Wednesday, July 24, 1.901 THE SUMPTER MINER RICH ORO FINO MINE Proves to be a Great Property Under Wise Development The work ot development continues on tho Oro Fino mine, situated near Alamo, in Grant county. Since its purchase by Glass & Witherop, of Spokane, it has developed under very active manage ment, in a most phenomenal way. In entirely now ground the crosscut" at tho end of tho main tunnel, which was be ing driven through country rock by the former owners, n rich body of freo mill ing gold ore has been found, averaging from twelve to eighteen feet in width. This oro cliuto is now being drifted on and so far is demonstrated to be 110 feet long and has a depth of 140 feet from the aiex. This ore is bristling with free gold and is so rich thut it is rejKirted that specimens are being stolen from the mine. , It was formerly thought that tho pay chute had pinched out, but it now clearly demonstrated that the great vein had merely crossed tho tunnel and by crosscuttlng at both ends and nt inter mediate points, its enormous strength and richness have now been demon strated in tho most conclusive manner, at each and every point. On the east vein a depth of L'lM feet from the apex has been attained and a clean body of free milling gold ore ten foot wide has been encountered. Tills all pans richly. Cars and track have now been in stalled and new developments may be expected in drifting on tho pay chute to tho north. This work is now being prosecuted in a thorough, workmanlike manner under the management of A. J. Murphy, one of tho best known and most successful develops in the Northwest ; and whb has the record of never having devoted his attention and talents to any mining proposition which did not finally become a great dividend payer. LA GRANDE LAND DISTRICT. Statement for Last Fkcal Year Makes an Excellent Showing. The annual report of the Lu Grande land olllce for the year ending June .'50, shows that there are in the La Grande land district 8,0111,000 acres, of which 3,352,UG0 are appropriated und 5,600,340, surveyed and unsurveyed, are yet open for settlement. The district embraces practicallyall of the counties of Umatilla, Union, Wallowa und Ilukur and over half of Grant and Morrow. In Uakor county there are 1,100,80(1 acres in sur veyed land and 448,C02 acres appropriat ed; Grant, 035,043 surveyed, 358,570 ap propriated; Morrow, 242,048 surveyed, 208,052 appropriated ; Umatilla, 747,035 surveyed, 1,078,771 appropriated ; Union, 623,042 surveyed, 755,100 appropriated. Tho total area of each county is : liaker, 1,080,000; Grant, 1,3(55,000; Morrow, 611,000; Umatilla, 1,01)1,000; Union, 1,405,400; Wullowai 1,883,000. The only reserved land is tho Umatilla" Indian reservation, which embraces 151,300 acres. Tho posibilitles of tho district may bo judged from tho fact that iu Umatilla alono thoro are still open for appropria tion and settlomnt over 000,000 and in Union county, reduced as it is by the loss of tho "Panhandle," over 600,000 acres. The report shows that there have been during tho past year 1120 home stead entries. These are divided among tho counties according to acreage as fol fel fol eows: Baker, 21,200; Grant, 17,742; Morrow, 12,430; Umatilla, 55,228; Union, 24,818; Wallowa, 60,218. Be sides tho homestead entries there are 171 final homestead proofs upon which tho olllco issued final receiver's receipts. There are also tho usual numbers of desert entries, timber cultures, timber and stone entries and mineral claims. . The land of tho district is clussllled as timber, mountain, grazing and farming. All three classes are to bo found In all tho counties of tho district. But most of tho homestead entries have been upon land classed as timbered or grazing land. Tho quarterly rejwrt for tle ieriod ending Juno 30,1001, shows that during tho three months there woro in tho dis trict 05 cash entries, 1 desert land entry, 4 mineral entries, 380 homestead entries, 34 final homestead entries, 1 final tim ber culture entry, 1 mineral entry, 10 timber and stone unifications. 5 cnnl declaratory statements, 2 military bounty land warrant locations, 11 In dian school selections, all embracing a total acreage of 00,45(1. Rich Ore Snoot In Yellow Daisy. A rich strike is reported from tho Yel low Daisy mine, aliovo tho Bed Boy, owned by a stock company of which W. B. Sargeant, of tho I.awton Lumber company, is president, and Charles Scott, of this city, vice-president. Ac cording to reliable information, 'J. feet of high grade free-milling gold oro has been encountered iu tho 120-foot main drift, which has been driven in for 20 feet without dimiuunition of values iu that distance. Assays range as high as $11)2 iu gold and three ounces of silver. The striko Is practically among grass roots, littles above (10 feet depth having been attained by tho workings. Tho drift will Ihs extended 20 feet further, when a crosscut will be driven to tap three other ledges known to exist par allel. Tho striko was entirely unex pected. A horo was panned through and the rich oro chute was encountered. Fair values hud been secured through out the entire length of the drift, but nothing to compare with tho richness of the new cliuto. Five men nre employed at the mine. ConuiMxlius bunk and boarding houses are being erected, and preparations made for tho starting of a new crosscut tunnel lower down, which within .100 feet will afford 200 feet of backs. Baker City Herald. New Map of the Cable Cove District. Engineer W. II. V. Hamilton lias just completed a now map of tho Cablo Cove mining district, 17x23 inches in slzo, showing the various properties there, tho mountain ranges, water courses, wagon roads and trails. .Blue prints of the same are for sale at Tub Minkr of lice at 11.50 each, sent Dostnaid to any address on receipt of tho price. Quartz location notices, with affidavit of assessment work attached, for sale at Tiik Minkr oflico. HILL MILITARY ACADEMY. I iftMiiiLnssin school for boarding nml dny Jiupll. rrriurtH boy or tidintxxfon to nny KClrntlllc school or coIIcrc, anJ for lnu.! nch life. New ami completely iili-'! building. Tliorousli Instruction according to tho bent motlioilx. (loo I lulionttorli'H, M mini training. '1 lid frJnrlpal has hud wenty-thrte years experience In I'ort land. Otflco Mourn. ! to 11 A. M.. and 2 to 5 1 M.. nt Ml My ..hnh atrtet. 1'or catalogue and namphtnt contulnlntf Uliei C testimony, etc., aauresi, J. W. HILL. M. D. Principal. P.O. Drawer 17. Portland, Or. .vr-j ??is. .-. j Vi'ltVTJvTIVSV F. C. BRODIE, "JEWELER WATCH mm A SPECIALTY FINE JEWEUT REPAIWM, NMMD SETTHN, ETC. OPPOSIH RIW HOTll, . . SRAHITt STRUT. Sumpter, Oregon. ALLIS-CHALMERS CO. -.. x,- Si--'" General Ofilccs CHICAGO, ILLS. Manufacturers of Stamp Mill, Concentration, Chlorination, Cyanide, Smelting, Converting and General Mining MACHINERY BRANCHES .... N Sl'OKANH, WASH., DKNVtill, COLO., SAN FRANCISCO, OAL. I Joshua Hendy Machine Works ' Nos. 38 to 44 Fremont Street SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA IMPACT WATER WHEEL Sunrtz Mining and Milling olstliiR, Pumping and Saw Mill Machinery, Hy draulic Mining Machinery. Giants, Water Gales and Hydraulic Rlvited Pipe. j Water Wheels and Water Motors, Engines. Hollers. Pumps and Machinery of every description. j Jt j Prospecting Machinery. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES wws-s OPERA HOUSE SALOON SUMPTER BEER ON DRAUGHT BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES Agents for Matting ly and Moore Whis key a 2o-year-old whiskey as good as Elixir of Life. All whiskies are out of bond and guaran teed the genuine ar ticle. Popular re sort for Commer cial Travelers and Miners. SUMPTER, OREGON tWVWiVWW SUBSCRIBE TO THE SUMPTER MINER $2.00 Far Year. I