Wednesday, July 10, 1901 THE SUMPTER MINER ? CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Bunch of Ordinances Passed, Others Ordered Drafted. At the itieotinj? of tlio city council Sat urday uri'iiing thu roinmittconn ntroutM mid public property submitted, with its approval, several roconinicudntioiiH Hindu by the street oonmilHsionor; that it Hidcunlk bo built on Sumpter ntroot, relative to repairH of water inaiiiH on graveled utreetn, and the llxing of thu city limitx. It wan announced that thu road and poll tax fund had been overdrawn ; that this tax in being paid very nlowly. The matter wiim referred to thu committee on streetn and public property and the city attorney. At thu rcqiu'Ht of AV. U. llnwley and thu Hohon Mercantile Company, a per mit watt granted to erect a rack for hitching hereon, on Center Htreet, north of Granite. The city attorney was again requested to Mibuiit an ordinance delluiug thu Kpucilicatioiirt decided on for sidewalks, and requiring that Wwo details hu com plied with. That olllciul was also in structed to draft an ordinance requiring contractors on city work to givu bonds. I'ivu ordinances worn passed and ap proved ; including chlckenpox in thu list of contagious diseases, regulating and licensing pawnbrokers, junk and second hand goods dealers, regulating thu plac ing of signs, awning, gates, porches, etc., prohibiting the riding of bicycles on sidewalks, and repealing certain ordi nances. Thu city olllcers wero given until Thursday to hand in their monthly re ports to the llnance committee. Hegular hills weru allowed and warrants or dered drawn. An Excursion to Cincinnati. Tho ollicial route selected by thu so ciety of Christian Kndeavor for their International mooting at Cincinnati, Ohio, July (It h to 10th, Is O. It. A N. Co., Oregon Short Line, Itio Grande West ern Hallway, Denver & ltio Grando Hail- road, lturllngton and Uig Four systems. Tho delegates and their friends will leave Portland on tho evening of July 1, stop ping en route nt Salt Lake City, where they will bo joined by tho California and Utah delegations. Cordial invita tion is extended to all, whether Kn denvorers or othcrwit-c, who are contem plating an eastern trip, to join tho party. Further particulars may bo ob tained from Hov. A. J. Montgomery, trnnsj)ortatlon manager, Oregon City, Or., or tho Rio Grande Western Hall way. No. 122 Third street, Portland, Or. old forget ho is old, and so uuUcrt-al is this inclination that thu gravest and stadiest and stateliest and haughtiest of men aru justified in going to the circus. Hy thu way, Mr, Sells, who is himself a tiger tamer,'says then? N a great deal more honor and respectability almut a royal Hengal tiger than there is ulmut a linn, the king of beast". He says you may tamo a lion, get on friendly terms with him, and then some morning with out thu slightest provocation liu will turn and rend you ; but if one ever gets tho contldence of a tiger, a real royal tiger, when ho agrees to Ihi friendly with you, ho will keep his word for life. A circus is a great animal study. It Is a gixnl study for the artist, too. Tho way the muscles a re put on a tiger or a lion is a study. They mean the concentration of iower in tho smallest possible space where they will do tho most good. The man who does not like a circus is one who is going into his shell. Straight porter or half and half on draught at Hauser's Olympia saloon, op posite tho iost olllco. The Circus at Baker City. Tho Sells & Gray circus will lie in Uuker City next Monday, tho lfith. A great many will Ih scornfully saying that it is thu same old show it has been for fifty years, but every ono of those will bo seen early at tho tent, for tho fascination of a circus that begins in early childhood clings to poor mortality so long as it has eyes to seo and ears to hear. It is a good thing, too. It dis tracts mnn's attention from tho cares of tho world. Tho older a man gets tho moro pleusuro ho gets in seeing tho young enjoy tho pleasures of a circus, no, mutter if it is tho same wonderful girl in thu same wonderful tinsel that turns tho same somersaults through tho same hoop uion the square buck of tho same saddle that is on thu same gray horse. There is a now flavor to thu old jokes on tho part of tho clown. There is an oder of sawdust which makes tho Basche Hardware Co. . . Sumpter . . GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe . Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for HERCULES " Powder Fuse and Caps C.C. Basche MANAGER All the News Of all the Fields Of the Pacific Coast. Western Oil News PublltheJ Every I rlday J2.00 Per Year H.25 For Six Months 75 Cts. For Three Months 320 SANSOME ST. SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA Famous HOP GOLD BEER STAR BREWING COMP'Y. Portland, Oregon IN KEGS, BARRELS OR BOTTLES AT PRICES UNEQUALED BY ...OTHERS... Sumpter Forwarding Company -A., Distributers SuMPTcn, Orcoon ASK FOR HOP GOLD FIRST BANK OF SUMPTER flNCOftPOnATto) Stock 520,000 01 rtcrits. J. II. Rot-Mns PreslJent J. V. SctlWr Vlce-l'tfUnt R. II. , Miller Chltr DIIMGIOttS. J. V. Sailer I?. II. Miller ClatkSnjJe J. II. Nobbln TriiiiMU'tH 11 General Dunking mul Kxcliuugo Business rigwi.MECTvriT!WF.wqB?3-fgg I a RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILWAY IN tONjrofiOH WIIM Till dcnvcr & mo crande or COLORADO MIDLAND RAILROADS) OMIH1 fMOiCf tf THREE DISTINCT ROUTES MOST MAGMFIGEI17 SCENERY IN AMCRICA. , f II THlim.V inANtCQNTlhtMTAl UNI rAIIIQ CM CUV tttfKVWH QUAINT FMUftH?f 8ALT LAKE CITY, LCASVIILE, COLORADO SPRINGS 011J DENVER. St0P'Ovr ll0wd. Tur mo niANoc vtcmruH ciailway onrnATEo 1Hnr FAOT TIIAIM3 TO TMC CABT DAILY, OAnnvmo Pcllmait Pslaca and Pullman Ordinary Sleepers TO OMAHA AND CHICACO WITHOUT rH'Mur, Frei Reclining Chair Cars. Parfaol Dlnlno-Car Sarvlea. teA irnMAf on of i.MPM(tr iwi.-i or J. D. Mansfield G,V,.A,:!,n.,.l.J CCO.W.HCtNTZ,a'ira'rAgf.,sMLkCllr I Sumpter Bottling Works Gagen & Sloan, Proprietors. jt jt j j j Manufacturers of all kinds of car bonated drinks and ciders. Or ders filled and shipped on short . notice. jl jt jl j4 jl SUMPTER, OREGON GOOD THINGS TO I taEscnrm i I AT E. P. Bergman & Compa'y GROCERS Mill Street, Wood's nulldliiK. THE SUMPTER MEAT MARKET AUSTIN MEAT CO., Props. Bulcheiiind Packer . Fresh and Cured Meals and Sausagt of all Kinds SUMPTKU, OUl:GON Placer and Quart. Location Notices for sale at this office. Send THE MINER to your eastern friends Sit T'SsrrSFOTWi W$H41t' Vv- u4 VL ft vtf3 u