Wednesday, June 19, 1.901 THE SUMPTER MINER SEATTLE PEOPLE HERE. Come to Inspect the Tammany Which They Own. Early last week the president of the Tammany company, A. D. Walker, of Seattle, was In Sumpter and ex pressed himself through these colnmns as highly elated over the prospects of the property. Friday there arrived here A. V. Ander son, secretary, W. Y. L. Rutherford, vice president, Miss Al. L. Hebert and Cap tain Frank Worth, large stockholders In the company. They inspected the mine Saturday, and Sunday went out to the Justice, on Wind creek, In which they are also Interested. Mr. Anderson has visited eastern Ore gon frequently for several years past, and Is familiar with a large area of the mining regions. He has successfully worked a mine In the Burnt river district for a long while, from which the first ore shipped about two years ngu. He says all doubt as to the Tammany being a mine has been removed by development work. From now on It Is a mere matter of blocking out ore. On the Justice only location work has been done. He says the indications are quite as favorable as could be desired, and he expects It to de velop Into a valuable mine. Work will be commenced immediately, developing the property through the medium of a tun nel, which will be continued uninterrupt edly. This Is the first visit to the gold fields of eastern Oregon of the other members of the company. They have found condi tions here as represented and are enthusi astic In their praise of the country In gen eral; of course being especially well pleased with their own mines. With the exception of Captain Worth, they left for home Monday afternoon. That gen tleman will remain here for several days, visiting other districts. The Captain Is a deep sea navigator, who has sailed from Pacific coast ports for a number of years past, having had some of the most Im portant commands on the Pacific. Mr. Anderson will bring a party of New York capitalists here In September, when it is expected, one- or more huge mining and Industrial enterprises will be launched. He says he can recommend eastern Oregon to the limit. Rich Copper-Gold Proposition. Ike Guker, the renowned mining man of Canyon City, came In Tuesday, but left at once for Quartzburg, where he is interested In several claims, and will do some work on them. He says that the copper-gold proposition lately found In the Quartzburg district Is the best he has ever seen at that depth, on account of the dimensions of the ledge. The ledge ex tends for one mile at a width of 72 feet, of a ledge of ore assaying from $2 to $70. Mr. Guker's statement means much, as he has had thirteen years experience in min ing, having mined in Colorado, California and other places, and was the discoverer of the Great Northern, near Canyon City. He Is very sanguine as to the future de velopment of the Quartzburg district, which Is seven miles from Prairie City. Miner. Fifty Feet of Sixty Dollar Rock. A gold discovery was made Monday which set this town by the ears and re called the days when eastern Oregon was as the star of Bethlehem to travelers from the far east. The real discovery was made several weeks ago but the fact was not given out until Monday; Indeed, it transpired by the discovery of the owner at work. The ledge Is on the upper wa ters of Ladd creek, near a popular fishing place, twelve miles from La Grande In a southeasterly direction. The surface (ore assays (50 to the ton, and the ledge ap pears to be about fifty feet wide, by four feet In depth. It is a tunnel proposition and easily worked. The ore gets better as the tunnel proceeds. The miners are now In about thirty feet and are on the crest of the wave In mining enthusiasm. They meant to keep their find a secret for some time, but were discovered at work by some friends. The discoverers and lo cators of the mine are two well-known stockmen and ranchers of Ladd creek, James McClure and Win. Banton. Out cropplngs or float from this ledge have been found before, but were thought to be stray pieces carried there and dropped. The ledge seems to be a part of the belt on which are the old Camp Carson mines and the recent discoveries at North Pow der. How much it contains and what it may have in store for La Grande are mat ters of speculation. La Grande Chronicle. THAT MINT FOR MANILA. Philippines Would be a Great Market for our Silver. The Denver Times has published an Interview with George E. Roberts, direc tor of the Mint, regarding the proposition for the establishment of a mint at Manila. "I have heard nothing of the matter since the adjournment of congress," said Mr. Roberts, "but I know that it Is receiv ing the attentior of tl"e War department, which Is obtaining all the possible Infor mation on the subject. Army officers seem to favor the establishment of a mint at Manila, and an effort to substitute American coinage for the Mexican, now In general use, There is considerable op position to this proposition, as It Is certain the attempt to push the American dollar and redeem It In gold would precipitate commercial disturbances that might result in disaster. Secretary Gage Is opposed to It, and I am Inclined to think that this plan will not be adopted. "Two plans have been proposed. The first of these Is to establish a free mint at Manila for the making of a Philippine dollar, Interchangeable with the Mexican dollar and redeemable at a fixed price In gold. Under this plan producers of sil ver would sell their product to establish ments having trade relations with the east, which would have it coined at the Manila mint and put In circulation. This Is the plan adopted by the British govern ment, which coins an Indian dollar which Is circulate.' in the Strait settlements and has so far been successful In exchanging the Mexican dollar and rupee. "The second plan Is to coin a 'token dollar' about the size of a Mexican dollar, with enough less silver to prevent It from going to the melting pot or out of the country, interchangeable with the Mexi can dollar and redeemable In gold equally with Mexican coin. This Is the plan that at the present time Is most in favor among those who have made a special study of the situation. "Secretary Gage favors the token dol lar, as do many others who have given the subject attention, and some of its fea tures are certainly attractive. But, what ever the plan adopted, It Is certain that the establishment of a mint at Manila and the coinage of a dollar which will not disturb the commercial relations of the country will have the most Important ef fect upon the market for American silver. There Is no doubt whatever that the de velopment of the Islands will open an enormous field for commerce. The cur rency of the east will always be sliver, and the demand will constantly Increase, and there seems little if any doubt that some plan will be devised whereby the American will very largely replace the Mexican coins." Onlv the best brands of liquor and c gars at the Club saloon of Dunphy St Gertrldge. Joshua Hendy Machine Works Nos. 38 to 44 Fremont Street -SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA IMPACT WATER WHEEL Suartz Mining and Milling oistlng, Pumping and Saw Mill Machinery, Hy draulic Mining Machinery. Giants, Water Gates and Hydraulic Rlvltrd Pipe. j Water Wheels and Water Motors, Engines. Boilers, Pumps and Machinery of every description. o j J Prospecting Machinery. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES ffV'V-' OPERA HOUSE SALOON sumpter .beer on draught billPard andI'oolTtables Agents for Matting ly and Moore Whis key a 20-year-old whiskey as good as Elixir of Life. All whiskies are out of bond and guaran teed the genuine ar ticle. Popular re sort for Commer cial Travelers and Miners. SUMPTER, OREGON 4''''' Famous. HOP GOLD BEER STAR BREWING COMP'Y. Portland, Oregon IN KEGS, BARRELS OR BOTTLES AT PRICES UNEQUALED BY ...OTHERS... Sumpter Forwarding Company Sumptir, Oucoon ASK FOB HOP GOLD RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILWAY IN OON-HOHON WMtH ?H DENVER RIO GRANDE r COLORADO MIDLAND RAILROADS Of MRS OHOtCC Of THHEE DISTINCT ROUTE! AM) THff MOST MAfNIFICENT SCENERY IN AMIRIOA. If II TMfl ONLV THAN lOO TIM NTM. lIHfl PAMtNQ PtaiOTLV IHNOUOH QUAINT AND FlCfUNttOUf SALT LAKB CITY, LMDVILUt, COLORADO SPRINGS and OINVCR. TNI MIO ORANOI WMTIRN RAILWAY OPIMTM THRU FAIT TRAIN! TO THC IAIT DAILY, OARRYINO v WWWNWI WaWW WWW pyMwuwt flrwuttlV ftlawwwM TO OMAHA AND CHICAGO WItMOUr CH.HQf. fraa Raollnlng Chair Car. Prteet Dlnlnt-Car larvlaa. fan iHfMMAfKM on wMtf r imquim o J. D. Minsfiild 8'ViJ,.',TW. UO.W.Hf mTS,OM'irM'rAt.,(IIUkCHy Sumpter Bottling Works Gagen St Sloan, Proprietors. j ji j J j Manufacturers of all kinds of car Donated drinks and ciders. Or ders filled and shipped on short notice. j$ jt j j j SUMPTER, OREGON If