SSiWMCB5a...raiii 8 THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, July 10. 1901 J RBWMP SUNRISE MINING COMPANY dt Capital Stock $1,000,000, Shares $1 Each I, -f 1W1 5N.C. SgVIB.JL.i'nJ.lJHi Stock Fully Paid and Non-Assessable 5 500,000 Shares in Treas ury Development STOCK 3 CENTS PER SHARE $30 PER ONE THOUSAND SHARES & On August 1 , the price of l. JJ stock will be advanced from J T three cents per share to four JK T cents per share. M ?? Recently the Greenhorn JJ? mountains has been the scene W. T of some most wonderful dis- JK Jk coveries. Sylvanite ore run- W. ? ning into the thousands of M( ? dollars per ton has been open- W. JJ? ed up. The claims owned by ). JJJ the Sunrise Mining Company JK T are in the very heart of this JK JJ? wonderfully rich mineral zone. M( T Do not delay longer. An JK T investment in a few thousand J!J JS shares of Sunrise stock may J!J V make you wealthy. ilr WE EXPECT TOOPENBY TUN- NEL AT A DEPTH OF 500 FEET W. C. Caldek, President A. C. Little, Vice-President Seymour H. Bell, Treasurer E. E. McCammon, Secretary W. F. Dillon, Director -SEND FOR ENGINEER'S REPORT- Sunrise Mining Company Sumpter, Oregon