The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 03, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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Wednesday, July 3, 190
$15,000 Sua, To be Given Away
Ten Feen of H'gh Grade Ore
on J 000-Foot Level.
C. i:. DuvIh, of tliu Hlk croi'k Gold
Milling ronipiuiy, who ruturnuil Tuueilny
frniii Ciriiiieoilu, coiillrniH tho ructiiitly
ruNirti'l rich Htrlku in tliu Union-Coin-jiiinloii
iiiIiu'h of Hint camp. Through
tlio oiirti'xv of Hiiii)riiiliiiiiluntCiHu Mr.
DiivIh vinlU'd tlio lowr workln'H of tlio
mint) mill mw with IiIh own uyo. tlio
li-tlgoH tlml liuvn Ik'oii recently iipunecl
Tin) tunnel tliut Iiiih hcun run from
tliu mill Into tliu iiioiiiitiiin in in from
ItOO to IWH fft ntxl lit tliut point tlio
vein of iimrt. Ih ton fi'iil ulnii mill get
ting wltlor iih ili'ith Ih nttiiiinil. Thin
ton foot of orn in cloiin iimrl. tliorn lt
ing no uiiHtorock In It, anil iih it iiH-uyn
very high in gulil tliu valuo may- lo Ini
ugfnril. Tlio nliuft Ih now helng Mink to tint
tliroo hiitulml foot lovol bolow tlioubovn
iiiontlonoil tunnel. TIiIh will iniiko tliu
Hliuft between nine, liuiulroil ami onu
tlioiiHiiml foot liolow tlio Hiirfni'i) of tint
oartli. Kriiin thece worklngH the oru Ih
Htopoil out ami convoyed to tlio mill,
whom It Ih roduood.
Tim mill and reduction workn am hiiIi!
to hi) tliu very hent manufactured, and
tliu oudoroiiH iniichlnery workn iih
Hinoothly iih 11 watch.
Tliu capacity of tint workHand tliu vul
iioh of tliu oroH am cliown in tliu fact
that oni) hundred ouiicch aro tukun from
tliu platen 11 day, valuoil at ovur u thou
Hand ilollarH, iihIiIi) from llvu and one
half toiiH of coucontriitoH. TIiohii con
centratoH am very rich in tho jireciotiH
inetnl, hut wo am uiiahlti to uncertain
jiint thitir worth In gold coin.
Tim company omployH over eighty
men and will incrciico tlio force an ru
idly an placoH can ho nmdo for now men.
They urn now lining all tliu men .that
they can nrolltahly employ. Ah tliu
mint) !h developed mom men can Ihi not
to work in tho varioiin partnof tliomino.
Tliu company hint year iimtigiiratcil u
comploli) electric power plant run hy
tun watorn of I'lnu crook. Tliu now nyn
tuni rmiH to porfoctlon. Tho oloctriu
plant romovoH tho nocoHHity of lining
wihmI in generittfng xiwur. Sixteen
fonln of wimhI worn formerly nnod it day,
for which they paid over a hundred dol
larn nir day. Tho cont of nitrating tliu
electric plant Ih hut u fraction of thin
amount. TIiIh plant alno furninheH elec
tric llghtx for the mines and biillilingn
connected therewith, all of which urn
lighted up in a moxt brilliant manner.
Coiuprohi-od air in alno need in conveying
power in tliu nilnoH whom noodod.
Tliu tniiioH am umlouhtodly tho In-nt
In tliu northwest, and tho recent devel
opmoiitH thorn aro nuro to attract tho at
tention of the mining world and instill
now llfo into tho camp and hasten tliu
development of tho many other valuable
proK)rtIoH them into producing initio.
Union Itopiihlicau.
New Map of tb Cable Cov District.
J'liginour V. II. W. Hainlltoii linn just
coiuplotoil a now map of the Cahlu Covu
mining district, 17xL':t Inchon in nlzo,
nhowing tho various prourtiori there,
Uiu mountain ranges, water courses,
wagon nmdri and trull, llluo prints uf
tho sumo aro for Halo at Tiik Minku of
fice at $1.50 each, sent xstpaid to any
address on receipt of tliu price.
Don't overlook an opportunity to e-
cum onu of tho cash prues advertised on
paijo 10 of thin uior.
Those who know tho comfort of a
good hotel, ulwayn patronito tho Capi
tal; Mrs. G. 11. Todrowe, proprietor.
.kV . y
4 Jm&r aX
trim I aW Im ml
in 1,000 Cash Prizes to those making tlio nearest esti
mated on the combined Official Vote of OHIO,
MASSACHUSETTS nnd IOWA, cast for Gov
ernor on the 5th day or November, 15)01.
Estimate the total vote in these three Stated
combined for Governor and send votir estinmto
and subscription to THE SUMPTEIl MINER
and you will receive a certificate which will en
title you to participate in the distribution of tlio
815,000 to be awarded by the PrcAS Publishing
Association, of Detroit, Mich., to those making
the nearest estimates of tho Official Vote for Gov
ernor in tho Htatos. of Ohio, Massachusetts and
Iowa, to bo determined by the Election to bo held
on tho 5th day of November, 11)01.
Wo have made arrangements with tho Press
Publishing Association, of Detroit, Mich., to cn
nblu our subscribers to participate in tho distribu
tion of these luagniticent prizes, amounting to
everyone who sends us 81.25 for six month's
or 82.00 for ono year's subscription to THE
SUM1TER MINER will receive a certificate
which will entitle him to participate in tho distri
hution of tho prizes. Present subscribers may
take advantuiro of this oiler and their subscrip
tions will bo extended from date of expiration. No advatico is nmdo in tho price of our paper; you get tho
certificate abolutely free.
Yotlf Estimate When you send in your subscription you also send your estimate. Ho careful to
z UUI J-ioimidlC wrj,0 j,nnr ,mmC nrtrtrojw and estimate ns plainly as ossiblc. As soon jis wo re
ceive your subscription vvo will send you n certificate of tho Tress Publishing Association, of Detroit, Mich.,
containing your estimate, which will insure you any prize your estimate may entitle you to claim. Wo will file
a duplicate certificate with tho Press Publishing Association. Every subscriber may make as many estimates
and will receive as many certificates as ho scuds subscriptions to THE SUMPTER MINER.
Club raisers will receive a certificate for each subscription obtained.
To aid subscribers In forming their estimate, we fur
nish the following data:
The combine J Olhclal Vole In these three SUtei In
iKj" was I.1IT.49I
Bgj " 1,684.410 Increase o. j6 per cent
1841 " 1,616,411 decrease 4.04 "
i8-j- " , 5 1 1,88 r decrease 5.10 "
84 " 1.170 451 Increase 1.77 "
iM " 1,916,718 Increase ii.n "
1847 " i,7i.ino decrease 18.4a "
iM " 1, 511,540 decrease .?i "
8v4 " 1.651,184 Increase 7,84 "
ivoo " , 1,965,610 Increase 18.88 "
The renlficales ol the Secretaries of the States named showing the
combined Official Vote will determine who ate entitled to the prlies and
the awards will be made within o days alter the Official Vote Is known.
TllH SUMi'TBU Miner will publish the names and addresses otthe
successlul estimators.
To the nearest correct estimate (5,000.00
Totheend 1,500.00
To the ird 000.00
To the 4th 500.00
To the tth joo.oo
To the 6th 100.00
To the 7th 100.00
Tothe 8th 75oo
Tothe oth 5000
Tothe 10th 15.00
Tothenext tonearest Siseach 150.00
Tothenext u nearest Sioeach 350.00
To the next 14a nearest $5 each 710.00
To the next 160 nearest S4each 640.00
To the next 180 nearest J 1 each 540.00
To the next aoo nearest Jieach 400.00
To the next 160 nearest Si each 160.00
Statement ol Atr. W. A. I'ungs,
Hank, Detroit, Michigan:
'resident ol the Central Savings
3 lmly llcrtifV, that the Press Publishing Association has
deposited SIB, OOO In the Central Savings Hank. Detroit, Mich., (or
the erre purpoe of 'paving the I'rlies In their Contest on the com
bined Olticlal Vote of the Stales of Ohio, Massachusetts and Iowa, and
that this lund can b used for no other purpose.
Total, 007 prlies. amounting to 111,100.00
In Addition to tha Absvs Prises th Following;
SmcIsI Prists will Us Paid:
To tha person making the nearest correct estimate be
fore July 10th $ 1,000.00
To the person making the nearest correct estimate be
tween July roth and August 10th t 700.00
To the person making the nearest correct estimate be
tween August 10th and September 10th t SOO.OO
President Central Savings Dank,
Detroit, Mich.
Total, 1,000 Prlies, amo'unllng to $16,000.00
In case of a tie. or that two or more estimators are
equally correct, prizes will be divided equally between
My EitlnuU.
This is One of the Greatest Offers Ever Hade
The Cash Must Accompany Your Order. THE SUMPTER MINER Costs
I You Only $2.00 A Year. You Get The Certificate Absolutely Free.
Address your orders to THE MINER, Sumpter, Oregon.
t tniWeaWie