The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 10, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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    Wednesday, July 10, 1901
1 1
Fairy Story of the Discovery of Bullion
Hid by the Incas.
Hero is nn interesting hot nir story
Mint comes down from l'uiiet Sound :
News of vnct wealth hidden in vaults
by thu Incan, in Smith America, has
reached llort Towncoiul, according to .T.
C. 'Greer, who recently arrived from that
city, and as is usual in such eases, every
one who has heard of it is fulling over
himself in an endeavor to get in on tlm
ground floor of the party who intend to
search for it.
Tho news arrived by letter from David
Luescum to a member of a prominent
shipping firm of Port Towusend. Lues
cum claims in his letter that an Italian
named Juan Soniboritio had in his pos
session a chart showing the exact loca
tion of tho hidden treasure, tho esti
mated valuo of which is many millions
of dollars, and that he had bought it of
him for 60,000 soles. According to the
chart, tho spot where the treasure is
buried is marked by a pyramid which is
covered with cement, and "from hiero
glyphics on tho pyramid it is presumed
tho wealth is in seven underground
vaults which uero used ages ago as tho
treasure houses of the Iuca Indiaus.dur
ing tho troublesome times in South
Tho writer says, further that there is
a tradition connected with tho hidden
treasure which is to the effect that in
early history of South America Spaniards
took tho King of the Incas prisoner and
demanded of tho tribe an enormous ran
som. Tho amount was raised and handed
to thu Spaniards, but instead of turning
over tho prisoner tho natives bringing
tho treasure were put to death, along
with tho King. The Incus heard of tho
treachery and fearing that the amount
tho Spaniards had received through
treachery would prove an incentive for
them to raid tho country, gathered to
gether all their wealth and stored it in
underground treasure houses. They
then scattered and lecamo a roving
band, whose only aim was to kill Span
iards. Tho hiding place of tho treasure
was handed down from generation to
generation, but owing to superstition
tho natives did not try to llnd it. Tho
secret dually fell into tho hands of Soiu
borino, who, as has been Mated, sold it
to Luen'um.
The Peruvian government has been
awaro of tho existence of tho treasure,
but did not know its location, and would
allow no one to search for it. Luescum
states in his letter that there are many
valuable ijunrtx ledges in tho vicinity of
tho hidden treasure, but tho government
will not allow them to bo worked.
Mr. Cireer says those who have heard
of tho treasure are trying to get the re
cipient of tho letter to form a stock com
pany for tho purpose of searching for it.
"Tho projiosition looks a triflo 'Unity,' "
said Mr. Greer, "but one never knows."
Tho most jiowerful and popular explo
nlve Giant owdor.
United States Land Oflice,
La Grande, Oiegon, June 1;, 1001.)
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act ot Congress of June j. 1878,
entitled "An act for the sale of llmtel lands In the
states of Calllomla, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory." as iMtnded to all the public land
states by act ol August 4, 189a,
of McEwen. County of Baker, Slat of Oregon, has
this day filed In this office his sworn statement No.
811, for the purchase of the m ne ;. nc li setf
tec 11, and w M sw K of section No 14. In township
No 10 south, ot rang No j8 E W M, and will
offer proof to show that the land sought It mora
valuabla for Its timber or atone than lor agricul
tural purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before the Register and Receiver ot this
office at La Grande, Oregon, on Wednesday, the ajth
day ot September. 1001. .....
He names as witnesses: John Calhoun, .Thomas
M. Britten, Charles Taylor, James H. Worlcy, all of.
McEwen, ore. ......
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims in
this office on or before said sjth day of Septem
ber, 1001. E. W. BaBIIBTT, Register.
United Stales Land Office, I
La Grande. Oregon. May tj. 1901.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ol the act ot Congress of June j, 1878, en
titled "An act (or the sale of timber lands In the state
of California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Trr
rltorv," as extended to all the I'uMIc Land states by
act of August 4. 180?,
of Richland, fjuntv of llaker, stale of Oregon, his
this day Wed In this oflice his sworn stitement No.
784. for the rurchase ot the S i of NV ! and W 5
ot NE '.of section No u. In tp No. to S, range
No. 18, li. W. M.. and will offer proof t0 show that
the land sought Is more valuable for Us timber or
stone thin for agricultural purposes .and to estsbllsh
his claim to said land before the Register and Re
ceiver of this office at Us Grande. Oregon, on I rlday,
the ad day of August, igot.
lie names as witnesses: Elmer Lockharl, Guv
Lockharl, Alark Hendrlt, Thomas II. Talor, allot
McEwen, Oregon.
Anv and all pets' ns claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to tile their claims In
this oflice on or bclore said sd div of AugiM, iqh.
E. V. llAHTIfTT. Register.
United States Land Office, I
La Grande, Oregon, May 1 x;, 1001.
Notice Is hereby given that In compllinco with the
provlvlons ot the act of Congress of June 1, 1878, en
titled "An act forihesileo! limber lands In the si lies
o California, Oregon, Nevali and Washington ter
ritory ," as extruded to all Public Land states by act
of August 4, 1841,
of Richland, county of Hiker, Stite of Oregon, Ins
this day tiled In this oflce his sworn stitement No.
7e, fnr the purchiso of thcEJi of NWJfandl Ji"
of SW !, of section No 8, In twp No. 10 S, r.inje
I No 9, L. W. M, and will oiler proof to show that the
I lind sought Is more valuable for Its tlmlcr or stone
than lor agricultural purposes, ana 10 csiai iisii in
clilm to tild land before the Register and Receiver
of this at La GranJe, Oregon, on Trlday, the d J ty
of August, 1901,
lie names as witnesse: Llmcr Lockharl, Cuy
lockharl. Alark llendrlx. Thomas B. Tailor, oil ol
McEwen, Oregon.
I Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
j desalted lands are requested to file their claims In
tins uuiceon orpeioro sua ajuay 01 August, 1001.
E. W. llxRUUTI. Register.
E ;. il
United States I and Office,
Ln GrinJe, Oregon, May 17, toot. I
Notice Is hereby given dat In coinptlmco with the
provisions of the act of Congress ol June 1, 1878, en
titled "An net for the snle of timber lauds In the'
states nl Calllornli, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
Inglon Territory," as extended to all the Public l.and
states by act ol August 4, 184,
of Sumpler, county of Baker, state of Oregon, has
this dsy Med In this office his swiyn statement No.
719. for the purchise of the w!j sw'f sec 14. nw'f of
nwjf ot section Nn. e, In township No. 10 south,
ranee No. 16 E. W. Al., and will olfcr rrnof to show
that the land tought Is more valuable lor Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and lo establish
his claim to said land before the register and rcci Iver
ot this ottice at La firandc, Oregon, on otonday Hie
jth day of August, toot.
lie names as witnesses: S. At. Smick, O
Tlolelson, Patrick Hughes, II. D. Meyers, all of
Sumpler, Oregon,
Anv and all persons claiming adversely Hie above
dejcrlbed lauds e requested to tile ttulr claims In
this office on or before said jth day of August,
1001, E. W. llAMUI'l I. Register.
United Stales Land Ofiuv,
La Grande, Oregon, May 17, iqoi
Notice Is herehv elven that In compliance wills the
provisions ol tho act uf Congress ol June 1, i83, in
filled "An act lor the sale ol ilmtcr lin.'s In the
states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Teriltor),'' as extended to all the Public Land
states by act uf At gust 4, if')',
of llaker City, countv ol Baktr, stale of Oregon his
tills day filed in this oflice her sworn statement No.
750, for the purchasrof ihe w) nw', ot section No
, In township No. 10 south, range No. 16 E. W, Al..
and will olfer prool to show that the land tpught li
more valuable lor Its timber or stone than lor ugtl
cultural purposes, and loestalllxh her claim to said
land before the Register and Receiver ol this otlice
at La Grande, Ortgnn, on Monday, the till diy of
August, tool. '
She names as witnesses: S. M. Smick, W. O
Tolletson, Patrick Hughes; II. D. Meyers, all of
Sumpler, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the attive
described lands are rrques'cdtn file their claims In
this otlice on or before said stli day of August, 1401,
E. W. (lAHTLLTT, Register.
United States Land Office, (
LaGrande.Oregon.June 94, toot. I
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress ot June ). 1878,
entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the
states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of August 4, 184s,
ot Baker City, County ot Baker, State of Oregon, has
this day filed In this oflice his sworn statement No.
808, for the purchase of the neK of section No. 11
In tp No, 10 a, r No 6 E W M, and will offer proof to
show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its lim
ber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish his claim to sard land before the Register and
Receiver ot this office at La Grande, Oregon, on
Friday, the i)th day of Sept., 1901.
He names as witnesses: Frederick White, of Sump
ler, Or., Ernest Cadau, of Sumpler. Or., August Ca
dau.of Sumpter, Or.,Wm. Ratferiy.ot Whitney. Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims In
this office on or before said ith day of Spet, 1001.
E W. BASTirTT. Register.
riMllHR LAND, ACT JUNO 3, 1878
United Stiles t and Office,
La Grande. Oregon, June 17, toot. I
nonce inrrri'y kivvii 111 11 111 luuiiunini" won me
provisions ol the act ot congress ol June 1, 1878, en-
.1.1.. ...A.. ..... f. ..,... !.. nt lln l...,...,. In II.. C.I..
Iilir.l Oil fill n'l inr 9 iiv i'i iiuu'vi ...litis in in,' oi.uia
of California Oregon, Nev.idi, and Washington
Territory," ns extended to all the Public Land States
by act of August 4, 1841.
of IlikerCltv.County of Biker, Stite ol Oregon, has
this day tiled lit this nflico his sworn statement No.
801, for the punhaseol thes ' ne 1-4 & n )5 ve 1-4
of section No. to In township No. 7 s. range No. t8 li
WAt.andulll offer moot to show tint the land
sought Is more valuible for Its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and o establish his claim
lo said Ian 1 before the Register and Receiver of this
oflice at l.i Grande, Oregon, on vVcdncxd '', Hie 4H1
div "I Septimber, 1111.
He nirne ax vvlipcsscs: Ilirvev G. I'Jmundxon,
William I. Smith. M l- Olmsted, O, I.. Miller, all
ol llaker Cllv , Oiegou.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands arc teiucsted lo hie their claims In
this otlice on or before sil I 4th divot September,
toot. E. W. II vkllhlT, Register.
United St ties Lin I oflice, j
La Grande, Oiegon, June 17, tool. I
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
piovlslons ol the ail uf Congtesi ot June ), 1818,
entitled "An act for the site of timber lands In the
states of Gallfnrnl 1, Oregon, Ncvadi, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to nil the public land
states by act of August 4, i8,
of llaker Cllv. Couiltvof llaker. Stite of Oreenil. has
his d ly filcj In this oinec his sworn slilenu lit No.!
B04, lor the puichaseof thoe i nw i-t, sw'f nw '
1 4, nw 1-4 sw t-t of section No. o In Township No.
7 s range No. 18 1: W At, and will oiler ptoof to show
mat me isn 1 sniigni is more x amine nir 11s timt er or
stotii tl 111 ior agricultural purposes, and to es'abllsh
Itli lalm In S'll land btfotv the Register nod Re
ceiver of this iifflcr al I.n (irande.Oregon, on WeJnes
dav, the 4th diy of September, 1901.
He 11 tines as witnesses: l.erov II. Tlbhals, Wll
linn L Smith, Al. L. Olmsted, O. U .Miller, all of
Biker Cltv, Oregon.
Anv on t ill persons clilmlng a Iverselv Ilia above
des rllid 1 iii Is arw requested to file their l.ilmx III
this oill.i. on or before said tth diy ol Seplemlir,
luot. E. W. IIAHTLtlTT, Register.
United Stales L111J Olllrc, I
t.1 Grande, Oregon, June 17, tvi t
Notice Is I in ti) given lhal In compliance, wllli the
provisien: ol the act ol Congress of June ), 1818,
enililed "An in I Inr the salo ot Umber linds In the
tttes of rxllfnrnli, Oret'on Nevali an I Wa hint;
ten Icili. .,' as extended lo nil the public Ian I
slalos ly a. 1 of August 4, &)',
of Baker Cllv, County of ILiker, Slate of Oregon, has
Ihlsi'n I ed In Hill office his swum sMteinenl No.
805, tor thi purchase of I'm lie 1-4 sw 1-4, w 'j so
1-4 &. si 1 4 ie 1-4 section Nn. 19, in township No 7 S
rangu No j8 I WM.and will otter prool to show
that Ihc l.iiid sought Is more valualle fur llsllmler
or tune th..n o agil.ultural purposes, and In es
tablish his claim lo s ild land feinro the Register and
Receiver of ilils nfllie nl 1-4 Grande, Oregon, on
Widnexdsy, Hie 4. Hi day of Septenibur. igoi.
He nimis as witnesses: llarvey G, rdniiinson,
lemy II 'llihils. M. I- OlmslvJ, O. L. AIIIIt, all ol U . OmgiMi.
An and all 1 vrons claiming adversely the al ovo
drscrlt 1 I lands are rtsirted to hlu (heir claims In
this dike on or before sol J 4II1 dayolSeptemttr ivut.
E. W. llAiminT, Register.
TIMnnU LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878.
United SI ites LandOffici.
La Grande, Oregon, June 11, 1901,
(Jolli-e Is hereby given that In Compliance with the
provisions of the net of Congress of June 1, 1878,
entitled "An nvl tor thn silo of timber lands In the
Slates of Oregon, Ni-vaji, an I Wash
ington Territory," asexttnded to all the Public Land
Stales by net of August 4, i8,i,
of llalur rilv, county of llaker, State of Oregon, has
this I iy fi 1 1 1 1 thi. otlice lilssuom stauuunl No.
700 fnr tin 1 1 rrliaie ot the sw ( ol Section No. 11
In Towns Ip No. in S , Range No. 16, li SV At, and
will 0" t on of to thai ihe land sought Is more
valu il le inr 'I' tin brr or slune than lor agricultural
ptirpiiM'i 1 nl to vslfthllsli his claim to said land be
Iniutlie Register and Receiver of this oilier at la
Grande, Oie ,011 I rlJiy, the a d div of August, igot.
He names as witnesses; Iredtrlck White, of
Sumptxr.Or.. Allen Whlte.uf llaker City, Or., Win.
II. poi ot Whitney, Or.. W. II. Raffetty. ol Whit
nev. Or
Any 11 11 J n't persons claiming a Iversely the arose
Jcscr" I hinds are requested In UK their claims In
th's office on or before said ejd day of Auriist, ooi,
I. W. BAKTiriT, Register.
Notice of Settlement of Account.
..,. 1
1 Y, OUl (.ON.
In Hie mad. r of Ihe rsta'e j
of Antii" ( icmtnls deceased.
Nollcels I trehy given thai II e final account of L.
T Hrrck, adrnlnlstralot ot the estate ol Annie Clem-
nls. decease J, has been rendered to the above en
titled lourt lor leitlement, together wlih his petition
praying tlial an order be entered for final settlement
of said estate, and thai Tuesday, the eirdday of July,
A, D., 1001 at eleven o'clock, a. m. ol said day has
been duly appointed for Ihe settlement thereof, and
tor the hearing of the petition ol said administrator,
at which time any person Interested In said estate
roayaprear and lile his exceptions In writing fo said
account uf said petitioner and contest the same
Dated this 181I1 day ot June, 1001.
Fmamc Gludes, Co. Clerk.
N, C RlCMAkDS, Atty. for AJmr.
Send The Miner to your
eastern friends, j $2 per year
Salt Ijako City, Denver
The most Inlriestlngand eiioable lilpon this
cnnilnrnl Is nvir this popular railroad.
Choice of two unites through the Rocky Moun
tains and lour routes eist of Denver
and Pueblo.
Slop overs allowed at Salt lake City or any
where I elween Ogden and Denver.
Through Car Service.
Magnificent Scenery.
Perfect Dining Car Ser
vice. Meals a la Carte.
Ask our neucst ticket a (lit for tickets via
the Denver (Xt Rio Grande Rtlltoid, Scenic Line
of the Woild.
Descriptive m'ltlir mailed upon application.
Trawling Agrnl. General Agent,
t4 Third si., Portland, Or.
- - - 44)4e4)44 --
Sisei line
Unbon Pacbhc
i M&o iio
Pmllaiid Sail Ijike, Denver. Tl.
Special Worlh, Omaha, Kan- joam
io-4Spm City, St. Louis,
via Hum. Chicago and East,
Express Salt lake. Denver, Tl.
isiiopm Worth, Omaha, (Can- ,.,. m
via Hunt- sas Cllv. St. louls, '"',,n
Ington Chicago and East.
rJli'ifii'M W""" W"""' Itwlslon,
last Mall Siokane, Atlniie.ipolls
j.jj p m s. Paul, Dulrtli, .Mil- :o p m
hP're Kit"' tMr" 'ni
Ocean and River Schedule
AH Sailing Jnli-s lulled
lo change.
8 pm for San Iranclsco 4pm
Sail i-tiry 5 days.
Ex. Sunday STEAMERS 4pm
.'P"1 Ex. Sunday
Saturday To Aslotla and Way
OP m landings.
Ex. Sunday Oregon City, Ncwlcrg, 4:10pm
6am Salem. Independence Ex. Sunday
and Way landings.
Tuel'Thur. Corv.lli, and W)- !
and Sat Landings ,,i i:r,
ram WILLAMETTE & YAM- . ijopm
Tues. Thur. (Ill I. RIVI.KS Mon. Wed.
and Sat. Oregon Cllv, Dayton, ,nJ Frtl
and Wa-Landings.
Rlparia Lewlston
luoa as Rlparia to Lewlslon Dally
Dally 8: jo am
Baker City, Oregon