Wednesday, July 17, 1901 THE SUMPTER MINER OREGON GAME LAWS Last Legislature Passed Many Amendments. Last winter the Oregon legislature started in to ninoiul tlio game lows of this fituto, resulting in tlio production of a picco of crnisy quilt patch work longer tlmn tlio moral law and more complicat ed than the old Mills tariff net. Tlio law in being gonerally discussed by state papers, which are contradicting each other and correcting themselves regard ing its provisions, in successive issues. Local sportsmon don't know where they aro at and several have asked Tiik Minkk to publish such sections as apply to this region. With a viow to complying with this request, a copy of the act, Houso Hill 110, has been secured and diligently studied. It is a mosinc, without form or design; what is legal in one spot is a crime in another, and a man who is shy of meat and starts out to make a killing is liable to board with the sheriff. Tiik Minkk advises any one who contemplates going hunting or fishing and wishes to con tinue a law abiding citizon, to employ a lawyer to construe the statute, a sur veyor to delluitely locate him before taking a shot or casting a hook, and a naturalist to decide whether the bird in the bush or the fish in the water is of tlio species around which the strong arm of the state is thrown, or is merely one of the unprotected mob that is taking chances along with the rest of us. Hut from this conglomerate bunch of legislative lunacy, Tiik Minkk thinks it has gleaned these facts, of local interest. It is made unlawful to kill, hunt or trap beaver for the next twenty years, or a Hottcd fawn in all eternity. The open season for deer, nnteloe, moose, mountain sheep is from July 15 to November 1 ; exept in Grant, Harney, Malheur and linker counties. Here . they can bo killed only during the fif teen days from October 1 to 15. None of these nnimals can bo killed between one hour after sundown and one hour before sunrise, or hunted with dogs at any time. No one is permitted to kill more than live deer in one season. Silver squirrels can bo killed from Oc tober 1 to January 1. Duck, geese and swan can bo killed between September 1 and March 1, ex cept in Jacki-on, Klamath and Lake counties, whore the open season is from September 1 to January I. The limit is 100 n week or 50 in one day. Water rail and upland plover are un protected from August 1 to January 1. 0eii season for prairie chickens, grouse, native pheasant or milled grouse, Chinese pheasant, quail and partridge is from October 1 to December 1, with num erous exceptions. Knst of the Cascades, exept in Wasco county, pheasant and quail can be killed between August 1 and Novemlier 1. In the same territory prairie chickens aro protected until Au gust 16, 1003, after which the open sea son is from that date to November 15. Except in Klamath and Luke counties bob white quail aro protected until Octo ber 15, 1005, the subsequent ojhjii season being until December 15. English partridge, capercailzie., moor hen, mri'd turkey, woodcock, silver, gol den, copper, Japanese and Keevos phoaB ants are protected until October 1, 19Q5. Grouse, pheasant and quail can be sold only during the last fifteen days of the open, aaaaqfi. Black bass can be caught between Oc tober 1 and January 1 ; trout, except salmon trout, from, April 1 to November 1, with, a,. flky-Hne, limit of. 126 aday. Eastern brook trout, loch leren or gray ling are protected until April 1, 1004. It is made unlawful to trap, not or en snare any of these wild birds and ani mals, or U60 flash or other lightH to en tice them to their death. A license fee of fit) annually is charged non-resident hunters and fishermen who ply the trade for profit except in the case of people who aro looking or nugllng for suckers. Portland business men will endeavor to have this section so amended that they will be included in the game law, with a closed season the entire year, against non-resident fakirs only, of course. The natives and those who ar rived hero prior to tlio close of the civil war have lifo licenses to snare each other and the rest of mankind at all times. FOURTH OF JULY FINANCE. Paid Latt Year's Shortage, Leaving a Balance of $88.90. The finance committee of tho Fourth of July celebration has handed Tiik Minkii a dotailed statement of its ac counts to publish, which, in full, would require more typesetting and space than the subject justifies. Tho following is a recapitulation of this statement : RECEIPTS. OJJ Fellows (unj $ 8 oa Subscriptions 468 50 Goddesof Liberty contest jit 6) UncleSam contest it Jj Entrance lee drilling contest 50 oa Entrance fee tournament 10 00 Sale of ball tickets 91011 RafHeof lot 11 75 Saleof lumber 1 ao Total $907 j EXPENDITURES. Stamps for Invitation committee $ j 00 Costumes for ladles on liberty car jo 00 Drilling contests joo 00 Sumpter brass band 00 Orchestra at ball 30 00 Rent of hall for ball 40 00 Horse tournament jo 00 Hose races jo 00 Sack race J jo Ecerace I 5 Three-legged race j 50 I'rlieslor horribles... j 00 Illue Muuntaln American 900 L. N. Crane, labor, creeling scaffoU a to Al Wenrlch, getting rock a jo Assistant " 1 jo Greased pig. first cost Austin Meat Co 600 " second cost, boys 400 Stamps an J ribbon by executive commltte.... 1 sj T. T. Kelley, dressing rock j 00 D. Morris, grease J role 1 . a 5 Basclie Hardware Co, sundries 5 4 j Thos McEwen, hauling drilling rock & timber 11 00 Morning Reporter advertising 10 00 Hobson Mercantile Co, silk a 80 Miss Dellle Cornell, stenographic work for Invitation commillee 6 jo Sumpter Miner... 18 uo Sumpter Transfer Co, hack hire 4 ou Telephoning by Initiation committee a 50 T.J. Gray, work on mill street 1 su SumptcrLumbcr Co,, tor lumber hauled and damaged , r It W. K. Hawley, bunting T TJ Crane & Uradly, carpenter work 5 ou J. I: Jennings, labor T So J II. Gray, labor , t so II, K, llrown, livery hire by Invitation com,... j 00 To compiling three sets of statements 500 F Jameson, labor on Mill street a ou Johns & Co., sundries (") Hall & Rassman, expresiage 1 jo Sumpter Drug Company 45 Incidentals ' J S Unpaid bills from last year's celebration 6 jj Total $v8 as Balance. .$ 8890 Gold Dredger for Suuoville. The Susanville correspondent of tho llluo Mountain Eaglo writes : Quite a placer mining deal has been made hero by a representative of a dredging com pany. A bond has been taken on the placer ground owned by E. Nelson and G. J. Tucker, and. on the entiro Ed Smith place and on the placers owned by Ed and John Pearson. Prospecting has been already begun and will be carried jmi vigorously for the next Ave months. Something to depend powder, upon Giant Famous, HOP GOLD BEER STAR BREWING COMP'Y. Portland, Oregon IN KEGS, BARRELS OR BOTTLES AT PRICES UNEQUALED BY ...OTHERS... Sumpter Forwarding Company -.fcDistributers SuMPTm, Oregon ASK FOR HOP GOLD llan0W jsgfWTirj4TOl RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILWAY IN OONirOtiOH IIH till OCNVCR RIO GRAND! r COLORADO MIDLAND RAILROADS OfMM CHOCI Of THREE DISTINCT ROUTES MOST MAGNIFICENT SCENERY IN AM K RIO A. It II TH ONLY IIMNtOONf IMNTAl tl! FAIIIM) bintonr ihnouoh quaint Nl r0TUMQuc SALT LAKE CITY, LCADVILLE, COLORADO SPRINCS and DENVER. vara illma. THE AIO ORAMD! WfSTCHN HAILWAV OPf RATI! THKCC CST TRAINS TOTHI (AUT DAILY, JAHIITINQ PuHntMi Palaet ami PuHmM Oftflflary Staaptrs TO OMAHA AND CHICAGO WI1HOUI CH'Mf, fro Raollnlna Chair Cars. Parfaol Dlnlng-Car Sarvlaa. fC IMMtMAItON O I lWI.l1 UtfeH"! M J. D. Mansfield 8,V.,i..,.. OtO.W. HIIMTI, Ou'l Paas'r La OH Sumpter Bottling Works j Gagen & Sloan, Proprietor. Manufacturers of all kinds of car Donated drinks and ciders. . Or den filled, and, shipped oa. short notice. j$ jt js tft-A SUMPTW, OUGON FIRST BANK OF SUMPTER ( Capital Stock $20,000 omcnus, J. II. Robbln President J. W. Scrlber Vice- President R. H. Miller Cashier DiKiicroRs. J. W. Scrlber R. II. Miller Clark Snyde J. II. Robbln. TrntiNicU a General Dunking and Kxchungu Bntiiuow) GOOD THINGS TO EAT AT E. P. Bergman & Compa'y GROCERS Mill Street, Wood's Building. . THE . 1 SUMPTER MEAT MARKET AUSTIN MEAT CO., Props. Butcher and Packer Fresh and Cured Meats and Sausage of all Kinds SUMPTER, OREGON Placer and Quartz Location Notices for sale at this office. Send THE MINER to your eastern friends LaaiiiiiiK'!iRaHrcBafeVaBBBaH LIWafliHWH LHH .aKk2iVlallH eimJfeaB