The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, June 26, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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Wednesday, June 26, 1.901
The following Is the record of official
business transacted at the county seat of
Baker county for the week ending June
25, 1901.
Wrrnty deed May 14. Henry ClouRh & wl
to Chus Dtlbovlrr. I & 4 b a6 Llnlngton aJ
BaktrClty 1
Warranty deed June 14. Chas Delbovter to G
& J W EgRler. same 1
Warranty deed-Nsv a, F S Lack et al to M
Waivers, 1 9 & 10 b 1 Lack add Baker City. . . ai j
Warranty deed-May. H C Eastham to C W
Eastham, I i to 10 b 16 Brattaln & McCotnas
add BakerClty
Warranty deed May s8, A J Rusow & w( to C
LGray etalneU se Jiscst, tos r jo 50
Warranty deed June 18 Chas L Fisher to N
HmerlcanM Co, 80 a In ecat tt4 1500
Warranty deed June 18, W B Powers to Ada
B Turner et al, tract 58x111 ft and tract 58x314
ft Baker City 5
Warranty deed Jacob McGovern & wf to Alex
McQuown, n Jf nw Jf sec jjtBr jo. iooo
State Deed June 10, State of Oregon to J J
Thomason, sw H sec si 1 8 r jo 1850
Warranty deed June 18. Jas A Gray & wf to
Jno A Buchan, 166 a In sec 4. 5, 8t ijr4t... 600
Warranty deed May 4, P A Dawson & wf to S
F Ferguson, 40a In sec 16 t8r 46 its
Warranty deed June 18, A M Irwin & wf to C
W Stade, I 4. part ol b 1 Riverside add
Sumpter and 40 It tract adj I 4 '5
Warranty deed Dec 19. E Pavton to Mrs M E
Batsley itoaln sec 7 1 11 r 43 100
Warranty deed-Feb it W R Kins et al to A
Melville, lob? Wilovate Baker City s
Warranty deed June it, Jas H Graham & wf .
to Whitney I it In b 8 said town ij
Warranty deed June 18, Henry Spauldlng & Roy Miller, I 5 b South Sumpter 300
Warranty deed June 18, Roy Milter to Henry
Spauldlng et al 1 1 to 5 b)) Vinson's add to
Sumpter, too
Warranty deed June ti, Geo H Patrick to A II
Huntington, water right of Burnt river and
Meadow creek and two others near Whitney 1
Warranty deed June , A H Huntington and
wife te Whitney, same 1100
Deed June to, Whitney Townslght Co to J H
Graham, lot it, blk 8, Whitney 5
Deed-April 10. Geo H PaHck to A H Hunting
ton, sw H of sw H of sec jo, tp 10, r i joo
Deed June tt, A H Huntington and wife to L
S Carroll, same 00
Deed June it, J E Smith and husband to FH
Atkinson, lots ii.ii, it. blk 1, J E Smith's
addition to Baker City too
"Warranty Deed February 10, Sumpter Town-
tight Co to L A Huffman, lots 9 and 10, blk
41, Syndicates istad 75
Warranty Deed Same company to E L & E A
Case, lots it, it, blk 11, Syndicates tst ad., too
Warranty Deed May 18, Heirs of Susan Orton
toF J Lockhart,i6o acres In sec tj, tp io,rj? too
"Warranty Deed-October 18.G W Jell & wife
to D R Castldy, n M of lot 8, blk j, Baker Cy 1100
Warranty Deed October 6, M S Gardner to D
R Cassldy it al, s H of lot 5 and n 8-35 feet,
lot 4, blk t. Bake City joeo
Warranty Deed June it, C A Benbow and wf
to W H Gilbert, Int In t M of blk 18 and
partofblkij. McCraryadto BakerClty... 1000
Warranty Deed March 0, Thos Drlslane et al
to M A Boyce, lots ro and to In blk it. Pacific
ad to Baker City ijj
Deed-March 11, State of .regon to Geo W
Brown, too acres In sec 16, tp , r 40 1 aj j
Deed June t j, A H Huntington and wife to R
G Virtue, 80 acres In sect 9 & 16, tp 8, r 40 1 40
Bend June 14, F and L Clement to J F Keller
etal, Clement placer by Junei4,iooj V
Mining Deed June 19, F L Moore and wife
toM F Griffin, the True Lode Mng claim,.,. 1
Articles of .Incorporation June it. Oregon
Gold Ming Co, by L V Swlggelt, George C
Munro and Jno N Shanks, Sumpter, capital
stock 1,000,000
Mining Deed-October 10, Amelia Lockwood
to Fred Aekerman, Louse Creek, Poorman
and Thorn Cplch placers 1M
Mining Deed-June ti, C E Sampson to J E &
Mary A Williams, X Int In Mabel George qti
Mining Deed-February it, Jack Cockell to W
EHurd, Liquidator and Monarch quti claim. 1
.Mining Deed-April it, J O Jacobson et al to
Cayote Heak Gold Mng Co, Ramlngto and
Polar Star quts
.Articles of Incorporation June tt. Sumpter
Gold Fields Placer Mng Co, by AM Keltic,
Geo M Duncan and C W Hill 1,000,000
(Mortgage June is. Wm J Lachnerand wife to
P Batche, lot 5. . 7. blk so, Alwood's td ad. 691
.MortgageJune 19. Perry A Balsley and wife
to First National Bank. Baker City, sat acres
In sees so and , tp 8, r jo, to horses and as
head cattle... '
Mortgage-June it. Wm H Gilbert to W R
Htnson. Mk js la Nelson adn to Baker City, ,so
Chattel Mortgage-June ti, Jas H Conmere to
Jno Waterman, personal property In his sa
loon on Front it, Baker City, excePt stock. . 1000
.Mortgage-J W Goodman to J A Cavana.rel of
mtf on lots t. I. blk E, 1st ad to Huntington.
.Mortgage-June ai-W A Green and wife to
State Land Board, 177 acres In sec jt , tp 7. r
j9, and sec t, tp8,r 18 1500
Lien June 18, Shockaey & McMurrrn vs Geo
L Milter and A L Mason, on lot 1, blk A, Pla
ces adn, for material... 41
Judgment James Mellln In favor of D Coch
ran and N N Elliott t)
Suit J P Atwood vs P McGovern and wife, for
professional services , 151
Agreement June 15. C W Stade & A M Irvln,
dissolving partnership of Irvln & Slade, and
that Slade have 39 horses and to sets har
ness and premises.
Bill of sale May io, Jas Balsley to E m Pay
ton, 10 horses and 1 wagon too
Judgment A A Houston In favorof P Basche. 104
Bill of Sale-June 17-J F Clark to R M Hart,
stock, fixtures, etc In Fair Store, Hiker City. 10
Lien Landreth & Reynolds vs II C Eatllum,
on lot 3, blk 16, Btattaln & McComas adn.,,, 80
Judgment-Philip I) Clark In favor of WC
Hlndman : 44.10
Attachment Star Brewing Co.vs W M Sterling 1391
Lien Shockley & McAturren vs A Myers, lots
sand 6, Mk 5. Haskell ad, material 91
Judgment-Silver Star M & Co In favor of C II
H Chance 37
Judgment J C Culbertson In favor of W Mus
cat! i6
Judgment J W Mullin and wife In favor of
Baer& Fuchs 313
Judgmtnt-C W Glrton In favor of W B Ham
ilton 797
Home Io Spend Their Vacation.
Earl Dcdrick nml Lynn CnUler arrived
homo thin week from Portland, whoro
they liuvo boon in nttcndniicu at the
Uiuhop Scott Military Academy, which
linn just cloned Its ncltool year. Tho for
mer is a non of Mr. and Mm. Oeorgo
Dcdrick, and tit o latt tit V. G. Culder,
all well-known Sumpter residents.
Both of the boys hIiow thoeffeetH of the
Bplendid pchool from which they have
cotno, and to which thoy will return in
September. In the lint of honorablo
mention among tho variotiH grades and
department), young Dedrick stands sec
ond highest in the academic depart
ment, with u record of Qfl. It in learned
that Dr. Hill, who linn been rlncinl of
tho academy for sovon yearn, in just
completing a new military college build
ing at Portland and will open the name
in a short timo. Ho Iiuh the happy fac
ulty of making himself extremely popu
lar with hid scholars, whom ho numbers
by tho hundreds, hence tho new institu
tion is sure to start off with a largo pat
ronage. An Excursion to Cincinnati.
The official route selected by the so
ciety of Christian Endeavor for their
International meeting at Cincinnati,
Ohio, July Oth to 10th, is O. II. & N. Co.,
Orogon Short Line, Itio Grande West
ern Hallway, Denver & RioOrando Kail
road, Burlington and Ilig Four systems.
Tho delegates and their friends will leave
Portland on the evening of July 1, stop
ping en route at Salt I.ake City, where
they will bo joined by the California
and Utah delegations, Cordial invita
tion is extended to all, whether En
deavorers or otherwise, who are contem
plating an eastern trip, to join tho
tmrty. Further particulars may bo ob
tained from Itev. A. J. Montgomery,
transportation manager, Oregon City,
Or., or tho Itio Grando Western Rail
way, No. 123 Third street, Portland, Or.
New Map of the Cable Cove District.
Engineer W. II. W. Hamilton has just
completed a new map of tho Cable Cove
mining district, 17x23 Inches in slxo,
showing the various properties there,
the mountain ranges, water courses,
wagon roads and trails. Illuo prints of
tho same are for sale at The Minkh of
fice at $1.60 each, sent postpaid to any
address on receipt of the price.
J. N. Hoffman, at the Mill street bak
ery, makes all kinds of pastry and the
best bread in town. Ice cream of his
own make dally. ' Free delivery to real
The Capital Hotel is again under the
management of Mrs George B Tedrowo,
which fact guarantees the best of ser
vice to all patrons.
Sullivan Machinery Co.
Manufacturers of
Diamond Drills
Rock Drills
Compressors. Hoists
and General
Mining Machinery
Nohthwcbt Orncc
S. 101 Howard St., Spokane, Wash.
Vr n
W. A. Jones
S. D. Sanders
R. P. Jones
Miles Fitzgerald
The Golconda
Niwly Fittid mi Stookid With High
Gndi Liquors, Wim ui Cigars
Sumpter Draught and Pilsner Bottled Beer, Elk Club,
Ramsey Scotch, Malt and Bourbon Whiskies
The New Olympia
E. E. HATJSER, Proprietor
Successor to Hbnrv Finosr
Newly refitted and
remodeled. . . .
All the best brands
of Liquors and Ci
gars handled. . .
Fine Old (1884)
Hermitage Whis
key Olympia Beer, bot
tle or draught. . .
Center Street, Opposite P. O. Sumpter
Baker City Iron Works
Iron Founders and
General Repair Work Our Specialty. Architectural iron
work and bridge castings. Write for estimates.
(Successor to Snyde & Stlnson)
Only tha Bast Brands of Liquors Sarvad Ovar tin Bar