HBPT? jmi-rmaiga-TJ- THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, July 3, i9or 12 EV'nRTSfyaWffBMnRNOaSMaMaiaMa TALK OF THE TOWN. II. S. McCnllum returned homo yentor duy, nfter an nlwonco of u week. Mm. A. Ainoll will vIhU her relntiveH nnd former homo in Clnyton, New York, for the next two montliH. Mm. Smith nnd Mm. Miller, of Port hind, who had hecn vIhIUuk Mm. lirock for a week, left for homo Monday. C. It. TowiiFund, the well known iih Kayer, Iiiih accepted i) jioHltion in IiIh jirofeHHional capacity at the North 1'ole mine. Jlrlck are ImjIhi; hauled to the new hotel and mortar mixed, preparatory to continuing work on and HnMiin that huildhiK. 8. (!. Murray, manager of the lngcr-Holl-Snrnent Drill company, came up Monday to look after ImihIiiufh in tliin diHtrict. .1. II. OradlehaiiKh came in from the (olden J'iihIo yesterday and left for The Diilh'H. He expectH to return the latter part of the week. At the council mcetiui; Saturday even liiK' hut little huflncKH wax traiiKaeted, anide from KruntiiiK lienor IIcoiihuh for the oiihiiIiij; quarter. Treasurer I'. I). Mealy, of tho Grir..ly company, reportH tho contract work on tho nliiift puliiK on rapidly and tliat hoiiio lino looking iiiart. Ih l)clngliroiit,'lit up. Karachi Wornulck left yenlerday for' Itellevue, Idaho, to look after porno mill iiiK properticH which liu owiih In that Mcction. Mu will Ihi ahnout two or three eokn. All inemlHirH of troop It who denire to take part in tho Fourth of July parade, are rctiicitcd hy Captain Muir to report at tho armory at l o'clock on tho morn lug of tho Fourth. Dan .liicjiii returned a few dayH Mince from Walla Walla, where he idiot with the Ilutto team in tho gun tournament, holding hlrt own with tho lont will); xliotH on the I'iU'IHc count. 1'. II. Hamilton, circulator of thu Her ald at Maker City, came up ycidcrday to make a clmnpi in tho circulation depart ment here, where the iimr liux former ly had a good patronage. Ho will xir wmly take care of thin end of the road hereafter, an well ax at home. .1. Mcl'hee, the Alamo hotel man, Iiiih Ir'cii here thin, week piircluiHing furni ture for the additional roomn in hin hotel. The addition couxiHtH of a L'-Mory luiildlng -11x40 feet, which will give him Hovoral more roouiH, of which the Iioiiho Iiiih heeu in need hIiico the travel t-et in. 11. II. Anbury, tho pioneer Hack Gulch placer miner, arriving in 18(12, who named tho old log cabin near town "Fort Sunipter;" wiim down Monday. IIIh annual clean up will Im it ginnl one thU year and will take place thin month, nfter which ho will hie hiuiHolf to a more congenial climo until next season. Mr. Anbury in pant 70 years of age. Tho Fidelity Gold Miniuing Company at ItH annual meeting July 1, elected olIlcerHiiH follows : Anthony Mohr, presi dent; Charles H, Ilecht, viee-prcHidcnt; T. I). llollinger, nccretary and treasurer. Directors, Anthony Mohr, C. II. Ilecht, T. I). IJellinger, It. W. Huffum, K. I.. Comstock, A. 1 Goss and John D. Trandt, tho latter of Milwaukee, Wis consin. Mrs. A'. W. Kills has received a copy of the Montelicr (Vt.) Argus of Juno 18, which contains a very complimen tary notice of her sister, Miss Carrlo Spaiildlng, who appeared tho evening before as one of tho star iierformora in n concert given by tho pupils of tho semi nary there. Miss Spauldlng is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Menry Spauld iug, of this city. She has many friends here who will bo pleased to learn that her splendid musical talent is receiving recognition far from homo. DUgatt to the Mining Congrcu. The delegates to tho International Mining Congress at Iloise, appointed by Mayor J. M. Itobbins, are: Kmil Molx er, of the North Polo; JaineH Flood, Golcouda; J. W. Carr, Quebec mine; Francis Clarno, Strassburgj J. W. Trim hie, Anna hula, Dan Jaeger, Ited Itock; .1. J. HenneHsy, Gold llug-Grizly; .Too Mlkel, Seymour M. Hell and Hoy II. Miller. Tho governor's appointments wore published In these columns several weeks since. Give $50 to Winner of Drllllmg Contett. We, the undersigned, desiring to make the purse for thu successful team in thu rock drilling contest its attractive as iks- sible, will ersonally add fftt) to tho first purse put up hy the Fourth of July com mittee. Signed ; Stinson A Giiainokii, proprietors Gem Saloon. Sumpter July !l, ItHIJ. Fourtd of July Bills. All bills against the Fourth of July executive committee must be presented on the llfth, and they will bo 'audited mid paid cm July sixth at two o'clock, p. m. J. It. Xkii.i., Chairman. Prompt attention to ortjers for cut (lowers and lloral pieces. City Green Mouse, HakerClty, Oregon. Don't overlook an opportunity to se cure one of tho cash prizes advertised on page ID of this paier. A summer drink, jsirter nnd half and half on draught at Mauser's Olympia saloon. Draught porter at K. K. Mauser's Olympia saloon, opposite the post olllco. Something to depend uon Giant Kwder. Always reliable Giant jtowder. SEE! SEE!! SEE!!! Neill Mercantile Co. FOR MEN'S WEARING APPAREL SEE! SEE! SEE! GROCERIES Full Line Staple & Fancy Goods Tobaccos, Oranges, Candy and Nuts. Everything carried in a first-class grocery store Sumpter Grocery M. J. WHEELER, PROPRIETOR ELLIS BLOCK, SUMPTER, OREGON. Ingersoll-Sergeant Drill Company 227 8. W. TMiph Stmt. Silt Lake City, Utah BEd.vKEHfie3TSl UMHD PRIX UNO Mill NEPAL PARIS EXPOSITION, 1800 lngeroll-Sergeant Du plex Class "D" Belt Driven Air Compressor This type also built compound, with Inter cooler. See catalog 33 Rock Drills, Coal Cutters Full line of Duplicate Drill Parts in Stock. S. 6. MURRAY HANABER Shoes on Our Hands that should be on your feet. Little prices and big values will make the transfer. SPECIAL PRICES On men's and boy's shoes, 'till certain lines are gone, will be a saving on your foot account. , At 2.50 the Brown Queen Bee is the best shoe for the price and ladies' feet. Yours for a shoe trade, Hobson Mercantile Company The Royal Tailors (Chicago) Make perfect fits from latest products of domestic and foreign looms at Prlsoa are positively tho lowest consistent with gooo goofs and skill workmanship. Call anal Inaooet aamalea. C B. Hecht, Agt. Nttll Building, Granite and Mill St. MERCER DRUG STORE Some goods have arrived and more are coming. A com plete line of Drugs and druggist sundries have been ordered. We take special care and accuracy in filling prescriptions. Spokane Drug Company rtO R. WALKER, Nuuiii 7 iw-