The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 03, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, July 3. 1901
1 1
Talk of Wagon Road From
Badger to the Smelter.
A Miner 'rorortor nuido n trip to
Qnurt.burg Saturday mid visited tliu
Copcroolls, Dixie Queen, Cougar,
Present Need and other claims, whore
tliu owners weru not prcHuut at the titnu
of till) VlHit.
Tliu CoiiuroioliH will, without doubt
prove, wliun dovoloed, otiu of tliu very
liest mining )iroM!rtit'H on tliu coast. It
has a solid body of codpur, gold and sil
ver ore of a width of 70 feet, and it is
known to run at least for 1WH) feet, as
saying from ft to 'JO ior ton. A. W.
Dunn, tin! manager, sayH thoy have
started a tunnel which thuy will run in
about IKK) feet, on a IMXI-foot lovul, cross
cutting tliu main ledge, besides crosscut
ting many smaller vuius. They aru on
ly working with a couple of men at
present, hut will put on a largo force uh
soon iih they get their machine drill,
which thuy soon oxx'et to got.
Mr. Dunn says Iih will noon com
nii'iicu work on his own (.'old mine
again, which in almost a mint in itself.
Dixie .Mining ft Kmcltiug company,
Mr. Ilnscrouck, manager, aru running
a iMHI-fnot crosscut tunnel, in which
thuy aru now in about L'lK) fcut, having
cut Heroin some smaller, but rich, veins,
but will contiuuu until thuy reach tliu
main ledge.
Tliu Concur A: llluu Mountain Chief,
M. Howell, inamigcr, ban run a -'ii:i-foot
tunnel In on tliu ledge, and Ih now sink
ing u shaft for ventilation. In thin shaft
thuy aru now down L0 feet, and aru tak
inn t ore assaying fiWi ; this vein meas
uring !! to III inches of base oru, but in
which there Ih cousidcruhlu freu gold.
Thuy will run it tlirumili tlui l.aurance
stump mill. That company ban besides
the L'iKl-foot tunuul, a 171-foot and a 150
foot tunnel.
Tint Present Need is striking soiuu
rich oru, which streak of oru docs not
uverago more than about one foot, but in
goml paying proKrty. Mr. Moruy, the
owner of tliu Present Need mine, him
leased the l.auraucu stamp mill ami Ih
now running it night ami day, getting
nlsuit $' worth of free gold .to the ton,
bt'Hlili'ri the concentrates, which Ih ship
ped to Hakcr City to tliu sampler tbero.
Thuy aru now in ulsnit IMHI feet in the
lower tunnel and aru working upward
toward the upor tunnel.
llesldes all thin rich ore, there 1m hoiiiu
Hue granite, which can Imj niadu vulu
able for building purposes whenever tliu
railroad coiiich into thin country, uh hero
aru several large mountaliiri of solid
granite, which looks like it might take a
Hue polish, and uudoubtelly hoiiiu day
will Ihi made valuable.
We acknowledge u pleasant call of .1.
S. Hughes, of QuurUbiirg, who in largely
interested In the Standard uiine, or Cop
ier King, but having ltecn absent
There Ih only about twelve miluH of road
to bo built, and in that distance only
about a half a trifles of grading will 1x3
iiccoHHary. Prairie City Miner.
Hasten Development of the Big Jeffries.
W. 11. Sargent, manager of the Itig
Jeffries mining company, which recently
made ImjMirtant duvelopmuntH near the
Red Hoy, wan in town yuHterday and
confirmed the reiiort that has lately
been current hero concerning the wire
ami character ot the ledge. Mr. Bar
gent wiyn that he has no desire to boom
the mine and will lie satisfied if the ac
tual fuctH aro understood by the jeoplo
hero, who hold most ot the shares. Tho
ItigJeffrieM Ih near the Hed Itoy and tho
ore Ih exactly ttimilar to that which has
made tho Hed Hoy famous. It in not a
high grade ore but Ih free milling, and
since tho limits of the ledge have not
yet been dlHcovered, Mr. Sargent be
lieves that it offer big tbiugH for tho
Htockholderri. It cannot, of course, pay
dividends within a year, but that is a
Hhort tiinu in mining development.
"One of my chief object in hastening
tliu development of tho mine," wild Mr.
Sargent, "Ih to make u little money in
mining outurprlHo for the iicoplo of Iji
(irunde, who hold most of the Htock, In
order to uroiiHu an interest in mining
Tliu town in neglecting hoiiiu of the llnest
opportunities in tho northwest only a
few miles distant, and if the people weru
once convinced of the value of mines ton
city, thuy would develop ut an early tlatu
the mines that are destined hoiiiu day to
make tho town famous. I.a Grade
A Line of Woolens and Spring Suitings
such as would be found in a large city.
Look for yourself. Work guaranteed
and prices right.
and wear store clothes
Granite Street, Next to
First Bank of Sumpter
Sumpter, Ore.
Golden Eagle Hotel
Rates $1.25 to $2.00 Per Day
Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. SUMPTER, OREGON
Eight Ledges In the Brooklyn Group.
Near tho summit of Canyon moun
tain is !uiiigdovelocd property that Ih
destined to become one of tliu most vul
uablu proorticri in this part of Grant
county. This is known iih the llrooklyu
group, which includes eight ledges own
ed by .lack Chambers, I). F. l'ttgu, L. O.
I'cnnunmlM. J. Collins. These weru
located last year and up to this date on
ly tho 'location work has been dotiu.
This work disclosed come valuable oru on
nearly every claim, assays from which
ranged from $10 to $:!." per ton, Messrs.
IVone, Chambers and l'agu aru now do
ing the assessment work on tliu various
claims of this group, and aru taking out
oru that shows a remarkable increase in
value, which is conclusive evidence to
the owners that their ledges in this
group aru well worth developing. Tho
main claims in thu group are tliu llrook
lyu mid Columbia, on each of which
there aro largu well dellncd ledges. Ore
from each of these claims is on exhibi
tion at tho Klkhoru hotel. llluo Moun
tain Kugle.
Weiser Smelter Capacity 180 Tons.
In conversation with Mr. I'. II. Scott,
the gentleman in charge of smelter con
struction at this poiut, it was learned
that the cajMicity of tho stuck now being
put in is much greater than has been
given. Mr. Scott claims it will bo fully
180 tons ter day. Tho sizo of tho fur
nace is IMxlLI) inches and nine feet deep
for ' mul one of the same siio and character
A. P. GOSS, President
A. J. GOSS, Cashier
C Bank of Sumpter 2'
Trsniiots a Qtmrtl linklni hslness
Interest Allowed on Time Deposits
Drafts drawn on all parts of the world. Special attention to collections.
Safety Deposit boxes for rent.
....The Elite Cigar Store....
L. HARRIS, Proprietor
Newly remodeled and refitted. Smoke'rs'
resort. We are dally receiving fresh cigars
of the leading brands. No stale goods in '-stock.
Healy Block.
Cor. Granite and Center Sts.
was built by him in Colorado three
years ago for a 100-ton stuck, but it has
Ihhmi turning out 180 tons ever since.
This will bu interesting nuws to mining
mid milling men of linker, Owyhee and
several weeks visiting in Pendleton and
vicinity, he had not as yet Kistcd him
self on the progress of thu camp, but
wu weru shown hoiiiu very rich looking
ore by that gentleman, rich in coper,
cobalt and gold. TIiIh mine will yut nut- Wood river, us well us those of Washing
prlso tho world ill its richness, us soon as ton and Idaho Counties. eiser Signal.
tho mneltvr, which that coinmny has
purchased, is ut work there. The smelt-1 Private Table Board,
or will bo in oeration hoiiiu time this j I will furnish private board to a few
summer, so wu aru Informed by thu desiring such, ut my residence on North
owners of this claim. Mr. Hughes said street, near Center. Mrs. C. K. Duck
that tho lludger mine, in thu Susun-' worth.
vllle district, is now considering tho ad-, 0rJor w) cmUM( rv or k,ldiJ of
vlMbllityvfiiwkiiiiriPwd waKon wad blwMl froni J s. Hoffman's bakery,
from that mine to tlio Ktandaud , smelter i Mill rtreet, mat door to Golden Kuglo
and save coata of transportation. II I j,0t?l.
aaya tliia road can wwlly bo built, us tho I '
coat thereof will only bo nominal. Mining deeds for sale ut this oillce.
Eureka Feed. & Livery Company
H. K. BROWN, Proprietor
Horses Boarded by the day or Month. First
class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our spec
ialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight
and passengers to any and all points.
Sumpter Forwarding Co.
E. H. HORNER, Proprietor.
General Storage, Commission and Forwarding.
Warehouse and office, S. V. Track. SUMPTER, OREGON.
$2.00 Per Year.