The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, June 26, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday, June 26. 1901
B. Ernst Negotiating (or
The Virginia.
A. II. KriiHt, 11 mining mail from So
nttlo, whh in tlilHillHtrict liiHt week, look
ing over tlio Hitimtion with h viuw to in
Vi'HtitiK. Ilo in now iicotliitinn for the
piiruliiiHO of tlio Virginia.
About a yrar no tliiH projwrty wan
lioiiK'ht hy MfuHrH. Hutlor and Mitolioll,
of llakur City, and a coinany wuh or
jmnl.i'd to oMtratu it, but owing to hoiiiu
internal (Uncord, it in reporti-d. tint on
torprlfo Iiiih langiiiHlit'd snil now tlio
ininu Ih for halo.
Tlio Virginia in ono of tlio old .iro.ior-
tiuHof tliiH dintrlct, and from it much
gold niih tukon in yuurn punt. It Ih Mild
to liavn iriMlutT(l tlm riclicHt on-H tliat
liavu been taken from tlio Itluu iiioiin
taltiH. It Iiiin not licou workud for woiiiu
yearn punt and itx Hlmft in now llllod
with water. It Iiiih many feet of work
iugri and itH known ore bodieH are far
from being exhiiUHted.
Mr. Knmt in an old neVHiaer man,
but left the IhihIiu'hh about two yearri
ago to engage in mining and Iiiih met
with miieli KueeeHH. Ho Iiiih lieon itlun
tilled with thoCireat Northern eoiuany,
ojieratiug a copper property In the In
dex dintrpct, in which be Iiiih been iihho
elated with hoiihi of tlio leading IiiihIiioch
men of Seattle.
They nro riiHtlern, Hioho renldentH on
.l'uget Sound, and it meaiiH miieli good
for eiiHturu Oregon to have tlium Invent
ing In the iiilucH of thin Hcctlon. Here
tofore they have Ih'ihi omnitlng in tlio
CiiHcadcH, where there are doiibtleHH ox
tennlve mineral deponltH, but euoriuouH
capital Ih n-ipilred In order that ruturiiH
may I mi iieeured from the ground ; and
ill far off AlaHka, where "the other fel
low" Iiiih invariably made tlm big Make.
Mr. KriiHt Ih the repreHeutativu of the
.third Seattle x.vmliciito who Iiiih been
here within two weekn, and all have no
cured proMrtleH. TIiIh Ih tlio procr
place for that puxli to do IiuhIiicbh, and
they nro hereby nlhYially notilled that
they will be heartily welcomed to tlio
gold lleldn of eiiHteru Oregon where in
telligent effort Iiiih never yet ncored u
failure in the mining I)uh1iuhh.
Offer $20,000 a Month Rent for Claims.
Tlio Whlto Pine Nowh, publiHhed at
Kly, Nevada, IoIIh in a recent iwiuo of an
offer made by an eastern syndicate to
pay f 20,000 a month rent for a copper
proerty in that region, for n term of ten
yearn, or $L',400,000 during the life of tlio
leiiHe. The projierty is 150 iiiIIch from a
railroad, Ih not extensively develoied
and earrlen average valueH of only $10.65
a ton, 12.80 in copHr, $4.1)5 in gold and
ft. HO in nllver. In tills region of pre
vailing low prices for mines, this propo
sition seems to bo a remarkably favor
able one for the owners, yet it has been
refueed. Tlm nowHpapor story bears
every indication of lieing authentic and
accurate. Several Siimpter mining
men, .John Cupid and others, own a
group of ten claims in the l'ueblo dis
trict, in Harney county, that makes n'
much better showing than docs the Ne
vada property, that could probably lw
secured on more favorable terms. These
claims are only 110 miles from tho Cen
tral I'liellle, connected by rail with an
excellent wagon road. Tho oro carries'
$ 25.75 lu valiieH;copter $15, gold $(1,24
and silver $1,51, a difference of $(1.20 in
tavor of the Oregon mines.
Helpi All
and Comet in
With None.
Whitney Buys 1000 Inches of Water.
City Itecorder Austin Crulg, of the
town of Whitney, was in the city yester
day and retried a budget of news from
the growing burg. The town council of
Whitney yesterday closed a deal by
which they purchased 1000 miner's
inches of mountain water, known as tlio
latrick rights, recently liought by Sher
iff Huntington mid by him sold to the
town. Tho waterwill lie supplied to tho
town from a reservoir about 1) miles
out on the side of the mountain, by a
pi (hi line. The water rights purchased
will furnish siillicient water for n city
three times as large as linker City.
Work on the Ihi line will commence
this summer. The move was necessary
to protect bus I lies proorty. Democrat.
Will Employ 500 Men.
Since the rich strike made last week
in the Uiiion-Coiupauloii mine at Cor
nucopia east of Union, the company has
been making arrangements to ojiemto
the mines on an extensive scale. It has
been determined to employ live hundred
men on tills mine alone, beginning July
lit. The recent developments in thin
property prove it to lie one of the great
est mines on the coast. Already tho
town of Cornucopia is taking on new
life as a result of the determination of
this company to increase its working
force. Union Republican.
Mining deeds for sale at this office.
It has been truthfully said that in this
era of consolidation to destroy comjieti
tiou It is of note that the metal mining
industry is one that encourages and sup
Mrts all others and coniieteH with none.
A new factory coniKites with establish
ed factories; an additional farm tends to
lower prices of farm products ; another
store cuts into thu trade and profits of
existing ones; thu miner, alone, enriches
all and conietes with none.
His of all pursuits, creates the real
wealth, every other estab
lishment and, producing nothing)thnt he
can consume, affords the liest home mar
kets for the products of others. The
amount of his purchases depends iion
the amount of mineral development.
His work sets in motion and sustains a
legion of other industries, all oorating
to u common good.
Ah n promoter of railroad traffic, as a
creator of new enterprises, as a custom
er for manufactures of all kinds, tho
miner is the best purchaser, vivifying a
wide circle of activities. It has been
calculated that each underground miner
affords employment for ten men aliove
ground, thus putting in motion indus
trial waves on which ride to profit the
merchant, the manufacturer, farmer
and railroad man.
Ho asks for little, but self-interest sug
gests to every man in every capacity
that anything that aids the mining in
dustry aids Ids own business. The val
ue of the miners' patronage is manifest.
Whatever helps the miner helps all ;
whatever represses the mining industry
Injures to that extent thu welfare of the
nation. Thu miner needs no subsidies,
concessions or anti-trust legislation; ho
does need, however, to have his Import
ance more generally recognized.
Were it not for tlio miner one-half of
this entire nation would still boa wilder
ness, and the other half tilled with peo
ple preying upon one another in the
struggle for existence. Tho miner has
created tlio greatest homo murkot in the
world and is thus the foremost factor in
all commercial development. When tho
miner has money to sjend, overbody in
his vicinity is prosperous. And tho
truth of theao patent facta should be
rccognited in the legislature of ovory
mining state and territory. Western
Mining World.
Tho Capital Hotel is again under the
management of Mrs George li Tedrowe,
which fact guarantees the best of i -service
to all patrons.
Sullivan Machinery Co.
M ) Sr3L
Manufacturer of
Diamond Drills
Rock Drills
Compressors, Hoists
and General
Mining Machinery
Northwest Ornc;t
S. 101 Howard St., Spokane, Wash.
W. A. Jones
S. D. Sanders
R. P. Jones
Miles Fitzgerald
The Golconda
Hiwly Fitted and Stocked With High
Gndi Liquors, Wines and Cigars
Sumpter Draught and Pilsner Bottled Beer, Elk Club, t
Ramsey Scotch, Malt and Bourbon Whiskies A
The New Olympia
E. E. HATJBER, Proprietor ,
Succtstor lo Hinrv Finqer
Newly refitted and
remodeled. . . .
All the best brands
of Liquors and Ci
gars handled. . .
Fine Old (1884)
Hermitage Whis-
Olympia Beer.'bot
tle or draught. . .
Center Street, Opposite P. O. Sumpter
Baker City Iron Works'
Iron Founders and
Machinists' ,
General Repair Work Our Specialty. Architectural iron J
work and bridge castings. Write for estimates.
(Successor to Snyde Stinson)
Only thi But Brands of Liquors Sirvtd Ovtr tha Bar