THE SUMPTER MINER VOL. II. SUMPTER. OREGON, JUNE 26. 1901 NO. 42 TONIC FOR THE TOWN R. E. STRAHORN PROPOSES TWO IMPORTANT ENTERPRISES. Ill Give Money Toward the Construc tion of a Road to Burnt River and Will Buy School District Bend for the Erection of a Brick Building Im provements In the Water System to Be Made Thb Season. R. . Strahorn, who owns tho wntor system, arrived in town several days since. His presence hero at this time, as usual, is an invigorating tonic for the entire community. Ho expresses the greatest confidence in Sumpter and says that tho extension of tho railroad is go ing to beiiQfit tho town greatly, because it will eventually connect us with tho farming and stock raising country to tho southwest, which is one of our resources entirely too much ncglocted at present, in tho all absorbing pursuit of the yellow metal. But Mr. Strahorn is not a vague theorist, a mora advisor. Ho suggests two important enterprises which Hump tor should consummate without delay. Ho wants a wagon road constructed to tho farming sections of Burnt rlvor nndja brick school iiouso built hero. Ho offers to give as much money for tho road as any other individual or corporation and to buy the school district bonds, issued for the purpose of erecting tho building, paying par for tho bonds, that shall draw only flvo per cent interest. Now, here are two propositions wortli con sidering. Regarding tho advantages of that wagon road, there can be but one opin ion. They have frequently been pointed out in thoso columns. It is stated that tho nearest point can be reached in a distance of twelve miles, with several miles of road already constructed on each-end. If this thoroughfare is con structed thero is no doubt but what Sumpter will secure tho trade of that section, for tho all potent reason that here the farmers will find a ready mar ket for their produce, and hero only, a market without competition or limit. It is further stated that the county authori ties have informed the residents of the Powder river valley that they must se cure an outlet in this direction, as the county cannot longer keep in repair the forty-five miles of expensive road to Baker City. In talking this matter over with busi ness men, Mr. Strahorn stated that the only obstaclo in placing Sumpter securi ties in the east is found in the fact that this is exclusively a mining camp, and that to the eastern mind agricultural resources give to a town the desired permanence and stability. A road to Burnt river valley will remove this one obstacle. Mayor Bobbins has become greatly in terested in the enterprise and says that aa soon as the Fourth of July festivities are over, a meeting of the Business Men's league will be called to tackle the job. Not only the wagon road, but a telephone line must be constructed, mail routes and stage lines established. Regarding the school building, Mr. Strahorn is equally urgent in his desire to have it erected, and convincing in his reasons for believing it will benefit Sumpter. In the first place, a building to cost, say $12,000, will mean a tax on the district of only $000 a year, a mere bagatel, less by three or four times than tho rent would be for buildings with no conveniences whatever. Sultablo build ings and a good school system will at tract farmers, stockmen nnd miners to Sumpter as a placo for a home. Ho says that in each of bIx western towns lu which he is interested and which have taken his advice to givo the best possible educational advantages, ho can name one man who bus been attracted thither by the schools who has been of far moro value to the town than tho extra expense of tho school building ; besides scores of others whoso aggregate investments would pay tho cost incurred a dozen times over. Mr. Strahorn says that his wutor sup ply for tho system here is abundant. Ho has bought 2260 feet of pipe with which to replace the Mill street main, from Granite to the southern. railway crossing, being an extension of 400 feet. For extensions on other stroots, notably Bonanza, Auburn unii Granite, 5000 feet nro now en route hero, nil being con verse lock joint plo. These improve ments wiil be made during tho present summer. A fence will be built around the resorvoir, work beginning in u few days. Prosperous Burnt River Farmers. Dr. Brock nmdo a trip through tho Rurnt river country this week, spending two days thero. Ho says thero is a re markably prosperous farming commu nity in that section, tho trade of which by rights belongs to Sumpter, but that there is no uso trying to sccuro it until good roads are constructed. Ho came home by way of Unity nnd Whitney and reorts tho roads between thoso two points as almost impassable Tho county bus recently finished flvo miles of road on this route, but tho remaining portion of tho distance rondors the whole prac tically useless. David Copping Receives a Decoration. David Copping was the surprised re cipient a few days since of a handsome silver medal souvenir, which canio to him from tho Canadian government, in honor of having served In one of Cana da's military companies during tho Fe nian raid in 1870. The medal is attached ton heavy silk badgo nnd bears a splendid likeness of the late Queen in raised work on ono side, whilu tho other side is properly inscribed, showing tho servico performed by which tho medal is merit ed, also its owner's name. Mark Hanna's Nephew Here. John P. Han lift, of Cincinnati, nephew of Senator Mark Hanna, accompanied by Colonel James A. Panting, of tho Gold Hill mine, east of Baker City, came up on a business and sight-soeing trip last Saturday. Secretary James Flood, of the Golconda, mot them here and es corted them to his quarters at the mine, from which point they could easily visit any of the other working properties in tho Cracker district. Will Study Mining Practically. Professor Tyng and wifo, of Pullman, Washington, were arrivals on last Satur day's morning train, en route to the Concord mine, where they will spend two or three weeks of their school vaca tion. The professor is associated with the mining department of the Washing ton State Agricultural college, of Pull man. Several of the students will join them and take advantage of the oppor tunities offered in practical mining as carried on-In the district mentioned. FOURTH AT SUMPTER. Attractive Program For That Day Completed. The committcs in clmrgo of tho sever al dopartmonts of tho Fourth of July celebration have about completed ar rangements. Today tho executive com mittee finished the work of formulat ing the program. It has been decided that tho whole shall bo "pulled off" in tho center of the business portion of town, which leaves no reason for com plaint from nny soirrco. Tho literary and musical exercises will be held at the corner of Granite nnd Mill streets, ns will also tho rock drilling contest. Tho hoso mrcs will boon Mill street and tho tournament on Granite. Tho grand parade will start on Its march at 10 o'clock, under tho direction of Mayor J. H. Bobbins, presld'out of tho day. Tho procession will disband at Granite and Mill, where immediately thereafter Mrs. W. R. Hawloy will road tho Declaration of Independence, Mrs. Joseph F. Keller will recito "A Legion on Gettysburg," and tho oration of tho day by a spellbinder not yet selected will bo delivered, interspersed with band and vocal music, under tho direction of Mrs. White, Mrs. Swan nnd Mrs. Kuh lor. Tho principal event of tho day, the rock drilling contest, will bo started at 1 :30 p. m. The prices have not yet lieon dellnitoly determined, but tho com mittee declares that they will not bo less thun $250 for tho first nnd $50 for tho second. Tho committee to mnku tho award will be A. J. Rtinson, Joe Mikel nnd one other, not yet nnmed. Following this tins wet test hoso and hub to hub races will bo run, with a $15 purse for each, Messrs. Bellinger, Dumphy nud Tedrnwo committee. For tho egg, sack nnd three-leg race the prizes will be for each, two dollars for tho first; one dollar, second; fifty cents, third, Messrs. Hllller Kwlggett and Ingrum, judges. , The horse tournament will bo nu at tractive novelty for this section. Prizes of $35 nnd $15 are offered for this event; Messrs. McKwon, Kitchen nnd Brown judges, starters and timers. In the evening thero will ho greased pole climbing and pig catching contests and a band concert. A lot, donated by W. G. Caldcr, is the price offered for the victor in tho first and tho pig for the cecond. The committee on decoration consists of Mrs. Swan, Mrs. Yerger and Mrs. tang. Much interest is being manifested in tho voting contest for the Goddess of Liberty. Today at noon the race seem ed to bo between Miss Hello Cushniun, Miss Jessie Greenlee and Miss Eugenin Koup, all having over 200 votes, the first leading with 205. It is rumored around tho polling place that a syndi cate has been organized to put plenty of money Into the cumpaign at the last moment and elect Miss Carmen Stod dard. Troop B Drilling Daily. Captain T. K. Muir, of Troop B, the "Sumpter Rough Riders," O. N. G., ar rived from Portland Monday and will remain with the troop until after the military encampment at La Grande, which' commences July 6th. The caval ry company will leave here on the morn ing of Mint date, riding over the moun tains to North Powder nnd thence down the level valley to ta Grande, returning five days later by way of Baker City. The members of tho troop nro drilling every evening preparatory for tho cele bration ot tho Fourth hero and tho on enmpmenit following. RICH STRIKE ON THE SNAKE. Owner Says it Runs From $8 to $18 In Gold Per Cubic Foot. Many reports of a ricli find ot placer gold on tho Oregon side of Snnko river have been told ami published during tho past weok. A letter received by Tiir Minkh from J. 11. Brown, who Is in that vicinity, confirms tho truth of tho moro reasonable of these reports. The Baker City Democrat of this morning publishes the first detailed account of tho strike, in an Interview with tho owner ot the ground, W W. Oliver. It says: Mr Oliver has just returned from a visit to the new strike. Ho says that it is located on tho Big Bend of Snnko riv er, on tho Oregon side of tho stream, and alioutninu miles from Palmer station on the O. R. & N., which is the nearest railroad station. The ground is nil lieing located ns pla cer ground but it is not placer gold that is found there. According to Mr. Oliver, there la nothing like it in tho country and at first ho was of the opinion that nothing of a similar nature hud over been found in nny other country, but ho has since learned that n find in every way tesem bling this was uncovered in south Africa some years ago. What they find in this new discovery is not placer gold, but sulphite ore mingled with day. It Is found first about (M) feet from the surfaco, which is tho lowest point reached so far. Tho substance, including tho clay, runs from $H to $1H er ton. From a double handful of the clay uliout a tea sHmufiil of sulphites is often obtained ; it hardly ever is lees than that, or some times it is us much ps n tnhlespoonful. The sulphites are found in three layers, mingled with the clay, and while in some places it Is richer thun others, Mr. Oli ver suys the uverage is as above stated. The extent of the deoslt is not known for the reason that no pronpcctlng of nny consequence has l-ecn done. Tho shaft on tho dhcovcry claim is within fifty feet of Snake river and water was somen hut troublesome. A five-Inch pump was sufficient to keep it down so that the men could work with comfort and no Inconvenience while sinking the shaft. Mr. Oliver fays It is u concentrating proposition and yet that hardly express es the idea, because old Nature bus con centrated the gold in sulphites and all that the miner will have to do is to get rid of the clay. Occasionally the clay is rather hard, almost soapstono, and might, further back from tho river, bo quite hard, so that it would ho necessary to use u crusher, although that is purely problematical. In sinking from tho surface a sub stance Is encountered which has been termed a false bedrock, it is really a hurdpun formation iust below u strata of barren gruvel. No gold values wor thy of consideration are found above the (10 foot level. It is the theory ot thohe who havo ex amined the country that the formation is a part of an old river bed. Between SOU and 400 claims have been staked out. A company ot Salt take people, com posed mainly of O. S. L. men, liave se cured a large tract of tho land and are preparing to thoroughly prospect it with diamond drills and shafts. In the opin ion ot Mr. Oliver it is a very rich find. d n ill