MfriTM1lftTB THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, June 19. 190 1 OltDI.NANCI-: no 112. An orilimitiL'i KovcriiliiK thu hiiililltit,' of IIiich mill r('iculliij; ordiimiicu No. 14 of thuTmrn of .Siitiiptor.HpiiniVL'd July linil, 1H1IS, entitled, "iiiinnliiiiiiico c uriiiiij! tliu hiilMIng of IhiuH," anil llllll'llllllK'lltH tlicrcto. Tiik Crrv Or Sumiti:ij Do km Oiiii.m.v Am ' Section 1. That nil Much within nil 1niililiii(!M within Hid C'itv of Similiter hliilll hit eiiiiHtrilcted of liriek or Mtiinii lit li'iint four iiirlii'M tiiirl mid laid in ptoil lime mid mortar, iilnclered on the in Hide, mid ulien mieli line :ihm through or ih near wood-work, mirh Hue hliall ul co lm ilucti'red on thn oulnide o Hue or rhiiiinev chall Iiiivii miv Joist or tint- her re-tiu on or entering into the hiiiio further tlinii will leave at leant fix inehcH hetueen the end thereof and the iiiNiili) of tint I'himnev or Hue. All I'hllimej'f and lllleri fhall extend at least three feet ahuvi) tin' roof of the hllildin in which they are Hituated. Seetion ''. No Htove-pipe in any ImildiiiK' shall (nter into any lliiu unless Mild pipe shall heat least twelve inches from the lluor or ceiliim thereof, and no stove-pipe shall pasH through any wood en partition unless it is ciiarded by a double collar ventilator, and no stove pipe shall pasM through any window, sidii or roof of any building. Section II. The ow ner of any building within tlm Citv of Sumpter herein is Hituated any cliiinney or Hue, which bus nol been constructed in accordance with this ordinance or otlierordiiiaueesof the City or Town of Sumpter, relating to thn construction of Hues, shall construct a lluu 01 Hues in such building in accord ance with the provisions of this nidi nance within sixty days from the date of the approval of this ordinance. Seel ion I. It shall lie tlm duty of tlm marshal or such other pel son ns'lnay lm designated Itv the council, to notify the owners of buildings w herein are situated Hues or chimneys which have not been constructed In liecoidiince with the pro visions of this ordinance or other ordi nances of the city or tow'ii of Sumpter minting to tlm construction ot lines, to construct or remodel such Hues and chimneys so us to comply with I hit pro visions iif this ordlnanceiind if such per son so untitled shall fail or refuse to con struct or i'ciiumIcIsiicIi Hues or chimneys, within ten days from the liuiuof the divine of Midi notice, it shall lie the duly of thn marshal, nr such other per son 'a may be designated by the council, to cau-e such lluu or chiiiiiie to ho con structed or remodeled so as to comply with the provisions of this ordinance, Him tin cost oi such construction or n ordinance, shall only extend to such ol structions iim tiro necussiir' and reuson able, mid in cases wheru the use of said streets, alleyH anil public thoroughfares are necessary for the placing of building material thereon during the construction of buildings:; such ermlt shall only Kraut the right to the use of one-third of such alley, Htroct or public thorough fare In width, and in length along such street, alley or public thoroughfare only such ih may hu absolutely necessary. .Section 4. That ordinance No. I'd of tho town of Sumpter, approved April IT), lHtl'.l, 'iititled, " An orilinmicu to regu late, restrain and control the use and occupation of the streets ami alleys of the town of Sumpter, for the purpose of placing building material mid other ma terial mid moving buililiiiL'H and other ob structives thereon," mid ordinance No. 51, entitled, "An Ordinance regulating mm controlling tne use mm occupation or t nest reels, alleys anil putiiic thorough fares of tho town of Sumpter, Maker ciiiiiny, wregou, ami providing lor me punishment of persons violating tho pro visions thereof, ' be and the same hereby am repealed. 1'assed the Council Mav l-tltli, 11K)1. K. I.. 5l.NMMI, Kecorder of theOitvol Sampler. Approved May L'lltb, 111(11, .1. II. UoimiNM, Mayor. OltDINANCK NO. 111. An Ordinance imposing licenses on ex press wagons, mid repealing ordinance No. It.'! of the town of Sumpter, ap proved July W, 18!l!l. TlIlM ITV Ol'SllMITItlt DllKM OlIIIAI.V H 1'oi.i.ewh: Section 1. Any person, linn or cor partition who shall carry on the business of delivering goodH or parcels for liiiu within the corpoiato limits of the City of Sumpter, mid shall use express or de livery wagons thcicfor, shall pay an an nual license therefor, iim in tliis ordi nance provided. Section 'J. All express wagons, where only one hnr.-e is Used to draw the same, shall pay a license of three dollars per ipiarter. Section .'I. All exptos-i or delivery wagons, where two or morn horses urn used to draw the same, shall pay a li cense of live dollars per quarter. Section 4. All express and delivery wagons licensed under this ordinance, shall he numbered from "one" upward mid each wagon so licensed shall have its proper number placed in it conspicu ous place on the front part thereof. Section fi. Any person violating the terms of this ordinance shall lie deemed miillv of a misdemeanor, mid unon con- modeling, together with co-Is, fees mid victiou thereof in the ItccorilcrV court, expenses, of any proceuliiig instituted to collect such cot of constrctlon or re modcliuu'i shall he collected from the owner of such building. Section r. That Ordinance No. 1 1 of the Town of Similiter, improved July i.', IS'JS, entitled, "An Ordinance govern iug thi) building of lines," ami onlliimicii No. Tit) of tlm Tow ii of Sumpter, approved rcliruary llf, li'tw, eiittlleit, "An Onll nance amending ordinance No. 1 1, en titled, "An Ordinance governing the bulldiuu of Hues," be and the same beiebv au repealed. Passed the Council May 'Jtitli, HH1. K. I.. .M.wni'mi, Iteoirder of the Citv of Siiiupler. AppioM'd Mav 1SI, mil, .1. II. lioiniiNs, Mayor. OltDINANCK NO. I III. An Ordinance regulating the use and occupation of the public thnroiiuhfarcM of the City of Sumpter. Tin: Cnv Or Si'Mi-iiai Doi:m Oiiiiain Ah 1'ei.uiwm: Section I. That the streets, illicit mid public thoroughfares of the city shall at all times be kept free from ob structions of any kind, nature or descrip tion, tn the etui that the same mayat all times be oK'ii for the free use and enjoy ment of the traveling public, except as In tliis ordinance otherwise provided. Section ". Any crson, firm or cor (Miration who shall in any maimer ob struct the freousoof the traveling piihllo nfunv street, alley or public thorough fare within the city, by placing therein any building material or other obstruc tion, without llrst obtaining a crmit to do ik i from the Itccorderof said city, nhall iHidccmcd guilty of nmisdenicanor, nnil ujMin 'conviction thereof U'fore tho ...I.! if.uu.nli.i- ulmll tut ftnml Iii miv sum not exceed I hi: fifty dollars, or Ituprfsoiuil in tho citv jail not exceeding twenty duyM, or both, in tho discretion of mitl Jtvconler. , , , ,, Section 3. Tlio imrmit front the lte corder, mentioned in mutton 2 of this shall he lined not mure than ten dollars. Section II. That ordinance No. It.'l of the Tow n of Sumpter, approved July 1N, ISiitl, be mid the same hercbv isxepealed. I'assed thecoiicil May 21ilh, IIHII. K. I.. Manni.mi, Kecorder of the Citv of Sumpter. Approved Mav 2llh, Mil, ' .1. II. Itoiuu.NM, Mayor. OltDINANCK NO. 115. iiriiiuuiici) imposing a license on niisic. halls, and to repeal ordinance Co, III of thn town ot Sumpter, up iroveil.lulyl'.'i, l.S'.MI. An Ordinance imposing a license on m N pn TiiKCirvOi SiiMinr.ii Doi:m Oiiiiain Am 1'oi.i.ewh: Section 1. Any jterson, linn or cor iHiralioii carrying on t lie 'business of Keeping or conducing a music hall or variety theatre, where no admission fee is churned, within the corporate limits of the City of Sumpter, shall pay mi an nual license therefor In tho sum of one hundred dollars, payable quarterly in advace. Section 2. No license to keep or con duct a music hall or variety theatre tin der the provisions of tills ordinance, shall be issued except on application to the council, who may grant said license, in its discretion. Section !l. Any proprietor or keeHir of any music hall or variety theatre un der the terms of this ordinance, who shall suffer or krmit any disorderly con duct on the premises, shall ho deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con viction thereof in tho Kceonler's court, shall ho lined not less than live nor more than tlfty dollars, and shall forfeit tho license to such music hull or variety theatre. Section 4. That ordinance No, 34, of the Town of Sumpter, approved July 25, 181M, lie and tho same herein- in repealed. IWmI tho council May 2th, 1001. K. L. Manxino, Hocordor of tho Citv of Sumpter. Approved Mav 2Uth, 1U01. J. II. ltoimiNB, Mayor. M. M. FLYNN MEN'S TAILOR A Line of Woolens and Spring Suitings such as would be found In a large city. Look for yourself. Work guaranteed and prices right. DON'T BE A JAY and wear store clothes Granite Street, Next to First Bank of Sumpter Sumpter, Ore. Golden Eagle Hotel Rates $1.25 to $2.00 Per Day T. T. DANILSON, PROPRIETOR I Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. SUMPTER, OREGON s''''V.'V'V'VV', A. P. (JOSS, President A. J. GOSS, Cashier & Bank of Sumpter 3 Trinstets i Ctntrtl Binklni Builnm Interest Allowed on Time Deposits Drafts drawn on all parts of the world. Special attention to collections. Safety Deposit boxes for rent. SUMPTER, OREGON ,Ws&''&,'svw,i ....The Elite Cigar Store.... L. HARRIS, Proprietor Newly remodeled and refitted. Smokers' resort. We are daily receiving fresh cigars of the leading brands. No stale goods in stock. Healy Block. Cor. Granite and Center Sts. Eureka Feed & Livery Company H. K. BROWN, Proprietor Horses Boarded by the day or Month. First class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our spec ialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight and passengers to any and all points. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE-tt THE Sumpter Forwarding Co. General Storage, Commission and Forwarding. Warehouse and office, S. V. Track SUMPTER, OREGON. SUMPTER BOTTLING WORKS Manufacturers of all kinds o Carbonated Drinks and Ciders. Operated In connection with the Kentucky Liquor Hou WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GAGEN A. SLOAN, PROPS., SUMPTER, ORE. ii t (- J. "'