The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 31, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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Wednesday, July 31, ijoi
Crptain Anderson Gives us a
Great "Swell."
To be Given Away
TIio.iiihUco IjoIiI Milling ronipntiy, of
Ui1h city, of wlilrli CiijiIiiIii A.V. An
durnou Ih tiruHlilmit, mid W. Y. I. Until
uriortl, Hucrotury, Iiiih jiint purrlmHcd it n
extuiihlon of thu JiiHticu property, locat
ed in tliu Kninptur, Ore, minion dis
trict. Tin' cxtciihion known iih thu
"Humbler, "in 11 ilriect rontlnuiitioii of
tliu.liiHtlcd Icdgi), tliu formiitloii mid
clmrncter of oro belli); identically tliu
naine. Ilotli uru 11 rich freti milling
(intrtz. Tliu Humbler iilrciiily Iiiih a
KmmI camp OHtaliliHlicd, hiicIi iih uiiIiIiih,
blackHinltli hIioi, etc. Tliu odd property
practically Hiippluinentri tliu other, limn
iniieli iih thu Humbler imihhchhch ii llnu
body of timber, fur oxcelling that on tliu
.liiHtlce. The poe.xslon of the Hiiinbler, ,
ubicli Ih below thu .IiihIIco, makcH the
latter iniieli eanier of accexs and given u '
greater depth for tunneling purpoex.
Captain Anderrou in juxt in receipt of
a letter from the foreman lit the .liiHtlce
mini', Mr. IMuiinl llnte, from wliicli
the following excerpt Ih taken:
"Theie Ih nodoiilit but that the Hum
bler in uii uxteiiHlon of tin .lutdlro ledge. ,
I liae rumpled the Humbler, iih It
cropH In two place", mid It Ih Identically
the name rock iih the .IiihIIcc, which yon
will bee by tbeHiimpleH I winl yon."
When Cuptiiiu AnderHon huh hccii by
a reporter on thu the Mining Itecord, ut ,
bin olllce in the Safe Di'iMiult building to
day, hu cuiil, in Hpeiiklng of the Simili
ter dlHtrlct :
"ICverylhlngln tliu Snmpter dlctrict
looks veiy proiulHing. Thu permanency
of tliu ledges Iiiih been limply demon
nt rated by tliu H'oren of producing and
dividend paying iiiIiich, till of which
have nprnng into existence within the
hint four yearn. One of the bent evi
dences of thu country's merits iih ii mill
ing center in thu (,'ity of Snmpter itself.
Tliu place isscauely three ears old and
yet it iiiiiiiIhth uImiiiI 4(KMI inluibitants
and is complete in public works and in
everv branch of inerciintllu business.
They have u llnu system of water works
and electric lighting. Tberu uro two
banks, two live newspaiHTS, ehurclics,
gradetl scIkhiIs, llnu hotels, etc. A brick
hotel to cover half u block Ih now under
process of completion. It Ih oiiu of tliu
cleanest and host situated places I liuv.
wen in tliu West. Nowhere, except in n
rich mining district, could a city of the
nlru and iuiortiiiice of Snmpter spring
into existence in ho short 11 time.
"Ah rcgardn tliu people themselves,
they uro energetic, widu awake, ami
public spirited. I never met a more
congenial, hospitable class of eoplo la
all my travels through thu Went.
"Snmpter must certainly ikihhchh
great merit iih a mining camp to lie able
to attract so ninny Seattle men and ho
much Seattle money from our own rich
mining section bero at homo." Swtttlo
Mining Itecord.
Senator Clark Buyi Russian Capper Minn.
An associated IVchh dieputch from St.
Petersburg, of recent date, mid that
Senator Clark, of Montana, during his
recent trip to Kuroe, went to St. Peters
burg uiiil Moscow incognito, and with
an unnamed count invested 10,000,000
roublca in copper milieu. When anked
about tliu story, tbe senator said thu mat
ter bad not yet mned the ntgo of in
quiry. Count ltrotnky had proposed to
bim'to buy a lot of valuable ground near
ToniHk.on thu trmiH-SlhoriBn railroad.
It in a diKtriet that in producing already
200JM0 toiiH of coul a year and included
some promiBing copper proHctB. llio
matter will bo looked into before It
reaclica the ntagoof negotiation. HroUky
is known an tliu Migar king of Huwiia.
ft? sM
s APm. - s
K .PMtf AK
& rjHVATf iiA
5 Mf& '"v .flsr
5 (rriil
II 1,000 Cash Prize$ to those making the neurest esti
mates on the combined Official Voto of OHIO,
MASSACHUSETTS and IOWA,.cnst for Gov
ernor on the 5th day or November, 1001.
Estimate the total vote in these three States
combined for Governor unil send your estimate
and subscription to THE SUMPTER MINER
ami you will receive a certificate which will en
title you to participate in tho distribution of the
815,000 to be awarded by the Press Publishing
Association, of Detroit, Mich., to those making
the nearest estimates of the Official Voto for Gov
ernor in the states of Ohio, Massachusetts and
Iowa, to be determined by the Election to be held
on the 5th day of November, 1001.
Wo have made arrangements with tho Press
Publishing Association, of Detroit, Mich., to en
able our subscribers to participate in the distribu
tion of tlic.-c magnificent prizes, amounting to
3 15,000.
who sends
81.-5 for six month's
everv one
or 82.00 lor one years sulccription to irll'j
SUMPTER MINER will receive u certificate
which will entitle him to participate in the distri
nution of tho prizes. Present subscribers may
take iidvautn're of this oiler ami their subscrip
ts on will be extended from (Into ofexpirautioii. No advanca is made in the price of our paper; you get the
ecitilicato iiholutcly free.
Vfiflf PfftTIJltt When you send in your subscription you also send your estimate. Ro careful to
X UUi IalllllctlC wr;l0 y0Ur mum,, address and estimate as plainly as possible. As soon as wo re
ceive your subscription wo will send you u certificate of the Press Publishing Association, of Detroit, Mich.,
containing your estimate, which will insure you any prize your estimate may entitle you to claim. We will file
a duplicate certificate with tho Press Publishing Association. Every subscriber may make as many estimates
ami will receive as many certificates as he sends subscriptions to THE SUMPTER MINER.
Club raisers will receive u certificate for each subscription obtained.
To ;iid subscribers In forming their estimate, we fur
nish the following data:
The combined OflicUl Vole In these three States In
184I WAS I.IT,49I
1B41 " 1,684.410 Increase o $6 per cent
8g " i,6i6,4 decrease 4.04 "
i8gi " 1.511.88, decrease 5.10 "
8-11 " M?o.4S Increase t.?r "
1846 " i,gio,i8 Increase . "
i8g " i.tTi.ioq decrease 18.40 "
8g8 " i,m,s4o decrease a. "
184a " 1.651,184 Increase 7.89 "
iuoo " , 1,965,610 Increase 18.88 "
The certificates ot the Secretaries of the States named showing the
combined Official Vole will determine who aie entitled lo the prltesand
the awards will be made within jo days alter the Official Vole Is known.
Tim SUMCTBH Miner will publish the names and addresses of the
successlul estimators.
To the nearest correct estimate SB, 000. 00
Tolheand 3,500.00
Tothe jrd ,000.00
Statement of Mr. W. A. tangs, President of the Central Savings
Rank, Detroit. Michigan:
3 lyrcl'Y ertifv, that the Press Publishing Association has
deposited t16, 000 In " Central Savings Hank, Detroit, Mich., for
the express purixe of paying the Prises In their Contest on the com
bined Official Vote of the States of Ohio, Massachusetts and Iowa, and
that this fund can be used for no other purpose.
President Central Savings Bank,
Detroit, Mich.
To the 4th .
To the jih
To the 6th
To the 7th
Tothe 8th
Tothe gth
Tolhe 10th
Tothenext tonearest Si 5 each
To the next 15 nearest $10 each
To the next 14s nearest 4 $5 each
Tothe next 160 nearest $4 each
Tothenext 180 nearest r Sieach
To the next soo nearest St each
To the next too nearest Si each
too. 00
100 00
Total, 097 prises, amounting to 111,100.00
In Addition to tho Abovo Prlsoo tho Following
Saoolal Prlsoo will bo PW:
To the person making the nearest correct estimate be
fore July 10th t 1,000.00
To the person making the nearest correct estimate be
tween July toth and August loth $ 700.00
To the person making the nearest correct estimate be
tween August lolh and September 10th t 100.00
Total, 1,000 Prlies, amounting to .
My Estimate.
In case of a tie, or that two or more estimators are
equally correct, prizes will be divided equally between
This is One of the Greatest Offers Ever Made
The Cash Must Accompany Your Order. THE SUMPTER MINER Costs
You Only $2.00 A Year. You Get The Certificate Absolutely Free.
Address your orders to THE MINER, Snmpter, Oregon.