The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, June 19, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday, June 19, 1901
r i
An ordinance! for tliu protection of fire
men mill (Ins apparatus
Suction 1. It hIisiII Ih! unlawful for
mi v i htoii , other tliun IiIh HUKrlor
olllccr, to interfere with n member of
thu Similiter Volunteer Firo Depart
ment, ulillo lawfully in tliu illscliurno of
IiIh ilutlcx, either ut u llro or at a prac
tice drill.
Section '-'. It nhall Iw unlawful for
any pernon to ilrlvo over any firo lioco of
tliu Sumpter Volunteer Firo Dcpart
meiit, either duriujr n llro or at iinv
other time, whether kucIi llro Iiohu hIiiiII
Im in actual line or not.
Section II. Any jkthoii violating any
provinioiiH of thin otdliiaucu hIiiiII lie
deemed utility of a mindcmcniinr, and
iiH)ii conviction thereof in t lit Ho
corder'H court, of tho (Jlty of Suuipter,
hIiiiII Ihi lined not Ichh than live nor more
than llfty dollar, or hIiiiII Im imprisoned
in tliu city jail not Ichh than two nor
more thau'twenty davn, or doth.
I Wed tint council May 2Mh, 1IKII.
K. I.. Mannish,
ltecorder of the C'itv of Suuipter.
Approved Mnv Ltllli, I1HI1.
.1. II. Hoiiiiinm, Mayor.
oitmxAxci-: xo. ilu
An ordiuaiico to prevent certain animalH
irom riiiiiniig in large, or irom ooiiig cohih, cinirgcH aim exiieuHcc oi mo nam
herded in or upon any of tho ntrcetn, trial nhall bo paid by tho naid claimant
alleyn, iineiieloecd groumlH or public i immediately after tho demand mado
plat-en within tho corporate limitH of therefor by tho naid Recorder, the name
the City of Suuipter, linker county, nhull thereafter liecomou lieu iitnii tho
Oregon, mid providing for the im-naid proierty ho taken up and Im
pounding and wile of hucIi animalH, pountled, and hIiiiII bu paid out of thu
and for the nuiiiHhmeiit of pcrnnun proceed of naid property when Hold ; if
found guilty of allowing hucIi iiiiiiniilH thu proceed from thu nalu of naid prop
in run nr Im Imrili'il lliernlu nr irlv be not Millllclent to luiv tho eostH.
thereon. I
Tiik Cirv or Siimitcu I)oi:h Oimiain ah
Section I. That no borne, mare, mule,
tjcldlng, jenny, jack, cow, calf, nteer,
icifer, null, burro, niiecp, hog or goat
hIiiiII hereafter bo allowed to run at
large, or be herded in or upon any of thu
Htreetn, nlletn, tmcucloncd plaecn or
public groumlH within thu corMirate
limitH of the city, during any of the
bourn of the day or night, except when
living driven tliroiigh the naid city for
shipment or other lawful purMio or
Section L. It in hereby made the duty
of the MarHhal or any policeman or night
watchman of tho City of Suuipter, to
take up any oi tiioauiiuniH mentioned in
H-ctio m(l) of thin ordinance, found
rilllllillg at large, or herded within tint'
corirato limilHof naid city, or iiiouany
of thuillleVH, HtreetH. liuhlle ground or '
uninelosed iilacen therein, and Iiiimiiik1
lliem in sum iiiii-u im sunn iniiienigiuiii'ii i
or provided bv the city therefor,
Section II. I'pou taking or imimiiud
lug any aiiiuial under the provision of
thin ordinance, thu Marnlial nhall forth
with prepare four uoticen, which nhall
lie Hiibntautlally an follown, to-wit:
Notice in hereby given that I did, on
the day of." ,
A.D. ll In the City or Suuipter,
linker county, Oregon, take up (hero
iic deserintfnii of property
taken up)
and that 1 will, on the of .
i at the liour ertv, if any; which naid ntatemont, to
ol o'clock M. of naid gether with n statement by tho ltecorder
.i.... i.. ..... ..i i... rii.. n. .n ..I i... i'l.. r i.j i i.. .v.. i ... .i ...
of 'Suuipter, nell naid proK'rty at public
auction, to the highent bidder for cunh
IIHJ III lll'lll I'l HIV Vll- Hilll 'l III' Uli;
Marnlial of tho City of Suuipter.
One of naid uoticen nhall I hi II led in the
oflk'u of the ltecorder of naid city; an
other thereof nhall Ik) Kintel on the bul
letin board in front or tho City Hall in
naid citv ; another thereof nhall bo (Minted
ut thu rout door of the iMintollicu in naid
city, and tho other thereof nhall Ui
placed in thu Mintofllco of tliu City of
Suuipter, uddrcHnod to the owner or
ownern of hucIi aninial or uuiniiilH no
taken up, if tho wntolllco mldrenn of
Mich owner or ownern in known to tho
Siftion -I. That within not Ichh than
flvo davn nor more than ten dayn after
tho nalil notice h nhall have Ikhmi MnttHl
ut aforenaid, and pumuant to tho terniB
iimrMnf. the Miimlml nhall ut nubile auc
tion in front of tho City Hall, In tho City
of Sumpter, nell the naid animal or ani
mals so taken up or iniounded to tho
highest bidder for canh, unlenn nuch pro
aoadlngi ahall bu taken iih Im in this ordi-
i oumtwim jiroviueu.
Section 5. Any ono having in
turoHt in tho proiicrty ko taken and im
pounded, who nhall feel hiniHelf ag
grieved thereby, may at any time More
tliu Halo thereof taken place, maku and
lilowith the ltecorder of Hiiid city, an
allidavit netting forth therein IiIh intercnt
in mich property, and the taetn in rela
tion to tliu taking up and impounding
thereof, together with any other factH
which would Ikj material in dotcrming
whether tliu nnld property wiih Hiibject
to helng taken up And imiiouuded under
thu provinioiiH of thin ordinance; im me
diately thereafter thu paid ltecorder
nhall Hot a time certain for tho determi
nation of Hiiid factH, which Hiiid time
hIiiiII not bu Ichh than ono day, nor more
than three dayH thereafter, provided
that thu tiuiu may bu Ichh than ono day
with tho eminent of tliu aggrieved party.
At the agreed time thu nggrioved party
and thu Mandutl nhall tipcar with hucIi
witncHHcH iih may Ihj neeenmiry, and tho
naid ltecorder hIiiiII thureuon determino
tho factH in relation thereto; and if it
tOinll apear to thu Hiiid Recorder that
thu Ha id proerty ought not to have betin
taken up and iniMiunded, he hIiiiII tnnko
an onler discharging tho naid proerty,
and tho hiiiihi nhall bo without charge to
thu naid aggrieved party, and tho City
of Suuipter ahull pay all legal contH of
Filch hearing; hut if It nhall appear to
the naid ltecorder that thu taking and
iiiiMiiiiidliig wiih p roiier and rightful, ho
nhall enter up judgment ngaiunt the
claimant for tho cohIh. charge, and ex
k'iihch of mich trial and iiiiIuhh tho naid
charge mid exiienncH incurred in rein
tiou thereto, tliu naid ltecorder nhall
innuu an execution umiii the mud judg
ment for thu dellcieucy thereof. A trial
occurring under thu provision, of thin
Hcctiou, hIiiiII have thu effect of xiHt poll
ing tliu nalu of any projiorty, provided u
determination thereof had not been
reached prior to the time of hiiuIihiiIo;
and thu Haiti nalu hIiiiII tako place at thu
hour of ten o'clock ill thu forenoon of
thoilay Hiiccecdiug the naid determina
tion, without any further notice being
given in relation thereto.
Section II. Tho owner or owneni of
the proKrty ho takuu up and imiiouuded
who hIiiiII pay or ciiiiho to bo paid to tho
MarHhal, or to tho ltecorder of the naid
Citv of Suuipter, tliu hiiiii of ono dollar
anil uilv cent (si .on) ami all eosis,
,. hargc and expense which liavu beun
l.unillv incurred nrinr therein in relation
i tliu iniMunding of such proiiertv,
-hiill lie entitled to have tho naid nron-
,irlv r,.l,.,)m to them at any time la'foro
IIU) lliereol.
Section 7. Any naloof iinmerty under
the provinioun of thin ordinance, nhall
have the effect to vent a complete titlo
in tho jiroerty no nold to the purchaner
Section 8. The Marnlial nhall forth
with iiniu thu nalu of anv property under
tnu provision oi turn ordinance, me witu
the ltecorder of tho naid City of Sumi
ter, n ccrtillcd statement centaining:
Fimt, a brief dencriptiou of the projKirty
nold, Hccoud, tho amount received for
thu name, third, tliu naiuu or nanien of
thu purchaser or purchiinorn thereof,
fourth, iiuHunding charge, of fl.ot),
nth. tho exiienncn of keening mich proi-
of bin contn and feen in relation thereto.
nhall lie enteral by tho Recorder in a
look kept for that purHino, which naid
Irook nhall bo ut all timen ojien for in
npectiou by any pernon intercnted.
Section It. Tho proceedhiKH f any
nule nhall lie forthwith paid over to tho
ltecorder of naid city, who nhall innuo
bin receipt therefor.
Section 10. Tho ltecorder nhall collect
an contn, for tho lienellt of tho city, two
dollarn and fifty contn for hearing and
determining any contented cane, which
hiiiii of two dollarn and llfty centn nhall
Ihi paid by thu contentautn in advance.
Section 11. Any pernon or MmoiiH
found guilty of violating tho pnivinionn
of thin onliniiuco, nhall, upon conviction
thereof beforo tho ltecorder, bo tlnwl in
any ntiin not Ichh than tlvo nor mora than
ten dollarn ; and in default ot tho wy
iiitMit of nuch tine and contn, may bo im
nrinoniHl in tho city fail not exceeding
one day for each two dollars thereof.
Section 12. Tho owner or owners of
any property nold under tho provinions
of thin ortliniiuco, nhall, ut any time
within ono year from tho dato of wile of
inch property, upon satisfactory proof to
tho council of tho said city of such
ownership, bo entitled to a warrant upon
tho city treasury for tho net proceeds of
such nalu so deposited as aforesaid.
Passed the council May 2Uth, 1001.
K. L.,
Recorder of the City of Sumpter.
Approved May 20th, 1001.
J. II. Roiiiiins, Mayor.
How to Get a Large One of the United
States, for the Wa .
If you are going east, or thinking of
sending for your family, do not buy your
tickets until you have secured rates from
the Illinois Central Railroad company.
Their service is excelled by none, and
they can reach all points In the east, south
and sotheast from any point in Oregon,
Washington or Idaho. Through tourist
car from Pacific Coast to New York.
If you will send fifteen cents in stamps
to the address given below, we will for
ward you by return mail a large wall map
of the United States, Cuba and Porto
Rice, 34x40 inches.
For particulars regarding passenger or
freight rates, call on or address,
Commercial Agent, 142 Third street, Port
land Oregon.
Pleasant Way to TraveL
The most delightful way to travel to
the east Is by way of Salt Lake City
the city of the saints and the Rio
Grande Western railway, In conjunction
with either the Denver & Rio Grande or
Colorado Midland railroads. This route
not only carries the passenger through
the heart of the Rocky mountains and in
view of the most magnificent scenery on
continent, but it also provides for stop
over on railroad and Pullman tickets at
quaint and picturesque Salt Lake City,
Glenwood Springs, Manitou, Denver, etc.
Through Pullman palace and ordinary
sleepers, free reclining chair cars and a
perfect dining car service via this route to
Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis
and Chicago. Personally conducted
weekly tourits excursions. For printed
matter, rates, etc., inquire of J. D. Mans
field, General Agent, 122 A Third street,
Portland, or Geo. W. Helntz, General
Passenger Agent, Salt Lake City.
New Map of the Cable Cove District.
Engineer W. H. W. Hamilton has just
completed a new map of the Cable Cove
mining district, 17x23 Inches In size,
showing the various properties there, the
mountain ranges, water courses, wagon
roads and trails. Blue prints of the same
are for sate at THE MINER office at ft.50
each, sent postpaid to any address on re'
celpt of the price.
Capital StNk S1.M.IN
Sham One Dollar Each
Stock Non-a-Mstafclc
W. C CAIDER Prtsl'tnt
A. C lima VlcPrtsl Jcni
Seymour H. Beil Trtasurtr
E. E. McCammon Stcratry
W. F. DlllON Director
Sumpter Oregon
All the News
Of all the Fields
Of the Pacific Coast.
Oil News
Every FrlJay
52.00 Per Year
ft.25 For Six Months
75 Cts. For Three Months
Butcher and Packer
Fresh and Cured
Meats and
Sausage of all Kinds
Hawley's is the place to buy
your fishing outfit
Sncll Hooks, 7 Inch Lender,
Per Dozen 25c
Fino Split Bamboo Poles with
Reel, 81.25
Fino Raw Silk Linen, 3c per
And anything else you need
in that line
W. R. Hawley
to your eastern friends.