Conductor It.iir.l to Heat the limn light. Sumpter ih the lie city ahout tidily iiiilexdUtiiut, where Ihe diftriliiitlnu Ih done, and fumi whence the Alamo, (raiiile, Mild iiniuulain. Cracker cree and Cahle Coe district- are connected vein giving good values in gold. Thu I'ruHcnt Need claim, owned hy Mr. Mo rey, of Portland, Iiiih Hhipied ore ami Ih being developed in a Hyutemutio inannur. Mnny other claiinH in thu district hIiow Hiifllcicnt to warrant their nwncrH in de veloping thu Quartburg dintriut. Again panning down Dixie creek, turn ing our hackH on thu lienutiful .John Day valley, which wu could never leave weru our object thu next grandest view in tho world to that of the yellow metal, returning to Suniptor only to ntnrt again, tliiH time for tho lliild moiintnin district, up McCully fork, where Mana ger .MeLalluni Iiiih without doubt the HiiKHithoHt running UO-stamp mill in the district, H)iiniliiig away night and day and producing u full trcanury for his company, which promises to start imme diately on u long working tunnel, gain ing depth and giving them ore for yearn to come. Next in the projierty of the Iluroniaii Gold Mining company, owned hy Portland people, a line group of five claims with considerable development work and a piomiiimit ledge carrying gold, that can he cut on thu property at great depth. Tlio claims are favorably located, the Maid mountain on one side and the well-known Ibex mine on the other Hide, which ban largo ImhHch of ore blocked out and some of it being ex tremely rich and showing free gold in large quantiticH. There in no best, for they aro all good. The Itaisluy, ' the Virtue, Cable Cove, Mouana, (Juaitzbiirg, Cracker Creels, (iranite, Alamo, Maid Mountain and Cornucopia districts, and the (ireeuhorn district. .'where the Sunrise company, which ow iih property joining thu Inter-Moun- M. M. FLYNN MEN'S TAILOR A Line of Woolens and Spring Suitings such as would be found In a large city. Look for yourself. Work guaranteed and prices right. DON'T BE A JAY and wear store clothe! Granite Street. Next to First Bank of Sumpter Sumpter, Ore. Golden Eagle Hotel Rates $1.25 to $2.00 Per Day T. T. DANILSON, PROPRIETOR Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. SUAtPTER, OREGON r &VW''- by stage lines. Three daH wete spent most agreeably willi A. V. Dunn at (iinitbuig, wIiimi stories of the pie-cut and p.ist weie of the Mime sie; those of the past leing e.irly days in Colorado and the laiuoiiH Sail .Iiiiiii. .Many of the old. time fi lends and acipiaiiitnncet weie talked of, and tain, in being extensively winked by Seymour I tell and associate-', of thu Sumpter Klcctrie Light company. Talk ahout what one has to say ahout tins A eastern Oregon section in onu article j you woiiiii nave 10 nuvoio all the col uiiiiih of the Itcconl, ami then some A. P. (JOSS, President A. J. GOSS, Cashier g Bank of Sumpter 3 Tfinjicti 1 Ceneril Banklnf Business Interest Allowed on Time Deposits Drafts drawn on all parts of the world. Special attention to collections. Safety Deposit boxes for rent. SUMPTER, OREGON '-''''''-'''' Kvcry indication points to rapid duvel- thei nine m. of tlml ..r... m,,i. 'opment of this great district. Hotel thrilling m counts of its enrlv develop. ' rvitTX "ll,w llll Hiaiitituro of the rep incnt were well gone over, hiit as Mr. repiesentativeH of the largest milling Dunn shown! these chiinkH of eold nod ' "' u,ul ''.' omipanies in the laud. the plats of liinNunkoo I toy group, his eyes glistened ami he said : "IVIIiivvh, you cant heat that in Coloiado." Thin Porfcet harmony existn between tho mine owners, general good feeling be tween those interested in thu various 1 . . . . .. 1 gioiin extend fiom bin cabin , 'H"tnctH, plenty oi work lornilg.MKi inin-. the summit of Cougar rhino, eiulmieim? ! '" lm'"' LVorylnidy seoinn to lie doing much of the western slope of the ridge, which is all of IMHI feet above the creek. On the east side, a little below the summit, comiueiu'eH the property of the Copperopolls company, extending to the east fork of Dixie creek. This in a won derful proposition, substantial buildings are completed, the company has also built a good wagon road ami have com menced driving u large working tunnel, which will given great depth, mid If one-fourth of what in shown on the sur face Is verilled iih to either (tiulity or tpiautity, it will make 0110 of the largest ore hodicH in thu northwest. No one but our friend Dunn could tlml such proerticH and ho says thanks to thu downfall of silver, iih that in what drove him from ids Colorado home. Tho description of these eoper-gold ore bodies are too large to bo told and the present development reveals ho much that one Iiiih to see it to believe it. Close by these proertleH is thu Copier King group, a most promising property carrying large values in coper ami gold, also cobalt in paying tpmutitlcH in being mined by thin company. This company Iiiih done much Intelligent development work, Iiiih purcluiHed a smelter and in arranging to erect it on the ground; Iiiih a large force of wood cutter piling up many cords a day, and they hujtu before fall to 1ms treating their own ore. hi the district in thu Cleveland group unit also tho Willie Hoy claims, both promising projiertieo. Tho Sherbundy group have a flue copjior ledge and further up on the ridge in the Cougar property, with a well, ami best of all, blackmailers and knockers seem to have taken up their iiImmIu elsewhere. Kustcrn Oregon will probably produce between four and live million dollars thin year, mid among the largest pro ducers may lie named thu llnnaiua, Co lumbia, North Pole, lied Moy, Itadgcr, Gulcomla, Maid Mountain, Cougar, Mam moth, Quelieu and Itaisley-Hlkhorn. .evv mills ami various plants of ma chinery aru coming in and an immense amount of development work in nu thu thu program. Here is u partial lint which shows that there must be some thing worth going after in thin country. So far all intelligent extensive develop ment ban met with success. Red Hoy mine, sinking shaft LM00 feet; Itudgur mine, sinking shaft tiOO feet ; ltonanzii mine, sinking shaft (SOO feet; driving 1000 foot tunnel ; Callforniiwiilne.tloOfoot tunnell; Columbia mine, ninking 400; Cougar, tunnel 100; Don Juan mine, tunnel SM0 leet ; Ciolden Kaglu, ninking 500 feet ; (lolcoudn, sinking -UX) feet ; Lit tle (iiant, tunnel 1,800 feet; North Polo, i.iuoieei; nam .Mountain, sinking 400 iwi niiii -iaiu toot tunnel; llurontan, 2000 fiMit tunnel ; Quebec, tunnel ltkOO feet; Concord, 11100 foot tunnel; Strun burg, 7:!0 foot tunnel; Diadem, 400 foot tunnel; Imperial mine, 1500 foot tunnel ; wrovvn rouu, nuu iooi tunnel ; 1 em pest (WO foot tunnel; Copero oils, (KH) foot uinnei ; nittutiani, iuuu loot tunnel ; Lib erty Hell, 500 foot tunnel ; Inter-Mountain, 1000 foot tunnel ; Dixie Creek, 500 foot tunnel ; Yankee Hoy, 1000 foot tun nel ; Leo, 450 foot tunnel ; Hex, 1050 foot tunnel ; Constellation, 500 foot tunnel; IH.Iulttt. Ollll tii ......nkl llunlM IflA iuvmi; , mm iiiut ...iiiiui, ifwiihiii, iw foot tunnel ; Astoria-Melbourne, 300 foot tunnel ; Tillamook, 500 foot tunnel. ....The Elite Cigar Store.... L. HARRIS, Proprietor Newly remodeled and refitted. Smokers' resort". We are daily receiving fresh cigars or tne leading brands, stock. No stale goods in Healy Block. Cor. Granite and Center Sts. Eureka Feed & Livery Company H. K. BROWN, Proprietor Horses Boarded by the day or Month. First class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our spec ialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight and passengers to any and all points. HAY AND GRAIN FOR THE Sumpter Forwarding Co. E. H. HORNER, Proprietor. General Storage, Commission and Forwarding. WHOLESALE HAY, FEED AND GRAIN Warehouse and office, S. V. Track. SUMPTER, OREGON. SUBSCRIBE TO THE SUMPTER MINER. $2.00 Per Year. (! J