h THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, June 19, 1901 The Sumpter Miner Official Paper of the Town of Sumpter. I'UIIIIMILI) tVlUt WIIIMStMY I1Y C. II. MARSH ANIi J. W. CONNtiLLA SUIISCkll'llON IMTIS One Year Six Months $.oo ... . 1...5 ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. rnlrfc6 at the pntdifilce In Sumpter. Orepnn, lor tranmltlin through the inalli as sreond cl.m matter. GREAT OPPORTUNITY OFFERED "MINER" READERS. ON another pane of Till: MlNI-R today Is printed an advertisement offering S15, 000 In c.-ibh prices to those who can jjticss closest to the election returns from Iowa, Massachusetts and Ohio, The plan Is Klven clearly and In detail. This Is a bona fide proposition. The association offering the prizes is vouched for by the haul In Detroit where the 515,000 is now on deposit. Till; MINIIN has made ar rangements whereby Its readers can par ticipate In the awards. Here Is a chance' for some one to win a large "piece" of easy money. "A SUAMTliK paper makes the braen statement in a long harangue relative to the increased prosperity Inltlils country, that 'there has never been a boom In this camp.' Would to God the assertion were true, but the tacts are this country is but, just recovering from a most Idiotic boom that was launched by liars similar to the Sumpter newspaper man." So says the l.nwton Standard. The reference is not to this paper and some mnytliiiiktli.it Tilt: MlNI-R has no li cense to get Into the game, no cards hav ing been dealt to It; but It chooses to take n whack at this peculiarly and character istically OregoneMiue sentiment, and that alone constitutes Its right so to do. Till: MlNIIK has so frequently combated the idea cNpnssed by the Standard, that a "boom" is a curse to any country, that some of its readers may consider the sub ject a trl tic threadbare, but the writer be lieves this to be the paramount Issue of the hour In this region and will continue to promulgate the doctrine that n boom Is what this country needs more than any thing else on earth. No paper has yet re plied to any remarks Till: MlNI-K has made on the subject and It hopes that the Standard will give some reason for Its "would to God" proposition, being curi ous to learn on what ground this idea of a boom being dreaded as a pestilence Is based, and believing that it is nothing more than the (useless opinion of men with whom "conservatism" Is a fetish and who don't know the difference be tween the Idea conveyed by that word and the secondary meaning of "dry-rot." It Is true that for two or three mouths winter before last Sumpter had a boom, a kindergarten, juvenile, amateur, abortive boom that accomplished more good for the gold fields of eastern Oregon than any thing that ever luppened since the state was settled by the Whites. It was the cause of more money being Invested in our mines during the past year and .1 half than during the preceding decade; It Increased the Intrinsic value of Sumpter property four of five folds and the popu lation In proportion; It did more to attract the attention of the world to our mines than did the efforts of the worshippers of conservatism during the twenty previous years, and every Individual mixed up Ir that short-lived boom was benefitted thereby. Its good effects are still appar ent, Increasing with time, and Its evil In fluences have escaped entirely the close, assiduous observation of the writer. Will the Standard please point It accusing fin ger at these alleged boom-blighted consequences? THE MINER daily offers sacrifices to the Fates that control the mysterious move ments of booms, burns Incense on their altars and petitions that a fully developed, adult one be hurriedly dispatched in this direction, one that will send prices of real estate to the blue sky line limit and cause eastern capitalists to fall over each other and themselves In their wild scramble to buy our mines and prospects being fully resigned to the Inevitable results of that law of great Nature, the "survival of the fittest." A summer drink, porter and half and half mi draught at Mauser's Olympla sa loon. SUMPTER DEVELOPMENT CO. SUAUTI:R, OKI-GON Owners of nil the choice acreage sur rounding Sumpter. Inside residence lots on easy terms. Apply to Sl:YAOUI H. BELL. Manager. Crockery.... Of All Descriptions CROCKS Ouo-hulf to (i Gallon JUGS One Gallon BEAN POTS . . . Tor llottnn Halted Heans Ono-lmlf ami Ono finllou JARDINERS . . . All Color FLOWER POTS All Sim) Call untl wo will Imi plciiHoil to give you prict-H. W. R. Hawley SUMPTER B. L. McLAIN MILL WRIGHT erection op quartz mills a specialty Sumpter Oregon CAPITAL HOTEL All the News Of all the Fields Of the Pacific Coast. Western Oil News 1'uMlahed L'ttry IrlJay fj.oo Per Year $i.2$ For Six Months 75 Cts. For Three Months 320 SANSOME ST. SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA DR. J. W. VOGEL THE OCULIST Mas established headquarters In Baker City, at Room No. t4. Lynndale ISIock. and will be there at least one week In each month, and at Sumpter at least two days In each month. Watch (or local notice of arrival. C. H. l-ENNER Civil and Mining Engineer. U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyors (or Oregon, Wash ington, Idaho and Atantana. Engineers lor the Sumpter Town si le Company, Limited. Undirfround and P.t.nt Surveys, ind Druifhtint. Blui Printing H. T. HENDRYX & CO., Mines Bought, Sold and Developed. Bargains In Sumpter District Quarti Claims. SUAPTER, . - - OREGON W A. SAMMS, ARCHITECT, 11AKER CITY, t OREGON Reliable plans, specifications and estimates (urnlshed E A. CLEM & CO. MINING INVESTMENTS Propittlit tiimlmd ind Riportid on. Mtmbir. Port land Mining Stock Eiehinfi 250 ALDER ST. PORTLAND, ORE. CHAS. H. CHANCE ATTORNEY AT LAW City Attorney U. S. Commlitlontr Rooms 2 and 3, First Bank of Sumpter Huiiumg, SUMPTER, OREGON L. T. BROCK, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Sumpter, Oregon. Special Attention (liven to Sureerv and to DIs. eases o( Women. Office, Nclll Block; Residence, Granite Street near Mill. DR. PEAR'CE Physician and Surgeon PROPRIETOR SUMPTER OENEKAL HOSPITAL Telephone Main jj. SUMPTER, OREQON. INSURANCE. E.L. MANNING, REAL ESTATE City Recorder and Notary Public. Collections Abstracts Agent (or Fyrlclde Fire Extinguisher. Sumpter STOTT & SHELTON, -H Attorneys at Law. SUMPTER. OREGON W. H. VV. HAMILTON Mining and Consulting Engineer. Mining Properties Examined, Reported lies Examined! and For Salt. un 1 Morelne and Neat Code. ox si 8. SUMPTER. OREGON C A.E. STARR. Attorney-at-Law Center, cor. High St, Sumpter, Oregon Lew Walker ...ASSAYER Control Work a Specialty Gold Dutt Bought Special Rates to Companies Second Door Wott First list ( loiter SUMPTER, ORISON Basche Hardware Co. . Sumpter . GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for HERCULES Powder Fuse and Caps C. C. Basche MANAGER J rssss'ssSsssv-Afir ryst- TS rmr mi snsnir iPSu$ 1 NONE TO EQUAL FILL SIFTER PATCNT w tt .wniMitrcn wim X ' HAINE3, OflgQOT. NO TO QUAL Sumpter Forwarding Company AGENTS SUMPTER ORE. :rank j. davey ASSAYER AND CHEMIST Control Work a Specialty aoia CENTER ST. AKER CITY, OREGON 1 frflft-- H