"rz ju THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday. July 10, 1901 MINERS EXCURSION -TO- SELLS & GRAY'S SHOW, Baker City, July 15. "GO tit too j tHl L A ----------1 iH , . jtiK i sIh 00 III On - rf BIG EXCURSION TO BAKER CITY MONDAY, JULY 15, 1901 , MISS EDNA Startled nil Europe with her wonderful feat mi horseback. Situ is tliu only lady rider in America who can turn a utlu'l.!ult while rilling horseback. Greatest Aggregation of Wild Animals Ever soon under itni) lent. Bring nil tliu hoy nml girls mid lot tlioin kis tint iiiiimnN that have Ih-oii g-ithered fnun :ill purl of tlio globe. Free street parade ID n. in. mid performance uvory afternoon nml evening. Reserved sent sale begins 0 :i. in. on show day, ll.ikor & Pearl's cigar store. 20 CLOWNS The I'liniiic't yon cor saw. Keep tliu people in constant uproar. The Famous Eddie Family Who arc the groatot acknowledged acrobats the world has ever known. The Three Tybells In tliolr aerial performances, havu n reputation that in world-wide. E. J. SELLS and J. L. GRAY, Proprietors AT BAKER CITY, MONDAY, JULY 15, 1901. LA GRANDE LAND OFFICE. Record Broking Business Doae io This Land District. Since the first of .lannary thin year over 100,000 acres of land in the I -a Grande land ollice district havu ln-on tiled iiHtn. The area consists ehielly of pasture and tinihvr lands and in situated largely in Umatilla and Wallowa conn tloH and the northern part of Grant. Register E. V. Hartlett says there av I tears to Im no cessation in the settle inent of iliu vacant lands of eastern Ore gon. They are taken hy all kinds of tcop1c. Some are new comers who deiiru to make homos. Some are stockmen who arc anxioiiH to acquire title to ax much uture land an possible. Others are h?i souswhn locale the land for the pur tose of using their rights before nil the public lands are gone and who cxect to distoe of- their proerty an coon an a title in secured. Othent make timber filing and will coll or hold the timber on the land until u later date. Accordion to last year's annual reort of the Im Grande html ollice, Umatilla county then eoutainoil 824,007 acres of unappropriated land. Itit total area is 1,001,000 ucros, of which l,015,o43 aires were owned and 151,:ii0 allotted to In diatiK. On the vacant laud IW er cent and 85 ter cent grazing and 5 per cent or 40,000 acres tillable. During the year just past much of thin laud has been tiled on and the nest annual report will show interesting changes. During the nix uiontliM since January 1st, the total number of homestead en trie, 715; mineral entries, 5; desert.fi; coal entries, VXi, making a total number of acres of 114,400 in the La Grande dis trict. Seventy-six contests have been tattled and 80 are (tending. Forty-nine-final proofs havu been made on home- stead. The I .a Grand is one of the largest in the state and the prosects are that it ill continue to lie pro'rous until practically every foot of the laud in the district lias Ixmino patentel. At the pro-ont rate, however, it will not bo many years before the public laud will nil lie owned by settlers or stockmen. Pendleton Tribune. Reduced Rates Are now in effect to Buffalo, New York Do you expect to attend the Tan American Exposition? If so, do not buy your tickets until you have investiptted the services of the IL LINOIS CKNTUAL Railroad. Our accommodations are the best that can 1m had, our trains are always on time, and employes courteous and accommodating. Through tourist cars from the Pacific Coast to Boston via Buffalo. If you will send fifteen cents in stamps to address given below, we will forward you, by return mail, one of our large 34x 40 inch wall maps of tho United States, Cuba and Porto Rice. Any information regarding rates, ac commodations, service, time, connec tions, stot-overs, etc., will bo cheerfully furnished by B. II. Trumbull, Com'l. Agent, Third street, Portland, Ore. Tiik Miner has arranged with the Press Publishing association, for some secial inducements for subscribers to tliis taper. Read page 10; put on your thinking cap and tako tho benefit. Dumphy A Gertridge's Club saloon is tho popular resort for mining and com mercial men. Don't overlook an opportunity to se cure one of the cash prizes advertised on page 10 of this paper. Never fails Giant powder. New Map of the Cable Cove District. Kngiueer W. II. W. Hamilton has just completed a new map of the Cable Cove mining district, 17x2:1 inches in size, showing the various proitertios there, the mountain ranges water courses, wagon roads and trails. Blue prints of the same are for sale nt Tub Miskii of fice at 1.60 each, sent Kstpaid ,to any address on receipt of thu price. Prompt attention to orders for cut flowers and Moral pieces. City Green House, Baker City, Oregon. T. G. Harrison, agent for Giant jh)w der company. Only the best brands of liipiors and cigars at the Club saloon of Dumphy fc Gertridge. The most powerful and opular explo sive Giant powder. Notice ou pago 10 what Tiik Minku offers immediate subscribers. Something to depend upon Giant powder. LINES OF THE Sumpter Transportation Co. CARRYING U S. MAILS. SUMPTER-CANYON ROUTE. ir.fo p. m. I Lv hunpicr Ar y.to p. n. I Ar ClIffoM .....Lv i:o , m. Lv OlfforJ Ar r.v p m. Ar Austin... . Lv lemo a. m 8oo a. tn. ?:o a. m. v.oo a. m. Conntctlnc at Austin lih tttgtt lot Can) on City nj iniciwr wnil. :o p. m. yoo p. m. Lv CllflorJ , Ar Bonjnia. .Arl -tv Private Table Board. I will furnish private Ixiard to a few desiring such, tit my residence on North street, near Center. Mrs. C. E. Duck worth. Always reliable Giant jiowder. Tho Capital Hotel is again under tho management of Mrs George B Tedrowo, which fact guarantees tho best of ser vice to all patrons. Use Giant owder, fuse and caps. Those who know tiro comforts of a good hotel, always patronize the Capi tal; Mrs. G. 11. Tedrowe, proprietor. Read page 10 of this niKr and see what Tiik Minkk offers its subscribers. ; jo a. m. xyt a. m. Conncting at Boiunta lih tUgts (or Pyx Roblnionvill. Wotley, Virginia, Don Jain an; Btlchtr nine. SUMPTER-ORANITE ROUTE. tt:o p. m. I Lv..,,..Sumrttr ...Ar 10.00 a. ra 4:o p. I Ar .. . .Grjnlif Lv roo a. m. Uvcry at Granite to North Fork. ReJ Boy. Ban- aett anj aJiacmt Bines. SU.MPTER-BOURNE ROUTE. Mining deeds for sale nt this ollice. ORDINANCE NO. V". An ordinance to amend ordinance No. 20, new series, of the City of Sumpter, en tled "An ordinance to protect tho public health and to prevent the in traduction or spread of dangerous and contagious diseases," approved Feb ruary i'5th, IDOL Tiik City or Sumitkr Does Ordain as Follows : Section 1. That ordinance No. 20, new series of the City of Sumpter, en titled "An ordinance to protect tho pub lic health and to prevent the introduc tion and snrend of dangerous and con tagious diseases." aiinrovod Febrnarv 25th, 1001, bo amended bv inserting the word "chicken-K)x after the word meas els in sections (I and 7 of said ordinance, and by erasing tho word "or" where the same occurs between the words "dan gerous" ami "contagious" in said sec tions tt una , nnu in section 8, una by erasing tho words "typhoid fever" In' said section 8. Section 2. That said ordinance be re numbered and numbered "Ordinance No. 121." Passed the council July 0th, 1901. E. L. Manninu, Recorder of the City of Sumpter. Approved July 0th, 1001. J. II. Roubins, Mayor.