Wednesday,' June 12, 1.901 THE SUMPTER MINER 4 I MILL FOR THE OROFINO Spokane Owners will also In stall Deep Sinking Plant. Chester Glass anti J. W. Witherop, who recently bought the Orofino, In the Alamo district, near Sumpter, Oregon, are arranging to mill a large quantity of ore. They plan the Immediate installa tion of a large machinery plant for deep development. They are also considering the erection of a twenty stamp mill. The recent development upon the Oro fino has created a great deal of local in terest. For the last two months the owners have had a force of eleven men develop ing It. Two veins of free milling gold ore have been worked and a depth of two hundred feet from the apex 'has been at tained upon the western vein. The work there shows a clearly defined ledge with ten feet of high grade free mill ing gold ore. Upon the eastern vein, at a depth of IJ5 feet from the apex, twelve and one half feet of high grade free milling gold ore is In sight. A mill test of eight tons of ore, treated at the Red Roy mill, under the superin tendence of Mr. Tabor, one of the owners of the Red Roy, gave J8o per ton In free gold alone. About 800 feet of work In tunnels, raises and stopes has been done. All of the work is in ore, for the former owners only worked upon ore and made no at tempt at deep development. The Orofino has the reputation of being one of carrying some of the richest gold ore in the Alamo district. Specimens from it are In great demand. A peculiarity of the big mines of east ern Oregon, such as the Red Roy and the Bonanza, Is that they have all increased In richness and quantity of free gold with depth. Roth of them at a depth of over 500 feet are of much higher grade than they were near the surface. The whole twenty-two feet of ore now exposed at depth In the Orofino pans freely in gold. The owners believe that this property may fairly be regarded as one of the great mines of Oregon. It lies several miles from the Bonanza, which last month had a cleanup of $ 102, 000, and about equity distant from the Red Roy, which averages a monthly pro fit of from $ 30,000 to f 50,000. The Oro fino is about on a line between the two mines. Spokesman-Review. Wonderful Deschutes River. The Deschutes Is a wonderful river. It Is greater in volume than any other east ern Oregon stream, and also longer, tak ing Its rise away up in Klamath county mountains and pursuing a course of fully 250 miles to the Columbia. For fifty miles of this course in Crook county its stage never varies more than, a foot and county bridges are built near the water and buildings are erected at the margin of the stream, In the full faith that It will nev er flood them. When the river reaches a certain stage the surplus water Is suppos ed to leak out Into lava beds at the upper end of this equable stretch and to be con veyed In a subterranean channel to the lower end, a point near the junction with Crooked river, where It joins the main stream again. But most of the course of the Deschutes Is rapid, as its name indi cates, and It flows through a canyon that for grandeur and plcturesqueness rivals the celebrated canyon of the Colorado. Near the confluence of Crooked river with the Deschutes there is a wealth of scenery that Is fairly startling to one who comes upon It unexpectedly, as the stranger al ways does. The canyon must be more than aooo feet deep there. It Is rugged to a degree and the rocks are of various hues and fantastic forms. Away down, down in the bottom Is the roaring river, but Its roar Is scarcely heard at the brink of the mighty chasm. The place Is well worth visiting for Its scenery; and then the river is full of trout sixteen to twenty inches long, and .such fools that they bite any sort of hook they get a chance at. A good road ends at that point, which Is known as the Cove, going by way of Haystack. Rut there is no lack of trout anywhere in the Deschutes. Oregonian. And Now Sumpter Gets a Jolt. The latter part of last week a warrant was Issued against Dr. Anderson for not having reported to the city authorities a case of contagious disease under his care, the patient being a child of Cato Johns, the iatter having previously been arrested on the same charge. Attorney Johns, of Baker City, came up Monday to defend the Doctor. The trial was a stupidly planned and a bungllngly enacted farce. City Attorney Chance, who had previ ously declared his unwillingness to pros ecute the case, by a half dozen silly ques tions asked of two witnesses, brought out the fact that In the complaint, which he had himself drawn, the given name of the sick child was not correct, and on this ground moved for dismissal, which, of course, the recorder had to grant. The attorney's action Is almost universally condemned. Alderman Holley, chairman of the committee on health and police, whose duty it Is to enforce the health or dinance, expressed the hope, after the dis missal of this tase, that the at torney would resign before Cato Johns' trial takes place. It was postponed until tomorrow. If he does not see fit to pur' sue this course, the council, which holds an adjourned meeting, this evening, should employ special counsel to prose cute the case. It is now up to the mayor and city council. Card of Thanks. To our Sumpter, Bourne and Hanover friends: We desire to return our sincere thanks for their kindness and sympathy during the late illness and at the funeral of Albert Glisan. Respectfully, Lida Glisan, F T. Glisan, Dora Glisan. Hanover, June 9, loot. Reduced Rates Are now In effect to Buffalo, New York. Do you expect to attend the Pan-American Exposition? If so do not buy your tickets until you have investigated the service of the ILLI NOIS CENTRAL Railroad. Our accomodations are the best that can be had, our trains are always on time, and employes courteous and accomodat ing. Through tourist cars from the Pacific Coast to Reston via Buffalo. If you will send fifteen cents In stamps to address given below, we will forward you, by return mail, one of our large 34X 40 inch wall maps of the United States, Cuba and Porto Rice. Any Information regarding rates, ac comodations, service, time, connections, stop-overs, etc., will be cheerfully fur nished by B. H. TRUMBULL, Com'l Agt, 142 Third Street, Portland, Ore. Water Pipe for Sale. About 2000 feet of new and second hand eight-Inch, steel-rlvited pipe tor sale at a bargain. Inquire at the office of the Sumpter Water company. Private Tabic Board. 1 will furnish private board to a few desiring such, at my residence nn North street, near Center. Mrs. C. E. Duck worth. Only the best brands of liquors and c gars at the Club saloon of DunphycV Gertrldge. Something to depend upon Giant powder. . Joshua Hendy Machine Works Nos. 38 to 44 Fremont Street SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA IMPACT WATER WHEEL WRITE FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES kim'''''' OPERA HOUSE SALOON SUMPTER REER ON DRAUGHT RILLIARD AND POOL TABLES Agents for Matting ly and Moore Whis key a 2o-year-old whiskey as good as Elixir of Life. An whiskies are out of SUMPTER. tV'i'' Famous HOP GOLD BEER STAR BREWING COMP'Y. Portland, Oregon IN KEGS, BARRELS OR BOTTLES AT PRICES UNEQUALED BY ...OTHERS... Sumpter Forwarding Company .Distributers Sumptcr, OmaoN J ASK FOR HOP GOLD Suartz Mining and Milling olsting, Pumping and Saw Mill Machinery, Hy draulic Mining Machinery. Giants, Water Gates and Hydraulic Rivited Pipe, j Water Wheels and Water Motors, Engines. Rollers. Pumps and Machinery of every description. J jt J Prospecting Machinery. bond and guaran teed the genuine ar ticle. Popular re sort for Commer cial Travelers and Miners. OREGON S RIO GRAN SEW ;STERN RAILWAY IN CWMIC'lON Willi III! DINVIII A UK) ORANOK or COLORADO MIDLAND RAILROADS Of rim OHOiOfl or THREE DISTINCT ROUTES AND IMI MOST MAGNIFICENT SCENERY IN AM 1 1110 A. If II IMI ONIV TMANtOONI IMNTAL llftf f-AStlMl OmiOTlV 1HH0UQH QAJAIHT AMI rtCIUMftQUI SALT LAKE CITY, LIADVILM, COLORADO SPRINGS ana OINVIR. ) Mm4. THC RIO ORANOt WI1TIRN RAILWAY OPIRATM THRU fABT TRAIN TO THI IAIT OAILV, OARRTINQ WvMtttMm Palaaa aba! 1R1RNM UrsRHRCjf vlWSvW TO OMAHA AND CHIOAOO WtfHOUf CH.fcOf. Praa Raellnlna Chair Cara. Parfaal Dlnlna-Car Sarvlaa. foa iN.oUArtON of mmpmut iwjuim o J. D. Mansfiold "fitt'W. M.W.HIMTI.Om'I f'r ., UkaOHy Sumpter , Bottling Works dH Gagen & Sloan, Proprietors. Manufacturers of all kinds of car Donated drinks and ciders. Or ders filled and shipped on short notice. jt Jt jt jt j SUMPTER, OREGON KlT lAKC i