The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, June 19, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    Wednesday, June 19, 1901
An Ordinance establishing tho curb lino
o( streets.
Tiik City or Sumotkii Duks Ohd.m.v ah
Follows :
Section 1. That tho curb lino on nil
streets eighty feet in width shall bo
twelve feet from tho property line, nntl
on nil streets flxty feet or loss in width,
tho curb lino shall bo ten feet from tho
property lino.
Passed tho council May 2Mb, 11H)1.
K. L.,
Recorder of tho City of Sumpter.
Approved May 21)tli, lt01.
.1. II. RomiiSH, Mayor.
An Ordinnnco relating to tho nolo mid
use of opium.
Tub Citv or Sumitkr Dokh Oiidain ah
Follows :
Section 1. It shall bo unlawful for
any jiorson except a druggist or physi
cian to sell or jrivo away opium or any
preparation of which opium is tho prin
cipal medical agent or ingredient, to any
person within tho City of Sumpter, ex
cept on tho prescription of a regularly
licensed and practicing physician, duly
licensed under tho laws of Oregon, writ
ton in tho English or Latin language,
and tho druggist tilling such prescription
shall keep tlio same on file for one year,
subject to bo inspected by tho marshal
of tho City of Sumpter.
Section 2. No person within tho City
of Sumpter shall sell any opium, or pre
paration of which opium is tho principal
medical agent, or ingredient, to bo
smoked on or about tho premises where
sold, or at any other place or building
within tho corporate limits of tho City
of Sumpter.
Section IJ. Any building where opium
is sold for tho purimso of being smoked
on or about tho premises, or where tho
samo is smoked within tho City of
Sumpter, shall bo considered an opium
Section -1. It shall lw unlawful for
nny person to frequent any opium den
for tho purpose nf purchasing or smok
ing opium or any preparation in which
opium is tho principal medical agent or
ingredient within the cororato limits of
tho City of Sumpter.
Section r. Any crson violating nny
of the provisions of this ordinance, shall,
upon conviction thereof in tho Re
corder's court, bo punished by imprison
ment in the city jail not less than live
nor more than tuenty days, or shall lw
fined not less than ten nor more than
fifty dollars, or both, in tho discretion
of the Recorder of tho said City of
Section (I. That ordinance No. 41 of
tho Town of Sumpter, approved October
28th, 18911, entitled, "An ordi nance re
lating to the sale and usoof opium," bo
and (lie same hcrehv is repealed.
Passed the council May 2tli, 1001.
E. li. Man.nino,
Recorder of tho City of Sumpter.
Approved May MHIi, 1001.
J. II. RoiuiiNH, Mnyor.
corporation violating any of tho pro
visions of this ordinnnco, shall bo deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con
viction in the Recorder's court, shall bo
fined not less than ten dollars nor more
thnn fifty dollars, or by imprisonment
in the city jail not less than ten days
nor moro'thau twenty-llvo days.
Section 4. That ordinance No. 10,
Now Series, of tho Town of Sumpter, ap
proved Mny 1, 1000. entitled, "An or
dinance regulating tho storing of giant
jxiwder and ginnt Hwdor caps within
tho corjiorato limits of tho town of
Sumpter and repealing ordinance No. 11,
entitled, "An ordinance regulating tho
bundling of giant powder within tho cor
porate limits of tho town of Similiter,
approved .luno 4th, 1808" bo ami the
samo hereby is repealed.
Passed the council May 20th 1001.
E. I.. Man.nino,
Recorder of the Citv of Sumpter.
Approved Nay 20th, 1001.
J. II. RoiuiiNH, Mayor.
Hawwood Ice Cream Depot.
We have arranged to receive dally
from Spokane the celebrated Hazelwood
Ice cream, which Is served by the dish or
In large quantities from our Mill street
store. We also carry a full line of con
fectionery and all brands of cigars and
smokers' goods. The Spokane Cigar
Store, opposite Ellis' Opera house.
The Sunrise Mining company hereby
announces that on May 15 and without
further notice the shares will be advanced
Sumpter, May 8, loot.
J. N. Hoffman, at the Mill street bak
ery, makes all kinds of pastry and the
best bread In town. Ice cream of his own
make dally. Free delivery to residences.
Dunphy & Gertrldge's Club saloon Is
the popular resort for mining and com
mercial men.
Order Ice cream, pastry or all kinds of
bread from J. N. Hoffman's bakery, Mill
street, next to Golden Eagle hotel.
At the Club saloon, Dunphy & Gert
ridge serve a line of goods equal to any
that money will buy.
Mining deeds for sale at this office.
An Ordinnnco relating to tho storing of
ginnt owdor.
Tim Citv or Sumitkii Doku Ordain ab
Followh ;
Section 1. It shall bo unlawful for
any person, persons, company or associa
tion of persons, firm or cororutiou, to
keep on hand or storo within tho corpo
rate limits of tho City of Sumpter, within
adistunco of live hundred feet of any
building occupied ns a residence or for
other purposes, more than fifty pounds
of giant powder, or more than one thous
and giant caps, and such giant powder
and cups shall bo kept or stored only
within u building and not otherwise.
Section 2. All ginnt powder which
any person, jwrsons, company or asso
ciation of persons, firm or cororation,
may lawfully keen on baud or storo
witiiin tho limits of the City of Similiter,
shall bo kept on tho ground floor of the
building in which it is so kept, and said
giant powder shall bo kept in a two
wheeled enclosed cart labelled "Ginnt
Powder," and said giant powder and said
cart shall bo kept nt 110 greater distance
than ten feet from tho front entrance of
said building, in a conspicuous place, so
ns to bo easily seen from tho street, and
said giant powder and said cart shall bo
so placed that they may bo immediately
removed from said building through the
front entrance thereof without obstruc
tion. Section 8. Any person, persons, com
pany or association of persons, firm or
Capital Stock 1 20,000
J.H. Robblni I'mMent
J. W. Scribtr Vice- I'rcil Jcnt
R. If. Miller Othler
J. W. Strlber R. M. Miller
Clark Snyde J. H. Robbln
Transacts a General Bunking nntl
Exchange Business
E. P. Bergman &
Mill Street, Wood's Building.
Investors !
If you want to become
interested in the most
promising mine in Eastern
buy Cracker-Summit Gold
Mining Company's Treas
ury Stock at 10c Per Share
Kvory dollar of your money will housed In further
develop tlio company's property situated in thu
heart of the Kuinnus Cracker Crock district, sur
rounded lty such well-known dividend payers ns tlio
Columbia. Clolcontla, E '& E and north Polo initios.
Most of thu first issuu of fiO.OOO shares ollcrcd at
that iirico has lice 11 subscribed (or. When wlmt
remains is wild nuiiu will over bo bought at that
figure again. ft Tlio Climax claim, .'10(H) foot south
mid mi tlio sumo lodge us tho Cracker-Summit
property, has just boon sold liy Col. I0I111 T. Gray
son to eastern capitalists for SlfiO.OOO. it Buy
now while you can got in on tho ground Hour and
you will got big returns for your money invested.
Writ For Engineer's Raport, Proapaotua, Eto.
Cracker-Summit Gold Mining Co.
I01 170. Smnptir, Oragon
Manufacturer of
Stamp Mill, Concentration',
Chlorination, Cyanide,
Smelting, Converting and
General Mining
H. V. CROLL, Mgr.
Spokane, Washington, Office, no
Mill Street
Rock Crushers
Ore Feeders
Dredges, Engines
Boilers and Waterwheels
Hammond Mfg. Co.