rn THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, June 12. 1901 IN THE DIXIE DISTRICT Lady who is Successfully Op erating a Mine. Miners who have been working at cross cutting in the Golden Star copper mine, owned and managed by Miss Eva (Ins brouck, have uncovered a large body of copper ore about seventy-one feet wide. The ore body Is cut into by a small por phyry horse which shows one vein sixty feet and the othrr eleven feet across. The smaller vein Is very high grade brn nite ore carrying large values In gold. Miss Hnsbrouck has started a tunnel on the bronite vein and will have the adit run In about three hundred and fifty feet and will crosscut at every one hundred feet, to determine the width of the ore bodies. This property was purchased by the present owner about two months ago from Messrs. York & Larmier for $1,000. She has since bought two claims adjoin ing the Golden Star, making her the own er of a body of fine mineral land 1200X 2400 feet. Several ledges crop nut on the claims .-ind,(mingto the location, Is beyond doubt one of the most Haltering copper prospects hi the district, being the first extension of the Shtrbondy group and adjoining the Copperopolls property. I'rom present plans determined on by the lady miner, this property will be thoroughly prospect ed by tunnels and shafts. Mining ex perts and persons who claim to be author ity on copper, do not hesitate to pronounce the group one of the most valuable and promising copper properties in Oregon and will beyond doubt bring Miss llas brouck .1 good price when placed on the market for sale, which will not be until development work has demonstrated the extent of the different ore bodies which crop out on the surface at different places. The Dixie Mining & Smelting com pany has recently completed a commodi ous boarding house, also a bunk house and blacksmith shop, which are models In every way for convenience and access to the working of the mine. They now have one hundred and twenty five feet of the live hundred foot crosscut tunnel com pleted and will Incre.ise the force as soon as their strel rail and mining supplies ar rive from Sumpter. They expect to cross cut the first ledge of fine ore in about two hundred feet, when they will upraise and open up sloping ground and still continue ahead until they crosscut four more ore veins that are shown on the surface. They w III also stait a crew of men on other veins on their holdings which are free and base gold prospects. This properly was formerly the Sam Jackson mine and known as the Gold Is sue. 1 hey have taken nut and sacked over two tons of high grade ore that will be shipped to (he smelter at an early date for sample treatment. Later they expect to treat their ores at their own smelter, which Is now at Sumpter awaiting trans portation as soon the roads will permit the hauling of heavy loads to Dixie creek. They expect to have their smelter In shape for operation by the first of Sep tember. Hlue Mountain Eagle. Frank to buy a stock farm there because It was In the center of the range aud be cause it contained warm springs, desirable accessories to winter feeding. But the farm, which Is only one mile from the now well-known Buckeye mine, has developed three ledges which may make it much more valuable than the purchaser ever dreamed It would be. The Buckeye Is proving a very valu able piece of property. The ledge of copper aud gold is an unusually large one. The shaft has been sunk to a depth of 100 feet and a drift extended for 100 feet without finding the wall of the ledge. There are three distinct kinds of ore and each re quires a distinct milling process. In Its present stage It Is therefore a smelting proposition. But the manager, who is a capable man, does not Intend to ship ore or erect a mill until he has sunk to a depth of 300 feet. At tint depth he thinks that one kind of ore will predominate so that milling will be an easy matter. Just at present work on the Buckeye Is suspended on account of water. A hoist will soon be erected to operate at the same time with the pumps. La Grande Chronicle. Much Damage Done by the Late Frost. W. H. Shoemaker, proprietor of the Hock Creek Hour mills, near Haines, was In Sumpter Monday on business connect ed with the handling of his product, the agency of which for this and other Inte rior points, Is with the Sumpter Forward ing company. Mr. Shoemaker is author ity for the statement that all the fruit In the Baker valley and a large portion of the Grande Ronde valley was killed by the freeze last week, and that the grain Is Injured fully twenty-five per cent through out all that country. Farmers and ranch ers are replanting their potatoes, beans and such garden truck as will produce a late crop. The sugar beet crop has suf fered severely, but to just what extent was not learned; most of the large fields being In the vicinity of La Grande, where the beet sugar factory Is operated. The hay crop will also be about half short. Mr. Shoemaker thinks the price of Hour will naturally be high and that the wheat market all over the country will have a ucciueu upwnru icuueury, ne is particu larly fortunate In having on hand n large supply of Hour, and will carry over sever al thousand bushels of the last year's wheat crop. The Hock Creek mill en joys a fine trade throughout eastern Ore gon and Idaho, over which territory Its owner Is just completing a trip. GOLD AND COPPER ON NORTH POWDER. Bought a Farm and got a Mineral Bear ing Ledge. Hon. D. A. McAllster retrned last night from a week's prospecting tour among the mines of the North Powder belt. The trip was taken partly but not altogether for his health. He has faith In the gold and copper prospects of that dis trict and thinks that he knows of the lo cation of some good ledges which he means to spot later on. A year ago he encouraged his son Pltaunt Way to Travel. The most delightful way to travel to the east is by way of Salt Lake City the city of the saints and the Rio Grande Western railway, In conjunction with either the Denver & Rio Grande or Colorado Midland railroads. This route not only carries the passenger through the heart of the Rocky mountains and In view ot the most magnificent scenery on continent, but It also provides for stop over on railroad aud Pullman tickets at quaint and picturesque Salt Lake City, Glenwood Springs, Manltou, Denver, etc. Through Pullman palace and ordinary sleepers, free reclining chair cars and a perfect dining car service via this route to Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago. Personally conducted weekly tourits excursions. For printed matter, rates, etc., inquire of J. D. Mans field, General Agent, 122 A Third street, Portland, or Geo. W. Heintz, General Passenger Agent, Salt Lake City. Placer CUUm for Sale. An extraordinary chance for the pur chase of a fine placer property with plenty of water, all ready for profitable work. Some cash and time. Will bear Investi gation. Address M. J., care of MINER, Sumpter, Oregon. Use Giant powdet, fuse and saps. Sullivan Machinery Co. awci.vaT ' .lgfllW FvaiM y .VfllV. C' aakt i v aHI-kk. l-aaBW-vl BSHIRw ?aav 4i t avaaH hw liaga'Vrw .iL.gfH e agagar ? ii vgaia aar..."- 1 aaai 130 ADAMS ST., CHICAOO Manufacturers of Diamond Drills Rock Drills Compressors, Hoists and General Mining Machinery Northwest Office S. 101 Howard St., Spokane, Wash. W. A. Jones S. D. Sanders R. P. Jones Miles Fitzgerald The Golconda Newly Fitted and Stocked With High Grade Liquors, Wines and Cigars Sumpter Draught and Pilsner Bottled Beer, Elk Club, Ramsey Scotch, Malt and Bourbon Whiskies SUMPTER, OREGON The New Olympia E. E. HATJSER, Proprietor Successor to Henry risoeR) Newly refitted and Fine Old (1884) remodeled. . . . Hermitage Whis- All the best brands key of Liquors and Ci- Olympia Beer, bot- gars handled. . . tie or draught. . . Center Street, Opposite P. O. Sumpter Baker City Iron Works HIGGINS & HARDEN BROOK, Props. Iron Founders and Machinh General Repair Work Our Specialty. Architectural iron work and bridge castings. Write for estimates. WEST END AUBURN AVE. THE GEM SALOON A. J STINSON, Prop. (Successor to Snyde & Stlnson) Only tht But Brands of liquors Servtd Ovtr tht Bar SUMPT OREGON V ,