The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 03, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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    am , wNWwif.i-1, Mmw iwip'M wwjmw H"M
Wednesday, July 3. 1901
Owners of Tammany and
Justice Talk of Sumpter
Muhhi-h. V. Y. I.. Hiitliurfonlimil Cup
tulu A. V. AiicIumoii, of tliix city, lmvo
jiiwt returned from 11 trip to Sumpter,
Oregon, old IIuIiIh, whuro tliuy went to
liercoimlly innpc-irt ti nuniber of vulimlilo
milling propurtiuH in which tliey nru
liuiivily interculed, being tliu prinvipnl
owiicth in tliu miinu. Ciiptain AndurHon
wiih alrendy familiar with tliu country
through pruviouH vinitH, lut thin wiih
Mr. Itutlierford'H llrnt ixitriiicu in thin
now fiimoiiri iiiiuingcnmp. Mr. ltuther
ford ruttiriiM hiihhling over with (ilitliunl
iihiii over what hu paw in and tiliout
Siiiuptur. In an interview with a re
portor of tliu lU'conl totluy, Mr. Until
orford paid :
"1 had ht'ou told in ndviineu ly my
pnrtiier, ('aptaiu Audcrfoii, to pruparu
to wo ono of tint livtslii'Ht illinium cauim
on thn I'oiiHt, hut I wiih taken hy cur
price, nuvcrthelt'Hri, at tliu miiuitudu of
tliu mining operntioiiH now heing carried
on and tliu large iiumher of niiiien uu
gaged in milling their output on the
tliu ground at a hig monthly prollt.
Many ipiurt. mliien aro at llourue, hoiiiu
Hoven milcH duo north from Sumpter,
the latter locality huing cliiellly remark
uhlu for it h practically iuexhiiiiHtihlo pla
cer depiinilH, which xurrotiud anil oven
underlie! tliu city. Sumpter actually
rentH umiii placer dirt, worth many
mlllloiiHof ilollarH.
"Among tliu proper! ieH trihutary to
Sumpter 011 which I caw iiiIIIm in mho
ccHHful oiKtratiou were: The Ited Hoy, Lit
HtampH; lludger, H; Iteliuvuu, 10; Ho
naua, 10; California, 10; Coltimhia, 10
HtampH and cyauido plant; Cougar, '1!HU
ton cyanide plant ; Don .limn, 10 HtampH ;
K. it !:., I'd; Cireat Northern, I0;(iolileu
Kagle, !l; .Maiuiuoth, 10; .Monumental,
'M (iolconda, rolln and MaiupH ecpiiva
lent to WlhtampH; lleluiH A: IIIiich, 10;
l.ittlutilant, ill; .May (Jueun, 10; Mag
nolia, 10; North 1'ole, 10 Htamjm and 30
tou cyauidu plant; 1'yx 6; Tiger, fi;
Itichmond, 10 and Haiti mountain, L'O
HtampH. Thin in an aggregate of llll
HtampH, coiiHtaiitly dropping, at an emir
iiiouh prollt, beHlden tliu hig cyanidu
"In addition to thenu hiIIIh already in
oKratiim there aro nearly forty other
propciticH trihutary to Sumpter that
aim to iiiHtall machinery and Mcani
jilantH hy SejiteiulKT next. Somu of the
millri meiitioued aro turning out from
fiO.OOO to ltH),(HH each ht mouth in
gold brickn. 1 went through u number
of tliu milling plant; hiiw tliu rock
dumiKtl into tliu cninliern mid watclail
it go through tliu varioiiH proccHHOH un
til tliu gold hail Ik'cii extractud ami tliu
big valiien wived ln'foru my oyt'8."
When linked about tliu proiertiuH in
which hu wiih directly IntcroHteU ; Mr
Uutherfonl Mild that hu wiih mora than
futinlled with tliu HhowiugH imidu in tliu
eeveral group on which work in tiuiiig
"Tho Tniiiiimny," wM Mr. It., "in
now u mine, for n big prollt could bo re
al ixed ttt tliu pronent time by shipping
tliu output from development work to lug koiiio good for bin own town to do.
llukur City and belling tliu mutiu to tliu , No one to correct him, nor need you ex
poet him to get to tho front likou man;
HHciiyH acroHH the facu of the tunnel show
f20 and up pur ton, while Home of tho
richer oru contaiiiH values running into
the thoiiHandH.
"Tho JuhMco, another of our projier
tiur, him u nhowing equal to tho very
bent proportion in thiH rich camp. We
aru now Hinking a Hhuft on the lead in
lino pay ore. Tho ledgo has been prov
en to u width of over 12 feet.
"Ono great advantage, of tho Sumpter
ilihtrict in that the character of tliu coun
try iidmitH of a carriage being driven
almoHt onto any of tho various projier
ticn. There nru about one-half dozen
other proiwrt'cH on the name creek with
the JiiHticu and by tliu uxiiendituro of
but fWX) a good road can lie coiiHtructed
up tliu ntream to Hurvu each of the prop
ohHIimih." Seattle Mining ltccord.
Mining Law Applies to Oregon.
Einil Melieur, of tho North l'olu mine,
cuIIh tliu attention of tho Republican to
tliu fact that the, hint cennion of congrenn
amended the mining law of 1H7H, by
which hoiiiu wcHturu ntaten and territo
rlen were gvlen Hiwcial privilegcn re
garding tliu uhu of timber for mining
purK)HcH, by adding tliu natnen of Ore
gon and WiiHliington to tliu Heoial lint.
Thin would give tliu two lattur ntaten
the name privilegcn in regard to tho uho
of timber that. are enjoyed by Colorado,
Utah, Montana Nuvadu, Nuw Mexico,
Arizona, Wyoming, Dakota and Idaho.
In view of thin fact, Mr. Molzer hiij'h
that hu docH not hco tliu uhu of further
effort in thin direction. Tliu fact that
tliu amundmniit wiih Hindu doen not neem
generally to have been known In cantern
Oregon, iih operutorn woru under thu im
prennion that.ludgu Hulliiiger'H declniou
placed them in u predicament. Inquiry
conllriueil Mr. Mulzer'n ntatement.
John I). Itand, who npMnred for thu
Golcouda, company in tho chhu brought
by the government, and who in in clone
touch with thenu affairn, Mated today
that hiicIi an amuudmunt wiih panned, as
hu iiudurHtood, about March 1. Thu ef
fect of it, Mr Hand nayn, in to give tho
iK'ratom of thiH ntate tho privilege of
cutting timber on governiuent laud for
mining purMH0M. Thu rcgulatloiiH of
thu department prencribu what nized
treeri may Ihi taken for thin purM)nu,aud
miiku other provinionH in regard to unu
of timber for thin purponu.
Will Develop Coal Mine Near Heppner.
Twenty yearn ago coal wan mined in
Willow creek bantu twenty miles nouth
of Heppner. Thu coal wiih burueil in
Heppner and nearby ranchcH and even
nomo of it wiih lined in Pendleton. There
wiih a big lied of it but for hoiiiu reiiHon
thu niiiien weru not develoKd and the
"llnd" wiih left neglected for yearn. In
tliu hint fuw wcokn a company of Hepj)
ueriten, beaded by George Conner, of tho
Find National bank of that town, Iiuh
Ih'guu thu work of development with
proniinu of big returim. Mining ma
chinery ban been put in and an order
taken for tliu llrnt coal. There in plenty
of wood, water and grann all around the
nuw real mlnen, and it in a water-grado
all thu way to Heppner, and an eany
mutter to build a feeder railroad to con
nect with thu O. It. fc N.ut 'Heppner.
0. K. lledlleld, formerly of Pendleton, is
one of tliu interented part Sen in thu en
terprine. Kant Oregonian.
Toaat to The Kickrr.
Here'H to tho kicker, thu faint-hearted
kicker, tho kicker no hel plena and blue I
Who alwayn in crying and never is try
tutmnllug works there. Wu began de-
volopinont work on thu Tunimany ono
your Mgo and now have 300 feet of tun
nel, all in oru, bunidu8 all the necemtary
building!, tool and convenience for
working tho projierty to advantage.
There in a (10-foot ledgo of free milling
gold ore in ft alato formation. Average
while oUiers huntle he'll sit down and
rtiBtle objections to ranio to each plan.
Hut when tho brute dies we'll pause
wltlrdry eyes, on his future condition to
dwell, and wu'll envy the devil that will
handle tho shovol when he roasts tho
rank kicker In h . Centralis News.
Suflivan Machinery Co.
W. A. Jones
S. D. Sanders
Manufacturer! of
Diamond Drills
Rock Drills
Compressors, Hoists
and General
Mining Machinery
Northwest Office
S. 101 Howard St., Spokane, Wash.
R. P. Jones
Miles Fitzgerald
The Golconda
Newly Fitted and Stocked With High
Grade Liquors, Wines and Cigars
Sumpter Draught and Pilsner Bottled Beer, Elk Club,
Ramsey Scotch, Malt and Bourbon Whiskies
The New Olympia
E. E. HATJSER, Proprietor
Successor to Henry Finger
Newly refitted and
remodeled. . . .
All the best brands
of Liquors and Ci
gars handled. . .
Fine Old (1884)
Hermitage Whis
K6y Olympia Beer, bot
tle or draught. . .
Center Street, Opposite P. O. Sumpter
Baker City Iron Works
Iron Founders and
General Repair Work Our Specialty. Architectural iron
work and bridge castings. Write for estimates.
(Successor to Snyde & Stlnson)
Only thi Btst Brands of Liquors Servtd Ovtr thi Bar