The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, June 12, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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    fl - . . wu.naaerau
Wednesday, June 12, 1901
shall bargain for, or buy nny opium, in
any house or pi ace, to bo smoked upon
the premises, shnll bo guilty of a mis-
demeanor, nud upon conviction thereof
before the Recorder, shall bo fined not
less than ten dollars nor more than fifty
dollars, orimprisoncd in the city jail not
exceeding twenty-flvo days, or both, in
the discretion of tlio court.
Section 11). That any jierson or per
sons who shall smoke opium in any
houso or place, or who shall bo in any
house or placo where opium is being
.SmOKlHl, WUIIDIIV liny liinnu uuruil-rn,
shall bo deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,
and upon conviction thereof before the
Recorder, shall bo punished by a fine of
not less than ten nor more than fifty
dollars, or imprisonment in the city jail
not exceeding twenty-five days, or both,
in the discretion of the court.
Section 20. Any jierson who shall
solicit nny jierson to enter or visit any
house of ill-fame, or bawdy houso, or
anv houso or iiliico for purposes of lewd
ness, or prostitution, shall, uon convic
tion thereof before the Recorder, bo
fined not less than flvo nor more than
twentv-five dollars, or bo imprisoned in
tho city jail not less than two and a
half days, nor more than twelvo and n
half days.
Section 21. If any lierson shall suffer
or H!rmit to go, or snail lead, drive or
ride, or shall hitch any horse, mule, or
other lieast of burden, or any hogs or
cattle uimmi any sidewalk within the cor
porate limits of tho Citv of Sumpter, ho
shall bo deemed guilty of a misde
meanor, and iiikiii conviction thereof be
fore tho Recorder, shall bo fined not less
than five nor more than twenty-five dol
lars, or lw imprisoned in the city jail not
less than two and a half nor more than
twelve and a half days.
Section 22. If nny person jhall re
move, transfer or traneixirt through any
of tho public streets of the City of Sumj
ter, anv swill or garbage, except it lw in
a tightly covered box or apparatus, or in
such manner as will prevent the con
tents thereof from being deiosited in tho
public streets or exposed in tho open nlr
during such process of truus)ortatlnii, ho
shall 1)0 deemed guilty of a misde
meanor, and upon conviction tnereoi Do
fore the Recorder, shall bo fined not less
than live nor more than twenty dollars,
or imprisoned in the city jail not less
than two and one half days, nor more
than tun days.
Section 2:1. No proprietor, manager,
keeper, or bartender of any drinking
fihop, barroom, saloon or place where
liquors are sold, shall allow or permit
any piano or musical instrument to bo
played in any such barroom, drinking
shop, saloon, or place where Hipiors are
sold under their or his control, between
the hours of twelve o'clock midnight and
seven o'clock in tho morning. Any jar
gon violating any of tho provisions of
this section, shall, upon conviction
thereof before tho Recorder, bo punished
by a fine of not less than five dollars nor
more than twenty dollars, or by impris
onment in tho city jail for not less than
two and a half nor more than ten days.
Section 24. That any jierson who
flhall disturb any public meeting or as
sembly, gathered for religious worship,
or other lawful purjioHO, shall Imi deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, ami umn con
viction thoreof lieforo tho Recorder,
flhall bo fined not less than five dollars,
nor more than twenty-live dollars,
or bo imprisoned in tho city jail for not
less than two and a half or more than
twelvo and a half days.
Section 25. All iillo or dissolute per
sons who havo no visible means of nup
port, or lawful occupation or employ
ment by which to earn n living; all jier
eons who shall lie found within the limits
of tho City of Sumpter. begging tho
means of supiKirt in public places, or
from houso to house; or who shall pro
cure a child or children so todoj all por
eons who shall livo in or uhout, or per
sons who shall habitually frequent
houses of ill-famo or bawdy houses, shall
bo deemed vagrants, and upon conviction
thereof before tho Recorder, shall bo
fined not less than flvo nor more than
twenty-five dollars, or imprisoned in tho
city jail not less than two and a half
days nor mora than twelvo and one-half
days, or both, at the discretion of the
Section 20. When any person is com
mitted to tho city jail on a sentence of
vagrancy, it shall bo tho duty of tho
marshal of said city to cause the said
vagrant to be employed at ha.rd labor,
during elriit hours of each day of said
period of sentence, upon any public
property 'or other worki belonging to
aid city, or at any other work for the
aid city.
Section 27. It shall be unlawful for
any person to obstruct any street, alley
or highway within the corporate limits
of the city of Suapter, and any person
or persons violating tho provisions of
tins Bectlon, sliall, on conviction there
of, Ins punished by a fine of not less
than fivo dollars nor more than twenty
dollars, or bo imprisoned in tho city jail
not less than two and n half days nor
mora than ten days.
Section 28. Each and every jierson
who shall conduct, maintain or'ojierate,
either as owner, proprietor, lesseo or
employe, any nlckel-iu-the-slot machine
or other dovlce of llko character, where
in are used cards, dice or any substitute
therefor, or wherein there 'enters anv
element of chance, whether the same be
played or ojierated for money, cheeks,
credit or any other thing or rejiresenta
tivo of value, shall be deemed guilty of
a misdemeanor, and ujmiii conviction
thereof lieforo the Recorder, shall bo
punished by a flue of nor more than
twenty dollars.
Section 21). Each and every person
who sliall as owner, projirietor, lesseo oi
employe, permit any minor to iilnv any
nickol-in-the-slot machine shall bo
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and
ujion conviction thereof, shall be fined
not less than ten dollars nor more than
fifty dollars, or imprisoned in tho city
jail for not more than twenty-flvo days.
Section 30. In all cases of conviction
for nny of tho offenses inuntioiii.d in this
ordinance, the court may adjudge the
offender to nay the costs of the jiroseeu
tion, including an attorney fee of fivo
dollars, and such offender may, in do
fault of payment of fine and 'costs, ho
committed to tho city jail fur a term of
imprisonment not exceeding one day for
every two dollars of such fine and costs.
Section 31. That Ordinance No. 17,
New Series, of tho Town of Sumjiter,
entitled "An Ordinance concerning of
fenses and disorderly conduct", lw and
tho same hereby is rejienled.
Passed tho Council .luuo 1st, 11X11.
K. I.. M,
Recorder of the City of Sumjiter.
Approved June 10th, 1001.
J. 11. Romu.Ns, Mayor.
Hswwood Ice Cream Depot.
We have arranged to receive dally
from Spokane the celebrated Hazelwood
Ice cream, which Is served by the dish or
In targe quantities from our Mill street
store. We also carry a full line of con
fectionery and all brands of cigars and
smokers' goods. The Spokane Cigar
Store, opposite Ellis' Opera house.
The Sunrise Mining company hereby
announces that on May 15 and without
further notice the shares will be advanced
Sumpter, May 8, loot.
j. J. N. Hoffman, at the Mill street bak
ery, makes all kinds of pastry and the
best bread In town. Ice cream of his own
make dally. Free delivery to residences.
Prompt attention to orders for cut flow
ers and floral pieces. City Green House
Baker City, Oregon.
Dunphy & Gertrldge's Club saloon Is
the popular resort for mining and com
mercial men.
Order Ice cream, pastry or all kinds of
bread from J. N. Hoffman's bakery, .Mill
street, next to Golden Eagle hotel.
At the Club saloon, Dunphy & Gert
ridge serve a line of goods equal to any
that money will buy.
Capital Stock f 20,000
J.H. Robblnt Prttldtnt
J. W. Scrlbtr Vlct-Prtildtnt
R. H.MIIItr Cathlir
J. W. Scrlber R. H. Millar
Clark Snydt J. H. Robblm
Transacts a General Banking and
Exchange Business ,u
Sullivan Machinery Co.
MJ ' I '
Manufacturers of
Diamond Drills
Rock Drills
Compressors Hoists
and General
Mining Machinery
Northwest Orricc
S. 101 Howard St., Spokane, Wash.
W. A. Jones
S. D. Sanders
R. P. Jones
Miles Fitzgekald
The Golconda
Newly Fitted and Stocked With Nigh
Grade Liquors, Wines and Cigars
Sumpter Draught and Pilsner Bottled Beer, Elk Club,
Ramsey Scotch, Malt and Bourbon Whiskies
The New Olympia
E. E. HAUSER, Proprietor
lSucccor to IlLNRV I isoim)
Newly refitted and Fine Old (1884)
remodeled. . '. . Hermitage Whis-
All the best brands ; key
of Liquors and Ci- Olympia Beer, bot-
gars handled. . . tie or draught. . .
Center Street, Opposite P. O. Sumpter
Baker City Iron Works
Iron Founders and
General Repair Work Our Specialty. Architectural iron
work and bridge castings. Write for estimates.
(Successor to Snyde it Stlnson)
Only tht Bast Brands of Liquors Sarvad Ovar tht Bar